Ferris Wheel

We'll Make History [SEMI-HIATUS]


It's Chapter 69. hehehe.
“Wanna be partners?”, Sehun asked, hope filled his eyes.
You stared at him before answering. He was beaming with a smile on his face.
The longer you stared at him the stronger your body took over. You found yourself nodding slowly.

“Great!”, Sehun smiled while adorably squinting his eyes then chewed the gum in his mouth.
You nodded again but took small pauses in between them then turned back to Chung Ae. The expression on her face was unreadable.

“What?”, you said to her while tilting your head.
Chung Ae bent down a bit and whispered into your ear. “Sehun’s acting really different. He’s never acted like this before even when him and Mi Hyk were... yeah-ing. He's more open now.”, Chung Ae widen her eyes a bit.

Once you heard that your eyes started widen a bit. “Really?”, you whispered,
Sehun stared at you and Chung Ae while you guys were whispering to each other with a raised brow.
I wonder what they’re talking about..  Sehun thought before shrugging.
He turned to D.O and started talking to him.
All you and Chung Ae did for the past couple minutes were whispering ‘really’ to each other and nodding.
You heard someone cough rudely from behind you and the person pushed Chung Ae a bit.

“Excuse me. Move”, the girl behind you said before you and Chung Ae looked at her. She had an angry face on and was pointing to the empty space in front of you guys.
You looked at the space and raised one of your brows. You pulled Chung Ae and took one step back.
One step of space and she’s angry? You thought in your mind oddly.

“sorry.”, you bowed awkwardly. All she did was roll her eyes and started whispering to her friend beside her.
Her friend looked just as confused at her friend’s behaviour as you.
You turned away from them and faced front, waiting for the line to move forward.

“Are you alright Hee So ?”, the girl pushed her friend away lightly and used the back of her hand and put it on Hee So’s forehead.
“Im okay.”, Hee So slapped her friends hand away.

“Did something happen with Jaekyung?”, her friend put her hands on her hips.
Once you heard the name Jaekyung you immediately looked up from the ground and straightened yourself out.

Jaekyung? Why is he so popular? You scoffed. Stupid unicorn. When I go home i'm gonna throw away that dumb toy he gave me.. You narrowed your eyes.
You heard clinking and stomping which reeled you out of your thoughts.
“Yes! Our turn!”, you cheered.
The employee opened the gate and started to count the people who were entering.
“Luhan-ah ! Wanna be partners?”, Chung Ae asked Luhan. They were pretty close with each other. Luhan nodded with a smile.
You forgot all about being partners with Sehun since your mind was focused on Jaekyung.

You suddenly felt something warm in your hand. You looked up and it was Sehun holding your hand and leading you to the ferris wheel.
First, Chanyeol and Baekhyun went on. Second, Tao and Kris. Third, Kai and D.O. Fourth, Luhan and Chung Ae. Fifth, you and Sehun then etc.

Sehun told you to go on first and you listened. You stepped on with the help of Sehun. You guys were hand in hand until you sat down and he let go to get on too.
The employee closed it.
Few seconds later you felt the ferris wheel move and then stop.
It was silent up in the ferris wheel with you and Sehun. Not a comfortable silence but awkward.

Sehun sat still in the seat with both hands placed on his lap. He could sense your uncomfortableness.
“Th-the weather’s nice today..”, Sehun broke the awkward silence but it seemed to get even more awkward.
“Yup..”, you trailed off. You guys were now at the top of the ferris wheel.

“It’s not too hot nor too cold.. And we’re at the top of the ferris wheel..which is closer to the.. sky..”, you said, pointing out the obvious.
Sehun laughed at your obviousness then nodded.

Few minutes later, the last people finally got on and the ride stopped for a few more seconds before finally moving again.
You looked beside you and found Sehun resting with his eyes closed and his lips slightly curved upwards.
You smiled at the peaceful sight.

