Chapter 6

Marriage Because of Money

The Grandma: Luhan and Seohyun I want to go out and relax for the day, can you two goes with me?

Seohyun: Sure..I can go with you Grandma but Luhan have work.

Luhan: It okay Grandma I can go..

The Grandma: Then let go get ready and go relax at the park.

Seohyun: nae...

Seohyun goes into the kicthen and prepare some snack and food while Luhan get the picnic thing to sit on at the park and then they get in the car and goes to the park.

Seohyun: Grandma we are here. I will help you goes there.

The Grandma: What about our stuff?

Seohyun: Luhan can carry it right Luhan?

Luhan: nae..Grandma you and Seohyun can go first I will get our thing and follow behind.

The Grandma: Okay...

Luhan and Seohyun and the grandma reach at a place near the lake at the park and sit down there and relax.

Seohyun just sit down and look at the kid playing around and smile remembering how she use to be like them when she was little. Luhan and the grandma look at her and both also smile.

The grandma: I also want to have a grandchild too.

Luhan: What do you mean by that grandma?

The Grandma: You know what I want Luhan.

The grandma give a smile to Luhan and Luhan blush knowing what she mean.

The Grandma: Right Seohyun, you can give me a grandchild right?

Seohyun was still focus on the kid and smile that she forgot what the grandma say and just answer: nae...

The Grandma: See, Seohyun agree...

Luhan: She does?

The Grandma: Don't you hear what she justn say?

Luhan: Nae...I do...

Luhan was smiling evilly to himself while the grandma just wanna laugh at him and Seohyun who don't even know what they are saying but answer them yes.

Then some of the grandma friend come to their place there and talk to the grandma and both Luhan and Seohyun left them to talk together and went a little far from the grandma them but still there at the lake.

Seohyun then grab some rock and throw it into the lake.

Luhan: You are really good at throwing rock...

Seohyun: nae...I use to come to these kind of park when I was little and throw rock into the lake like this with my friend.

Luhan: oh....

They both just sit there and keep throwing rock into the lake and smile at the sight of how beautiful the lake is and how there are so many bird there. Then a kid come to them.

Seohyun: WHat do you want little guy?

Seohyun smile to him as he grab Seohyun shirt to make her turn to him.

The little boy: um...there a guy over there at the hill beside the big tree there want to talk to you.

Seohyun: oh..Okay..Thank for letting me know you can go now..

She smile and pinch the kid cheek and the kid run away.

Seohyun: Luhan would you mind if I go meet that guy?

Luhan: um..sure...

Seohyun: thank you...

With that say Seohyun stand up and run up the hill to the tree and meet the guy there and Luhan also got up and take a walk around the park.

Seohyun: Minho? Is that you?

Minho: nae....

Seohyun: Why do you want to meet me here?

Minho: I just miss you Seohyun..

Seohyun: Oh...How you doing? 

Minho: I'm good Seo. What about you?

Seohyun: I'm really good too Minho.

Minho: They didn't torture or hurt you right?

Seohyun: nae....

Then Minho pull her into a hug and she just hug him back since he is her friend since little and know he worry about her. Luhan was then passing by the hill and saw the scene and look at them for a while and then walk away to the bench and sit down.

Yuri: Oh Luhan your here too? Is Seohyun my sister here with you too?

Luhan: nae...

Yuri: You still remember me right?

Luhan: nae..your Seohyun older sister..

Yuri: Can I sit here with you too?

Luhan: um..sure...

Yuri then take a sit beside him and give him a loving stare but he feel uncomfortable about it but them just don't show it and decide to ask Yuri some question about Minho and Seohyun.

Luhan: um Yuri shi, can I ask you something?

Yuri: sure...

Luhan: What is Seohyun and Minho relationship? They seem really close....

Yuri's mind: I thought he gonna ask about me but only Minho and Seohyun. SHould I give bad information to him then? Yep I should! Hahaha!

