Chapter 5

Marriage Because of Money

Seohyun: Um...Why are you beside me? Did you sleep beside me the whole night?

Luhan: Nae..and sorry about that...It because my back hurt sleeping on the ground so I wake up  in the middle of the night and come to sleep beside you. I'm sorry if you were shock seeing me beside you.

Seohyun: It okay. Since were married it okay...And I should be the one who is sorry for making you sleep on the ground instead of the bed and that this bed is also yours.

Luhan: It okay too...

Seohyun: Is your back okay now?

Seohyun ask with a worry face..

Luhan: it a little better now.....

Seohyun: Really?

Luhan: Nae...Don't have to worry...

Seohyun: Okay...

Seohyun and Luhan both dress up and went to eat their breakfast.

Luhan's dad: How are you two? Are you two comfortable and know each other more now?

Luhan: We are getting to know each other more and became more comfortable now...

Luhan's mom: is that so Seohyun?

Seohyun: Nae.......

Seohyun just eat her breakfast quietly while Luhan parent talk together with Luhan. They all finish their breakfast. 

Luhan: I will go to work now Seohyun. I will be back at 5pm.

Seohyun: Nae...

She smile to Luhan and wave goodbye to him as he is entering his car to go to work. 

Luhan's mom: If you miss Luhan just came to visit him at the company. Just told the driver where you want to go and he will take you.

Luhan's dad: Feel free to go anywhere you want. 

Seohyun: Nae......

Seohyun also smile to them and watch them left and then she enter the big house......

Seohyun: There is nothing for me to do so I should help do some chores in this house. The maid should be tire.

Seohyun then went to the back of the house and saw lots of flower there and love how the place was very pretty with flower garden and other thing there. She then saw an old lady there and went to help her pick up the flower that fall on the ground.

Seohyun: I will help you...

Seohyun bend down to pick the flower that was on the ground and give to the old lady.

The grandma: You must be Seohyun right? Luhan my grandson wife?

Seohyun: Nae...Your Luhan's grandma?

Grandma: Nae......I'm glad my grandson marry a nice girl...

Seohyun smile at the grandma....

Seohyun: um...Grandma what are you doing here at the back of this house? 

Grandma: I'm picking up my flower and watering the grass and flower and every plant here..

Seohyun: Do you need help? I can help.

Grandma: I sure do..Would you mind help water those flower for me?

Seohyun: Okay...

Seohyun went to water all the flower the grandma told her to and she was smiling while doing it because she enjoy it. She love the beautiful flower and also want to carefully water them and take good care of them just like the grandma. After that she went back to the grandma.

The grandma: Seohyun, it seem you really like flower?

Seohyun: I do...They are really beautiful and they made this place look very nice too.

Grandma: I'm glad you like them. I'm the one who decide to plant flower here and they belong to me and no one can ever take them without my permission...And you are the first person i let you to help me water and touch these flower..

Seohyun: I felt very special hearing that grandma. Thank you...Is there anything you need?

Grandma: Not anymore...

Seohyun: I will get you some water. I bet you already tire and thirsty right?

Grandma: You sure understand me.

The grandma smile and Seohyun also smile back to her and Seohyun went inside the house to the kicthen and get some water for the grandma.

Seohyun: here grandma your water...

Grandma: Thank you Seohyun ah..You are indeed very beautiful and very kind just like my flower..

Seohyun smile to the grandma...

Seohyun just chat and stay with the grandma the whole morning and also enjoy the time too because the grandma is very fun to be with and Seohyun laugh with her joke and story...

Seohyun: Grandma, it already afternoon, aren't you going to eat?

Grandma: Okay let go eat together then...

Seohyun: Nae.....

Seohyun help the grandma enter the house and they both eat lunch together....The maid saw Seohyun helping and talking happily with the grandma and they all smile because no one have ever be close with the grandma other than her grandson so they knew that the grandma like Seohyun and they were happy too because Seohyun is indeed very kind and she have help do some house chores for the maid too. And she also worry them and treat them nicely because she know she only marry their youngmaster because of money and she felt bad about it.

