Amusement Park in Groups

We'll Make History [SEMI-HIATUS]


HI GUYS. IM SORRY THAT I DIDNT UPDATE FOR SO LONG T^T But i'm finally baaccckkk! I'm so so so so sorry. And I really mean that.
I knew what I wanted to write and what would happen next but for some reason I just don't have the motivation to write smoothly like I usually do D: 
But I really tried writing this for you guys and I finally got this chapter finished and posted up.
I appreciate you guys so much for being patient with me ! Thank you thank you thank you 
I love you all <3
I'll try my best to write tomorrow and post on tuesday arraso ?
Please be patient ! I'll try my best to be motivated for you guys ! 
Enjoy this chapter ! ^^
So she was on the ferris wheel with Sehun.. Why didn’t I ask her before?  Chanyeol looked away then frowned.
“How was the ferris wheel, ___?”, Chanyeol asked you.

“It was fun! The sight from up there is amazing!”,you said while looking at the big ferris wheel in awe again . Chanyeol smiled at your brightness.
After everyone got off the ferris wheel, Kris peered at the thin hands of his watch.
“It’s only 5.. How about we get into groups and go around the amusement park in them instead of all of us together?”, Kris suggested.

Some of EXO nodded. Some just stared at the food and some were spaced out.
“That’s a great idea. Get into groups .”, Suho clasped his hands together and everyone started to get into groups.
You, Chung Ae, Luhan and Sehun. Like usual.

You were linking arms with Chung Ae while Sehun and Luhan were putting their arms around each other.
“Look! That ride seems fun, let’s go on!”, Chung Ae grabbed Sehun’s arm then dragged everyone in line.
A maximum of 20 people were allowed on the ride.
The seating was arranged in pairs.

“I call being partners with Luhan!”, Chung Ae raised her hand then exchanged satisfied glances with Luhan.
You and Sehun looked at them with a single eyebrow raised in a slight arch.

“WOO. AHHH.”, All 3 of them were screaming of joy while you were shrieking in fear.
Sehun looked over at you to see you frightened with eyes closed and gripping onto the handles like your life depended on it.
He grabbed your hand that was closest to him then interlocked fingers with you.
You slowly opened your eyes to see Sehun holding your hand with a smile on his face but he wasn’t looking at you.
You looked away, smiling shyly.

Luhan and Chung Ae were too busy cheering and screaming to notice you guys holding hands.
After the ride you felt a bit dizzy and you had a hard time balancing yourself. You accidentally tripped on your step and fell backwards into Sehun’s arms  which caught him by surprise. He couldn’t stop his tracks and fell down onto Luhan and Chung Ae.
It was like a domino effect.

“Ow!”, Chung Ae yelled then rubbed the back of her head. She suddenly saw a sun hat slowly floating down and landed on her face.
Everyone quickly got off of each other then stood up and brushed themselves off.

Chung Ae examined the girl who was hiding her face with a pair of dark oversized sunglasses.
She looks really familiar.. Chung Ae felt her heart begin to race a bit.
She tilted her head and narrowed her eyes.

“Excuse me. My hat”, the girl said in a soft voice but it sounded too obviously try hard and fake.
Chung Ae snatched  the sunglasses off from the girl’s face.

“Mi Hyuk?!”, Chung Ae dropped the glasses on the ground.
“Are you stalking us?”, Luhan questioned, raising both of his brows.
Mi Hyuk looked shocked and panicked with her eyes wide.

“N-no!”, Mi Hyuk faltered as she grabbed the hat back from Chung Ae.
“Oh really now? Why are you here alone then?”, Sehun added in.
“I’m not here alone!”, Mi Hyuk looked around but unfortunately there was no one near you guys so she couldn’t grab a random person.

“I-i just lost my date, and I’m looking for him now.” she stammered after being unable to get a hold of a stranger to lie for her.
All of you stared at her with an unbelieving gaze.  

