Mixed Feelings

We'll Make History [SEMI-HIATUS]

(YAYAYAYAY ! The final exam is over with<3 But I still have 2 more next week.. but i'm going to do a double update today ! :D )


You exited the noodle aisle and followed Sehun.

"Yah ! Sehun !", you cried.

You saw his back turn into the snack section. He picked up kimchi flavoured shrimp chips.

He turned his back and walked away.

You ran to the snack aisle then you slipped on some random liquid.

You let out a squeal and hit the floor, face down. "Ow..", you groaned in pain.

Sehun quickly turned back. "Omo..", he whispered to himself. He rushed over to you and helped you up.

You felt his arms around you. You got butterflies in your stomach and you blushed deeply.

"Aigoo.. That hurt..", you whined.

You looked into his eyes. His eyes were so beautiful.

You straightened yourself but you stood shyly. "Komawo..", you thanked him.

He cleared his throat and his eyes returned to a boring look.

He slightly bowed his head and walked away.

You raised a brow at his sudden act. First he was so helpful then he turned to .. That.

"Um, Sehun ! .. We should go together. Its such a big place and I don't know where Cho Bae and Chanyeol went", you blurted out.

You blushed to what you just said. You looked at him and he shrugged. "Uh, sure".

You beamed and walked over to him. He turned back and walked away. You were following behind him.

"Ah ! Sehun ! Let's go over there ! I wanna buy something to drink!", you grabbed onto his arm.

He harshly pulled away. "Sure", he blankly said.

You guys were looking at things to drink.

He took a bottle of water while you were still looking for something.

You scanned through the drinks and something stood out. A jelly drink !

You grabbed a peach flavoured jelly drink .

You and Sehun spent the time looking for Cho Bae and Chanyeol.

You were walking beside Sehun but more distanced .

You suddenly tripped on a basket that was hiding behind a cooler.

You fell down and the drink rolled out of your hands and through the crowd of people. You frowned .

"Aish, you're so clumsy _____", he held out a hand to you.

The way he said your name gave you butterflies. You looked up and saw his hand reaching out to you.

You lifted one of your hands and held onto it.

You pulled yourself up and groaned in more pain.

Besides that, you felt the electricity run through your body again. You started to blushed lightly.

"______. Stop blushing so much", you scolded yourself in your mind.

Even though he was mean and didn't have much expression, you felt like he has another side to him that he's hiding.

"Come on, let's go get you another drink",he had a blank look on his face and walked back to the drinks.

He took a peach jelly drink and walked back over to you and handed you it. You could definately see has another side.

Why doesn't he show it?

You and Sehun spent minutes walking around the supermarket trying to find Chanyeol and Cho Bae.

You and Sehun were at the 'cold foods' aisle .

You were looking at different variety of ice cream. While Sehun was looking different kinds of pasta.

He opened the cooler door and scrambled through differents kinds of pasta.

He pushed some around and pushed some here and there. Then he took frozen spaghetti out.

You took out a box of green tea ice cream and hugged it and the drink in your hands.

"I want this!", you chimed.

"I'm going to get spaghetti". The way he said spaghetti was so cute since he had a lisp.

Just at that moment, Chanyeol and Cho Bae went in the aisle together.

"Omo ! There you guys are !", Cho Bae cried. "We've been looking all over for you guys too !", you cried.

Chanyeol had to admit, he was kind of jealous that you and Sehun were walking around together but you obviously didn't know that.

Chanyeol was pushing a cart full of stuff. "Are you guys ready to go to check out?", he asked.

"Yup!", you chimed.

You 4 made your way to the cashier.

"I'm going to pay !", he beamed

. "No! I'm going to pay. I have 50$ right now.", you fought back.

"I have 50$ too !", he fought back too. "There's only one thing to settle this.", he cracked his knuckles.

"I know what you mean.", you scrunched your hands. You guys hid one hand behind your backs.

"..Kai bai bo!", you both cried in unison.

You chose paper and he chose rock.

"Ha! Beat you! I pay.".

You took out the 50$ and gave it to the cashier. He stood there in defeat, watching you pay for everything.

You guys took the bags out the supermarket and started walking back to the park.

Chanyeol grabbed the bags from you and carried 3 bags. He took the 2 bags from Cho Bae and gave them to Sehun.

Sehun held them without complaining.

"Hey we should go over to ______'s house and make a big feast since we bought all this food !", he beamed.

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Thank you for all the subbies! It really means a lot to me! I will probably be putting up 2 chapter tomorrow. Either 1 or 2. Keep updated~


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Chapter 93: please update
Chapter 93: Please update can't wait to sme I love sehun <3
please update!! Can't wait!!!!
Chapter 90: ARA PLEASE UPDATE!!!
Chapter 89: Please update ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 89: I adore it so much please update saranghae I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 89: Lol what the... 180 change xd