Suddenly the gondola slightly jerked which scared you and you sat normally.
The jerk of the gondola startled Sehun and he accidentally spit out his gum.
You covered your mouth and let out a muffled laugh. Sehun’s cheeks got a bit pink. He tried to avoid eye contact with you.

He kicked the gum to the corner of the gondola and squished it so it fit into the corner.
“There. Now no one will notice”, Sehun smiled then looked at you.
You were a bit startled by his smile then quickly smiled back.
The gondola kept moving peacefully and you felt the air brush your face.

The ferris wheel kept on going and you guys were at the top again. You accidentally looked down and your heart almost stopped.
You squealed then jump back in your seat a bit.

You felt yourself being wrapped by arms. It was obviously Sehun.
You felt his secure arms and immediately froze. Well there goes the thumping heart.
“It’s alright ___-ah. I got you.”, Sehun caressed your hair. You turned your head and buried your head in his chest. You couldn’t get over this warm and complete feeling.

You wanted to stay in his arms forever.
“Chanyeol, chill”, Baekhyun patted Chanyeol’s arm.
He couldn’t stop looking everywhere for you. He was almost jumping out of his seat.
“There’s no way you can find ____ on the ferris wheel.”, Baekhyun puffed his cheeks.

Chanyeol calmed down then sighed. He slouched in his seat then blew a raspberry.
“What if ___ is on the ferris wheel with like a stranger or something ? What if they hurt her?”, Chanyeol frowned.
“Or what if she’s on it with Sehun?”.

Baekhyun’s eyes got a bit wide when he heard the mention of Sehun’s name.
“Why Sehun?”, Baekhyun furrowed his brows.
“I heard that he likes ____.”, Chanyeol sighed. Baekhyun’s eyes got wider. “Really?”.
Chanyeol nodded. There was a silence.
“It’s alright Channie. ____’s probably on the ferris wheel with Chung Ae. No need to worry!”, Baekhyun flinged an arm around Chanyeol’s shoulder.
Chanyeol chuckled once but kept on his small smile. “Thanks Bacon”, Chanyeol kept his gaze on his hands that were in his lap.
“Don’t call me Bacon..”, Baekhyun took his arm back then hung his head. “Eggyeol..”, Baekhyun smirked.

“Aish. Stop it.. Bacon”, Chanyeol emphasized the last part then smiled evilly at Baekhyun.
“Stop it Eggyeol”, Baekhyun stared at his shoes.
“Bacon.”, Baekhyun stayed silent. “Bacon.. Bacon. Bacon. Bacon-bacon-bacon-bacon”, Chanyeol started poking Baekhyun’s arm.

“EGGYEOL!”, Baekhyun shouted in Chanyeol’s face.
Chanyeol’s face dropped then he frowned and looked back down at his hands.
“You hurt my feelings..” Chanyeol pouted. Baekhyun’s face dropped. “Mianhe..”, Baekhyun pouted.

“HAHA! You feel bad for me. Bacon”, Chanyeol pointed at Baekhyun.
“Aish you.”, Baekhyun laughed and Chanyeol laughed too.

You stared into the sky and something struck you. Chung Ae !
You carefully looked down over the gondola and faintly spotted Chung Ae sitting next to someone.
You gasped. “Chung Ae-ah!”, you yelled loudly.
“Chung Ae!!”, you screamed louder that your voice cracked.

Sehun flipped his eyes open due to your screaming then spotted you looking down over the edge but also slightly shaking.
“yah! ___!”, Sehun yelled. Sehun’s yell startled you and made you jump a bit.
Sehun wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you back.

“What were you thinking?!”, Sehun said hugging onto your waist.
You blushed. “Now’s not the time to blush ___-ah! You could’ve fallen off and died”, Sehun said, extremely worried. It showed in his voice, eyes and his body language.

He snuggled his head into your neck and breathed in your scent.
“M-.. Mianhe..”, you said, while blushing as red as a tomato and tried your best to hide to the smile that was dying to spread across your face.

You bit down on your bottom lip to keep the smile from happening.
You felt your heart thump in your ears and felt your cheeks getting hotter and hotter.
“___-ah..”, Sehun said with his eyes closed and a smile on his face.