“Ugh. I’m telling you, i'm not stalking you guys! I have better things to do than watch you guys do stupid things that don’t involve me.”, Mi Hyuk scoffed then turned around and walked away, flipping her hair.
She stopped in her tracks then ran back to retrieve her glasses then dramatically walked away again.

3 of them rolled their eyes then turned to you. You got startled by them staring and looked around awkwardly while they just stayed there looking at you.
“Can we.. go now?”, you asked with a dry laugh.
They bursted out laughing then nodded. You shook your head then laughed along.

“Ugh. I need a new disguise”, Mi Hyuk growled quietly while taking off her sun hat.
She looked around and spotted a gift shop. “Bingo!”, she grinned evilly then rushed into the gift

“BUMPER CARS!”, Chung Ae pointed at the people who were lining up.
Mi Hyuk came out of the gift shop holding a bag that had a t-shirt and hat in it.
She rushed to the washroom and got changed.

“Luhan. Partners again?”, Chung Ae whispered to Luhan. Luhan grinned then nodded.
When you saw Chung Ae and Luhan whispering to each other, you knew that they were planning something.

Mi Hyuk came out of the washroom wearing her jeans, a t-shirt that said Seoul Amusement Park and a black and white hat that also said Seoul Amusement Park with her sunglasses on
I knew it. You thought to yourself while getting into the bumper car with Sehun.
“Do you wanna drive? Or Me?”, Sehun asked still standing up.
“You drive.”, you said without thinking of your answer.
You were pretty sure if you drove the bumper car then you wouldn’t hit anyone.
People would only hit you and you didn’t want to embarrass yourself in front of Sehun.
“Excuse me. Excuse me. Coming through. Move it!”, Mi Hyuk shoved everyone to get to the front of the bumper cars line.
Luckily for her, the employees didn’t see nor did the people complain for some odd reason.
She rushed in and hopped into a bumper car.
Under her dark sunglasses, Mi Hyuk was glaring at you while you and Sehun were talking.
You were sitting there uncomfortably while Sehun was talking to you.
That was from Mi Hyuk’s point of view.
Sehun put an arm around you and you started to blush a bit.
Sehun said something. Mi Hyuk tried reading his lips but failed.
She watched as you said something back then looked down and stayed silent.

Sehun got a bit closer and said something. You looked up at him, staying silent. You said something then looked down and flushed with red.
Sehun suddenly beamed then clapped happily.

Sehun hugged you, which caught you off guard. You widen your eyes a bit then blushed darker. You smiled in his shoulder then erased it after he pulled away.
Mi Hyuk widen her eyes a bit then narrowed them. Oh, you little. Mi Hyuk gripped onto the wheel tightly with clenched teeth.
The bumper cars started working then immediately Mi Hyuk pressed onto the pedal. “Arrggghhh”, her gaze was focused on you. Her body suddenly felt intense.

Sehun pressed the pedal and Mi Hyuk ended up bumping into the wall herself. That was embarrassing. I must’ve looked like an idiot.
She thought then made a face.

She whipped her head to look at you then quickly pressed the pedal and turned the wheel.
Suddenly, everyone in her path moved and she slammed into the corner from the corner she was in.
Ugh. What is this?

“ahh!”, you squeaked. Sehun laughed. Sehun pressed on the pedal and you guys slammed into Luhan and Chung Ae.
You let out a loud laugh. Sehun let you steer the wheel while he pressed the pedal.
You turned your head and saw a girl with a familiar looking body in the Amusement Park’s merch with clenched teeth.
You suddenly started to feel a bit intimidated. Even though you couldn’t see her eyes, you knew she was looking at you. Or more of a glare.
You gulped then looked away.

“___? You alright?”, Sehun asked with a worried face since you weren’t touching the wheel and you were looking in a completely different direction.
“Y-yeah”, you nodded then took a side glance at the girl one more time.

You could see her getting closer. You whipped your head to the side again and everything seemed to happen in a flash.
The girl’s bumper car hit yours so hard that your head snapped back and you sprained your neck.

