The Bad New And Sad Event

Marriage Because of Money

Seohyun:What is it Minho? Is there something wrong that why you call me?

Minho: Seohyun ah, I think you and luhan should quickly come back to korean.

Seohyun: Why? Our flight is tomorrow.

Minho: I hate to tell you this but hurry in time here to see your parent them. Your parent and unnie got into a car accident and is in a very bad situation. We don't know if they will survive. Just come back.

Seohyun: Nae...Minho ah, please take care of them for me first. We will be back as soon as possible.

Seohyun was saying that as tear were coming out and Luhan look at her confuse but still wiping her tear.

MInho: I will..Be safe too...

Seohyun: nae....

They hang up...

Luhan: Is there something wrong Seohyun ah?

Seohyun: Luhan ah, let hurry and go back to korean now? Umma! Appa! and Unnie! Them got into an accident and is in a very bad situation. Miinho just call me to tell about that. We need to go back. I don't want to lose them. They are the only family I have that love me and raise me from little until now.

Luhan: Nae..Don't cry..We will go now..Let just pray for them to be better okay...

Seohyun: nae...

They quickly went back to their hotel and pack and fly back to Korean.

Seohyun keep crying looking at her family picture and keep worrying while sitting in the airplane waiting for it to land very fast because she scare she will have no time to see her parent. She too worry. While Luhan being beside her keep assuring and trying his best to calm her down and help her worry about her parent.


And at last they arrived and they both quickly get in the car where Minho drive to pick them up to the hospital. Seohyun question Minho the whole time about her unnie, and her parent but he only look sad and choose not to answer her until she will just go see them herself. Luhan just tell her that Minho is busy driving so he can't answer her so just wait until they reach the hospital and Seohyun stop but lean on Luhan shoulder and worry.

Seohyun: Luhan ah, what if my parent really didn't wake up? What am I gonna do? I'm worry! I'm scare! Minho ah, can you at least tell me something so i will not be worry and ask so much?

Luhan: Seohyun ah, calm down think positive okay. Aren't my Seohyun alway that kind of person? Why think like that suddenly?

He say while trying to smile and pinch her cheek and she smile a bit.

Seohyun: But I'm worry and really feel something is wrong and I'm really scare.

Minho: Seohyun ah, the doctor just say they will continue to see if they are okay. Up until now I still don't know your parent condition but your unnie is okay now.

Seohyun: Unnie is okay. I felt better. But appa! umma! are they going to survive then? Why do they have to be in an accident? What am I gonna do?!

And at last they arrive at the hospital. Seohyun quickly went out without waiting for Minho and Luhan and they both just slowly walk following her and whispering to each other on how bad is Seohyun's parent injury without letting Seohyun notice first because they scare she will be worry too much.


They wait and wait outside the room for the whole evening and finally the doctor came out and give them an answer that they don't ever want to hear.

Doctor: I'm sorry but we can't do anything to help these two people. I'm sorry but we don't know if they gonna survive. They lost too much blood and injury in too many place for we to heal them. Let just hope if they can wake up and survive. We have try our best.

Seohyun: Umma! Appa!

Seohyun start crying.

Minho: Doctor, are you guy really done your best! I believe you can heal them right?

Luhan: We will pay the bill no matter how much it is but just help them. Please help them?

Doctor: I'm sorry but no matter what the cost is we have try our best to help. We can't help it. We will just see if a Miracle happened.

Seohyun: Doctor, can we go see them?

Doctor: can....

Seohyun enter the room and went to her parent seeing them laying down in the bed liftless and start crying. Luhan slowly enter the room seeing Seohyun cry and it hurt his heart to know his love one suffer especially when it his wife the love of his life.

On the other hand everyone arrived at the hospital realizing that Seohyun parent will not survive and feel sad for her. And they enter the room with Minho to see her parent and saw them and everyone start to cry seeing Seohyun cry and how her parent is.

Grandma: Why do our lovely couple Luhan and Seohyun encounter such a sad thing when things is getting better....

Minho: Is it really their bad luck? I wish we can prevent bad things...

Yoona: Poor Seohyun...

Sehun: I'm sorry as a doctor who can't do much to help Seohyun.

Luhan: Seohyun ah?

Seohyun: Luhan ah, are they really leaving me? Why does I have so many bad luck to even lose my own parent? What am I gonna do?

Luhan: you still have me to love you Seohyun.

Grandma: Grandma still here for you Seohyun ah.

Everybody: We all are still here for you Seohyun.

