Picnic Chocolatay

We'll Make History [SEMI-HIATUS]

"Where's the kitchen?" Chanyeol exhaled deeply.

"Over there" Mi Hyuk pointed. Chanyeol dragged her over to the direction she pointed at, right after he was told.

"Aish. Why'd you say that?" Chanyeol whisper-shouted and rubbed his face in stress.

"I'm sorry! I just.. I don't know why i said that. I just felt like that was the right thing to say. For some reason.." Mi Hyuk sighed as she looked to the cupboard that held the liquid chocolatey goodness.

"Well now we have to pretend that we're boyfriend and girlfriend in front of your mom!" Chanyeol looked to where Mi Hyuk was looking. "Aish whatever.. Let's just settle this later" he quietly sighed. "Hot chocolate" he reminded.

"I know.." Mi Hyuk looked at Chanyeol then at the direction to the living room.

"Go wait there" she swiftly pointed. "I'll make the drinks".

Chanyeol looked to where she pointed, "alright..". Chanyeol trudged to the living room, feeling ashamed. He didn't mean to sort of yell at her. It was just so sudden and they don't even know each other.
Not long ago, they absolutely despised each other and now they're pretend boyfriend and girlfriend. It's crazy how much a day or a few can change things. Chanyeol sat down on the couch and looked around the living room. At first he spotted the fireplace and then the tv.
He had an idea.

Mi Hyuk popped 6 mini marshmallows in each mug then set the cups onto a silver tray. She took in a huge breath before she picked up the tray and made her way into the living room. She braced herself for another hour or so of awkwardness.
As she was walking towards the living room entrance, she noticed a bright fiery light showing off in the darkness of the room. Her walking speed started to get slower the closer she got to the room. She felt uneasy and slowly didn't want to go into the living room little by little, every step she took.

She was in shock but she barely showed it physically. There was Chanyeol sitting there in front of the lit chimney fire. He took a folded knitted blanket that was sitting on the couch and lay one half of it messily on top of his lap while the other half was waiting for Mi Hyuk.
He was leaning back on his hands, waiting anxiously. "Why am i doing this.." He mumbled really quietly to himself.

"Chanyeol?" Mi Hyuk called out to him as she set the tray down between Chanyeol and herself and sat down, placing the blanket over her lap.
"Uh.. Yeah.. I-um.. I felt like I should've done this" Chanyeol stuttered shyly.

Mi Hyuk jokingly rolled her eyes and huffed out her laugh. "Tch. What for, lover boy?" She raised an eyebrow.

Chanyeol rubbed his neck uncomfortably "Well.. I.. I don't know-let's just drink the hot chocolate", he tried to change the subject and grabbed a mug and quickly sipped it in stress.
"Ow!" He on his lower lip and tongue and shut his eyes tightly. " aish.. Chanyeol, you pabo" he started blowing into his cup then blowed a bit too hard that a little bit of the liquid flung onto his face and of course, burned him on some parts.

He felt like crying. He was so nervous and felt so awkward that he couldn't function properly. He quickly wiped his face with his sleeve then flashed an awkward smile towards Mi Hyuk.

Mi Hyuk laughed at him playfully. "Stop being such a goofball. Let's watch some tv" she pulled the blanket off of herself and stood up, walking to the tv to switch it on then grabbed the remote on the coffee table. She looked at the tv and pondered as she watched it.

A MAMA awards re-run was on. She looked to Chanyeol. "Is this okay with you?"
Chanyeol shrugged. "It's fine" he grabbed the blanket and took it over with him to the edge of the couch.
He sat comfortably on the floor and leaned against the cushioned front side of the couch. He happily watched it as he held the cup of hot chocolate up to his chin.

Mi Hyuk looked at him and cracked and small smile then wiped it off right after. She grabbed her hot chocolate that was sitting alone on the floor and went over to Chanyeol and kind of sat beside him.
There was half a meter in between them. The space made it awkward but if they were closer then it would have felt even more weird.

Soon enough, Chanyeol was pooped from chugging down the whole mug of the hot chocolate and fell asleep.
Mi Hyuk didn't notice until he switched his head position so that he was facing her..He also kinda kicked the table...and stretched his arms into the air then lost all muscle from his arms and dropped them straight down to the floor making a loud thump.
Mi Hyuk stared at him with a sorta what-in-the-world face then it slowly started to fade. Her face got soft, her eyes shimmered and she felt herself having the urge to smile.

There was an annoying clump of hair that was in his face which was covering his perfect clear small face. Mi Hyuk tried about 5 times to get the hair out of the way then gave up but was still staring at him.
"Huh.. What is this? A drama?" She laughed to herself then rolled her eyes.
"Or maybe..", she whipped her head around crazily, looking for some possible hidden cameras. "Where them cameras at?"
She noticed how weird she probably looked so she stopped, and then calmed down before bringing her gaze back to Chanyeol.
Biting down on her bottom lip, she hesitantly moved closer to Chanyeol then started to feel sleepy as her heart pounded.
This can't be happening. She thought to herself before she fell asleep.


