Caught Again

We'll Make History [SEMI-HIATUS]

I actually managed to write this and break through my writers block. IM FREEE~ ^__^ 


It was after school and you were at your locker. As always Mi Hyuk came towards you.

"What do you want now?", you sighed. "I-", you felt yourself being dragged away by Sehun again.

But for some reason your arm sling was gone and you could move your arm perfectly.

He took you to an empty spot in the school and slammed you against some lockers.

He trapped you with his arms. You felt your heart beating faster and faster.

He started leaning closer and slowly closed his eyes.

Once he was an inch away from your lips, suddenly a hand smacked against your lips and Sehun started making out with the palm of the hand.

Your eyes widened in slight disgust. Sehun opened his eyes and noticed he was making out with a hand.

The hand smacked him away and he flew and crashed through a bunch of lockers.

You furrowed your eyebrows in huge confusion.

You looked at the owner of the hand. Mi Hyuk. What a surprise.

But she looked more like a mix of all the 3 witches together.

She randomly started smacking your head constantly and a ringing sound went off in your head.

Your alarm clock woke you up from your dream of Sehun. You shot up from your bed.

"Arggh ! I was just about to kiss Sehun ! Dumb witches and alarm clock.", you slammed your alarm clock and turned off the alarm.

You noticed what you just said then cleared your throat to get back to your senses.

"Um.. I.. Did not say that!", you jumped out of your bed and made your way in the bathroom.

"Reminds me of the day Mi Hyuk came here..", you sighed then grabbed your brushing things and headed to the family bathroom.

After brushing your teeth you did the same routine as always.

Uniform, hair, eat, shoes, go to school.

When you were putting on your uniform you noticed that your shoulder didn't have pain and your arm was more movable and normal You widened your eyes and breathed deeply.

You carefuly took off your arm sling and lowered your arm slowly.

You started to move your arm back and forth. Then you tried lifting it by itself.

"Omo! I'm healed ! Thank you god !", you straightened your arms in the air and looked up.

You noticed what you just did and straightened yourself out.

You looked around the house to see if anyone saw you do that. You grabbed your bag happily and went out the door.

"Omo! _____ ! Your arm !", Chung Ae held onto your used-to-be broken arm.

You smiled happily then nodded.

You and Chung Ae were sitting infront of your lockers and exchanging each others answers for the math homework.

"____. What did you get for this?", she pointed to the question in the textbook.

"Oh I got... This", you showed her the answer you got.

"Oh.. I got this..", she showed you what she got.

You scratched your head in confusion. Chung Ae got a completely different answer than you.

"Your answer is probably right.. I didn't get any of this!", you hid your head in your hands.

Chung Ae rubbed your back. "Its alright ____. I probably didn't get it right either. I also didn't understand it", Chung Ae chuckled.

You looked up and chuckled. You pushed her arm playfully.

"Stop mocking me. You're smart". Chung Ae laughed.

You looked at Chung Ae while laughing.

Suddenly her laugh completely stopped and she felt uncomfortable. You followed her gaze.

The 3 witches. You still didn't want to accept the fact that the head witch was your stepsister.

"What now Mi Hyuk?", Chung Ae growled.

"STOP DEFENDING HER CHUNG AE. I'm here for _____. Stop getting into other peoples business", Mi Hyuk grabbed your arm and led you somewhere.

"Where are you taking her ?!", Chung Ae yelled.

"Shut it ! You'll see her later anyways dumb dumb", Mi Hyuk rolled her eyes and kept dragging you.

"W-where are we.. Going?", your heart was pounding. She didn't answer.

You didn't want Mi Hyuk to do anything to you. It was only you and Mi Hyuk.

Not the other sidekicks.

You noticed this part of the school was empty.

There wasn't any person in sight. Nor were there any classroom doors for some reason.

Only storage closets and such.

She dragged you to the middle of the hall and slammed you against the cold hard brick wall with all her force.

You ended up falling on the floor. "I see your arm sling is gone. That must mean that your arm is all better", you looked up at her.

She was towering over you with a glare sent at you.

You were panting heavily from the sudden impact of the wall.

It felt like the back of your ribs got pushed to the front and back.

"Y-you're.. D-doing this.. cause of .. M-my arm?", you said inbetween breaths.

"No. Are you stupid. I'm not that crazy alright?", she sent you a death glare.

Sehun heard yelling from the hall that lead to nowhere.

Curious, he quietly sneaked behind a wall and listened to the conversation.

You stayed silent. Your heavy panting echoed in the quiet hallway.

"I told you to stay away you . You just don't know how to listen ! I don't even care if you're my sister or stepsister or whatever. I don't accept you into our family. I heard you went out with Sehun yesterday. ", Mi Hyuk started yelling louder.

" Mi Hyuk?.. And .. Sister?...What sister?", Sehun growled in his mind.

"B-bwoh? H-how'd you know?", you stuttered.

"Uh.. Helloooo! Myeongdong is for everyone not you only. I went to Myeongdong yesterday too.", she rolled her eyes.

Sehun got furious at the way Mi Hyuk was talking to the person.

Curiously, he looked more past the wall and found you sitting on the floor against the wall, Mi Hyuk towering over you.

"____?!", he thought outloud by accident and covered his mouth quickly.

Mi Hyuk heard a faint whisper echo through the halls.

She whipped her head to the left and right. "Is anyone there?!", she yelled.

"Come out before I rip your head off", she growled.

"Oh? She's gonna rip my head off ? This might be entertaining", Sehun smirked then walked out from behind the wall.

" So are you gonna rip off my head?", Mi Hyuk snapped her head to Sehun's direction with furious eyes. 

You looked at him too recognizing his cute lisp.

"O-oh! Sehunnie oppa ! I didn't know you were there ! I was just joking about the h-head thing.. You know..", Sehun walked towards you guys while she was talking and was nodding sarcastically.

"Yeahhh . Sure-Save it", he held a hand up to Mi Hyuk signaling her to stop talking.

Mi Hyuk scoffed offended.

"Come on _____. Don't waste your time on people like this.", he helped you up and grabbed your hand and led you to your locker.

In your mind you wanted to turn around and stick your tongue out at Mi Hyuk because Sehun was holding your hand but you knew she would murder you if you did that one little action.

You felt another lump in your throat but you remembered what Sehun said about crying cause of Mi Hyuk. You hated crying because of her and you never want to.

An incontrollable tear ran down your cheek. "Yah ! I said no crying cause of Mi Hyuk . Remember ?", he wiped the tear away.

You swallowed trying to get rid of the lump and nodded quickly.

You wiped your face and gave him a weak but convincing grin.

"Good.", the bell rang and you both separated to your classes.

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Thank you for all the subbies! It really means a lot to me! I will probably be putting up 2 chapter tomorrow. Either 1 or 2. Keep updated~


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Chapter 93: please update
Chapter 93: Please update can't wait to sme I love sehun <3
please update!! Can't wait!!!!
Chapter 90: ARA PLEASE UPDATE!!!
Chapter 89: Please update ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 89: I adore it so much please update saranghae I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 89: Lol what the... 180 change xd