03 I'm Sorry

You Again


Jae Lin POV

“Jinja??” They all said in shock. I looked over to Hoya, he only had a blank expression on his face. “Also Hoya was Jae’s-“ I shoved a spoon of rice in . She looked at me and continued to chew on her food. “Ohh look at the time, well we’re going to the bathroom and I’ll just meet you guys in class okay” I looked at Woohyun, getting up and dragging Rei along.

“Wait! We don’t know where it is.” Sungeol yelled back. “Woohyun knows my number just meet me in front of the chemistry class” I said walking backward. “Yah!! What’s wrong with you??” I yelled at her followed by a karate chop.

“You should of seen his face! I knew he still remembers you” Rei smiled feeling like she accomplished something. I looked at her giving her a what-the-hell-look. “But-“ She interrupted me. “If I haven’t spoke up you both would be in this awkward situation still” She glared back at me.

“So this makes it better?” I looked back at her annoyed.

“You think I want everything to be back to normal like in the past?” I asked her. “Don’t deny it, I know you missed him Jae” She said back at me. Rei knew your weak points, she knew you missed Hoya. He was your first crush after all.

“No, he’s the one that rejected me and left why should we bring up the past” I looked down remembering the memories coming back again.

“I’m..sorry,” She dropped the topic. “Let’s go, our next class starts in 10 minutes” She came and patted my back. My phone vibrated, I read the text as I exited the bathroom.

Where are you? we’re waiting in front of the chemistry class. – Woohyun

“Let’s go they’re waiting for us in front of the Chemistry room” I pushed Rei to move faster.

Hoya POV

After Jae Lin left everyone’s attention was at me. I pretended I didn’t notice and continued eating. “Hoya you didn’t tell us that Jae Lin and You knew each other from high school” Woohyun broke the attention/silence at the table. “We just knew each other that’s all” I simply replied.

“Looks like something more” Sungjong side commented earning a slap on the shoulder from the leader. “What happened between you two?” Sungyeol asked. “Nothing…let’s go we have class soon” I got up leaving the rest at the table while Woohyun and Sungyeol followed you.

I didn’t want everyone to find out like this. I wanted to talk to Jae Lin first and explain, now that Rei opened she made it difficult to bring up the subject. I sighed to myself as I see Jae Lin and Rei waiting in front of the chemistry room.

During history Jae just spaced out. Knowing her, she does this when she’s thinking about something.  I saw Rei trying to get her attention but she stopped after failed attempts.“Jae Lin what is the answer?” The professor called her out. “Ummm….” She trailed off.

“Please pay attention” The professor continued his lesson as she went back spacing out. Woohyun and Sungyeol looked at me asking what was wrong with her, I just shrugged and listened to the lesson. As class ended I wanted to have a chance to talk with her before our last class of the day.

“Jae can I speak with you?” I walk up to her as the class emptied out. She nodded and sat back down as the classroom became empty. We sat in silence as both of us didn’t know what to say. “I’m sorry” She spoke first. I looked at her as she continued. “I’m sorry for what Rei said out there about the past it won’t happened again” She stood up and bowed before leaving.

I reached for her wrist. “I’m sorry Jae”

Jae Lin POV

He held my wrist. *Why is he sorry for?*

“I’m sorry for leaving you in high school” Hoya said my back still facing him. “Sorry? Is that all you can say?” I asked annoyed. “Sorry doesn’t cover up the years of no contact” I whispered enough for him to hear.


“Why don’t you tell him?” Rei tried convincing me. “I can’t, I don’t want things to change between us and why would he like someone like me?” I looked at her. “You don’t know until you ask, you should before he starts having feelings for someone else” Rei reminded me. “Fine, but I’ll tell him at the right time he’s been busy during  these past couple of monthsI assured her.

Months later~

We working on our project together at his house. “Jae can I ask you something?” “Yeah sure” I answered still concentrating on the project.

“When did you start to have feelings for me?” I looked at him surprised of his question. “I….” I couldn’t answer. “Jae I don’t like you like that” Hoya stared at me. My heart sank, at this moment I would feel sad but I wanted to know how he found out.

*Who told you??* You mentally yelled at yourself.

I suddenly felt like breaking down and crying. The last thing I wanted to do was cry in front of him and have him pity me. “I should get going it’s late” I said and stood up. “Wait we still haven’t finished” Hoya stood up. “I’ll give you my finished part of the project tomorrow” I said before closing the front door.