And while Seohyun crying over her parent body her dad and mom slowly open their eyes to see their daughter and smile.

Seohyun: Appa! Umma! You guy wake up now! Doctor!

The Dad: Seohyun ah, don't call the doctor, I know I will not survive and can't take care of you anymore. I'm sorry for being a bad appa for you. Don't cry. My daughter will not be pretty for appa if she cry.

And her dad wipe her tear and smile.

Seohyun: nae....Appa please don't leave me?

The Dad: Appa can't promise that but appa will promise to be beside you forever my lovely daughter.

The Mom: Seohyun ah, goes back to our house and find the first present that we give you, the necklace like a heart. There are two picture there with a letter. Umma, sorry for can't be there forever with you. You being a good daughter to us. We love you. Help take care of your unnie for us too. She make not be a good daughter like you but she does have the heart to care and love us and you. She not strong as she seem in fact she is weak but doesn't show it.

Seohyun: nae..umma..and don't say that..your gonna be okay...

And a tear slowly fall down from her mom eyes and she smile while touching Seohyun face and then kiss her cheek.

The Appa: Seo, we are grateful to have you in our family. Sorry for being bad umma and appa for you. Luhan ah, please take good care of my daughter.

Luhan: Nae..I will....

And both her parent smile to each other and hold each other hand and slowly close their eye.

Seohyun: Nooo!!!!Umma!!!!Appa!!!You can't leave me! You can't close your eye!!!Doctor!!!I need the doctor!!! Sehun ah, help my parent!!!!

Luhan: Seohyun ah, they are gone. They are now in a peaceful place.

Seohyun: no!!!!They didn't leave me....!!!Luhan ah!!!!

Luhan was crying with her hugging her trying to calm her down at crying over her parent body. And everyone there just cry and feel so bad and sad for Seohyun.

Sehun: I'm sorry Seohyun. I'm  a bad doctor for can't help your parent.

The Grandma went to Seohyun and hold her hand and hug her.

Grandma: Seohyun ah, your umma and appa are in a good place now.

Seohyun then faint from crying too much so they take her to a room and let her rest. With Luhan there hurting seeing seohyun suffer like that.


Yoona and Sehun with Minho both went to visit Yuri in her room to see how she is but she still didn't awake yet. Sehun check to see how Yuri is doing and she was doing fine just don't know when will she wake up. But a tear fall down from her eye and the three of them look at each other and know maybe Yuri is meeting them in her dream.

Yoona: I feel very bad for her and Seohyun. They really going through a hard time.

Sehun: At least Seohyun still have her unnie. It really hurt me to see Seohyun suffer like that too. I wish I can replace her parent so she won't be that sad and hurt.

Yoona: You really love Seohyun that much?

and she look hurt while saying that to Sehun.

Sehun: nae....

Minho: Can I be with Yuri here alone?

Yoona and Sehun look at each other and goes out.

Minho: Yuri ah, hurry and wake up. Your sister is suffering and your parent is already gone. Did you meet them in your dream? Remember to come back. Seohyun still need you. I'm sorry for all the bad thing I did to you. I promise I will be good if you wake up. I think I am inlove with you for a long time but just don't realize it. Just hurry and wake up. I'm waiting for you. I think I have love you now.

He hold her hand and kiss it with a tear drop on it. and he tell the story of her parent have already gone and that Seohyun is suffering. And for she to comeback too.

And Yuri slowly move and open her eye.

Yuri: Minho? Where am I?

MInho: Yuri! Your awake!  Your in the hospital! I will call the doctor now.

Yuri smile and nodd and he go ask the doctor to come check her.

Sehun: Yuri is fine now. She will have to stay here for a few day and go home since we still need to do some check if she really fine and see if anything wrong with her body.

Minho/Yuri: Thanks Sehun...

Sehun: no excuse me now I have to go make someone feel better too...

Sehun wink at Minho and quickly goes out and Minho laugh while Yuri look at them confuse.

Yuri: Yah! Why are you here?! And how did I end up here? I remember I'm driving away from home because of an arguement and umma and appa follow me. And I hit the light pole on the road and seeing a big truck until I knock out. Wait! But where umma and appa? Don't tell me they got?

Yuri start to tear up and Minho nodd in response to Yuri.

Yuri: Can I go see them?

Minho: I think it better for you to rest until your better and we can go see them. I don't think it a good thing to see them right now.

Yuri: Why? What happened to them?! Tell me Minho!

Minho stay quiet and Yuri quickly stand up and take everything that attack to her to help her away and walk quickly away.

