Chapter 2

Living With The Derp Squad


Eunji’s POV

My dreams consist of a friendly walk down the street with an unidentifiable teddy bear. The road stretches along but is interrupted when the teddy bear thumps my stomach and I stare at it in shock, my eyes shooting open and my eyes landing on a dark figure looking over the bed I'm sleeping in. My eardrums are pierced as a shriek jerks me up, a loud and deep voice resonating around the room.

A muffled shout jolts me up into a sitting position and almost scream in shock. I can’t see well since the lights are off but there’s a tall figure staring at me, a hand covering his mouth. I immediately scream, and the boy screams too, thumping feet thundering out of the room. I fall back in bed, my stomach rising and falling quickly. My heart pumping wildly, I stay frozen, not moving, hoping my dream is either just a nightmare now or I'm awake and this person is just one of the members coming back from training.

I grab my phone from under the pillow, checking the time. It’s almost 1:30 am, so maybe EXO’s back by now. I hope so. I wouldn't want their first break in being a person who kill me first.

I hear multiple footsteps outside of the room and a voice, presumably the guy who woke me up’s voice, warning them. “-probably a sasaeng fan, should we call the police?”

The door creaks open and I sit up. No reason to stay laying down, I’m going to have to get up anytime soon to introduce myself.

The lights switch on and I see the tall one with curly hair(Chanyeol I think)’s face peeking through the door, multiple other heads behind his, fighting to look through the crack.

“That’s her!” He whispers.

“Who’s bed is she on again?”


A familiar voice speaks up, louder, from behind the boys who are visible at the door. “Calm down Chanyeol, I think I might know who it is.”

I can recognize that voice anywhere.

“Jonginnie!” I say happily, glad to see a familiar face.

He waves, grinning. “Eunji!” He gestures for me to get down. I follow suit and climb down the stairs, jumping into his open arms.

“I missed you so much!” He says, screwing up my hair. “But I thought you were coming tomorrow."

 I pat his back, trying to breath. “Yeah but-  you're squishing me.” I fake choking and he chuckles, letting go of me and I inhale, noticing the eleven faces watching us.

One of the boys looks betweens both of us, "Uh, Jongin... who is this?"

“Oh. Um... this is my sister!” He says, pointing at me.

I wave awkwardly, bowing, “Hi, I’m Eunji."

I look around at their faces, each of them either rubbing their eyes, yawning, falling asleep on another’s shoulder, or just staring at me with big eyes. “Er, how about we do names and stuff in the morning?” I suggest, taking in their sleepiness.

They look bewildered but nod, slowly disappearing one by one until only Jongin's left standing in the doorway. He grins at me and I stare pointedly back. His smile drops a litte and he says, "What?"

"Do they know I was supposed to come?"

He rolls his eyes, tsking. "Pfft. Of course they did!"

I raise an eyebrow and he drops the facade, shoulders slumped. "Okay, I didn't. But!" He continues when he notices my jaw drop, "my manager is completely fine with it. I told you that already right?"

"Well yeah you said that on the phone but why would you say I could stay here if these guys didn't even know that I'd show up and -" He covers my face with his hand and pushes me back into the room before I can finish my lecture.

"Sleep now, annoy me later." He commands, walking off without giving me the last word. I scoff but shut the door, crawling up the ladder and under the blankets.

Suddenly the thought of staying in a dorm with twelve guys dawns on me. My brother isn't always messy or unorganized but one guy isn't representative of eleven completely different guys. But according to Jongin, tey aren't rowdy. He says they can be loud but that shouldn't be much of a problem since Jongin's always been pretty loud himself when he would have friends over.

I wonder who rooms with Jongin, though. He said Kyungsoo rooms with them but he didn't tell me his stage name and I haven't spent much time trying to remember their names with their faces. Being at their showcase helped but I didn't get to go backstage because my mom needed to leave right away afterwards.

I try matching the faces I remember with their names, or at least the members I remember from their showcase. Chanyeol definitely stood out, and I know Kris and Suho because they are the leaders. I know Sehun because Jongin would always tell me stories of what he did that day with him or Moonkyu or Taemin after training. I know of Yixing and Minseok and Luhan because they are all amazing dancers according to my brother but I have no faces to match with their names. Kyungsoo I remember because his smile stood out to me. It was like a cupid's bow, and his voice was beautiful when he sang live with... that one, the one who did the CF impression. One of the Chinese members stood out to me as well because his voice was like gorgeous silk, sweet and lovely and emotional but I don't remember a name for him.