Then they finish their lunch and the grandma and Seohyun both went to the back of the house again and this time Seohyun was reading for the grandma.

Grandma: Seohyun ah, you really are a good reader and very smart.

Seohyun: Thank you grandma.

She smile to the grandma.

Grandma: I wish I have a daughter like you.

Seohyun: I am your granddaughter already grandma.

Grandma: Okay...Just continue reading..I'm still listening to your reading..

Seohyun: Nae........

Seohyun just finish reading a book for the grandma and she saw that the grandma have fallen asleep so she help her to her bedroom by asking the maid of the house where the grandma room is.

Seohyun: Grandma, I have a nice time with you today. I'm really happy meeting you here as Luhan's grandma and that you accept me to be your granddaughter too. I'm really happpy because I never have a grandma before.

Seohyun put the grandma to bed and cover the grandma with the blanket and went out of the room...And she saw Luhan as she step out of the room..

Luhan: Why are you in my grandma room? 

Seohyun: Ssh...She is sleeping...

Luhan: Oh...

Seohyun and Luhan went away from the grandma room......

Seohyun: Your back from work?

Luhan: Yes...I'm really tire...

Seohyun: Do you want something to drink? I will bring it to you...

Luhan: Sure......

Seohyun went to the kicthen and pour some juice into a cup and bring it to Luhan.

Seohyun: here...

Luhan: Thank you...

Seohyun: Um...May I ask where your parent? Why are they not home when you are too?

Luhan: They still have some unfinish work so i come home first...

Seohyun: oh...

Luhan: So, how your day today?

Seohyun: Really good..I have a good time with grandma..She really nice...

Seohyun smile..

Luhan: I know my grandma is really nice and caring...Thank for being with her today when i'm not around.

Seohyun: it no problem..Oh are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?

Luhan: Um..Sure...

Seohyun: i will go made something for you..

Luhan: Just let the maid prepare it..

Seohyun: I want to help since I have nothing to do..

Luhan: Then let me help you..

Seohyun: Sure........

Seohyun and Luhan went to the kicthen and put on the apron and start to cut vegetable.

Maid: Luhan and Seohyun what are you two doing?

Luhan: Were making dinner together today for everyone so you guy can go rest.

maid: Okay...

Seohyun just cut her vegetable and pepper and do her stuff that she forget about luhan.

Ouch! Luhan yell.

Are you okay Luhan? Seohyun ask as she walk to him.

Luhan: I think I cut my finger.

Seohyun: Let me help you.

Seohyun grab a nakin and put it on his bleeding finger and Luhan just look at Seohyun trying to made the bleeding stop.

Luhan's mind: Why is she keep reminding me of Yoona? She just like her...

Seohyun: I will get a bandage for you..

Seohyun go ask the maid for bandage and they tell her where the bandage are and she went to get it and ran back to Luhan in the kicthen and put the bandage on his finger.

Seohyun: there you go. Okay now Luhan?

Luhan just nodd.

Seohyun: Is there something wrong? Why are you suddenly became quiet?

Luhan: Nothing. I guess you will have to finish making dinner yourself because I cut my hand now..

Seohyun: it okay. I can manage. Just stay away so you won't get hurt again.

She flash Luhan a smile and return to cook.

Luhan then went to sit at the dinning table and think about what just happened.

Luhan: She just like Yoona. Omg I'm going crazy now..Yoona already left me for 2 year now and I still can't forget her. What wrong with me? Why do I always think of her when I'm with Seohyun?

Seohyun finish cooking dinner in the kicthen and she clean everything there and ready to serve the dinner.

maid: Are you done already?

Seohyun: Nae..Would you mind helping me serve this food?

