04 Distance

You Again


Jae Lin POV

I left Hoya in the classroom; once I closed the door tears just started pouring out. Luckily the hallway was empty.

*Stop crying Jae, if Rei saw you she would punch you right now*

She hated seeing me cry, she would remind me to never cry in public or they will think i'm weak.

 “Oh Jae Lin is Hoya still-“ He stopped  realizing I were crying. “Jae Lin what’s wrong?” Woohyun stood in front of me studying my facial expression. “It’s nothing” I wiped your tears away with the back of my hand. “It doesn’t look like nothing” He cupped my face, wiping the remaining tears with his thumbs.

I look back at him, realizing what he’s doing. My cheeks turned pink, I grabbed his hands and set them down.

“Really….” I assured him.

“Well I have to go I’ll see you tomorrow” I walked away. “Oh Woohyun” he turned around. “Thank you”

“For what?” He looked confused. “For being comforting me” I smiled leaving.

I walked down the hallway thinking about Woohyun. The thought of him being that close got my face turning light pink. I rubbed my cheeks with my hands to bring me back from my daydream. Rei saw me daydreaming and silently walked besides me. I felt a presence and turned.

“Ahh” I flinched earning a laugh from her. “Hahaha this never gets old” She smiled. “Why were you rubbing your face?” She asked.

“Oh nothing, Just felt hot” I put my hands down. “Hot??You’ve been inside this air conditioned building all day” She looked at me confused. “Last class was a little warm” I said trying to drop the topic. “Hey I was sitting next to you, it wasn’t hot” She squinted her eyes knowing that i'm hiding something.

Hoya POV

I thought about what she said, honestly I was confused about what I’ve done in the past. After I found out she liked me I didn’t know what to think. I didn’t know how to tell her that I didn’t feel the same without hurting her. After that I knew our friendship would be awkward. That day after telling her that I didn’t feel the same way, it hurt me too.

That day when I told her to meet me I received a call from the Woollim  saying how I passed and had to start training right away. I was so ecstatic that I packed everything and left; even though my parents didn’t fully agree I had to do it for myself. After withdrawing from school I remember that I had to meet Jae a couple of days ago.

*Now she’s really going to hate me* I looked down the hallways for the last time.

“Yah! Why are you still in here?” Woohyun popped into the room. “Oh sorry” I got up packing my stuff. “What wrong with Jae? I just saw here crying out in the hallway” Woohyun look worried. “I told her why I left” I said putting my last book in my backpack. *I didn't mean to make her cry*“That reminds me you still didn’t tell me about Jae and you from the past” Woohyun reminded me. “Hyung not now I’ll tell you once we get home” I said leaving for our last class.

Jae Lin POV

Next couple of days Hoya tried to talk to me;he also attempted to sit closer to me. Every time I see him coming my direction I simply turn around and walk the other way.

*, he’s EVERYWHERE* I  groaned taking the longer route to my next class.

I was still pissed off how he couldn’t call me the entire time. My number stayed the same just in case he decided to call me, I would be there to talk.

“Ugh” I said out loud during class; everyone turned their attention to me. “Ms. Park do you have something to say?” The professor asked. I shook my head and looked down at my  paper.

“Hey what’s wrong with you?” Rei whispered back. “I’ll tell you later” I mouthed to her. Luckily today Infinite wasn’t there in class today.

*Huh…I wonder where they are* You looked around.

"So what's up?" Rei caught up with me after class. "Howon apologized for what happened in high school" I said still walking. "Well...did you forgive him?" She asked. "I don't know yet" I said unsure.

After class I went to my source of kpop updates, Mae. “Hey do you know where Infinite is today?” I asked her while walking out of class. “They’re rehearsing for their comeback” She replied excitedly. You made an “Oh” face. “Want to come with me later to watch them live?” Mae offered. “Sure why not” I smiled.

Honestly I was excited since Woohyun texted me earlier about going. I didn’t reply to him since I was still unsure and I didn’t want to go by myself. Since Hoya has been bugging me lately I haven't  had the chance to talk to him these last couple of days.

Woohyun POV

After Hoya talked to Jae Lin I could sense she was pissed off at him still. Hoya even tried to talk to her and even took my seat next to her. I got stuck with Sungyeol who was busy talking about whatever. I missed the chance to talk with Jae Lin these pass couple of days; so instead I texted her.

You should come see us perform on M Coundown. It’s our comeback stage :D

I pressed the send button; patiently waiting for a reply but it never came. After dance practice I was extremely exhausted and laid down bringing my heart rate down. I took my phone out to check if she replied. I smiled as I saw her name across the screen.

Maybe :D 

I smiled again placing the phone next to me.

Hoya POV

The next couple of days she completely ignored me. Only time she talked to me was when I needed help with the assignments. Other than that she gave me one word answers. I understand what she was doing but I still didn’t want to give up until she forgiven me. Knowing her being stubborn this is going to take a while. Luckily we had dance practice so this gave her space to think.

After practice I laid down on the wood floor. Everyone was extremely tired; I looked over at Woohyun who had that ridiculous smile on his face. I quietly rolled over checking over his phone; all I saw was Jae’s name across the screen before he realized I was peeking.

“Dude! What are you doing?” He flinched hiding his phone. “Nothing just rolling around” I said rolling the opposite direction. I saw him turn away looking back at his phone smiling again.

*What between him and Jae?* I continued rolling until I bump into Sungyeol.

“Ewww! Don’t touch me you’re sweaty and warm” He scooted over. I continued rolling towards him as he tried to get away until he bumped into Myungsoo. “Get away!” Myungsoo said as Sungyeol got closer to him. The three of us started rolling around the floor. “What are you guys doing?” Sunggyu came in with water bottles and snacks. We stopped and pretended nothing happened.


A/N: Sorry for the short chapter~ Just wanted to update since i got my poster :D thanks to BangBangVIPI'll update again tonight or tomorrow!

These two are so cute XD

Bye for now~


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Finishing my last week of school so i'll update after tuesday of next week. if i'm done early maybe this weekend :D


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Chapter 9: already subscribe :D
it's nice i can't wait until i reading the ending hehe
Chapter 22: ^^ nice story
Chapter 9: OMG. When you put PARTS in your author's note... I misread it as PANTS... My CORRUPTED MIND
Chapter 19: I hate Chiyo :P good storyline btw ^^
Chapter 15: I hate you chiyo
Chapter 13: Huhu!!!!!
Woohyun do not leave me
Chapter 20: Pls do the alternate ending for Hoya on asianfanfics
Chapter 10: Eeepppp NAMU!!!!!!!!!
14 streak #9
Chapter 20: Awww how nice^^ i cant wait to read your alternate ending with hoya!!!! >.<
anyways......... That was awesome^^ >.< ♥♡
Chapter 20: yes, write it here or on your tumblr ^^ i'll be waiting