“Ow!”, you let go of the steering wheel and held onto your neck. “___-ah! Are you alright?”, Sehun quickly asked.
You didn’t answer and just groaned. You held onto your neck and head so that your head wouldn’t wobble and move or else your neck would hurt more.

Sehun furrowed his eyebrows and his eyes became dark. You could feel Sehun’s anger.
Sehun clenched his teeth and snapped his head to Mi Hyuk who had a smirk on her face.
That will no longer be a smirk. He turned the wheel then pressed the pedal really hard.

The bumper car slammed into Mi Hyuk’s and her head snapped back but luckily for her, her neck didn’t get hurt. But her hat fell off and her sunglasses fell down to her lap.
“Mi Hyuk?!”, Sehun growled angrily. Mi Hyuk’s mouth hung open with wide eyes.

She quickly grabbed her glasses and put it on.
She tried escaping but Luhan drove his bumper car over and blocked her way.
“Move it you baby faced deer!”, Mi Hyuk shrieked. “No! You troll faced barbie doll”, Lu Han growled at her.

“Didn’t we tell you to leave us alone?! Look what you did to ___!”, Sehun yelled. You gulped.
“I don’t give a crap about ____! Now move you freaks.”, Mi Hyuk gripped onto the steering wheel.
“No!’, Lu Han roared. Mi Hyuk froze. She tried pressing the pedal but it wouldn’t work.

You looked around and noticed that everyone in line and the workers were staring at you guys.
“S-sehun-ah.”, you nudged his arm lightly while you massaged your neck. “Hmm?”, Sehun’s voice turned softer.
“We’re supposed to get off now.”, you looked down, slightly embarrassed.

Sehun and Luhan made eye contact and Sehun nudged his head signaling them to go.
Everyone got out of their bumper cars and saw all the bumper cars were empty.
“Well that was faster than it seemed..”, you muttered to yourself. Everyone kept their head down and exited.

“Come on ___. Let’s take you home.”, Sehun said while still looking down.
“Well.. That was embarrassing..”, Chung Ae frowned.  “Alright, no more mentioning what just happened please.”, Luhan said while scrolling his phone.

Everyone sighed. “Why is Mi Hyuk such a .. stalker freak?”, Chung Ae blew her bangs out of her face.
Everyone shrugged. “How’s your neck ___-ah?”, Luhan asked while pointing to his own neck.
“It’s.. alright.”, you tilted your head left to right slowly.

“Like Sehun said, let’s take you home. I’ll message Kris and Suho that we’ll be leaving first arraso?”, Luhan looked at you with big eyes. You nodded.
After a very tiring, messy journey from the Amusement Park to your house. You guys finally arrived.
“Just rest ___. arraso?”, Chung Ae looked at you. You looked at her then nodded.
“Oh yeah. And remember to study hard for HISTORY. It’s just in a few days.”, Sehun smiled at you.
“Dont worry, I will”, you grinned back. Sehun’s eyes started twinkling then he carefully pulled you in for a hug.

“Hey ! We want a hug with ___ to !”, Luhan whined. “Group huggg~”, Chung Ae chimed then hugged you from the back. Luhan hugged Sehun from the back and linked hands with Chung Ae so you and Sehun were trapped in the middle, hugging.
You blushed since the group hug squished you and Sehun closer.
“urrgh”, you groaned. “Can’t. Breathe”, you forced out your words.
“Mianhe.”, Chung Ae and Luhan said at the same time then laughed.

“Bye ___-ah!”, Chung Ae smiled at you then waved while going down the steps.
“Bye guys!”, you waved with a smile on your face.
You opened the door, slipped off your shoes then headed up the stairs right away.
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Thank you for all the subbies! It really means a lot to me! I will probably be putting up 2 chapter tomorrow. Either 1 or 2. Keep updated~


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Chapter 93: please update
Chapter 93: Please update can't wait to sme I love sehun <3
please update!! Can't wait!!!!
Chapter 90: ARA PLEASE UPDATE!!!
Chapter 89: Please update ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 89: I adore it so much please update saranghae I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 89: Lol what the... 180 change xd