
We'll Make History [SEMI-HIATUS]

You clapped happily and picked up the plate, walking out to the dining room with confidence.

Once you got under the archway, you could hear the loud chattering from the people.


Mrs.Oh spotted you and quickly changed the subject after Mi Hyuk complimented her.

Mrs.Oh smirked evilly and returned her attention back to Mi Hyuk.

“Oh Haha ! Mi Hyuk dear, you are just so precious and flattering. You are like the daughter-in-law that i dream of having one day! You and Sehun should get married.”, Mrs.Oh made sure to say the last part extra loud so you could hear it.


Sehun spit out his tea he was drinking and it splashed all over Mi Hyuk’s face.

Mi Hyuk screamed loudly.

You overheard the conversation and immediately stopped in your tracks, freezing with shock.


All that echoed in your head was “ You and Sehun should get married “ but a loud screaming smacked you back into reality.

You quickly scurried fully into the dining room and saw Mi Hyuk with liquid all over her face.

You snorted with a split second smile but quickly wiped it away before anyone saw.


“No ! Never ever ! Why would I want to marry her ?!”, Sehun bursted, shooting up and slamming his hands on the table.

He got squished food all over his hands but he didn't care at this moment.

He really needed to stand up for both you and him, especially at a time like this.


“Sehun ! Sit down this instant !”, Mrs.Oh yelled.


“No ! What is the matter with you ?! You know ____ is here. You know we’re dating. We’re in a committed relationship and we love each other deeply and you still have the guts to say that ?! You saw ____ come in didn't you. You saw her come in from the kitchen and you planned all this out. You wanted to make her feel bad. You wanted to embarrass her in front of everyone and for what reason ? I don't know. Wait, I do. Because you're a heartless cold selfish person who has no feelings and because you don't have any, you think people don't have any feelings either. Well guess what, they do. Learn that, mother.”, Sehun finished with one more slam on the table and pushed his chair out his way, storming out of the dining room and to his room.


You stood there frozen by his sudden outburst.

You felt something heavy in your hands and you looked down to see what it was. Turned out it was the plate dumplings.

You forgot to put it down onto the table.

You quickly placed it on the table and chased after Sehun.


You turned the corner to see Sehun slam his door.

You ran over and lightly knocked, panting and slightly gasping for air.


“Go away”, you heard Sehun’s low voice from behind the door.


“It’s me”, you said quietly into a small gap in the door, wanting no one to hear you.

You heard nothing but silence and tried to listen carefully for sound on the other side of the door.

A few seconds later you heard the door knob creak and the door slowly started to open.


“Come in”, Sehun whispered in a gloomy tone.

Your mood immediately dropped seeing Sehun in such a bad mood.



“I’m sorry.”, you said while cuddling into Sehun’s chest.

You and Sehun were lying on the bed, talking to each other while cuddling.


“For what?”, he said in a tired tone.


“For coming over. For causing all this.”, you said, starting to feel drowsy.


“Its not your fault. It’s my mother's fault for wanting to cause everything and make things this way. She could have chose to leave us alone and let us have a happy relationship but she was too selfish to. All she wants is money”, Sehun replied.

He started to play with your hair, brushing it between his fingers with a small smile tugging on the corner of his lips.


“Money is the thing that’s giving you shelter and resources to keep you alive. I understand you’re pissed at what she said but it isn’t going to change your mind just because she simply says it. She doesn’t control your mind therefore you don’t need to feel too offended. There’s no point in arguing constantly and yelling because she’ll be mad at your tone so she won’t listen to a word you say. If you sit down and confront her calmly, maybe she’ll listen and understand you” you sleepily blurted out whatever came to your mind at that moment.

“You’re right.. I’ll try to talk to my mom tomorrow. Maybe.. You’re a great person ____”

You slowly closed your eyes and fell into slumber as Sehun continued playing with your hair.


“____.. I love you”, Sehun smiled softly.

His smile slowly started to fade since you weren’t answering him.

He leaned over and saw you sleeping peacefully.

He chuckled quietly and stared at your beauty as you slept.

He brushed your cheek with his finger with a smile on his face then carefully lifted you up to put you in a more comfortable position to sleep in.


It's already been an hour and 30 minutes ever since you entered his bedroom.

Sehun quietly got off the bed, hoping he wouldn't wake you up.

He got off the bed, hearing the bed creak quietly but felt accomplished since he didn't wake you.


Just at that moment, Mrs.Oh busted open the door with a raged face on. Just like the one since the incident.

“Sehun !” she shrieked loudly.


“SHHH”, Sehun loudly shushed his mother and leading her out the room.

He quietly closed the door behind him and looked up at his outraged mother.


“yes?”, he asked like nothing happened 90 minutes ago.


Everyone was gone, even EXO. They didn’t even burst in the bedroom to bother you and Sehun like they would most likely do.

Maybe they heard the argument going on earlier and knew the right thing to do and went home instead.


“‘yes’?! ‘yes’?! That's all you can say at this time ?! You embarrassed me in front of an important fa--”, “Eomma. I am not going to marry Mi Hyuk. They will never be an important group of people to me. The only person i'm going to marry is ____. She will be my first and last. No one is going to ruin that. I hope you understand”, Sehun said calmly, interrupting his mother.


A new kind of rage filled Mrs.Oh and her face turned to the colour of a tomato in seconds.

“Don’t you remember ? You won’t even be able to have a girlfriend. I paid tons of money for your training since you were young and this is how you repay me ?! Throwing it all away for some girl that is not even worth it ?! I’m not letting you do this.”, his mother quickly said in a heaty tone.


