Chapter 9

Marriage Because of Money

Yuri and Minho arrive at Luhan's mansion and enter it and Seohyun saw them so she ran to hug Yuri and Minho together.

Seohyun: I miss you so much unnie!!! And you too Minho!!!

Yuri: ah..nae..I miss you too hyunie..

Minho: I also miss you too my little seororo..

They broke the hug and minho pinch her cheek and she pout at him and also smile. Yuri smile evilly as she saw Seohyun and Minho like that and Luhan expression looking at them.

Yuri: So..Hyunie, what are we gonna do here?

Seohyun: of course have some fun together right unnie? Since we miss each other a lot. Minho you also like to spend some time with me too right?

Minho look at Luhan and then answer Seohyun smiling: Nae....

Yuri: Then, I can also spend some time to get to know my brother in law Luhan too right hyunie?

Seohyun: um...sure...

Luhan frown at Seohyun answer and start to imagine and feel jealous of Minho and Seohyun together while Yuri smirk. Yuri then happily go and hook her arm with Luhan and drag him somewhere to talk with him while Seohyun just look at them going away sadly and then smile and went to Minho and hug him.

Seohyun: Happy now Minho? That you got to visit me here?

Minho: nae....

Seohyun broke the hug and went to sit down on the ground and Minho also went to sit down with her beside her.

Minho: Seohyun ah, can I ask you something?

Seohyun: nae...

Minho: Do you love him already? I mean Luhan...

Seohyun: Why do you ask Minho?

Minho: It because you seem like it...

Seohyun: I don't know too Minho but my heart alway skip a beat, I don't know but I feel warm and happy being with him.

Minho: oh....

He then put his head down and look sad.

Seohyun: What wrong Minho ah?

Minho: I thought your just marrying him because of money but now you fall for him. What will happened when you leave him then?

Seohyun: I still don't know..

Minho: I will still be here with you Seohyun.

Seohyun: nae.........

And they just continue chatting and laughing and talk about how they spend their time these few day that they didn't see each other.

Yuri: Um....Luhan shi, do you mind if I just call you oppa?

Luhan: um..sure...

( In this story let just say Luhan is also older than Yuri too.)

Yuri: Yay!!

She jump around and Luhan laugh at her.

Yuri: Luhan oppa, do you know what?

Luhan: What?

Yuri: Your the first guy I call that...

Luhan: really? Then I must be lucky...

Yuri: nae....

Luhan just tour Yuri around the mansion while they both talk together.

Yuri: Seohyun always complaint that guy are gross and maybe your one of them.

Luhan: ah....It okay...Maybe she will not think like that after being with me..

Luhan give Yuri a big smile and Yuri got mad because he didn't think anything of that.

Yuri: Luhan oppa, do you think Seohyun and Minho look good together if Seohyun didn't marry you?

Luhan: um....maybe?

Yuri: But I think they will look super good with each other...

Luhan: oh....

Yuri: Do you love Seohyun then?

Luhan was shock with her question and stay quiet for a while and then answer him.

Luhan: nae....

Yuri then got mad that he love Seohyun but then control herself and pretend to fall and that her angle hurt so Luhan goes help her up.

Yuri: Ah!!My angles hurt!

Luhan: Can you still walk?

Yuri: I don't think so Luhan oppa. 

Luhan: It okay then..I will carry you inside and help you with the angles.

Yuri: nae..thank you...

Luhan carry her bridal style and went pass Seohyun and Minho and enter the house while Seohyun looking at them and feeling somehow hurt and both her and Minho also went inside.

Seohyun: Unnie, what happened?

Luhan: Seohyun ah, your unnie fall and twist her angles.

Seohyun: really? Unnie are you okay?

Seohyun worried walk to Yuri but Yuri stop her and say she is still okay not death yet and Minho give Yuri a death glare because Yuri is mean and Luhan didn't pay any attention.

The Maid: um....What do you guy want for lunch? Tell me so I will prepare for everyone?

Seohyun: I will just goes help you.

Minho: I will help too...

The Grandma then suddenly appear: No.....Minho you and Yuri are our guest so you should just stay here and help Yuri and Luhan and Seohyun will goes help make Lunch for everyone since they are the one who invited you two.

Minho: um...Okay....

Yuri: But?

The grandma: no but!

Yuri: fine....

Seohyun and Luhan walk quietly to the kicthen and the grandma smiling went outside again.

Luhan: I'm sorry for my grandma making me helping you instead of Minho.

Seohyun: It okay Luhan ah and grandma is right too they are our guest so we should amke them lunch not them got to help us make them lunch too. Right?

Luhan: oh..nae...

They just start to cut vegetables, meat, and other thing and start cooking with the maid help too.

Minho: Yuri!!!

Yuri: What?

Minho: Are you trying to steal Luhan away from Seohyun?

Yuri: Yes that what I'm doing..Is there something wrong with that? I also know that you want to steal Seohyun away from Luhan too.

Minho: Of course there something wrong, Seohyun is your sister and is married to Luhan you can't ruin their life like that. And even if I love Seohyun, seeing her happy with Luhan then I'm also happy too but I'm not going to steal her away and I'm going to support her and luhan instead as a bestfriend of her who I know for years.

Yuri: Yeah yeah..Whatever you say I won't listen to it..I just know that I want luhan and your too stupid to think like that so it up to you but I will surely make Luhan mine.

Minho: I won't let you......

Yuri: What are you going to do then?

Minho smirk and move closer to her and then force a kiss on her and she was struggling to break away and finally she can and after that she slap Minho.

Minho: Just remember this Yuri, If you dare to hurt Seohyun and steal Luhan away from her then I will be the one who going to torture you for that.

Yuri: I won't let you take over me...