12 different faces racing through my mind, my eyes fall shut and I fall asleep immediately.


Suho’s POV

Kai, Chanyeol, Kyungsoo and I head back to the kitchen, an awkward silence floating around all of us. Not surprising that it’s awkward, none of us were expecting Kai to have his sister here.

Kyungsoo stirs the ramen, attempting to fix the burnt bits, while Kai and Chanyeol continue chopping vegetables. Kai seems perfectly fine, while Kyungsoo, Chanyeol and I don’t know what to say.

“Uh, Kai?” I speak up.

Kai doesn’t look up from his chopping, “Yeah?” he says.

“I really don't want to sound rude," I say delicately, "but, er- why is your sister here?”

Kai puts down his knife and looks at me, biting his lip. “Okay, well... please don’t get mad," he looks at me with pleading eyes, "because I’ve already discussed it with manager hyung and he said it’s fine. But Eunji’s going to be living with us for a while,” he watches my reaction carefully. I honestly saw this coming after running his conversation with Eunji through my head a few times but Chanyeol and Kyungsoo, on the other hand, didn’t.

“WHAT?” Chanyeol screams, Kyungsoo's jaw dropping. I grab the knife out of Chanyeol’s hand and slip it into the sink.

I sigh, “If it’s fine with manager hyung, then that’s okay. But you should have told us earlier instead of letting Chanyeol have a finding someone in your bed.”

"Really though. I honestly thought she might have been a sasaeng fan or a stalker," Chanyeol blushes, "but it's just your sister... and I didn't know that!"

Kai looks down at the ground guiltily. “I’m sorry, I was going to tell you today though, really I was. I only found out like three days ago that she was going to move in, and I thought she was coming tomorrow!” Kai rubs his eyes. “I’ll explain everything in the morning when she’s awake and we’re all not half asleep, okay?’

 “Okay, fine,” I smile, yawning. “Now go get everyone for dinner.”

Chanyeol walks off, rolling his eyes. “More like breakfast," he mumbles, entering his and Baekhyun’s room and I can hear him scream, “GET UP,” followed by what sounds like Baekhyun falling off of his bed.

I roll my eyes. Hopefully Kai’s sister won’t run away scared of us. 

Eunji’s POV

I wake up at six am as my phone silently goes off and climb down the steps of the bunkbeds quietly, trying not to wake up the others in here. There’s one other bed in here other than the bunks, and it’s occupied by someone, though I can’t tell who since they’re facing the wall. On the bed below mine is Jongin, mumbling incoherent words just like he used to when we were little. I smile and leave the room, heading to the kitchen.

I want to make them all breakfast to make up for it and show that I won’t be completely useless while I'm staying with them. I fish out the ingredients for some kimchi pancakes and tie on the apron hanging on the stove, getting to work.

Ten minutes later I finish the pancakes and start frying some bacon and eggs, munching on a pancake all the while. I’m not the best cook but I do think I can cook reasonably well. It’s good enough for me to live on my own and never have to buy fast food, at least.

I plop some toast into the toaster when I hear a few shouts from down the hall. A door bursts open and I see Jongin shoot out, his head twisting around. He spots me and smiles.

“Oh, phew. I thought you got lost or something,” He says, walking over to me.

I shake my head, “How would I get lost in here?”

Jongin tilts his head a little, inhaling the crispy bacon wafting around. “Why are you cooking?”

“Since I scared them all, I should make it up to them. So I’m making you guys breakfast.”

Another door swings open and out comes the tall boy who screamed before, a boy with dark brown hair and Tao, who I recognize immediately with his piercing eyes and jet black hair. They turn the corner into the living room, a wave of sighs coming from through the door.

Jongin steps towards the living room door, “I’ll explain things to them in there..." He walks off and I flip an egg, slowly losing my apetite. There's a possibility that they won't want me here. That's kind of terrifying, to be honest. The prospect of them not wanting me here, of them wanting me to leave and have to go live with my dad.

