Chapter 12

Marriage Because of Money

Seohyun's mind: Yoona? She is Luhan first love? She back? Why did they have to hug each other loving like that? Why does my heart aches?

Seohyun: I'm Seohyun inminda...

Why are you here too Seohyun? Aren't you busy having fun with Minho and your guy? ask Luhan coldly.

Seohyun: I'm just here to bring you the lunch I make for you but seem like I have disturb you two I will go. 

Seohyun hang Luhan the lunch box and walk out with Yoona standing there confuse on what going on.

Yoona: Who is she Luhan? Why does she bring you lunch? How are you related to her?

Luhan: She my wife you understand now.

Yoona: You didn't wait for me? Your married already?

Luhan: would you mind to go away from my office because I need time to eat and alone and also have work to do. I don't have time to flirt with you.

Yoona: Luhan how can you be so mean? You didn't even wait for me and have already forgot about me when I'm suffering alone loving you alone all over these two year that I have gone.

Luhan: nae...

Yoona: I won't let go of you that easily Luhan. 

With that say Yoona rush out of Luhan office too leaving a piss off and mad Luhan eating the food Seohyun make for him.

Luhan's mind: Seohyun make these for me and even came here to bring it to me but why is she also with some random guy holding his hand and smiling to him? Can't she see that she gonna ruin my family reputation by being with so many man like that? Is she just like any other girl? But why does my heart aches seeing her face just now? Yoona just hug me because she was just so happy to meet me but i didn't hug her back?

Seohyun's mind: Why is there tear falling down from my eyes? Why is my heart aches seeing him with her hugging and being so close like that? Can it really be that I'm inlove with him?

Suddenly Seohyun phone ring and she answer it.

Seohyun: What is it umma? Did something happened?

The mom: Seohyun hurry to the hospital your appa fall down the stair and is uncousious in the ER.

Seohyun: Nae..I will hurry there umma.

Seohyun hang up and quickly got on a taxi and went to the hospital.

Seohyun reaches the hospital and rush to her mom and Minho.

Seohyun: I'm here. What happened umma? Why is appa here?

Mom: calm down Seo. 

Seohyun: nae...

she calm down and wait for her mom to explain everything.

The Mom: me and Minho was watering our plant outside when we heard something loud from inside and we went to look what going on but to our surprise your appa was laying on the ground with some scratch on his head and uncousious so we took him here and call you.

Seohyun: Did appa want something that why he came from upstair and trip and fall down on the stair?

Minho: nae...

Seohyun: Where Yuri unnie?

The mom: your unnie is out wasting money on thing with her friend Seohyun. Thinking about her make me lose hope so much.

Seohyun: oh....

They all then sit there at the chair and wait for the doctor to come out and tell them how the father.

And finally the doctor came out and talk to them.

Doctor: He is fine now he just got some sratch and bleeding on the left side of his head but he still have to been in the hospital for a few day to check on how is condition is first before he could really goes back home. And his health as of right now is very serious too he don't have enough blood and have a weak heart too.

Seohyun: nae..thank you doctor..

Doctor: no problem..and I excuse to go do my work.

Seohyun, the mom, and minho nodd and the doctor went away and they enter the room where the dad was at. Seohyun went directly to him and sit beside him there and cry.

Seohyun: appa, why are you not being careful? What will I do if I lose you appa? 

The dad then wake up and saw Seohyun crying so he wipe her tear.

The Dad: agioo Seohyun ah, don't cry, your not beautiful if you do. Appa is okay now so don't cry anymore. appa promise appa will be very careful and not make you worry anymore.

Seohyun: nae...

Seohyun hug her dad and Minho and the mom also join and they all laugh together hugging each other.

Seohyun and Minho get out of the room.

Seohyun: Minho ah, should I work too so that I could save money to help appa curve his sickness?

Minho: It up to you Seo. But I will gladly help you too.

Seohyun: um...I think I should apply to work here in the hospital too so I can take care of appa here and help these people here in the hospital too.

Minho: That a really good ideas hyunie. I will support you in anything.

Seohyun: nae..thanks Minho. Your really a best friend that I can depend and big help to me. I'm really glad I have such a handsome, kind, and funny friend like you. Your the best!!!