“Hmm?”, you hummed, feeling a bit nervous.
“D-do you.. feel the same way?”, Sehun asked, feeling nervous. He really wanted you to tell him since he knew you liked him. A heavy feeling in his heart wouldn’t go away.

I..”, Sehun pulled away then turned your head to look at him and then cupped your cheeks.
He looked at you with those innocent twinkling eyes that whenever you stared into them, it would force you to blurt out the truth.
“Please tell me you feel the same way..”, Sehun whispered softly, his breath tickling your lips.
You bit the inside of your bottom lip. You could hear your heart thumping again in your ears.
Is this a dream..? Am I dreaming? I'm dreaming right?

You felt Sehun’s hands slowly travel to the back of your head.
You watched as Sehun moved his head closer to yours. You closed your eyes, bracing for what would happen next.

Sehun rested his forehead against yours with a smile on his face.
She thinks i’m gonna kiss her? Sehun smirked then returned to his smile.
This will be fun.

You slowly opened one eye then the other and all you saw was Sehun staring at you with a smile on his face.
You were shocked but also a bit relieved. You completely froze when Sehun’s nose touched yours.
We’re so close. You thought to yourself and mentally smiled.

You suddenly felt hot air on your lips. You looked down to see Sehun’s lips right above your lips.
Aish Sehun.. Do it already ! Stop teasing me. You frowned on the inside.
Wait.. did I just think that?
You felt Sehun move closer. He was so close that you could literally feel his lips touching already but they weren’t.

Sehun leaned in, dodged your lips then kissed your nose.
You sat there, frozen. That really wasn’t what you expected.
Sehun stared at you as you were in another world then he laughed.
His soft laugh slowly brought you back.
“W-what?”, you said stuttering then your face suddenly flushed with red. You looked away, trying to avoid eye contact with him.
“You thought I was gonna kiss you? On the lips?”,  Sehun raised a brow with a smirk spread on his face.

You quickly shook your head. “No!”.
“Oh really now?”, Sehun sat back.
“Then why’d you close your eye when I got closer?”, Sehun chuckled.

You widened your eyes.
“‘Cause .. ‘cause um. Because the wind was getting in my eyes.. the more you got closer!”, you improvised something quickly. “yeah..”, you trailed off.

“Suree~”, Sehun teased. You closed your eyes in embarrassment.
“So do you?”, Sehun looked at you with smile on his face but with no teeth showing.
Your smile slowly faded. I do.. I just don’t have the guts to confess. You sighed to yourself. But I have to.. One day..

You inhaled deeply to gain confidence. “Sehun..”, you gulped.
“Hmm?”, Sehun tilted his head slightly.
“I-”, the jerk of the gondola interrupted you.

You sighed loudly.
You stared at the employee opening the door of the gondola. You closed your eyes in slight frustration. Everyone just loves to interrupt me at the most important times don't they..

You huffed out your breath. Sehun got off first. He held a hand out to you signaling you to hold it so he can help you get down.
You stayed there hesitating then realized you were holding up the ferris wheel. Other people had to get off too.

You looked at the exit and spotted Chanyeol standing there with some other EXO members and Chung Ae.
You looked at Sehun again then at Chanyeol then quickly jumped off without Sehun’s help.

Sehun’s heart clenched a bit. You rushed over to ‘EXO’ and Chung Ae and waited for the others.
Sehun walked back, casually. His eyes were on you for the whole time.

Please tell me one day ___-ah..
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Thank you for all the subbies! It really means a lot to me! I will probably be putting up 2 chapter tomorrow. Either 1 or 2. Keep updated~


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Chapter 93: please update
Chapter 93: Please update can't wait to sme I love sehun <3
please update!! Can't wait!!!!
Chapter 90: ARA PLEASE UPDATE!!!
Chapter 89: Please update ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 89: I adore it so much please update saranghae I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 89: Lol what the... 180 change xd