Chapter 14

Marriage Because of Money

Seohyun: Don't you know how to knock Luhan?

Luhan: Sorry...But don't have to be embarrassed because I already saw everything too.

Seohyun became more embarrassed so she get her clothes and goes to the bathroom and change while Luhan just sit there at the sofa waiting for her.

Luhan's mind: why is she ignoring me now? Why is she being do sweet toward that Sehun guy but not me?

Seohyun's mind: why does he have to mention seeing me? Aish! So embarrassing!

Luhan: Yah! Hurry come out I'm gonna take a bath too.

Seohyun: okay...

Seohyun goes out of the bathroom and Luhan goes in and then the grandma come to their room and talk to Seohyun.

Seohyun: Grandma, do you need something? 

Grandma: No I don't need anything but I want to talk to both of you.

Seohyun: Luhan is in the shower.

Grandma: Then I will just tell you this then..

Seohyun: sure...

Grandma: I decide to make you and Luhan live together alone in a house I just bought so you two could know each other more and get closer and solve you guy problem and want to see if you and Luhan agree with that.

Luhan: Okay we will move out to live in that house.

Grandma: Good then. How about you Seohyun?

Seohyun look at Luhan and then answer: I'm fine with it grandma. When will we move out then?

Grandma: Tomorrow...

Luhan: Isn't it too fast grandma?

Grandma: No it not...

Seohyun: okay...

The grandma then went out.

Seohyun: Luhan, can you wear something first?

Luhan look at himself and nodd and smile then goes get his clothes and wear it infront of Seohyun which she was shock why he suddenly just change don't even minding Seohyun was there.

Luhan: I'm done changing now...

Seohyun: oh...

Luhan: Can I talk to you?

Seohyun: What is there to talk about?

Luhan: Why are you being so sweet with that guy Sehun? I'm your husband but you alway be sweet to me when your told only but with that guy you just did it without being told by anyone.

Seohyun: Well it because he a good person with a kind heart and a friend to me. And did you forget something Luhan? Your the one who say we are married because of money and you never love me so why are you saying that I'm not being sweet to you but just told to? And your also very lovey dovey with Yoona too so don't complain me being with Sehun.

Luhan: But?

Seohyun: I'm going to sleep now..Goodnight...

Seohyun went to lay on the bed and face her back toward Luhan and close her eye.

Seohyun: Please turn off the light when you goes to sleep.

Luhan: aish!

Luhan turn off the light and went to sleep beside Seohyun and hug her from behind which surprise her so she turn to face him.

Seohyun: Why are you sleeping here and hugging me like that?

Luhan: So? It our bed for us to sleep and your my wife whether it because of money or what but I have the right to touch and do everything to you.

He wink and smile at her.

Seohyun: eeh?

Luhan: Just sleep or else I will do more than this...

Seohyun shut and try turning away but he just pull her closer to him facing him.

Luhan: Just let sleep facing each other like this I want to see your sleeping face and goodnight..

Seohyun just look at him and then fall asleep while he smiling happily that he got to hug her so close to him to sleep.

Luhan's mind: grandma your the best! I will have all the time with her then when we live together alone ahahha. And I will make sure your wish come true or not?

It was morning and Seohyun wake up so she got up and get ready to go to work when Luhan suddenly hug her from behind which surprise her.

Luhan: Morning Seohyun ah, but where are you going? Aren't we suppose to move our stuff here to our new house that we gonna live alone today?

Seohyun: um...Luhan, why are you hugging me like that? Can you please let go first?

Luhan: oh..sorry...It was my morning hug for you but seem like you don't like it..

Seohyun: I'm going to work..

Luhan: Call off today and you can go tomorrow because we are gonna be busy today.

Seohyun: But?

Luhan: Are you really just gonna go to work or to flirt with that guy?

Seohyun: I'm not going to flirt with him when me and him are just friend?

Luhan: Then stay home and let get all these stuff done today. Just one day off is okay right unless you miss him so much that you can't stay and want to go to work to see him?

Seohyun: um..okay then...

Seohyun call that she can't come to work which Sehun was sad about it since he will not be seeing her today and Luhan was smiling happily knowing Seohyun will be with him the whole day packing their stuff to move to their own house.

Grandma: Seohyun ah, the house is just a few block away from your parent house and it the most beautiful, tall, and perfect house there.

Seohyun: Okay..I will tell Luhan how we can find it then..

Grandma: Minho also know where the house is so you two can ask him to lead you guy there when you two goes pass his house.

Seohyun: nae...

Luhan: Are we done packing our stuff yet Seohyun?

Seohyun: I'm done with everything Luhan except you who is just watching tv and not helping.

Luhan: Then let get those stuff in the car and goes there now.

Seohyun: okay...

They both put all their stuff in his car and drive to Minho house and ask him to take them there to their new house and finally they got there and start getting their thing out and into the new house and Minho give them their house key and everything and he leave after that. Luhan and Seohyun are now inside their house wondering around and looking at everywhere in the house and the backyard too.

Seohyun: This is my dream house. How did grandma find such a beautiful house like this for us?

Luhan: It because grandma is smart and is like you too who like these kind of house.

Seohyun: oh....

Luhan: Let goes unpack our stuff?

