Christmas Special : Key-Amber (Chapter 27)

Suddenly In Love

Amber’s POV

                “Yo, Kim Kibum!” I greeted as soon as I saw Key walking towards me. He was wearing a bright pink jacket with black pattern and a pale pink shirt beneath, which pretty much stands out in the crowd, very Diva Key style. “You’re late. How can you make a girl wait for you?”

                He laughed and gave a light punch on my right arm, “You’re not even a girl.”

                I can’t help but blink at his statement. “I’m still a girl inside, you know,” I defended myself.

                “I know, you just don’t look like one,” he gave me a look and I hit him by his head lightly. He rubbed his head and stuck his tongue at me. I quietly sigh, despite I was smirking to him.

                “Whatever, dude,” I turned around and walked away. “I don’t have much time, so hurry!”



                “What do you think of this?” I asked him while showing him a mini Christmas tree.

                “It’s good,” he nodded. “For who anyway?”

                I groaned and rolled my eyes. “Seriously, were you even listening? It’s the third time already whenever I asked your opinion, you actually didn’t know who am I giving it to. And I even already told you who I am going to give it to.”

                “Sorry,” he shrugged.

                “Is there anything bothering you right now?” I asked him, putting down the Christmas tree I held before.

                He shrugged again. “I don’t even know what’s bothering me right now.”

                “Weirdo,” I knocked his head. “Let’s just have fun for now. So how about this for Luna?” I showed him the Christmas tree and he shook his head.

                “I don’t think Luna would like that Christmas tree,” he replied and I gave him a smile.

                “Now you’re talking!”


Key’s POV

                I silently sigh. Right, I better have fun with her now. Kim Kibum, get your head straight!

                “Yah, what about this one?” Amber lifted a fat santa pillow.

                “For Luna?” I asked and she nodded. “Excellent!”

                “Great!” she walked to the cashier and asked the cashier to wrap it.

                My eyes travelled around the shop until I saw a very interesting bracelet. I walked closer to the rack and examined the bracelet carefully. It was a pair bracelet, one black and one white. Perfect! I bought the pair of bracelets and paid it in the counter.

                “What did you buy? For who? Let me see, let me see!” Amber beamed and I pulled away the bracelet.

                “I’m not showing this for anyone,” I said and stuck out my tongue.

                “Even the cashier?” she chuckled.

                “Except the cashier,” I said and pushed her away. “Go, I want to pay.”

                “Yah, why can’t I look?” she whined, but still went away.


                Now here we are, standing in the bus station, waiting for our respective buses.

                “So you got all your presents?” she spoke up.

                I nodded. “Did you?”

                “Of course I did!” she beamed and I smiled. “Yah, Bum! Why are you so quiet today?” she poked my side.

                “I am?”

                “You are.”

                I shrugged at her reply.

                “This is pointless,” she groaned. “Let’s go,” she grabbed me by my hand and pulled me into a juice shop. We took a seat facing each other and she ordered some alcoholic drinks. “Spill,” she ordered herself an orange juice and a strawberry juice for me, as always. I sighed. This time, I didn’t keep it silent. I really really made a heavy sounded sigh.

                “Have you ever liked someone, Amber?” I asked blankly, without even looking at her.


Amber’s POV

                My eyes grew wide at Key’s question.

                “Pfft, what kind of question is that?” I scoffed at his question and took a sip of my orange juice. He didn’t reply so I sighed. It means he really wanted an answer. I gulped before answering in a veeerrryyy low voice, “I have.”

                “Really?” he stared at his cup of strawberry juice. “And what happened?”

                “What do you want to know exactly?” I sighed and he sighed too. This time we’re like having a sighing competition. Whoever able to let out a sigh the loudest wins! Ding-ding!

                “What happened to the two of you?” he stated the clearer version of his question earlier.

                “He’s my childhood friend and my first love,” I cleared my throat awkwardly. “It’s not like I have many crushes, so yeah. He’s nice and everything. But because I am a…,” I shrugged, “tomboy since I was young, so he only thought of me as a…sister. Or a brother. It wasn’t really clear,” I laughed at my own statement.

                “Then do you have anyone you liked now?”

                I gulped at the question. I took my cup and drank another sip. “Why are you asking silly questions, dude?” I tried to loosen up the atmosphere, which was getting a bit hot for me.

                “Just want to know,” he kept on staring his cup.

                “Maybe,” I said in the lowest voice I could. “But it’s just a simple crush,” I laughed it off.

                “And does that guy like you back?”

                “Why are you interrogating me, mister?”

                He didn’t answer.

                “Fine. I don’t know,” I leaned to my chair and crossed my arms. He finally looked up and stared at my eyes. Everything became more and more nervous-ing.

                “Do I know the guy you like?”

                “Pfft,” I scoffed again and his stare became more intense. “Yes,” I mumbled.

                “How long did you know him?”

                “Not long, I guess,” I shrugged, getting more uncomfortable at the atmosphere.