A few more doors swing open and a hoard of guys pour out, all of them surprisingly a lot more energetic than I expected. Jongin yells for them to come to him, and they file into the living room.

I can hear Jongin’s voice from the other room, telling them all to shut up. I hope they don’t want me to leave. I will get down on my knees and beg them, if I have to. I really, really hope they don't make me leave. I don’t really want to go to America.

I finish cooking, placing the food on plates and positioning them in the center of the huge dining table. I slowly make my way to the living room and peek my head around the corner, “Uh, I made breakfast for you guys,” I say politely, smiling. I turn around and walk back to the kitchen, a bunch of them hurrying behind me to get food. I lean against the counter and watch as they all grab plates, piling them high with food.

“Thanks for making us breakfast, Eunji,” one of them (Suho!) smiles at me, and they all sit down at the table. They leave a seat open next to Jongin and I take it, sitting down quietly.

Jongin speaks up, avoiding an awkward silence, thankfully. “Let’s introduce everyone to Eunji!” He looks at me. “I’m Kai, one of the younger members, lead da-“

I whack his arm. “I know who you are, dingbat.” Some of the guys laugh, and I look at the boy sitting next to him. He bows and smiles sweetly.

“I’m Chen, one of the vocalists of EXO-M.”

 “Nice to meet you, Chen,” I return his smile and turn to the next boy.

“I'm Tao, the romantic AB style kungfu panda who enjoys long walks ont he beach and the youngest of M,” He looks at me  and lets out a dramatic breath. "Sorry. I'm kind of on auto when it comes to introductions," He explains, smiling shyly.

“He’s our aegyo boy,” Kai whispers to me and I chuckle.

I recognize Kris as the one next to him and he runs a hand through his perfectly disheveled hair, “Hi I'm Kris, EXO-M’s leader.” He leans back in his chair and stifles a yawn, rubbing his face all the while.

“Hello!” The next boy waves at me, and I can’t help but stare back at him. He has noticeable bags under his eyes that look bright and live, a small smile on his lips forming wrinkles next to his eyes. He looks so chirpy, a glint in his eye and I immediately remember him as the one with the beautiful voice from the showcase. “I’m a vocal in EXO-M along with Chen and a dancer too. My name’s Luhan.” He grins, and I contagiously smile back. He’s so happy despite having gotten only five hours of sleep.

He's staring at me though. Even when I shift my attention on the guy next to him, the weight of his stare is uncomfortably pushing down on me. I mentally block him out of my vision so I don't see him anymore.

The next boy says, “I’m the youngest in EXO-K, Sehun.” He gives me a small smile and looks down at his food, his eyes shutting slowly. I put his face on all the stories Jongin has told me about Sehun, about amazing dancer Sehun, about hilarious and friendly and trustworthy Sehun who he would jump off a cliff for because they are irreplaceable friends. I can't really see it that much but maybe because he looks like he might fall asleep any second right now.

The guy sitting next to him smiles warmly at me. He’s Suho, I know that. “I’m EXO-K’s leader Suho. Welcome to our dorm,” He adds giving me a grin. I thank him, looking down. He seems so charming.

“I’m in EXO-M, My name’s Lay,” He smiles. He looks very fragile - like if I say one insult, he’ll break down any second.

The next boy has his arms folded, his  head bent down at an uncomfortable angle. His shoulders are raising steadily with each small breath. “That’s Xiumin, he’s in EXO-M and... he likes his sleep.” Lay says, and I laugh, “I didn’t notice.”

“Hi, I’m EXO-K’s mother, D.O but you can call me Kyungsoo if you'd like.” The next guy smiles. He’ll be easy to remember. His smile is kind of breathtaking, to be honest.

“I’m Baekhyun, the funniest member of EXO-K.” The next guy nods arrogantly and I can’t help but laugh a little. He's the one that sang with Kyungsoo at the showcase.

The last guy, who’s sitting next to me is the one who screamed in my face this morning. “I’m EXO-K’s Chanyeol. Sorry for shouting last night.”  He has a cute smile. He’s slightly winking and he’s showing all his teeth, and I can feel a contagiously stupid grin forming on my face. 