Seohyun: nae..but how many bedroom are there?

Luhan: is the guest room and the other is our bedroom.

Seohyun: Can't I just sleep in the guest room?

Luhan: noo...And why do you want to sleep in the guest room too? Are you scare of me?

Seohyun: um.....I just thought it will be better if we sleep in separate room and why would I be scare of my own husband?

Luhan: good then....

Both Seohyun and Luhan organize their thing into their room and was happy with the result and now they are docorating the living room.

Seohyun: Luhan, can you put this picture frame up there?

Luhan: Um..sure...

Luhan step on the chair and put the picture to it place and then smile to Seohyun when he finish and was gonna jump down when Seohyun accidently let go of the hold of the chair Luhan was standing on and they both fall on the ground and Luhan was on top of her and their lip touch which make them shock.

Seohyun: Um...Luhan?

Luhan: Let stay like this for a while...

Seohyun: what?!

Luhan roll over and now seohyun was ontop of him and then he kiss her passionate which just make her frozen and shock so much why he did that.

Minho open the door.

Minho: Oop! Did I disturb you two?

Seohyun quickly push Luhan down and got up and went to Minho and Luhan slowly got up.

Seohyun: um.....What do you want Minho? And why don't you knock first?

Minho: I just bring you two some food for lunch and I did knock but you two were so into that kiss thingy so you two didn't hear it so I decide to open the door myself since it unlock and saw you two being so sweet like that. 

Seohyun: aish! Thank you then bestfriend!

Minho: Grandma gonna be happy if I tell her what I saw. Hehehhe! Gotta go now Seohyun and Luhan. You two can continue..

Seohyun blush madly while Luhan just smile widely and smirking.

Luhan: I like your friend Minho. He not like any guy that gonna get in the way but a supportive and protective person.

Seohyun look at Luhan from head to toe with a weird look.

Seohyun: Are you gay?

Luhan: What?! No!!! 

Seohyun: Then why did you say you like Minho?

Luhan: I say I like him like a brother and maybe a good friend to me.

Seohyun: um...okay..?

Seohyun went inside and set the food in the kicthen and finish putting up their thing.

Luhan: I'm hungry! Let go eat!

Seohyun: okay....

Seohyun and Luhan both sit down and start eating the food Minho bought them.

Luhan: These food are so yummy! Where did he buy it?

Seohyun: he make it he didn't buy it.

Luhan: Wow!

Luhan: I'm done eating. I will goes out for a while with Yoona.

Seohyun's mind: He say for me to call off my work and move these stuff but why is he going with Yoona after this too?

Seohyun: um..sure...

Luhan: Don't goes anywhere you!

Seohyun: I have no where to go.

Luhan: good then..I will goes now...

Seohyun: nae...

Luhan kiss Seohyun cheek and goes to the door and wave goodbye to her and blow a kiss to her and left after that and all those thing make Seohyun confuse.

Seohyun's mind: Why is he suddenly became so sweet and weird like that? Isn't it that he was still mad at me because of the other day ago? He making me feel weird but why is my heart beating so fast when he give me a kiss and blow kiss like that?

Luhan's mind: I decide now that I won't let go of her even when the debt end because i think I love her now and I will fight for her. I will goes talk to Yoona about all these thing and end thing between us. 

On the phone:

Minho: Grandma, do you know what i saw?

Grandma: What?

Minho: I saw hehehe Luhan and Seohyun kissing passionately when I accidently open the door.

Grandma: Wah! then this ideas of them living together is really good then..

Minho: Yep!

Grandma: How about our plan tonight? Are we gonna do it?

Minho: Of course grandma! 

Grandma: good then..Come pick me up later and don't dare spoil our plan or I will kill you.

Minho: nae...But grandma your old now, are you sure you can climb up their house and scare them or whatever it is like that?

Grandma: ehem! Choi Minho this grandma make look old and weak but she is 100% stronger than you thought. We can battle first to prove it.

Minho: thank grandma..I will believe you is better..

Grandma: prepare for tonight..I think it will be the funniest night ever.

Minho: nae..byebye grandma!

Grandma: byebye lovely minmin!

Minho: hehehe!

They both hang up and Minho went out to buy thing to prepare for his and the grandma plan tonight on how they gonna scare Luhan and Seohyun them.


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Chapter 25: Aaa I really like it! Ahh cute JooHan and Sweet SeoHan...kekeke
I'm laughing so hard whe the grandma saying ' not for kid' hahaha and also The Grandma Team.LOL
Thanks a lot for tha Story Authornim~~~
Chapter 25: Really like that authornim. please keep writing seohan stories juseyo...
Chapter 25: Daebakk !^^ JooHan Wow Cute Name !^^ BTW TQ For Update Author-nim !^^
GreenDecember #4
Chapter 6: too many Grammar errors...i hope u can improve.(^3^) sorry for the bad comment
Chapter 25: Great story
retaekwtptr #6
good story!!!! i like it (y)
LoveHotStories #7
Thank you so much Author for this wonderful and beautifull story !! ^.^
It's my second time reading it and I can't stop cause it's the only SeoHan story that I found so perfect ❤️
Chapter 25: sequel !!!!!!!!!!!!! please !