Chapter 12.

You Really Never Know What You Have Until It's Gone.
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Eunkyung’s POV

[A/N: I’m not a professional dancer so I don’t explain dancing that well…bear with me please><]

The next few weeks passed by like a blur. Turns out that I didn’t get a chance to meet up with Kai at all. Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t because on the days that he was free, I had practice with Sehun. And unlike him, I wouldn’t ditch Sehun just to hang out with Kai, which would probably only be an hour max because who knows when Miyoung will call him out.

I was okay with it though, slowly, I forgot that Kai still owed one day to me and focused on working my hardest for this dance competition.

“Remember, you have to be on my left in order for this to work, don’t forget this part again.” Sehun instructed as I did my part again. It seemed like the stress was finally getting to us, as both of us were making mistakes or forgetting our positions. Sehun was more in charge, kind of like my teacher, but he wasn’t perfect too.

That was it. I was worn out, both physically and mentally. I couldn’t take it anymore and my legs gave into the lack of energy. I collapsed onto the ground, breathing deeply.

“Eunkyung!” Sehun shouted in alarm and rushed over. He carried me to the couch and grabbed my water bottle. Yes, the small couch that we had in our room, remember it? He handed me the bottle and felt my forehead with his other hand.

“Are you alright?” He cupped my face with one hand with worry. I closed my eyes and leaned downwards, my head hanging and throbbing. “D-do you want me to bring you to the hospital?” Sehun was panicking but I weakly shook my head, “I’m just…exhausted.” I barely made out a whisper.


“Do you want to sleep for a while first? Maybe you’ll feel better after that. Where does it hurt? I’ll go buy some medicine if you want.” I smiled softly, “My head is aching. But a nap sounds good....” I lay down on the couch and shifted around, trying to get comfortable. I shouldn’t have pushed myself so hard.

“Hold on, I’ll get someone to look after you while I go to the pharmacy.” Sehun rushed out the door in a hurry, and I could hear his shouting down the hallway. Before I knew it, I had dozed off and was sleeping peacefully.


Kai’s POV


“Kai! Kai! Are you in there!?” A voice was shouting outside. I got up and opened the door, poking my head out to see whom it was. It couldn’t be Miyoung, since she left hours ago already to run an errand. “Sehun?”

“Hyung, do you mind looking after Eunkyung? She collapsed during practice and she’s sleeping right now in the room. I have to go to the pharmacy to get something, and I need someone to stay in there in case anything happens.” Sehun quickyly explained, panting. I nodded immediately, why wouldn’t I help my friend do a favour if it’s got to do with my best friend?

“Thanks a bunch. I’ll be going now.” Sehun pat my back and ran off while I darted to their practice room. I burst into the room to see Eunkyung lying on a couch.

I carefully closed the door and silently walked over, examining her face. She was paler than before, and she looked extremely tired.

I checked the air conditioning to make sure it wasn’t too cold or too stuffy here, and refilled her water bottle. I sat down right beside the couch and her hair. “I’m sorry for not being with you for a while now Eunkyung ah…”

Her eyebrows twitched up a bit and scrunched together. I used my fingers and gently knead her forehead, and her face relaxed again. I stared at her serene face and wondered why she would just collapse like that. I know Eunkyung is a strong girl and has good stamina. What happened?

My phone started vibrating and I took it out, and as expected, it was Miyoung.

Kai oppa~ Are you done yet?^^

Not really, what’s up?

Ahh :/ I was wondering if you wanted to go shopping with me?

I stared at the message and hesitated. Maybe another day, Miyoung. My best friend is more important than a shopping trip right now.

Sorry, I’m still busy right now. Next time, maybe?

Oh, okay~

I sighed and tucked my phone away. Miyoung could go shopping by herself today.

“You know…if I came in without knowing you were asleep because of exhaustion, I would have thought you were just taking a normal nap. You look too much like an angel while sleeping…” I quietly whispered, talking to her as if she could hear me.

I glanced at her wrist and saw that she was wearing the bracelet I gave her for her 18th birthday. “It looks good on you still.” I softly chuckled to myself, admiring the tiny gemstones fixed onto the sides of the bracelet. She wasn’t the type to wear bracelets or rings, but she did love this bracelet a lot for a reason. Till now, she never told me. But keep it on you Eunkyung, it’s good to know that you’re wearing gifts from me.

The door creaked open and I spun around, letting go of Eunkyung’s hand.

“You’re back.” I said as Sehun closed the door and walked over with a bag in his hand. He pretended to wipe imaginary sweat off his forehead and chuckled, “I’m glad it started raining after I stepped foot into this building, I didn’t bring an umbrella with me before that.”

He took out some small boxes and placed them on the table beside the couch. “Her head hurt, so I went out to buy these.” He told me before sitting down beside me. “Did she wake up at all?” I shook my head, “Slept like an angel.”

He raised an eyebrow at me, “I see.”


There was a moment of silence and we both were staring at Eunkyung’s face, and then I spoke up. “Do you like Eunkyung?”

Sehun didn’t look at me and continued staring at Eunkyung, “Does it matter to you even if I say yes?”

“Of course. She’s my best friend and I should know of her admirers to see if they’re worthy of her or not.”

“A best friend? Is that all she is to you?” He asked me without taking his eyes off of her even once. I stayed quiet and nodded. Why am I doubting myself, I didn’t have a crush on her.

“Well then, yes, I do like Eunkyung.” Sehun declared and finally faced m

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I will be making small amends to some of my chapters because I have found some missing parts/mistakes c:


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Chapter 22: just what i needed!! a cute, fluffy fic with cutie sehun!! 💓
Chapter 14: and alsoo,i’m reallyyy enjoying this fic!! glad i stumbled upon this the other day hehe
14 streak #4
Chapter 22: So adorable... sehun x eunkyung ♡♡♡
Rizana #5
Chapter 5: This was published exactly 7 years ago ?
KasumiShimizu #6
Chapter 22: That was adorable!! I really enjoyed how the story turned out in the end. I’ve read a lot of stories with the similar premise, (guy and girl are best friends, girl falls for guy but guy falls for another girl, another friend takes care of her, new friend and girl fall in love) and they usually end with the original girl ditching the new friend and going out with the original guy. I liked how your main stayed with friend. That’s true loyalty there! Overall, it was nicely written. Good job!
Chapter 22: Kai's lost. Sehunie's Treasure.
Chapter 22: A nice and fluffy story
dhruva1611 #9
Chapter 22: I know what it feels like secretly loving our bestfriend. she is so lucky having Sehun in her side. Thank you for writing this fic. And I'm glad she ends up with sehun