Next day I met up with him and gave him the papers. “Here” I gave it to him without making eye contact.”Jae I’m sorry about yesterday. Can we talk after school?” Hoya asked. I looked up at him and nodded as a response. “Oppa let’s go~” A girl came by linking arms with him pulling him away.

I waited at the front of the school for Hoya. It started to rain, I looked up cursing at myself forgetting my umbrella. “Where is he?” I looked around. Minutes turned into an hour.

*Great he stood me up* You started to cry as there was no sign of him coming.

“Jae?? What are you doing here?” Rei came from behind me. “He stood me up” I sniffled looking down at the ground. “What??” Rei asked rubbing my back. “He stood me up” I repeated and cried harder. “Shhh let’s go home” Rei opened her umbrella and held it above the both of us as we walked home together.

The next day I hope i didn't have to see Hoya. If I did I would of beat him up for leaving me in the rain for over an hour. I heard whispers about Hoya so I lean towards them to listen. “Hey did you hear? Howon left home and decided to audition for Woolim Entertainment” A girl said. “Really, just like that he left?” Another girl asked, receiving a nod from the other one.

*Howon left??* I turned facing the front spacing out.

*He wouldn’t leave just like that right?? I’m his close friend he wouldn’t leave without saying anything right?*

I waited for his calls,I got impatient and called him instead. It went directly to voicemail. I called for a couple of days but still no answer. Suddenly I called instead of his usual voicemail it changed.

-I’m sorry the number you have dialed is not in service-

*Is he that mad at me?*  I look back at my phone.

*End Flashback*

Hoya POV

“I can explain” I held her wrist. “No..let...go” She tried pushing my hand off.”Let me explain just this once, then after you can forget I came back if you want” I trailed off. She stopped moving; “I left because after I got accepted into Woolim I didn’t want you to wait for me” I explained to her

“Why didn’t you at least tell me?” She turned around. “If I told you, you would be worry about me constantly. I didn’t want to be a burden to you” I looked down not be able to meet her gaze. “Of course I would worry about you I’m your friend right? Plus friends stick with each other through thick and thin.” She held my hand, I looked up at her as she squeezed it.

“Even after explaining to my parents they still didn’t support me so I did this on my own to prove that I can do it and comeback successful”

“You didn’t have to do it alone, I would have been there to support you” She started to get teary eyed.

“Why didn’t you call me though?”

“I couldn’t”

“You can’t or you won’t?” She said as she stood up. “Now I know how much I meant to you as a friend” She walked away leaving me in the empty classroom.


A/N: Hmmm this chapter was.....ugh sad. I'm sorry it's boring T___T it just came out like this. School starts again, i don't start until tuesday so i'll update tomorrow night...maybe. Goodluck to everyone starting school again, even to all those freshmen (especially my cousin) it really isn't that bad :P. Let's hope for a smooth semester with good grades. For me knowing my sleepiness and my friend going to a different college this semester....i don't have a buddy to wake me up in class :o i'm screwed T^T

Your comments are loved :>

Enjoy :>

Heyyy...what are you doing woohyun?? Feels like everyone is touching him XD

Woohyun...your body.....I.can't *stares*

Had to do this so i can stop daydreaming about him X>

Don't forget Hoya's entrance in Ranking King :D

okay i'm done :D......................












One more~




Sungyeol's Airport fashion

Flip flops and a robe....looks comfy thought.


Bye for now~

Gifs are not mine! Credit to owners 

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Finishing my last week of school so i'll update after tuesday of next week. if i'm done early maybe this weekend :D


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Chapter 9: already subscribe :D
it's nice i can't wait until i reading the ending hehe
Chapter 22: ^^ nice story
Chapter 9: OMG. When you put PARTS in your author's note... I misread it as PANTS... My CORRUPTED MIND
Chapter 19: I hate Chiyo :P good storyline btw ^^
Chapter 15: I hate you chiyo
Chapter 13: Huhu!!!!!
Woohyun do not leave me
Chapter 20: Pls do the alternate ending for Hoya on asianfanfics
Chapter 10: Eeepppp NAMU!!!!!!!!!
14 streak #9
Chapter 20: Awww how nice^^ i cant wait to read your alternate ending with hoya!!!! >.<
anyways......... That was awesome^^ >.< ♥♡
Chapter 20: yes, write it here or on your tumblr ^^ i'll be waiting