A shock awakening

I fall inlove with my brother? A-W-K-W-A-R-D.

My P.O.V         

            The sound of my phone woke me up, I reached up my phone. And my breath stopped for a second when I saw ‘daddy calling...’.

                Oh sh*t! What should I do? Should I pick it? What should I tell him? I hesitated for moment, until my phone went on silent again. I let out a deep sigh, staring at my phone wallpaper. It was my family photo; we took it 2 years ago at the studio, with mum and dad sitting proudly in front of me with their biggest smile. Oh I am willing to exchange anything to get back my once happy family. My eyes burning with hot tears, pressing hard on my I-phone. My tears soaked the blanket.

                After feeling calm, I stood up to get some water. But--- wait. I looked around the small bedroom packed with three double-decker and high closets with clothes sticking out from it. Oh yea, I’m in Korea. Wake up.  I said to myself, shaking my head.

                Slowly, I cracked open the door, peeked outside. Oh my gosh. I jumped, startled by a quaint sight--- Junhyung sleeping on the chair in the middle of the living room, mouth-opened, hand hanging towards the floor, snoring. How can he sleep like that? -.-

                I walked passed him cautiously, tip-toe, towards the kitchen. “Yah!” Junhyung sudden cried out; surprise the hell out of me that I knocked my head on the fridge. Ouch!

                Oh please. Oh please. Don’t get mad at me. I prayed inside.At that moment, I was afraid to turn. I waited, but there’s only silence. Strange. I thought, slowly turning my back.

                He was still sitting there, snoring. I peeked at him, Are you sleep talking? I giggled, How cute. 

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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 39: yeheyyyyyyyyyy! will wait for the next partttttt :) thankyouuuu!
baekyeols #2
you should make a sequel ^^
Fade123 #3
Sequel!!!!!!! (>_<) can't wait what will happen..
Omggg please release the sequel faster I can't wait~~ this is too sweet >///<
Finally, i finished reading this! :DD<br />
yay.. how sweet~ x3 <br />
Im falling for woonie ahaha jk. :)<br />
Nice story~ :)
crystalizelove #6
this was good^^<br />
you should make a sequel~^^
sequel ` hwaiting. :)
sequel please *puppy eyes*
deadlysins #9
Seriously, I'll wait for part 2!!!<br />
If you already make it...<br />
omg..thats the best~~~hoping for a sequel pretty please~~~