Yuri: Oh them....They are bestfriend since they were little and I think they like each other but since Seohyun got to married you so they can't confess their feeling to each other.

Luhan: oh....

Yuri: Luhan, if you don't mind you, we can have some lunch together and get to know each other more too and I might help you understand my sister more...

Luhan: um..Sure...

Yuri: When will you have time then?

Luhan: um...any day you want Yuri. Just call me..

Yuri: Then Can I get your number phone then?

Luhan: um...sure...

He give his number to Yuri and Yuri also give her to him and after that she left him alone and went away happily that she got his number and have a chance to go on a lunch date with him. Luhan just sit there still and thinking about Seohyun and Minho.

Seohyun: Minho, i got to go now luhan is waiting for me.

Minho: nae...

Seohyun then give him a hug again and leave him after that to find Luhan.

Seohyun: Luhan?

Luhan: Yes Seohyun?

Seohyun: oh...Why are you there? I thought your still at the place I left you?

Luhan: I remember someone from I'm little by being here so I came to this bench where I met her.

Seohyun: oh..Is she your first love?

Luhan: no..But she the first girl who capture my heart...

Seohyun: oh..I also met someone here too...

Luhan: Is he also your first love?

Seohyun: no...But I he also capture my hear too.

Luhan: guess we have the same story..

Seohyun: nae....

Luhan: Should we go back to Grandma? Maybe she looking for us now?

Seohyun: sure...

They both get up from the bench and goes back to their grandma and when they were back there the grandma scold them for leaving her alone and they just say sorry to her and they start to eat the food Seohyun prepare for them to eat for lunch time.

Luhan: Your food are very delicious Seohyun.

Seohyun: Thank you..

She smile to Luhan.

The Grandma: Seohyun, I'm glad Luhan married you who is someone really kind.

Seohyun: nae...

Seohyun also smile to the grandma and help give her food and feed her while Luhan just look at them and smile.

Luhan's mind: Do I have a chance then? And since we are married I can make her fall for me instead of being with Minho right? But am I too cruel if I do that? But why do I want to make her mind for real? Can it be I'm falling for her already? It can't be right? I still love Yoona right?

Seohyun: um...Luhan?

Wave her hand infront of his face..

Luhan: huh?

Seohyun: Grandma want to take a walk around here so I'm gonna take her to walk around here exercise and enjoy her time. And can you bring our sutff back to the car.

Luhan: sure...

Luhan clean all of the stuff and then carry them to the car and Seohyun just take the grandma to walk around the park and tell the grandma her story when she is little and use to come here in the park and play.

The grandma just smile hearing her story and enjoy the view of the lake and the park and the kid who are playing around and running around. ANd then Luhan came running to them and help the grandma too walk around the park.

Seohyun: Grandma, I think it getting late now, we should go home now...

The Grandma:sure...

Luhan and Seohyun both hold the grandma and walk to the car but then Seohyun saw a kid in the middle of the road gonna get hit by a car and yell so Luhan run to the girl and get her and they both fall on the sidewalk and Seohyun left the grandma at Luhan car and went to them.

Seohyun: Luhan, are you Okay? Little girl, are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere? Why are you in the middle of the road like that?

The Girl: um...I want to crossed the road but I don't know how..I'm sorry unnie for making you worry and for your husband to help me and get hurt like that.

Seohyun: it okay now since your okay...

The giril: nae..unnie, I will go now my daddy is calling for me now..Byebye!!!

Seohyun: okay...Byebye!

Seohyun and the kid wave goodbye to each other and she run to her dad and Seohyun then look at Luhan and help him stand up and walk to the car.

Seohyun: Luhan, are you okay?

Luhan: I'm fine Seohyun..

Seohyun: Thank for saving her..

Luhan: nae..But why are you so worry?

Seohyun: it because I don't want to see anyone getting hit by a car and died infront of me..

Luhan: oh....

The grandma: Luhan dear, are you okay?

Luhan: I'm very fine now grandma..Let go home now...