Maid: Okay I don't mind. But you sure are a good cooker and these are a lot of food. Young master Luhan is very lucky to have you as a wife even though it just because of money.

Seohyun smile to the maid and bring the food to the dinning table.

Luhan: Your finish already?

Seohyun: Nae...

Luhan: Need some help?

Seohyun: It okay. Your finger hurt you can just sit there and wait to eat. And just go wash your hand carefully before you ate too...

Luhan: Okay...

Luhan go to wash his hand and Seohyun already finish serving dinner and their parent just came home at the right time for dinner. And seohyun went to the grandma room and took her to the dinning table and join them eating too.

They all then were sit at the dinning table and start eating..

Luhan's dad: Who could the dinner today? it really is yummy!

Luhan: Seohyun did dad.

Luhan's mom: Aw...Seohyun your such a good cooker too. But you don't have to because there are maid to do the job already.

Seohyun: it okay. I have nothing to do and I want to. And shouldn't the maid have some rest too?

Luhan's dad: Okay..Such a good daughter.

Seohyun just smile at Luhan's parent and the grandma and eat her food.

Grandma: Luhan, what happened to your finger?

Luhan: I cut my finger while trying to help Seohyun cook dinner.

Grandma: Does it hurt?

Luhan: It doesn't anymore since my daring wife here help me.

Grandma: Aw.....Seohyun should you help feed some food to Luhan since he cut his finger?

Luhan: i could eat by myself no need for other to feed me grandma.

Grandma: Just let her Luhan she is your wife not anyone..


Seohyun then get some food and feed Luhan and she was smiling while feeding him.

Grandma: two grandson and granddaughter are so sweet!

Luhan's dad: Luhan you should feed her some food too?

Luhan's mom: Do it too Luhan!

Luhan then feed Seohyun some food and she gladly eat it and smile widely after that.

Luhan's mind: is she really happy because were being sweet toward each other just now or is she pretending to?

Seohyun's mind: What is this feeling that I always smile and my heart always beat so fast when he smile to me, touch me, and being very close to me?

They all then finish their dinner and Seohyun help clean the table and wash the dish too..

Then she went to the bedroom and saw an already sleeping Luhan on the bed and she just smile and went to the bathroom and take a bath and came out after that and went to lay down beside Luhan.

Seohyun then turn to face Luhan and observe his face.

Seohyun: he very cute when he asleep.hehehe

Seohyun then poke his cheek and gigle to herself.

Seohyun: I will just sleep now since I'm tire already..

Seohyun get the blanket and cover them with it. There was nothing between Seohyun and Luhan and they were really close to each other too. So Seohyun was nervous but just try to sleep and when she was about to fall asleep Luhan suddenly move closer to her and wrap his arm around her and move his face closer to her.

Seohyun blush and push Luhan away. And he turn the other way so Seohyun turn her back toward him and sleep too. Luhan then again this time hug her from behind with his hand on her waist and very tight hold her and Seohyun just so tire to remove it so she let it be and just slept.

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Chapter 25: Aaa I really like it! Ahh cute JooHan and Sweet SeoHan...kekeke
I'm laughing so hard whe the grandma saying ' not for kid' hahaha and also The Grandma Team.LOL
Thanks a lot for tha Story Authornim~~~
Chapter 25: Really like that authornim. please keep writing seohan stories juseyo...
Chapter 25: Daebakk !^^ JooHan Wow Cute Name !^^ BTW TQ For Update Author-nim !^^
GreenDecember #4
Chapter 6: too many Grammar errors...i hope u can improve.(^3^) sorry for the bad comment
Chapter 25: Great story
retaekwtptr #6
good story!!!! i like it (y)
LoveHotStories #7
Thank you so much Author for this wonderful and beautifull story !! ^.^
It's my second time reading it and I can't stop cause it's the only SeoHan story that I found so perfect ❤️
Chapter 25: sequel !!!!!!!!!!!!! please !