She give a thumb up and smile to him and he blush and laugh.

Minho: hyunie, don't say that I'm blushing now.

Seohyun: hehehe Minho, your so funny acting like that.

Minho: So did Luhan like your food?

Seohyun look down suddenly remember about Luhan.

Seohyun: I don't know. I just give him the food and then goes away after that and came here to the hospital.

Minho: Then you hadn't eaten anything yet right?

Seohyun: nae...

Minho: Let go have some lunch then because it not healthy to skip a meal.

Seohyun laugh and nodd and they both went to lunch together and enjoy it too.

Seohyun and Minho are back and give some snack to her mom and dad and after that Seohyun goes and apply for a job as a nurse or helper here in the hospital and they accept her and want her to work starting from tomorrow and she was really happy about it. She told her mom and dad of her work and they were glad of her.

It was evening and Seohyun was walking to her dad room to give him his dinner she buy for him when she bump into someone.

I'm sorry for not looking and have to bump into you. Seohyun said politely while keep bowing to him.

It Okay. But why are you here Seohyun?

Huh? Dr.Sehun? Is that you? Ask Seohyun.

She raise her head and stop  bowing and look at him and smile to him.

Seohyun: I'm here to visit and give dinner to my appa. He fall off the stair and is here.

Sehun: aah....I hope he will be fine then. Would you mind me going with you to visit him then?

Seohyun: sure...

Sehun: Can you goes to eat dinner with me too then?

Seohyun: um...sure as a friend of you doctor and for worrying about my appa too..

Sehun: nae...

They enter her father room.

Seohyun: Appa, umma, I bought you guy food.

The Mom: Thank Seohyun but you really don't have to.

Seohyun: It okay umma. Are you feeling better now appa?

The Dad: A lot better thank to you my daughter and your beautiful and lovely mother here.

Seohyun: hehehhee Should I left you two alone to be sweet toward each other?

The Dad: um...that would be good too..

Seohyun: hehehe appa your too cute...

Sehun: anyoeng I'm Sehun the doctor who you have a check up with this morning.

The Dad: remember you..Thank for visiting me too..

Sehun: ehehe no problem..are you really okay now? Do you want me to check you?

The Dad: I'm fine can go away with Seohyun now because I'm gonna eat and have my own sweet moment with her mom too.

Sehun: oh nae...

The Mom: yeobo!!!Your old already why still want to be sweet like that? It embarrassing!

Seohyun: We go now appa and umma. I will be back after this.

The mom/dad: nae........

Sehun and Seohyun exist the room laughing together and head to a small dinner area in the hospital and order their food and eat there.

Seohyun: So how your day Dr.Sehun?

Sehun: um..can you just call me Sehun instead?

Seohyun laugh a bit.

Seohyun: sure....

Sehun: And my day is very good being with you now having dinner together.

Seohyun: aw..I must be thankful for that then..

Sehun: hehehe sure...

Seohyun: and maybe we might see each other a lot from now on too..

Sehun: Really? Then it will be very great and I won't mind seeing you everyday.

Seohyun: nae...I'm starting to work here tomorrow as a nurse. Isn't that great?

Sehun: nae...

Seohyun: Sehun ah, I will goes to the comfort room I will be back.

Sehun: sure...

Seohyun get up and went to the comfort room leaving Sehun eating alone himself when suddenly something ring and Sehun check his phone but it not his and then saw that it was Seohyun's phone that was ringing so he pick it up and answer it.

Sehun: Hello?


Sehun: um...Seohyun is not here, you can tell me what you want to tell her and I will tell her about it.

Who are you?

Sehun: I'm her friend.

Are you a guy or a girl?

Sehun: A guy.

Why are you with her?

Sehun: I'm having dinner with her. 

Is that so? Then enjoy please just tell her that Luhan call.

Sehun: sure.....

Luhan hang up and got more mad knowing Seohyun is having dinner with some guy not him and how she didn't even tell him where she is now.

Seohyun came back from the comfort room.

Sehun: Seohyun ah, there someone just call you and he say he is Luhan.

Seohyun: oh..I will just call him back after this..

Sehun: Do you mind if I ask who is him?

