Great Morning

We'll Make History [SEMI-HIATUS]


You went upstairs and went into your room.
You sat on your bed and massaged your neck one more time to check if it was okay.
You put your hands down then slowly rolled your head. You tilted it forward and backward then side to side.
You could still feel a small pain. You sighed then leaned back onto the headboard of the bed.
You suddenly started to smile.

“Since we’re alone now.. Wanna tell me what you wanted to say when we were up in the ferris wheel?”, Sehun asked you.
You stared to get uncomfortable and awkward when he mentioned it.
Sehun looked at you then put an arm around you.
You felt some air hit your face then you noticed that Sehun put it arm around you.
You started to blush a little. You could feel like your cheeks starting to heat up .
“Well.. I..”,  you looked down. C’mon ____. You can do this. You like Sehun and he likes you. Nothing bad will happen.
“Hmm?”, Sehun seemed like he got closer.
You looked up at him then stayed silent for a while, hesitating to blurt out the words.
“I like you too.”, you looked away then flushed with red.
“Really?!”, Sehun beamed then clapped happily.  
Sehun couldn’t resist the urge of what he wanted to do.
He hugged you from the side which caught you off guard.
You widened your eyes a bit then felt your cheeks burning up.
You smiled into his shoulder happily.
After he pulled away you erased the wide smile and replaced it with a more normal smile.
“Thank you ___-ah”, Sehun smiled widely. “for what?”, you tilted your head.
“Just.. thank you.”, Sehun continued smiling.
You smiled back. On the inside you were going crazy. I can’t believe I just told him.. Will it be different now..?

Your smile was kept on during the entire flashback.
“It didn’t really seem different..”, you whispered to yourself then hugged legs and rested your chin on your knees.
“Oh yeah.. Time to study for HISTORY. Hard.”, you sighed of exhaustion.

You got off the bed and went through your backpack. “Wait. I still have homework”, you groaned loudly.
You carried your whole backpack to the desk and sat down.

You did your Social Studies homework first since it was the easiest homework for you.
After 30 minutes you finally finished your social studies and you quickly pulled out your math homework.
You shoved your Socials things aside and opened up your books.

1 hour and 10 minutes passed and you were finally on the last question.
“Augh. I don’t get this!”, you grabbed your hair in frustration.
“Asking Chung Ae for one question.. It won’t hurt right?”, you slightly furrowed your eyebrows then frowned.
“Just one question. Won’t do any harm”, you said to yourself then picked up your phone and texted Chung Ae.

Few seconds later she texted you back, telling you the answer and how to do it.
“Thank you thank you thank you so much Chung Ae-ah!”, you thanked her through text.
You quickly copied it down and then closed your books, letting out a sigh of relief.

“Finally..”, you slouched in your chair then stretched your arms.
6.More.Days. A voice echoed in your head.
“Ugh. I get it brain. HISTORY is 6 more days. No need to remind me further”, you started to rub your temples.

“Fine. I’ll studyy.”, you said to your mind. “Why do I talk to myself so much..”, you laughed at yourself then shrugged.
You grabbed a piece of lined paper from the shelf and placed it in front of you after cleaning up your books.

You dug into your backpack and took out the piece of paper of things you needed to study.
You your computer.
For the rest of the night, all you did was study for HISTORY. You scribbled notes. ripped up paper to make study cards, and searched up on the internet for hours.

“and ..then..”, you squinted to look at the info on the computer and then scribbled it down.
Your eyes were drooping and you could feel drool forming in the corner of your mouth. “Finished..”, you yawned then dropped your pencil onto the desk.
“How about I.. just rest my eyes for a bit..”, you moved the study cards aside.

You crossed your arms on the desk then buried your head into your arms.
You closed your eyes and drifted off into dreamland almost immediately.

“Honey ! Wake up quick or you’ll be late!”, you felt shaking.
“Wah!”, you jumped then fell off the chair onto your .
“Don’t scare me like that umma! I thought there was an earthquake.”, you frowned then rubbed your .
“Sorry now hurry up! You’re almost late.”.

You widened your eyes then quickly got up and changed into your uniform first.
You rushed into the bathroom and quickly brushed your teeth.
After brushing your teeth, you rushed into the kitchen to see a bowl of ramen waiting for you.

Since you had to eat fast, you tucked a napkin into your shirt then started slurping down the bowl.
You grabbed the napkin out then wiped your mouth then rushed out the kitchen to the front door.
You saw Umma standing in front of the front door holding your backpack in her hand.

You slipped on your shoes then grabbed your backpack. “Thanks umma!”, you yelled before running out the door then jumped into the car.
“Hurry please!’, you squeaked.
You got to school and hurried to your locker. After that, you hurried to your class . Right on time, the bell rang.

“Phew.”, you let out your breath and started panting a bit.
You sat down in your seat and opened your books immediately.
“Where were you ___?”, Chung Ae asked. “Overslept.”, you let out another wave of breath.

The bell finally rang and you and Chung Ae went to each others lockers.
You both sat down with your next classes books in your lap.
Chung Ae felt a vibrate on her lap. She checked her phone then slipped it into her pocket.
“Mianhe ___-ah. I have to go help with things. I’ll see you later arraso?”, Chung Ae said while standing up and brushing herself off.

You nodded at her. “Alright. See you later!”, you smiled then waved at her. She walked away then waved back at you.
You slowly leaned your head on your locker then inhaled and exhaled.