Minho: Where you going Yuri?Your not better yet! Don't go!

Yuri: To find where and how is my parent?

Minho: Do you know where they are then?

And she stop and shake her head.

Yuri: I don't! But I'm worry and scare! Are they okay?!

She start crying and Minho run to hug her and take her there.

And they reach the parent room and Yuri run to their body and hug them crying.

Yuri: Umma! Appa!

She start crying a lot.

MInho: I'm sorry Yuri. The doctor can't help them.

Yuri: I should have never run away like that then this won't happened. It all my fault. Please wake up! If your gone! What gonna happened to me and Seohyun? Who gonna care for me and Seohyun? We don't have parent anymore?

mInho's mind: So you did care about your sister after all. I was wrong about you after all.

Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! She keep hitting and pulling her parent body while crying. It all my fault. And she try hitting herself and Minho stop her and she cry in his chest.

Yuri: Why are you still here and being nice to me Minho? I am alway bad to you. Why?

Minho: It because I have realize that I love you now. I will take care of you even when there no one want you anymore.

Yuri: Really? Thanks...

Just then Seohyun enter the room again with Luhan and saw Yuri with Minho and run to hug Yuri.

Seohyun: Unnie! Your okay now!

Yuri: nae....but saddly...

Seohyun: don't continue unnie..I know..we can't do anything about it...

Yuri: But it unnie fault!

And she start crying and Seohyun cry and hug her.

Seohyun: not unnie fault..It just how fate is..We can't never guess what will happened. Don't blame it on you Unnie. I believe unnie have unnie own reason. It good thing I didn't lose unnie too.

Yuri: Seohyun ah....Thank you for understanding your unnie until now even when she really bad to you.

Seohyun: unnie ah, it okay..unnie is alway good I never thought or feel unnie is bad. I'm really glad unnie still with me.

And they both hug.

Minho/Luhan: It good they still have each other and know how to love and care for each other.


One week later Yuri is already discharge and they all is doing Seohyun and Yuri parent funeral.

Everyone that came feel pity and sad for the sister and see they both crying but are lucky to have two guy there supporting and caring for them.

Luhan: Seohyun ah, it not a good thing to not greet your guest and just cry?

Seohyun: nae...but i miss them and I can't help it Luhan...

Luhan: nae.....just relax a bit...How about you go sit down for a bit and I will do the work here?

Seohyun: okay....

Luhan: Are you sure?

Seohyun: nae....

And she went to serve people drink and greet them with their warming and pitying toward her and they cry for her and she was thankful for that.

Yuri on the other hand feel hurt seeing her younger sister hurt and crying and work so hard pain her and make her miss their parent and everything. She cry and Minho hold her hand to calm her and remind her to be strong for Seohyun. If she cry Seohyun will cry too and she nodd and smile to him.

After a long day there again Seohyun alway look at her parent picture and cry at night with Luhan there helping her and beside her. Encouraging her to be strong and not cry. He would hug her to sleep and make her smile a bit and happy a bit and eat even if he know she will not agree to eat.

The grandma even spent a whole evening trying to convince her to eat and help herself. She is very thin these few day because of the funeral and how she can't get over her parent death.

Yuri was also the same as Seohyun. Blaming herself and try to be strong but can't. And keep cry but lying she is not. And with Minho there to encourage her, cook for her, help her, and be there for her. She feel she have fallen and feel better. She glad he there for her even when she always bad to him.

And finally the funeral was over and everything almost went to normal except the fact that Seohyun alway goes to her parent house that she with her unnie and parent use to live and have fun and enjoy their life. Yuri also alway went there with Seohyun.

And Seohyun suddenly remember her mother word to her and went to find the necklace in her treasure box in her room. Yuri question her why she look for that and she tell Yuri about it.

They found the necklace and open it and saw two picture. One with a tall good looking guy with a women holding a baby girl. And it wrote Our First Daughter Seo Joo Hyun. We Love You. Our Happy Family.

Seohyun was confuse about this. And look at the other picture and have the picture of she with the parent that just died and wrote: Our Adopted little daughter. She will be with our family from now on.

Seohyun: Unnie, do you get what all these about?

Yuri: I don't know too Seohyun ah..I think there a letter explaining those.

Seohyun: Really? Where is it?

Yuri: Here?

Seohyun: Let open it and read...