Minho: well let see..And since I can't get Seohyun I will have you instead...

He smirk and Yuri send him a death glare and that when Seohyun and Luhan smiling and coming from the kicthen to them and led them to the dinning table to have lunch together and they also went to get the grandma too.

They were now at the dinning table and have start eating...

Yuri: Um...Luhan oppa, can you feed me? 

Luhan: um.........

Look at Seohyun and Seohyun didn't saw him looking at her because she was eating with her head down.

Minho: I will feed you instead Yuri...

Stuff something into before she say something and the grandma give Minho a thumb up.

The Grandma: Yah! You two! Luhan and Seohyun, don't you guy see how sweet Minho and Yuri just now? Could you two at least learn to be very sweet too without us telling you guy too?

Minho: Yeah Seohyun and Luhan..Grandma is right...

Seohyun eyes Minho and then turn to face luhan who face was red and touch it which it surprise him.

Seohyun: Luhan does my hand feel cold on your face?

Luhan: no....

Seohyun: Please look at me and let be sweet too..

Luhan: um...sure....

Seohyun smile and happily feed him and he ate it and he also feed her and she eat it happily. And he then notice something is on her cheek so he lean closer to her and lip it and she was surprise by that and look at him with big wide eye while the grandma and Minho are laughing and fangirling and fanboying over their sweetness while Yuri was annoyed by their sweetness and frown.

The Grandma: What was that Luhan? Do you really want to taste your wife that much?

Luhan blush.

Minho: Seohyun ah, do you like it that much that why your still frozen with big eyes like that? And we can hear your heart beating so loud!

Seohyun was embarrassed and touch her heart with her hand and also blush and Luhan and her also secretly looking at each other and smile embarrassed.

Yuri: Hyunie and Luhan you two are too sweet I'm will die because of that.

The grandma/Minho: Good then!


Seohyun: unnie?!

Luhan: um....but you guy want us to be like that?

The Grandma: nae...just keep doing that everyday and we will never get bored.

Seohyun: um.......sure....

Luhan then give a big smile and put his head up and start eating again and Seohyun also did.

Minho: Grandma let also eat too not just watching their sweetness.

The Grandma: nae...

The Grandma happily ate her food and minho also did but Yuri wasn't eating but instead messing with her food because she mad.

Minho: Something wrong Yuri? * he say with a smirk*

Yuri: nothing....

Seohyun: If there anything you could tell me unnie?

Luhan: If something is wrong just tell us so we can help?

Yuri: nae...thank for your worry but there nothing wrong..

Luhan: oh....

Grandma: Then please just eat your food properly because we don't like people who make a mess....

Yuri: nae...

Yuri's mind: I will make sure you old grandma and Minho suffer for being like that!!!!!

Seohyun: um....Luhan there food on your face everywhere and also some on your shirt? You eat too much and too messy...

She let out a chuckle looking at him and also smile. 

Luhan: Then can you wipe these away for me then?

Seohyun: um..sure...

Seohyun take some napkin and wipe the dirt off his shirt and then on his cheek and he look at her smiling and she laugh at him because he was too cute being like that.

Then she was gonna wipe the dirt beside his lip but he stop her.

Seohyun: Why did you stop me at wiping your face?

Luhan: Can you um...

Minho: Kiss it?

Grandma: instead?

Seohyun blush and Luhan also did but then still smiling and pleasing her with his puppy eye and Seohyun confuse on what to do so Minho lightly push her toward Luhan face and her lip land Luhan and they both eye wide big in shock while Minho and the grandma laughing and they stay like that for a while.

The Grandma: hehehee! You two really like that? why still stay like that  for about two minutes now?

Minho: I agree with grandma..

Yuri: Please don't be too sweet here because I can't eat properly.

Minho: You were just jealous that why.


Luhan and Seohyun separate and he quickly wipe the dirt off his face and also touch Seohyun face and wipe the dirt that got on her face too. And after that he touch his lip.

The Grandma: Do you really like that Luhan? Huh?

Minho: How does it feel like Seohyun to be kiss by someone? huh? You both really enjoy it? hehehehe

The grandma and Minho then high five at teasing them.

After that they all finish their lunch and Minho force Yuri to go home with him because he don't want her to disturb Seohyun and Luhan moment and the grandma also help in making Seohyun and luhan agree for both of Yuri and Minho to leave too.

Seohyun: Visit me again next time unnie and Minho?

Minho: nae..we will....

Luhan: Have a nice time then...

They wave goodbye and both of them leave and Seohyun with Luhan enter the house.

Luhan: So what are we gonna do now?

Seohyun: I don't know....

Luhan: Let go to our room...

Seohyun: Huh?

Luhan then laugh and went to her and carry her upstair to their room and she just look at him surprise and start imagine thing and getting scare.


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Chapter 25: Aaa I really like it! Ahh cute JooHan and Sweet SeoHan...kekeke
I'm laughing so hard whe the grandma saying ' not for kid' hahaha and also The Grandma Team.LOL
Thanks a lot for tha Story Authornim~~~
Chapter 25: Really like that authornim. please keep writing seohan stories juseyo...
Chapter 25: Daebakk !^^ JooHan Wow Cute Name !^^ BTW TQ For Update Author-nim !^^
GreenDecember #4
Chapter 6: too many Grammar errors...i hope u can improve.(^3^) sorry for the bad comment
Chapter 25: Great story
retaekwtptr #6
good story!!!! i like it (y)
LoveHotStories #7
Thank you so much Author for this wonderful and beautifull story !! ^.^
It's my second time reading it and I can't stop cause it's the only SeoHan story that I found so perfect ❤️
Chapter 25: sequel !!!!!!!!!!!!! please !