
We'll Make History [SEMI-HIATUS]


“Alright. 1.2.3. EXO Saranghaja!”, EXO all quietly chanted before the waiters picked up a plate/bowl and carried it out to the dining room.

While the waiters served the food to everyone, the chefs in the kitchen started to make dumplings and Korean pancakes.


Once Chanyeol walked out carrying the large plate of Kimchi Fried Rice, he almost dropped it when making eye contact with Mi Hyuk.

Just hours ago he asked to meet up at Bubble Cafe and now he’s serving her food in Sehun’s house.

Mi Hyuk’s eyes got large then she immediately looked away and started to fiddle with the cutlery in front of her.


Chanyeol swallowed then straightened himself up to look sophisticated, placing the plate on the table then walked to a wall, waiting for the EXO waiters to finish serving the food.

They all finished then went to the wall, standing in a row beside Chanyeol.

Chanyeol cleared his throat then spoke. “Is there anything else you may need? Any drinks?”, Chanyeol said, speaking .. sophisticatedly.


Sehun snorted as he tried to hold in his laughter from seeing Chanyeol act so differently.

He folded one of his arms on the table, leaning on his elbow while his hand was in a fist trying to hide his small smile.

The room suddenly got all quiet and all eyes were on Sehun.

He straightened himself out and forced in his smile.


Sehun’s eyes lingered to Chanyeol to see Chanyeol jokingly glaring at him.  

Mrs.Oh cleared loudly to get everyone back on topic.

“Ah Yes. May we have 8 cups of tea please?”, Mr.Lee asked nicely.

“Everyone wants tea right ? Everyone agrees on tea?”, he asked quickly to make sure.


“yes”, everyone agreed.

The EXO waiters bowed before going back into the kitchen to get the tea.

Minutes later, Chanyeol came out holding 4 cups of tea on a tray while Baekhyun held the other 4 on a tray.

The rest of the waiters came out empty handed.


Chanyeol had to serve the tea for the Lee family because unfortunately, Baekhyun won in ‘Kai Bai Bo’.

Everyone was already eating by the time EXO waiters went into the kitchen so they were given muffled thank yous.


“thank you. You five can go back into the kitchen now. If there’s more food to be served then serve it.”, Mrs.Oh said after chewing her food.

“Yes.”, EXO waiters bowed then scurried back into the kitchen.


“Aish ! I hate being so famal or whatever it's called !”, Chanyeol said ruffling his hair in stress then quickly fixed his hair, still worrying about his image.

Suddenly they heard the doorbell ring.


“I’ll get it.”, Sehun quickly said. He wanted to do anything to get away from the uncomfortable dinner.

But oddly this was the first time Mi Hyuk never even looked at Sehun but it looked like she was forcing herself so that doesn’t really count.

Sehun stood up and bowed before leaving the table.

He quickly ran to the door and opened it.

There standing in front of him was you.


“____?!”, Sehun said surprised.

He immediately pulled you into a hug.

“What are you doing here?”, Sehun quickly asked.


“I was bored at home.. and I.. I missed you”, you said shyly with a blush creeping on your face.


“O-oh but i’m kind of in the middle of something right now..”, Sehun puffed his cheeks in disappointment, wanting to do activities with you to make you happy.

Over Sehun’s shoulder you could see Mrs.Oh coming towards you guys.

You suddenly got frightened the closer she got.


“Hello. Who are you?”, Sehun’s mother raised a brow.

She had a black dress on and her hair was in a curled bun.

How fancy.. What are they doing ? You thought.

You couldn't hear what she said since you were just focused on her outfit.


“Im sorry. Pardon?”, you asked again.


“I said who are you?”, Mrs.Oh asked again, the frustration in her voice was showing.


“I-I’m--”, “She’s my girlfriend mother”, Sehun interrupted.


Mrs.Oh gasped but it barely showed. “You have a girlfriend?”, Mrs.Oh asked Sehun.

You were confused. Was this really the first time she's heard of this ? Has Sehun never mentioned you to his parents?

Wasn’t it last night when he said he’d ask for you to come to Dominican Republic with his family but his mother didn’t even know his relationship status?


“Yes.”, Sehun said firmly.


“I see..”, Mrs.Oh looked at Sehun, a disappointed expression showing all over her face for some reason.