You woke up feeling like you were in a sauna. Surrounded by hot steam but yet it felt cool at the same time. You really had no idea how your body temperature exactly felt. You slowly forced your eyes open, then closed them.
Blinking and blinking, trying to get your eyes used to the awaken mode. You opened your eyes and a huge face was focused into your view. Sehun’s face. You gasped quietly out of surprise but shut up quickly because you noticed he was sleeping.

His face was really close to yours with his left arm around your body. Your and Sehun’s foreheads were touching and your lips nearly came into contact. Your heart started beating really fast and you were feeling even sweatier. You lifted your right hand and softly caressed Sehun’s cheek. He stirred a bit and his face moved even closer to yours. He slowly opened his eyes. You stared at him as he did. You guys stared at each other for about 10 seconds and then Sehun broke the silence, “Good morning”. He said as he smiled. He kissed you on the lips then hugged you tightly, burying your face into his neck.

You tightly hugged back then you both broke the hug.
What a great start to the day. You both thought.
You threw the blanket off of you, feeling the cool air soak your body. The blanket fell on the floor with your phone following down on it. Both you and Sehun stretched your arms at the same time, hitting each others faces with them. Sehun and you froze then looked at each other, giggling. You both then crawled onto the floor and did a morning stretch together, experimenting and fooling around. Doing couple stretches, individual stretches, random stretches, jumping, dancing.

Basically doing a morning workout to get the day started.
“Let's play some songs!”, Sehun said enthusiastically, before everything really started. He rushed over to his phone and put it on shuffle.
You both did 5-10 minutes of relaxing pre-workout stretching, danced for about 15 minutes, and then did 5 minutes of random total body workouts.
As you were dancing, you kicked your phone deeper under the bed but you didn't notice at all because you were going too cray with the dancing.
By the end of the routine, you both were panting and sweating, but ready for the day.

Everyone got ready for the day and then the kids gathered around the living room to wait for the adults.
Mr and Mrs.Oh were making food in the kitchen. They packed the food into a basket so it can be safe from the sand and other predators when you guys have a picnic on the beach in front of the vacation house.

You started to fall asleep but the fresh, strong scent of the recently made food immediately woke you up and your stomach roared. You basically shot up from the couch and whipped your head towards the direction of the kitchen. You saw Mr and Mrs.Oh walking out of the kitchen with a gigantic picnic basket in each of their hands.
You swear you had a cartoon moment where your eyes got all ulzzang-like, your head got enlarged, there was over-exaggerated drool and foam coming out of your mouth, and magical, bright effects floated around your face and made your face glow out of joy.

“Hello Mr and Mrs.Oh! Lovely day today, am I right? You both look wonderful, as always. How about I help you with these. They look pretty heavy. Maybe I can lend two hands. Yep. I'm a strong girl. Milk” You continuously rambled on as you grabbed the picnic baskets out of their hands and then attempted to walk towards the front door while holding the two picnic baskets without any help from anyone else.
The weight eventually overpowered your strength, and then you fell flat, face-down onto the floor but the picnic baskets were still in mint condition.

“How about you just go get the beach blankets and the umbrellas, yeah?” Mr.Oh suggested after he let out a hearty laugh.
Chung Ae giggled as she helped you up.

“Sehun. Come help us sort out the food” Mrs.Oh ordered.

“Yes, eomma”, Sehun nodded as he opened the front door for his parents.

“I’ll come with you to get the blankets, _______”, Chung Ae smiled brightly towards you as you both linked arms with each other.

You both went into Mr and Mrs.Oh’s bedroom and tried to dig out beach blankets.
“So how are you these days? We haven’t spoken to each other much after you started to date Sehun” Chung Ae pouted as she thought back to the past memories when you guys first met.

“I’ve noticed and I’m sorry.. I guess I’ve been too busy with other things including things which involved Sehun” you looked up at her.
Chung Ae looked up to you too and you both locked eyes. You could see the sadness in her eyes and she could she the same in yours.

“A lot has changed.." She said before it got quiet.

"We should make a thing!” Chung Ae lit up like a lightbulb. You looked at her, puzzled.

“Let’s say good night to each other every night! If one of us forget to say it once, the other gets to give a dare".

You giggled, "arraso"

With that, you and Chung Ae sealed the promise with a hug. You guys linked arms and made your way outside with the beach blankets in both people’s hands.

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Thank you for all the subbies! It really means a lot to me! I will probably be putting up 2 chapter tomorrow. Either 1 or 2. Keep updated~


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Chapter 93: please update
Chapter 93: Please update can't wait to sme I love sehun <3
please update!! Can't wait!!!!
Chapter 90: ARA PLEASE UPDATE!!!
Chapter 89: Please update ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 89: I adore it so much please update saranghae I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 89: Lol what the... 180 change xd