“well guess what, I wouldn’t be able to date Mi Hyuk either. Especially marry her. As you said you wanted me to do.  I'm not going to let ____ go so easily just because of one rule.”, Sehun replied in his same forced calm tone and went back into his bedroom.


He shut off the lights and climbed into bed with you, hugging you, trying to keep you safe from any harm or danger and he didn’t want to let go. He felt like if he let go, you would disappear or run away. He didn't want you to do that. If you ever did, he would never forgive himself for letting you do that to him.



You woke up and breathed in an unfamiliar scent that made you smile for some reason.

You slowly started to open your eyes and found yourself lying in bed in .. Sehun’s bedroom?

The lights were off but the morning light from the balcony filled up the room as bright as if the lights were on.


Few seconds after your awakening, your mind slowly started to develop everything that happened last night.

When getting to the part where Sehun was yelling at his mother, a headache started to form then someone opened the door.

The bright light from the hallway just blinded your eyes more and your headache started to grow.

It was Sehun, he was holding a bowl in one hand and a cup in the other.


He used his foot to close the door and walked over to the bed and sat down beside your lying body.

He set the bowl and cup on the desk beside his bed and turned to you.

Your eyes were half closed but you fully opened them when you saw Sehun looking directly at you.

“You’re awake? Good morning sunshine”,  Sehun smiled softly then leaned down and kissed your lips softly. One small kiss but you

could feel all the passion in it.


You smiled back and then sat up.

Sehun turned and picked up the bowl then turned back to face you.

You looked closely at the contents in the bowl.

“Seaweed soup?”, you raised a brow.


“yup”, he said while picking up the spoon.


“But it's not my birthday.”, you continued.


“So, it doesn't matter. You don't only have to eat seaweed soup when it's your birthday. Now open wide !”, Sehun scooped the soup onto the spoon and lifted it up to your mouth.


You giggled quietly and opened your mouth, letting Sehun put the spoon into your mouth.

You swallowed the soup then felt a tingle sensation inside your stomach for a split second then you started to cringe on the inside.

It. Tasted. Horrible.

But you couldn’t just tell him that.


Unfortunately, the bad taste ended up making you choke and you started to cough non-stop.

“Omo.. are you alright?”, Sehun asked and quickly grabbed the cup of hot tea.


You grabbed the cup from him and gulped it down, unaware of the hotness.

“Ack !’, you choked again and swallowed deeply.


“sorry ____”, Sehun frowned while patting your back.

After you finished eating, Sehun suggested to go out to the living room and watch some TV but you were too afraid to face his mother.


“It’s alright jagiya. My mother won't do anything to you. I’ll protect you.”, Sehun gave a reassuring smile then put his arms around your waist, leaning his chin on your shoulder and walking towards the door.


“fine”, you smiled and held hands with him as his arms stayed around your waist.


You opened the door and looked up to see Mrs.Oh standing in front of you.

She looked like she has just awoken from the dead.

You got scared but Sehun didn't mind. He continued hugging you.

“Good Morning mother”, Sehun greeted.


“I forgot to tell you the news. We’re going to the Dominican Republic soon for a few days.”, Mrs.Oh said. “So go and pack.”, she continued started to leave.


“Wait.”, Sehun quickly stopped her before she could leave.


“Yes?”, she asked, sounding annoyed.


“can ____ come ? Please?”, Sehun asked politely, pleading.


“Yeah, sure, whatever”, she waved him off and walked to the bathroom.


“Are you sure i’m allowed to come?”, you asked after you made sure she was out of hearing range.


“yes. Of course you can”, Sehun smiled then hugged you tighter.

You walked out from his grip and turned around, hugging him.

You guys stayed hugging for a long time.


The one to break up the hug was Chung Ae, who ran past you guys screaming because there was a spider in her room.

After separating, you guys met each others gaze then something suddenly hit you. Not something physically but a thought. "What's wrong?" Sehun asked in concern because of the weird spaced out look on your face.


"Oh nothing. I just remembered.. I have to ask my parents for permission first before actually being able to go", you said to Sehun to reassure him that you were fine. "Oh yeah. I'll come with you to ask!", he said then you guys skipped off and out the door, shutting it behind you.


10 seconds later..

"First we need to change", you both said in unison as you guys bust through the door once again.


A few minutes later..

"I am Super Sehun!", Sehun jumped out of his bedroom and landed in a superhero pose. Imaginary wind was blowing in his face.


"And I am Super _____ !", you jumped out of the washroom also landing in a superhero pose.

You guys met in the middle and posed once again. "And we're theee!--", you guys landed in a buing buing pose.


"Buing buing cutie cutie couple!", you guys buing buinged to an imaginary camera like some people in some over aegyo energetic k-dramas do.


Few seconds later it was quiet, you heard imaginary crickets chirping in your ear. You guys finally understood what you guys were supposed to be doing and snapped out of it.

"Okay let's go", you said and started walking.

"Yeah", Sehun followed behind.

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Thank you for all the subbies! It really means a lot to me! I will probably be putting up 2 chapter tomorrow. Either 1 or 2. Keep updated~


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Chapter 93: please update
Chapter 93: Please update can't wait to sme I love sehun <3
please update!! Can't wait!!!!
Chapter 90: ARA PLEASE UPDATE!!!
Chapter 89: Please update ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 89: I adore it so much please update saranghae I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 89: Lol what the... 180 change xd