Seohyun was about to answer Sehun but her phone ring again and she answer and it was her parent asking her to goes back and she agree and they boh finish their dinner and Seohyun went back to her father room and talk to them while Sehun already leave.

Seohyun: I will stay here the whole night taking care of you appa with umma too.

The Mom: But seo, aren't you going home because I'm sure Luhan and everybody is worry about you.

Seohyun: It okay umma. I will just call home to told them where I am so they won't be mad and worry.

The Mom: okay..

The Dad: Thank for helping your umma taking care of me Seohyun my daughter. I as your father feel so ashamed that I alway depend on my child when I'm in trouble but you never complain and do everything I told you. I'm really glad I have you as a daughter too.

Seohyun: nae appa. I'm happy to be you and umma daughter too and don't feel like that appa, I'm your daughter so I should obey and do everything you want because your the one who raise me and give a life to me.

Dad: nae...

The dad pat Seohyun head and Seohyun smile to him while the mom have tear drop from her eye looking at Seohyun being so kind and such a good daughter.

Seohyun: Appa, you should go to sleep now it late.

Dad: two can sleep now too okay?

Seohyun: we will after you fall asleep and I still have to call too.

dad: nae...

The dad close his eye and began to fall asleep while the mom is arranging place for Seohyun and her to sleep and Seohyun is in the restroom trying to call Luhan but no one answer so she give up and decide to just text him where she is but got no reply too so she just ignore it now and went out.

Seohyun: umma, let sleep too I'm tire too.

Mom: nae...

They both fall asleep.

The next day Seohyun woke up and ask the doctor to do a check up on her father and she went to buy food for her parent and after that she went home.

Seohyun went directly to her and Luhan room and found him getting ready for work and she just smile at him and proceed to get her clothes and towel and gonna went to the bathroom to take a bath when Luhan grab her wrist and stop her.

Seohyun: Luhan ah, what are you doing stopping me from going to take a bath and holding my wrist like that?

Luhan: Where did you goes all night? Did you goes sleep around? Don't you know that your a married women and have to act like one not going all night out with a guy? Are you really just like any or other girl and not what I think your really is? I was worry about you yestersday and you didn't even bother to call me back, tell me where you are, and when i decide to call you, you are with a guy late at night having dinner, what does that suppose to mean? I really thought wrong of you and I feel very disgust with you and hate you now.

Seohyun slap Luhan as tear drop down from her face.

Seohyun: How can you insult me like that?! I was just having dinner with him like a friend not like you who is hugging a girl in your office infront of my eyes. And I did call you back and text you but your not even answering it and now your assuming me thing and blame me like that. I hate you too!

Luhan: Then why didn't you come home if your only have dinner with him? At least I didn't goes out all night like you. And remember that girl is my first love and you have no right to  be jealous or anything because we are only married because of money not love and I hope you can understand that and don't interfer my time with girls.

Seohyun: Right we are only married because of money and don't worry I won't be jealous or interfer with your life and I will work hard to earn enough money to pay you back so I can goes away from your life and leave you happy with your girl.

Luhan: good then..I will goes to work now...

Luhan let go of her and went out of the room and Seohyun enter the bathroom and cry there and after that she take a bath and went out to work too without eating any breakfast. And the grandma and parent confuse of what happened between them and why they are like that now.






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Chapter 25: Aaa I really like it! Ahh cute JooHan and Sweet SeoHan...kekeke
I'm laughing so hard whe the grandma saying ' not for kid' hahaha and also The Grandma Team.LOL
Thanks a lot for tha Story Authornim~~~
Chapter 25: Really like that authornim. please keep writing seohan stories juseyo...
Chapter 25: Daebakk !^^ JooHan Wow Cute Name !^^ BTW TQ For Update Author-nim !^^
GreenDecember #4
Chapter 6: too many Grammar errors...i hope u can improve.(^3^) sorry for the bad comment
Chapter 25: Great story
retaekwtptr #6
good story!!!! i like it (y)
LoveHotStories #7
Thank you so much Author for this wonderful and beautifull story !! ^.^
It's my second time reading it and I can't stop cause it's the only SeoHan story that I found so perfect ❤️
Chapter 25: sequel !!!!!!!!!!!!! please !