Jongin claps once. “Woo! All introductions done. Now eat!”

"Don't tell me what to do," Sehun says in a deadpan voice and I chuckle, Suho reprimanding him though the younger just laughs and rolls his eyes at his leader.

We all do as told and start eating, the guys seeming to inhale all the food. Good thing I made servings for two dozen, predicting them to swallow everything whole. they seem to be bottomless pits. There’s so many of them in one dorm, how do they not spend a million dollars a week just on food?

“Hey, who rooms with who?” I ask my brother.

He looks up from his food and surveys the boys eating. “Well, usually there’s two members per room but when EXO-M stays with us, then each room takes in one EXO-M member, and the rest stay in the empty room. So it’s me, Kyungsoo and Luhan in one room, Suho, Sehun and Yixing in the room across from ours, Chanyeol, Baek and Tao in the room next to ours and Minseok, Chen and Kris across from them in the last room.” I nod, gathering in the information.

“Wait… I was in your bed, right?”


“And you were in the bed below mine, right?”

“Mm hm.”

“Who was in the third bed?”

“That’s Luhan’s bed, while EXO-M’s here.”

“Then where did Kyungsoo sleep?”

Kyungsoo looks up. “I slept in the extra room, since there’s an empty bed there.”

I immediately feel like a pain in the . He had to actually switch rooms because I was sleeping there. “N- Kyungsoo, it’s fine, you can have your bed, Jongin can take his bed and I’ll just sleep in the extra one! I don’t want to make you switch rooms!”

Kyungsoo shakes his head, chuckling,  “No, really. I’d rather stay in that room than have you there. You should be with your brother so you’re more comfortable here. Besides,” He says, eyeing Xiumin, Chen and Kris. “Those three are weirder than they look.”

Kris shoots Kyungsoo a look that could kill a whole army. “What did you say?!”

“N-Nothing.” Kyungsoo looks down, his eyes wide.

“It’s true though.” Luhan whispers, and Kris shoots him a glare too. The second Kris looks away, Luhan sticks his tongue out at Kris and I can’t help but laugh.

“So Eunji, what made you decide to live with Kai and us?” Suho asks me. I look at Jongin.

“You didn’t tell them yet?”

He shakes his head. “I didn’t have time. They all ran away for food.”

I nod and look back at them. “Well, my dad said that he wanted to move to America and I don’t want to leave Korea, since it’s my home. Jongin and I, we lived with our parents for two years in America when we were little and didn’t like it compared to here. My dad said I could either come with him to America or find Jongin and live with him. And I chose the latter.” I finish. The members all nod, taking in the story.

Jongin turns to me. “What about mom? Is she not going with dad to America?”

I stare at him, confused. He looks back at me, blinking with lethargic eyes and nibbling on a piece of skin on his lip. Does he really not know? I told his manager to tell him.

Maybe he wanted me to tell my brother myself.

“Jongin…” I whisper, not wanting to have to say the words. “Mom died in a car accident five days ago.”



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It's weird seeing my chapters marked (M) o_O I don't write , I just swear a lot OTL


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DreamSparkStar #2
Chapter 62: Oh whoa it's been a while, but that's okay - means I get to read the posted chapters again~ And hopefully a new chapter? :)
cowpudding #3
Chapter 62: Yay!!! You're alive :) I honestly thought that this story was just done for, but I always hoped that you would get back to it at some point. My inner fangirl is screaming right now!
sisnaqz #4
Chapter 62: Please update soooooonnnn.....
LeeMinJi #5
flyboytuan #6
Chapter 61: Kyaaa~loving the story
Please update soon ^^
LadySyndra #7
Chapter 61: Looking forward to the next chapter!
x3hahaha #8
Chapter 61: Omergawd author-nim. I was in the bus and the you just had to use the term "mentally challenged llama". I was cracking up LOLOL EVERYONE WAS LOOKING AT ME. -corner of embarrassment- how could you ;_; anyways I LUB THIS STOREH. ilubyou. xoxo<3
Chapter 61: OMG update man I accidentally clicked the 'previous' button and got al mad cuz it didn't go to chapter 60 afsdjgkdls
Chapter 47: I kinda want her to be with kris but I have honestly no idea why man.