“What to do now..”, you whispered to yourself.
You suddenly saw a shadow covering you. You looked up and it was Sehun towering over you with a smile on his face.

“Hi ___!”, Sehun squatted then kissed your cheek.
You froze not being able to process what just happened.
Normal Bodies : -kiss-.. processing.. processing..processed..realized.. happy.
Your Body : -kiss-.. processing.. trying to process.. still trying.. process failed.. look like an idiot.

You looked like an idiot sitting there with your mouth slightly hung open.
You finally were able to process what just happened. “w-why..why’d you do that?”, you pointed at Sehun.
“Cause I wanted to!”, Sehun sat down beside you then grabbed your hand and interlocked fingers with you.

You felt electric shock run up your arm and around your body.
You quickly looked around to see if Mi Hyuk was anywhere near you guys. If she saw you and Sehun right now, she would really rip off your head on the spot.
“Don’t worry ____-ah. Mi Hyuk isn’t here”, Sehun said, reading your mind.
You looked at him and laughed dryly. Smart..
“So, did you study for HISTORY yet?”, Sehun said while using his thumb to caress your hand. Your hands were still interlocked with each other.

“Yeah..”, you nodded. You gaze would always look back at your hand that was held by Sehun.
“I stayed up and accidentally fell asleep on the desk.”, you chuckled.
Sehun didn’t crack a smile. Seeing that made your smile fade. “W-what?’, you asked nervously.

“Sleeping on the desk isn’t good for your back and your neck ___-ah..”, Sehun had a worried expression which surprised you a bit.
“Oh.. Don’t worry ! My back and neck is totally fine!”, you quickly assured him.
“You sure?”, Sehun asked to make sure. You nodded and flashed him a smile.
“Here. I’ll carry your books to class.”, Sehun stood up first then took your books and hugged them.
You blushed when Sehun held out a hand to you. You held onto his hand and he pulled you up.
“Gomawo”, you thanked shyly.

You and him walked to class together. He put your books on your desk then sat down next to you.
You swore you saw Mi Hyuk shooting lasers at you with her eyes when you came in with Sehun but you didn’t wanna look at her again to make sure.

“Alright class ! Settle down.”, Mr.Choi clasped his hands together.
“There is news about HISTORY.”, he shouted again. Everyone immediately laid eyes on him.
“This year there will only be 12 games plus a Final since this year we started late.”, Mr.Choi continued.
You heard Sehun sigh from beside you and heard some few others sigh.
“I’m sorry for the ones who wanted more games.”, Mr. Choi frowned.
He turned around and everyone immediately started chattering.
“Ugh. only 13 games in total?”, Sehun sat back and frowned.
You looked at Sehun and frowned at his sad expression.

The bell finally rang.
“Eating lunch with us today ___?”, Sehun asked while you guys were at your lockers.
“sure!”, you grabbed your lunch then closed your locker.
You heard faint stomping from behind you. It was Chung Ae jogging towards you guys.

“Hi .. guys..”, Chung Ae rested a hand on your shoulder then bent down to catch her breath.
“Why were you running?”, You asked her. “I don’t know. Just wanted to.”, Chung Ae huffed out her breathing.
You laughed. “Alright. We’re eating with EXO today”, you chimed.

“Alright!”, Chung Ae smiled then looked over your shoulder to see Sehun behind you.
“Hi oppa.”, Chung Ae nodded at him then looked back at you. Sehun raised a brow then chuckled. “Hi.”.
“So.. Why’re you holding ___’s lunch? Hmmm? Sehun?”, Chung Ae nudged Sehun’s arm then wiggled her brows. “I don’t know. Just want to”, Sehun said, copying Chung Ae’s words.

You covered your mouth then let out a small muffled laugh.
Chung Ae rolled her eyes then laughed.
Once you guys got to the usual place, everyone sat in their usual places like the first time you ate lunch with them.
You were only using your right hand to eat your lunch with while your left hand was resting on your lap.

You suddenly felt someone grab your hand.
It was Sehun who was eating a sandwich with his left hand and holding your hand with his right hand under the table. For todays lunch, Chanyeol and Xiumin switched places. Chanyeol was sitting next to Chung Ae this time.

You looked down to see Sehun’s hand still in yours. You looked up to see him eating his sandwich casually.
He wasn’t even looking at you.
Chanyeol furrowed his brows then nudged Chung Ae’s arms.

Chung Ae was drinking water. Chanyeol nudged her arm and the water spilled onto her. But it wasn’t a lot.
Chung Ae blinked. “Yes? Park-Chan-yeol?”, Chung Ae said while wiping the water off her face.
“Mianhe.”, Chanyeol smiled sheepishly. “What’s going on with them?”, Chanyeol whispered to her quietly.

Chung Ae shrugged. “Why? Jealous?”, Chung Ae wiggled her eyebrows.
“No! Never!”, Chanyeol quickly answered.
He looked away then ate his lunch. He was really jealous on the inside.
All he could do was stare at you and Sehun for the whole lunch.
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Thank you for all the subbies! It really means a lot to me! I will probably be putting up 2 chapter tomorrow. Either 1 or 2. Keep updated~


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Chapter 93: please update
Chapter 93: Please update can't wait to sme I love sehun <3
please update!! Can't wait!!!!
Chapter 90: ARA PLEASE UPDATE!!!
Chapter 89: Please update ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 89: I adore it so much please update saranghae I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 89: Lol what the... 180 change xd