
We'll Make History [SEMI-HIATUS]

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL I love all your comments omg<3

and i have 69 subscriberrrss ! LOLOL asdfghjkl I feel so accomplished (':  Thank you to all my subbiiess and readers !  Thank you for the wall posts, friend requests, comments and subscribers ^_^ I LUB YOU ALLL. and to the people who have been reading my fanfic when I just started, I LALALALA-LOVEEE YOOUUUU<3 Thank you so much for supporting meee ! Everyone (: 


Mi Hyuk crossed her arms then stared at you. You were looking around the room then you suddenly saw Mi Hyuk staring at you .


You almost jumped at her dark stare.

“Fine let’s talk.”, she started coming closer to you. She stood right in front of you. As what was expected from Mi Hyuk you closed your eyes in slight fear.

Mi Hyuk furrowed her eyebrows then tilted her head.

“I’m not gonna hurt you okay ? I’m not like she-hulk or whatever.”, you blushed in embarrassment then opened your eyes.


You looked at her and her eyes looked dark and scary.

“JOJO!”, Mi Hyuk suddenly yelled which made you jump. “yeah?”, you heard a faint voice from outside.

“WHERE ARE WE SUPPOSED TO START”, Mi Hyuk yelled again then sighed.

“Talk about family or something”, Jojo said in a tired tone.

“Fine”, Mi Hyuk puffed her cheeks then sighed again. There was a really awkward silence.

You both went over to the bed and ‘sat’ on it.

“So.. What happened to your old dad?”, you were shocked since Mi Hyuk was actually listening to her sister and trying to work it out with you.

You heart swelled up from the mention of your dad. Mi Hyuk saw the hurt in your eyes and how you seemed to get suddenly uncomfortable.

She opened to say something but closed it again. “uh-um, never mind.. you’re not comfortable talking about it

I can see. You don't have to tell me”, your eyes widened at her unfamiliar behaviour. She was actually calm and caring.

“It’s alright.. It was in the past and you’re curious..ish right?”, your voice lowered at the last part. You remembered when Chung Ae said that to you.

"H-how come you, Sehun and Mi Hyuk hate each other so much?", you noticed Chung Ae instantly turned uncomfortable.
"You don't have to tell me if you don't feel comfortable !", you assured her.
"N-no.. It’s okay! It was the past and you're curious right?", she smiled fakely.

“W-well..”, you swallowed deeply. You felt a lump already growing in your throat. “When I was younger.. It was a day before my birthday and my dad said he was going on a plane back to Korea for my birthday. He was a businessman and had to fly over to tokyo for something. During the plane ride, something went wrong with the plane or something.. i don't
know-and they were halfway there..and the plane ended up..”, you started choking on your tears.


“A-arraso, i get it.”, Mi Hyuk sighed. You tried to stop letting out your tears. You didn't want to cry anymore, especially infront of Mi Hyuk. She would just think you’re pathetic.

You finally calmed down and the tears stopped coming out.

You and Mi Hyuk started chatting and learned new things about each other.

There were some laughs, awkward ones. Some tears.

Mi Hyuk was actually being nice. You’ve never seen her like this but you liked this side of her.

“So um.. if you don't mind me asking.. but, what happened to your dad ? Like, how did your parents divorce.. ?”, Mi Hyuk starting moving around uncomfortably.

“Well.. um. My mom told me that she caught my dad sleeping with another woman. But I doubt it. I bet she was the one who was sleeping with another man. After they divorced I wanted to live with my dad but my mom forced me and my sister to stay with her since she was a fashion designer and she wanted me to be her little puppet. All the clothes I wear are designed by her. I’m not even allowed to pick my own clothes. Not even a sock. If we went shopping, she would freaking smack me across my face if I touched a garment that’s not designed by her. And I hate it ! She doesn’t give me any freedom ! She abuses me for the stupidest reasons ! She changed so much after her and my dad divorced. My nice, sweet, loving, caring, protective mother is looong gone. I don't think she will ever return to her normal self.  She married a stupid drug dealer or whatever and i’m forced to call him dad.”, Mi Hyuk bursted out.


She lost it and it was the first time seeing her like this. First time actually seeing her cry.

Mi Hyuk hid her head in her hands and started sobbing everything out.

You didn't know if you should rub her back and comfort her since she could snap at you or do something to you even in this state.

Jojo busted into the room looking like she just woke up from a nap.

“W-what ! What happened ?! I hear crying !”, she looked around like a robber broke into the house.

Mi Hyuk sniffed and quickly wiped the tears off of her face when she heard Jojo’s voice.

“Mi Hyuk ! What happened ?”, Jojo walked towards you guys and gave her sister a hug.

“i’m fine.”, Mi Hyuk’s voice cracked as she wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.

“Psht, that explains the tears”, Jojo shook her head.

Mi Hyuk playfully pushed her sister. “Go Away”, she said with a small smile.

You looked into Mi Hyuk’s eyes. They were soft and sincere. They had a sparkle in them whenever she would smile. Mi


Hyuk smiling was rare after Sehun and Mi Hyuk broke up.

“Alright, that’s enough bonding. I don’t want anymore crying going on in here”, Jojo chuckled.

That was about an hour of bonding and it was 8:30. After bonding with Mi Hyuk a bit, you felt a little more comfortable and not threatened much anymore by her.

But for some reason it felt kinda awkward after everything.

“C’mon, let’s all go downstairs and eat”, Jojo insisted.

Since you ate at Chung Ae’s house you didn’t feel like eating.

“Err.. I’m not really hungry. I just ate. You guys go down and eat. I’m gonna go to sleep”, you yawned then stretched your arms.

“Bwoh ? sleep? So early”, Mi Hyuk raised a brow.

“Yeah..”, you rubbed your eyes. All 3 of you exited the room. You closed the door behind you and entered your room.

“Good Night”, you yawned again then closed the door. You heard them both say good night back before you closed the door.

You stopped in your tracks and remembered something. You groaned and exited your room.

You brushed your teeth then went into your room to get changed.

You smiled. “Finally I don't need the arm sling anymore”.

You slipped into your bed and fell asleep.

Few hours later you heard the door creak open. You were half awake. Once the door opened widely, you fully woke up due to the bright hallway light blinding your eyes.

Your eyes slowly adjusted to the light and you found Mi Hyuk standing at your door. You got up and held yourself up with your elbows.

“Yes?”, you asked groggily. “Uh.. nowhere else in the house has a computer”, she pointed to your MAC computer sitting on the desk.

You rolled your eyes and chuckled a bit. “Go ahead”, you collapse back down and tried going back to sleep.

You were so close to sleeping then the boom sound from the computer woke you up again.

You heard a squeal and thud. You groaned then turned the other way with your back facing the computer.

An hour passed and you still couldn’t go to sleep.

“Argh !”, you shot up from your bed. You completely forgot Mi Hyuk was in the room

She stared at you with a raised brow.

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Thank you for all the subbies! It really means a lot to me! I will probably be putting up 2 chapter tomorrow. Either 1 or 2. Keep updated~


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Chapter 93: please update
Chapter 93: Please update can't wait to sme I love sehun <3
please update!! Can't wait!!!!
Chapter 90: ARA PLEASE UPDATE!!!
Chapter 89: Please update ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 89: I adore it so much please update saranghae I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 89: Lol what the... 180 change xd