                                    Seohyun ah, sorry we didn't tell you about this. We are not your real umma and appa. Your real parent got separated by your grandma them and your father was very sad and alway drink and he can't take care of you so he give you to us to help him take care of you. And make you our daughter. We may not be your real parent but we love you as ours real daughter. Up until now we don't know where they are. These two picture in this necklace is you with us and the other one is you with you real parent. Your father is Shim Changmin and Shim Sooyoung. Were sorry about this. Please forgive us. Your lovely parent this whole time: Kwon Yunho and Tiffany. Please still be a good daughter and sister to our Kwon Yuri even if were gone.

Seohyun: I'm not umma and appa real daughter?

Seohyun start crying and can't believe it.

Yuri: Why didn't umma and appa tell us about this?

Seohyun: unnie, I'm not your sister. I am just an outsider umma and appa take in as their daughter.

Yuri: No..your my sister Seohyun. I never will think your an outsider. I love you as my sister. I will alway think of you as my little and kind sister no matter who you are or where your from.

Seohyun: Unnie!

Yuri: But when did umma and appa write this letter? It seem very recently?

Seohyun: nae....

Yuri: I think umma and appa wrote this incase something happened so you will know who you really are if they are gone.

Seohyun: ane..But i will never forget umma and appa kindness and love for me all this time. I will still count and love them. I'm not mad. I will surely forgive them.

Yuri: nae...

They both hug....


Both Seohyun and Yuri goes back to their house.

Luhan: Seohyun ah, where did you go? I was vry worry about you.

Seohyun: I'm sorry I didn't let you know where I was Luhan. I went to visit our old house. I also found out something.

Luhan: aww..really? Are you better now then?

Seohyun: Of course..I'm fine now...Don't need to worry..

She pinch his cheek and kiss it and he smile...

Grandma: children are so sweet happy...

Yuri: Even me feel jealous. I wonder when will I meet my prince charming too.

Minho: Here I am Yuri. Don't have to wait. I am here.

Yuri: tskk.....

Yoona: I'm so jealous too..I have no one..Am such a loner..Wonder when will I meet my soulmate and get marry too?

Sehun: Is your heart still need a doctor to heal it?

Yoona turn to look at Sehun and send him a glare.

Yoona: It still does but I won't accept a doctor like you to heal it.

Sehun: But but!!! I want to be your doctor for it!!!You can't let someone else other than me heal it!!!

Grandma: stop with all these..Let just go eat our lunch now...

Everyone: nae....!

And they all head to their lunch and have fun and talk about a lot of things.


Minho and Yuri goes have their time together.

Yoona and Sehun went to have their bickering some other place.

And so the grandma went to her gardened and take care of her flower leaving Seohyun with Luhan alone in the big house in the living room watching Tv together until Seohyun decide to tell Luhan something.

Seohyun: Luhan, I have something to tell you.

Luhan: nae...what is it?

Seohyun: I want to find my real parent.

Luhan: Huh?

Seohyun: You know..I just found out today with the necklace that umma tell me about it and that I was not their real daughter. My real appa and umma is Shim Changmin and Sooyoung.

Luhan: Really? Are you okay then that you know your not their real child?

Seohyun: I'm okay and happy too. I'm not mad at them or mad at my parent now because they may have their reason why they leave me and their reason why they don't tell me.

Luhan: Seohyun ah, I'm really glad your a good and patient person. I will help you find them.

Seohyun: Really?

Luhan: Nae...

And she happily hug him and he laugh and smile and hug her back...


I feel like this is the longest chapter I have wrote! And I sorry if the part that was suppose to be sad is not sad because I'm not good at how to write sad stuff too. And I hope everyone enjoy this chapter.

Thanks for reading!



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Chapter 25: Aaa I really like it! Ahh cute JooHan and Sweet SeoHan...kekeke
I'm laughing so hard whe the grandma saying ' not for kid' hahaha and also The Grandma Team.LOL
Thanks a lot for tha Story Authornim~~~
Chapter 25: Really like that authornim. please keep writing seohan stories juseyo...
Chapter 25: Daebakk !^^ JooHan Wow Cute Name !^^ BTW TQ For Update Author-nim !^^
GreenDecember #4
Chapter 6: too many Grammar errors...i hope u can improve.(^3^) sorry for the bad comment
Chapter 25: Great story
retaekwtptr #6
good story!!!! i like it (y)
LoveHotStories #7
Thank you so much Author for this wonderful and beautifull story !! ^.^
It's my second time reading it and I can't stop cause it's the only SeoHan story that I found so perfect ❤️
Chapter 25: sequel !!!!!!!!!!!!! please !