                “How do you end up with a conclusion that you like this guy?”

                “We hang out a lot lately, and every time I hang out with him I feel happy. I feel happy whenever I hang out with anyone, but the feeling’s just different. He’s a lousy guy, but I still found myself comfortable around him. He never treated me like a girl, and I always feel bad because of it. He’s such a… mom, nagging all the time, but still is fun to be with. He’s also the most feminine guy I had ever known, but that’s what interesting about him, I guess,” I laughed at my last sentence. “Oh! And he is the only guy which I found dashing, even in pink jacket and pink shirt at the same time,” I added.

                “That’s it. I found out my answer!” he beamed and stood up, smirking at me. He grabbed me by my hand and pulled me outside. “Wait, I forgot my juice,” he let go of my hand and went back in. He went out sipping his juice happily and took me by my hand again. It’s not the first time we held hand, but this time it feels… different.

                We went back to the bus station and he kept on holding my hand.

                “Uh… Bum,” I said as I tried to struggle off his grip, but he didn’t let my hand go.


                I glued my lips together, didn’t say any more words, even when my bus came, he got in the bus and kept on pulling me with him. This is not his bus, and I wanted to remind him. But seeing his expression, I’d rather shut up and let him do anything he wants.

                We got off the bus as soon as we reached the bus stop near my apartment. We kept on walking hand in hand, side by side and I could hear my heart was beating unevenly. Hard to admit, that maybe I have a tiny little crush on this almighty diva, Kim Kibum, who will never like me back.

                As soon as we arrived in front of my apartment, I tried to struggle his grip off my hand once again. But he still didn’t let go. I gave him a look and he only smiled.

                “Kim Kibum, what are you doing?” I finally spoke up. And he decided to -finally, let go. He then took his hand to his jacket’s pocket and suddenly showing me a white beaded bracelet. He pulled my hand once again and then put on the bracelet on my wrist. “Yah, yah, Kim Kibum!”

                Once he was done, he showed me his own wrist, which was covered with his jacket’s sleeve before. He was wearing the exact same bracelet, but different color.

                “We have same bracelets now,” he beamed happily.


                “We have couple bracelets now,” he added and I just gave him a look. “Now go in, it’s cold.”

                For the first time, he was actually treating me like… a girl.            

                “Are you sick?” I asked him while giving him another weird look.

                “I’m healthy. You’re the girl, so you better go in now. I don’t want you to be sick, especially when you’re going back to the States tomorrow,” he said and my eyes grew wide. Did he just call me a girl?

                “Okay, I’m going,” I said as I turned myself away from him.

                “I’m kinda into you, Amber Liu,” he said in English and I could feel my cheeks turned red. I pretended not to hear him, and just dashed off the scene. I went inside my apartment and closed the door. Leaning to the door, his words echoed through my mind and I just smiled to myself.


Key’s POV

                I know that she heard it. No doubt.

                I smiled to myself, glancing to the window of the seventh floor, the room where Amber stayed at, and then I walked away. But suddenly I heard a voice called my name.

                It was Amber. She ran towards me and gave me a small box.

                “Open it when it’s Christmas. It’s my Christmas present for you. Don’t open it before Christmas, okay?” she commanded and I gave her a salute.

                “Got it, Miss Liu!”

                She laughed at my action, and so did I.






i dont know how did i come up with this >< but hope you guys like it <3 ^^

next, Onew-Luna's special chapter ! ^^/

thank you <3

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check out my new fic, feauturing EXO : Learning How to Love ^^/


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Chapter 43: I definitely enjoyed my time reading this story! It was so well thought out & just amazing honestly. The last chapter could've brought me to tears. I was so happy for Minho & Krystal and I pretty much jumped from joy because of the Kai & Yoona scene ahhhhh ♡
jungsister #2
Chapter 8: i really love this story haha daebaak! ithis is my fav ff. thankyou so much for making this ff. i wait for your next story
risantiica #3
Chapter 30: omoooo jinki so asdcasdfghjklaaajsgrirj >,<
Chapter 46: ohh yaay ouo
Chapter 44: PINK! Haha ohmygod I can't imagine a man wearing pink tux on his wedding-_-
Normally its black or white.
I love Key in white!
Haha, and nice ending for keyber
kachan08 #6
Chapter 44: Ahhh nice ending.. Sweet.. How I wish I can see them all get married as the epilogue but this will do.. Can't wait for ur next mintal story..
Chapter 44: ohmagod. don't wear pink, key XD
Chapter 43: This is really sweet. Though I don't ship kaiyoon, it's still cute xD and the keyber couple, you should make a little sequel.

And and I can't imagine the lunew wedding xD full with chicken XD

And omooo minstal is so sweet. But they are old already XD
MinSoojung #9
Chapter 43: minho so sweet :))
dee2dazee #10
Chapter 43: Wow it's finished. That was a great story, love it :) I like the epilogue, always love marriages :p thanks for writing this fiction ^^