“What’s your name dear?”, Mrs.Oh asked you.


“____.. S-Song ____..”, you said shyly.


“Oh. Your mother is the one who married that Jong Yung fellow right ?”, Mrs.Oh asked again.


“Y-yes.”, you nodded.


“Mmm.. I see.”, Mrs.Oh raised a brow at you.

You felt scared to the bone. Did she hate you or something? You guys just met though. She couldn't have hate you that fast could she?


“Anyways..”, she eyed you up and down carefully.


“One moment.”, Mrs.Oh held up a finger then went to get something then came back.

She threw something into your arms and luckily, you caught it .

If you didn't catch it then you’d be really embarrassed. She’d probably make you break up with Sehun just because you couldn't catch a piece of cloth.

You looked at it and it turns out that it really wasn't a piece of cloth but an apron.


“W-what’s this for?”, you asked.


“Put it on. Go into the kitchen. And help with the cooking.”, Mrs.Oh said then walked away and back into the dining room.


“Aish.”, Sehun lightly face palmed himself.


“I-”, “Sehun-ah ! Come ! “, Mrs.Oh called in a ‘sweet’ voice.


“Sorry ____-ah...”, Sehun sighed then went back to the dining room.

You sighed, putting on the apron and tied it, walking into the kitchen.


“Minseok ! Pass me the salt !”, D.O yelled while frying the pancake.

“Minseok?”, you whispered.

You quickly ran into the kitchen to see some EXO hanging around and some EXO cooking.

“Guys?”, you called out but no one heard you.

The oven fan was too loud and the sizzling was also loud.

There was also a ton of yelling going on throughout the kitchen.

You saw Chanyeol sitting down while playing a game on his phone with full concentration.

You quickly ran through everyone and poked Chanyeol on the head.


“Wah _____!”, Chanyeol cried. This time everyone heard because of Chanyeol’s loud deep yelp.

Everyone turned their heads to see you standing there.

Now the only sound in the kitchen was sizzling and the oven fan.

EXO was silent. Which was odd because they are never quiet.


“_____!”, the free handed EXO all chimed happily, glad to see you and went over to you, grabbing you into a humongous group hug.

After about 20 seconds of sweaty hugs, they finally let go of you.


“guys, what’s going on here? Why are you guys cooking in Sehun’s kitchen and why is Sehun’s mother all fancied up?”, you asked in confusion.


“Er.. They’re kind of having a dinner right now.. With Mi Hyuk’s family..”, Lay explained quietly while rubbing the back of his neck uncomfortably.

Your eyes got wide. Mi Hyuk? What’s she doing here? You thought.

“Mi Hyuk? What is she doing here?”, you said trying to hide the jealousy in your voice.

Kai sensed that you were uncomfortable.


“Dont worry about it _____. They’re just having dinner, nothing more.”, Kai patted your back.

You smiled, seeing how Kai was trying to make you feel better.


You looked up at him, “i'm sure you're right”

You slowly started to smell something foul.

You sniffed in as the smell got stronger then cringed at how bad it smelled.

Is something.. burning?


A girly shriek reeled you out of your thoughts and you looked over to the source of the shriek.

Turns out it was Chen, panicking at the burning pancake. It was slowly turning into ash.

D.O quickly turned the oven fan higher and the smell slowly started to disappear.

The burnt pancake however was not going to disappear.


D.O groaned and threw the pancake into the garbage, getting ready to quickly make a new one.

After who knows how long since there wasn't a clock in the kitchen, D.O finally finished making Korean pancakes and the rest of the chefs finished making the dumplings.

After you watched them place the food fancily on the dishes, you started to jump up and down in excitement.


“Ou ! ou ! Can I please serve the food out to them !”, you said happily.

EXO smiled at your cuteness and nodded.


“Of course you can ____”, Suho smiled at you.

You clapped happily and picked up the plate, walking out to the dining room with confidence.

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Thank you for all the subbies! It really means a lot to me! I will probably be putting up 2 chapter tomorrow. Either 1 or 2. Keep updated~


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Chapter 93: please update
Chapter 93: Please update can't wait to sme I love sehun <3
please update!! Can't wait!!!!
Chapter 90: ARA PLEASE UPDATE!!!
Chapter 89: Please update ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 89: I adore it so much please update saranghae I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 89: Lol what the... 180 change xd