10 Feelings.....

You Again


Hoya POV

I helped Rei locate Dongwoo and Sungyeol. Once we found them Rei gets angry how they were playing hide and seek with her. Dongwoo had that confused look on his face while Sungyeol kept his laughter in.

“Guys we have to go soon, get everyone together” Sunggyu said after reading off his text. “ Where have you two been” I asked Myungsoo and Sungjong. “ Sungyeol hyung left me then I found Myungsoo walking around taking pictures” “ I’m going to go get Woohyun and Jae Lin” I said and started walking.

“ I’m coming too!!” Sungjong and Rei tagged along. “ Noona is something wrong?” Sungjong looks over at Rei. “ Sungyeol keeps messing with me” She sighs as we continue walking.

“ He might like you Noona” Sungjong smiles. “ Pfft as if” She brushes the comment off. I started to see Woohyun and Jae Lin from afar.

“ Hey guys-“ Sungjong stopped me mid sentence and brought me down, hiding behind some plants.

“ What was that for?” I looked over my shoulder. “ Are you blind? You’re going to ruin their date” Sungjong said looking over to them. “ Did you guys find them?” Rei blurted out loud. Sungjong quickly tugged her down as well “Noona shhh, look” He points at them.

“ ahhh” She whispers, getting all excited. I watched them as Woohyun started to get closer to her making me feel uncomfortable. Soon enough he starts leaning in; next thing I know I called Jae Lin.

“ Kiss Kiss Kiss” Rei chants behind me.


“ What the hell? Who’s calling her right now?” Rei moves in closer getting a better view. “ Ahhh~ just ruined the moment” Sungjong sighs looking away from Woohyun and Jae Lin. “Hey Jae” I said into the phone.

“ We have to go now, meet us at the entrance” I said and hanged up. After I ended the call I start to feel stares bore into me. I look over to my right seeing them glaring back at me.

“ Hyung you can’t be serious right?” Sungjong looks at me with disbelief. “ You ruined it for her” Rei slapped my arm before getting up and walked away; Sungjong gets up following her. I look back at Woohyun and Jae Lin

*Why did I even do that?*

We all meet up at the entrance, finally seeing Woohyun and Jae Lin walk up; I start to picture that almost kissing scene. Jae Lin looked all happy while Woohyun gave me a glare. Everyone packed into the van; for some reason I end up seating next to Jae Lin and Woohyun.

I looked back wanting to sit in the back but Rei locked eyes with me and smirked. I sighed and looked forward.

Ride back was quiet since everyone ran around the amusement park all day. I look over to Jae who seems to be falling asleep, she starts bobbing her head so I laid her head on my shoulder. Woohyun was about to do the same but stopped him since she might wake.

“ So cute everyone is asleep” Sunggyu turned around from the front seat. He took out his phone taking pictures. We finally arrived in front of Jae’s apartment; “ Jae wake up” I gently shook her. “ Hmm” She look around, eyes still half closed. “ Thanks for the ride” Rei dragging a sleepy Jae Lin from the car.

“Are you going to be okay taking Jae by yourself” I asked Rei. “ I’m fine” She wrapped Jae’s arm around her shoulder supporting her weight on Rei’s. “Tell her i’ll text her later” Woohyun said before shutting the van.

Once we entered the dorm we all laid out on the floor. “ So hyung how was your date” Sungjong brought up the conversation.

“ It was great” He sighed thinking back from earlier. “Anything happen?” He closed his eyes sighing; thinking back what almost happened because of a phone call. “ You ruined it” He shoot up to a seating position pointing at me. “ Me?” I said confused.

“Yeah you, I was about to kiss her then you called” He pouted.

I smirked as I thought how I stopped them from kissing. Suddenly getting a kick from Sungjong “ Serves you right” He mouthed to me, getting up retreating back into the room. It was getting late so I washed up getting ready for bed. I laid in bed thinking what happened that day.

“ Why do I keep thinking about THAT” I mumbled to myself as scenes from their almost kiss appeared in my mind. Suddenly getting a text, I looked at the name “ Only Sunggyu hyung” I opened it not expecting much. Seeing that he sent me pictures of us sleeping in the van.


Woohyun POV

I prepared for bed, laying down resting my arm over my head. Suddenly receiving a text, I smiled as I saw the name displayed on the screen.

I had fun today! Goodnight^^

P.S. Sunggyu told me to send you these pictures :P. Already my wallpaper XD

I opened the attachments seeing the pictures Sunggyu took of us while we were sleeping. Then remembered we took a picture in the booth. I reached for my wallet taking out the pictures we took from earlier that day.

Next day I smiled at the sight of Jae Lin walking down the hallway. Before I even said hi Hoya popped in front of me greeting her first. I sat down waiting for Jae Lin to finish talking with Hoya, she sees me taking her seat next to me.

“Hi oppa” She sat down.

*oppa* I smiled

“What’s with that smile?” She looks at me smiling off into nothing. “Oh it’s nothing” Still trying to fight the smile off my face.

“Hyung weren’t you going to ask Jae something” Sungyeol asked while we walked out of class. “I wanted to but I wanted to ask her privately” I looked back at Jae Lin packing her things.

I had to leave for schedules so I gave Jae Lin and the rest a small wave before leaving. During break I kept thinking how I’m going to ask her. Then a though ran through my mind. Once everyone was asleep i kept thinking about how i'm going to ask her. I grabbed my phone checking the time; "Maybe she's still awake" I mumbled to myself.

Are you still awake?

Yeah, I can’t sleep =_=

Can you meet me at the park across your apartment?

Right now? It's 1am 0_0

It’s important, meet me in 15 minutes

I looked around the quiet dorm, everyone is already fast asleep. I quietly escaped the dorm, hoping our manager doesn’t find out I snuck out. I made it to the park in 10 minutes, having a little time to spare I looked around the empty park. A slight breeze blew past my body, I shivered feeling the cool air; I pulled my scarf closer around my neck. I hear footsteps coming closer; looking for the source I see a figure running towards me.

“Sorry, I made you wait” Jae Lin panted “I didn’t know it would be this cold so I had to grab my scraf” She sat down next to me. “What was so important you had to tell me in person?” She turned looking at me.

“Jae you know I like you right?” She nodded her head. “I want to take things further…”



A/N: Updated before my trip to Cali~ i'm still trying to figure out who she should be with....This story will come to an end soon but i'm not sure....maybe before winter break/Christmas so i can start my other one soon.

And now let us fangirl over Sunggyu's teaser~

I watched the teaser at school and i had to calm down. So i was smiling like crazy while watching this

*so beautiful*


Bye for now~


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Finishing my last week of school so i'll update after tuesday of next week. if i'm done early maybe this weekend :D


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Chapter 9: already subscribe :D
it's nice i can't wait until i reading the ending hehe
Chapter 22: ^^ nice story
Chapter 9: OMG. When you put PARTS in your author's note... I misread it as PANTS... My CORRUPTED MIND
Chapter 19: I hate Chiyo :P good storyline btw ^^
Chapter 15: I hate you chiyo
Chapter 13: Huhu!!!!!
Woohyun do not leave me
Chapter 20: Pls do the alternate ending for Hoya on asianfanfics
Chapter 10: Eeepppp NAMU!!!!!!!!!
14 streak #9
Chapter 20: Awww how nice^^ i cant wait to read your alternate ending with hoya!!!! >.<
anyways......... That was awesome^^ >.< ♥♡
Chapter 20: yes, write it here or on your tumblr ^^ i'll be waiting