The grandma: nae...

They all get in the car and drive home. The grandma get out and went inside the house and Seohyun carry the stuff and went inside and put them away and Luhan just follow behind. Then the grandma went to her room and rest and Seohyun goes to Luhan and see if he got any where of him hurt.

The maid: Luhan, your bleeding on your elbow?

Luhan: oh...

The maid: I will go get you some bandage..

Luhan: it okay..I will go myself..

The maid: no..I will..

Luhan: okay..

Luhan then sit down on the sofa in the big living room and the maid rush to get the bandage and then run back but she bump into Seohyun and Seohyun ask what wrong and the maid told her about Luhan and she get the banage thing from the maid and went to Luhan and help him instead.

Luhan: Seohyun, where the maid, why are you holding that instead?

Seohyun: i told the maid I will help you instead. Why are you lying your okay when your bleeding like this?

Luhan: I'm sorry..I just don't want to trouble you..

Seohyun: you are not Luhan. Your my husband and if your hurt it my job to take care of you. Please just tell if your hurt anywhere when accident like this happened to me okay because I will be worry if something bad happened to you?

Luhan: um..okay...

Seohyun then went to sit down beside him and start cleaning his wound and he just look at her worry face while cleaning his wound and he smile because she was cute and beautiful even though she is very worry and also happy that she is caring for him.

Seohyun: there! It better now..

Luhan: Thank you Seohyun..

Seohyun smile.

Seohyun: no problem..

Their face was only inches away from each other and they both stare at each other deeply and Luhan then lean closer to her and she didn't even move but look at him and close her eye when he was about to kiss her.

The Grandma: Oop! Sorry for disturbing you two..But there the bedroom don't do those stuff here. Hehehe..I better go now..

Luhan and Seohyun both blush and turn awaya from each other and smile secretly. And the grandma ran back to her bedroom.

Seohyun: um...I better go help make dinner now. Luhan you can rest here and I will call you when dinner is ready.

Luhan: um..nae....

Seohyun went to help serve the dinner for everyone and then call everyone to eat and go help Luhan to the dinning table and eat.

The grandma: I guess I don't have to wait a lot more longer since you two seem to um....? hehehehe!

Luhan and Seohyun both choke on what they were eating..And the parent just laugh and continue eating..

Then they all finish their dinner and both Seohyun and Luhan went to their bedroom and take a bath.

Luhan: um...goodnight Seohyun..

Seohyun: um...Wait! Where are you sleeping?

Luhan: on the sofa. Why?

Seohyun: it can sleep on the bed too..I don't mind..

Luhan: nae...

Luhan and Seohyun both lay down on the bed with their back facing each other and turn off the light and then Seohyun drift to sleep while Luhan was still thinking about lot of thing when Seohyun turn around to him and he was surprise at her action. She move closer to him and then sleep on his arm and he smile and she also wrap her hand onto his waist and he smile and then hug her back and sleep too.

Luhan's mind: I wish this night will never end so I will alway have you in my arm and sleep and hug you happily like this forever...

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Chapter 25: Aaa I really like it! Ahh cute JooHan and Sweet SeoHan...kekeke
I'm laughing so hard whe the grandma saying ' not for kid' hahaha and also The Grandma Team.LOL
Thanks a lot for tha Story Authornim~~~
Chapter 25: Really like that authornim. please keep writing seohan stories juseyo...
Chapter 25: Daebakk !^^ JooHan Wow Cute Name !^^ BTW TQ For Update Author-nim !^^
GreenDecember #4
Chapter 6: too many Grammar errors...i hope u can improve.(^3^) sorry for the bad comment
Chapter 25: Great story
retaekwtptr #6
good story!!!! i like it (y)
LoveHotStories #7
Thank you so much Author for this wonderful and beautifull story !! ^.^
It's my second time reading it and I can't stop cause it's the only SeoHan story that I found so perfect ❤️
Chapter 25: sequel !!!!!!!!!!!!! please !