Chapter 11

Suddenly In Love


Krystal’s POV

                Minho opened his car door for me and I got in his passenger seat, then he walked to the driver’s seat. I looked outside the window and lost in my thoughts. I can’t help it. Since Mr. Kim’s class, I was thinking about last night… where I put myself in a decision, telling him to go away so that I can know about myself, my own feelings. So here I am, in his car, half regretting my decision to give up, but yet at the same time feeling comfortable being in the same car with him. I never even think that I can fall in love with someone that fast… that… sudden.

                Oh, wait, I shouldn’t call it ‘love’ yet. I should call it ‘interest’. I know I won’t fall for someone that easy, especially when I know he didn’t even make a move. I let out a sigh and looked at Minho, who is driving, but I can feel at the same time he was glancing at me.

                “Just focus on your driving,” I said, and he murmured some ‘sorry’ word.

                And it was silence once again for us. Silence maybe is our friend, we don’t talk much around each other. See? This is why I don’t believe it if I actually would fall for him.

                OH, and wait again. I know what’s wrong with me, I’m not in love. I’m just… feeling awkward if he doesn’t annoy me every time he’s near. Yeah, just that. I smiled at myself.


Minho’s POV

                I saw Krystal was smiling to herself, and the first thing came into my mind was… wow, she’s pretty when she smiles. She should smile more often, really. I snapped my own thoughts as I heard she let out ANOTHER sigh.

                “Krystal,” I called her carefully.


                “I know we just met a few days ago, but I feel that we’re pretty close already,” I said, trying to sound as calm as I could. But to be honest, my brain keep blaming me for saying something stupid like this. I know Krystal would give me that weird look again after I said it. “So if you have problems, you could just tell me,” I continued and she looked at me. I stopped the car because the traffic light was red and I looked back at her.

                “Thanks Minho,” she said softly. And I swear, I could see a faint smile formed in her lips. I smiled at her and focused back on my driving.

                “So what’s up?” I asked her.

                “What’s up with what?” she asked back.

                “What’s up with the sigh?”

                “Oh, that,” she stayed quiet for a while. “Never mind, it’s really personal. I don’t even let my sister know, so that means I won’t tell you too.”

                “You’re really mysterious, Krystal Jung,” I said and glanced at her.

                “I heard that a lot,” she looked away, but I saw she still had that faint smile on her face.

                “Then let me change the sentence,” I said. “You’re really mysterious, Jung Soojung,” I said, waiting for her answer. I was hoping she would smile at me, but I knew she is going to raise her voice saying things like: don’t call me with that name ever again.

                And so I’ve prepared myself in case she really raised her voice.


Krystal’s POV

                “You’re really mysterious, Jung Soojung,” Minho said that. He said my small name. I usually find in uncomfortable if some new friends call me that, but Minho… it feels different.

                I looked at the window and smiled to myself. Then quickly I regain myself and make the smile disappear, before Minho could see it. I could feel his glance at me, as if he wants a response. But I pretended that I know nothing and kept looking at the window.

                We stayed quiet on the way, and without any notice, we arrived at my home. He stopped the car in front of my house, and I was unbuckling myself from the seatbelt.

                Suddenly Minho called me, “Soojung ah.”


                He stayed quiet for a while, then he cleared his throat awkwardly. “What was your book about?”

                I sat back comfortably and answered, “It’s about a girl, who closes her heart to the entire world, she’s mysterious and cold…”

                “Just like you,” Minho cut me off and chuckled. I glared at him, then he cleared his throat awkwardly again. “Sorry, continue.”

                “And suddenly a guy came, and he changed the girl’s world,” I continued.

                “Ahh,” Minho nodded. “Then what happen?”

                “Why don’t you just read it yourself, huh?” I asked, a bit annoyed about him asking all the time about the story. I haven’t finished reading it, so how should I know about the ending?

                “I don’t speak English that well, remember,” he said and I stayed quiet.

                “Well, thanks for the ride,” I opened the car door and got out from the car. I closed the door and I heard another car door slam about a minute after.

                “Soojung ah,” Minho called again. I turned around, “What is it, Minho ssi?”

                “First of all, call me Minho, just Minho. Drop the formalities,” he said, waiting for my response, but I just tilted my head for response. “And second, it’s Saturday tomorrow, we don’t have school, mind accompanying me? It looks like you’re interested in books, and I’m kinda interested too, I just don’t know which book is a good one, so I was thinking you can pick for me?”

                I was trying to hold back a smile when I heard he said so. I gave him a small nod and said, “Sure, I’m free so it’s okay.”

                “Great, I’ll see you tomorrow at 12,” Minho gave me a smile and he waved at me.

                I waved back at him, turned around and got into my house. As soon as I turned my back at him, I couldn’t handle it anymore. I smiled happily, and I could feel my cheeks are burning. So now I just have to accept the truth that….


                I think I’m falling for Choi Minho.


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check out my new fic, feauturing EXO : Learning How to Love ^^/


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Chapter 43: I definitely enjoyed my time reading this story! It was so well thought out & just amazing honestly. The last chapter could've brought me to tears. I was so happy for Minho & Krystal and I pretty much jumped from joy because of the Kai & Yoona scene ahhhhh ♡
jungsister #2
Chapter 8: i really love this story haha daebaak! ithis is my fav ff. thankyou so much for making this ff. i wait for your next story
risantiica #3
Chapter 30: omoooo jinki so asdcasdfghjklaaajsgrirj >,<
Chapter 46: ohh yaay ouo
Chapter 44: PINK! Haha ohmygod I can't imagine a man wearing pink tux on his wedding-_-
Normally its black or white.
I love Key in white!
Haha, and nice ending for keyber
kachan08 #6
Chapter 44: Ahhh nice ending.. Sweet.. How I wish I can see them all get married as the epilogue but this will do.. Can't wait for ur next mintal story..
Chapter 44: ohmagod. don't wear pink, key XD
Chapter 43: This is really sweet. Though I don't ship kaiyoon, it's still cute xD and the keyber couple, you should make a little sequel.

And and I can't imagine the lunew wedding xD full with chicken XD

And omooo minstal is so sweet. But they are old already XD
MinSoojung #9
Chapter 43: minho so sweet :))
dee2dazee #10
Chapter 43: Wow it's finished. That was a great story, love it :) I like the epilogue, always love marriages :p thanks for writing this fiction ^^