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We'll Make History [SEMI-HIATUS]

Oh my. The longest time i haven't updated.. im so sorry guys. It's finally winter break and i can write and update more ! I hope i just finish the story before school ends .-. Merry Christmas Eve/Merry Christmas ! :) What are you guys planning on doing today?


“What’s wrong with me?”, Chanyeol dropped to the ground.
“Ugh!”, Chanyeol started punching the sand with clenched teeth.
He sat there feeling useless and weak.
He started digging into the sand, trying to find the paper.

After about 5 minutes of digging, he finally found it and squeezed it in his hand making it even more scrunched.
He stared at his fist before he got up and walked back to you guys. All he could think of was what just happened.
He finally got across the girl filled beach and stopped walking, relaxing after tensing up his body so much due to the erted glares the girls on the beach gave him.

“What is Mi Hyuk trying to do. She hates me with all her heart. She would murder me and even dig up a hole just to hide my dead body. She likes Sehun even though ____ is.. is..”, Chanyeol gulped, trying to get the word out but didn’t have the gut to.
“Anyways, she hates me.. but kisses me and tries to hook up with me or something? She.. is really weird.”, Chanyeol said, talking to himself. “And ew..That disgusting kiss. Tasted like vomit. Or.. maybe that was my vomit..”, he started making gagging noises.

He suddenly felt something hard hit his back.
He groaned and quickly turned around to see a girl taking a picture of him with one of those professional cameras.
“Yes ! I have a picture of him. I shall stare at it all night”, the girl grinned creepily at the picture taken of Chanyeol then looked up at him.
Chanyeol had a creeped out face on.

“Heh. Sorry”, the girl bowed and returned back to her group of friends who had the same faces on as Chanyeol.
Chanyeol furrowed his eyebrows then turned around and continued walking back.

He was a few meters away from the spot he remembered everyone was at but saw no one there.
He didn’t even see anyones bags or pool stuff.
His legs took him faster to the spot but stopped right beside the rock, a bit behind it.
The only thing he saw was his bag sitting in the same spot he put it last.
He suddenly felt his heart clench.

“W-where is everyone?”, he spoke aloud, scratching the back of his head, with a huge frown spread across his face.
Suddenly a bunch of people jumped out from behind the rock.
“BOO!”, some people yelled while some others screamed from the top of their lungs.
“AH!” Chanyeol screamed while jumping to the ground like a scared bunny, accidentally dropping the paper out of his hand.
You swore you saw Chanyeol’s head hardly hit the sand.

Even though the sand felt soft, it was also hard at the time.
You covered your mouth, worrying if Chanyeol got hurt in any way.
Is he alright? you thought, concerned.
All of a sudden, EXO started tackling Chanyeol playfully but before that he grabbed the paper so it wouldn't get buried into the sand again.

The surprises and the tackling took Chanyeol’s thoughts away from Mi Hyuk completely.
After they finished, Chanyeol stood up, brushing himself off.
“Alright who’s the culprit?” Chanyeol asked everyone.
Everyone stayed silent but Chanyeol could see that some people were eyeing the same way, targeting a certain person.
Chanyeol inspected everyones behaviours. They were acting quite weird.

Especially Baekhyun, who was trying to slip away from everyone.
“yah ! You. Stop right there!”, Chanyeol said pointing at Baekhyun.
Everyone jumped from Chanyeol’s sudden shout.
He started running towards Baekhyun, who was all the way in the back of everyone.
Everyone moved aside, letting Chanyeol chase after Baekhyun.

Some weren’t paying attention and had to jump to the ground to get out of the way or else they'd get hit.
Baekhyun ran away, screaming, then ran away towards the girl filled beach.
Chanyeol didn't care where they were going, what he was focused on was catching Baekhyun.
Lucky for Chanyeol, he had long legs so he could run faster than Baekhyun.
When Baekhyun was slowing down, Chanyeol used most of his energy and ran full speed.

Chanyeol jumped on top of Baekhyun, making Baekhyun feel weaker from the weight that was suddenly put on him.
Baekhyun collapsed and fell down with Chanyeol on top of him.
Chanyeol fell with an ‘oof’ and the paper he kept in his hand, fell out and rolled into Baekhyun’s view.
“Chanyeol you dropped something.”, Baekhyun said quietly while grabbing it then started unscrunching it.
Chanyeol widen his eyes, seeing Baekhyun nearly finishing unscrunching it.

Baekhyun straightened out the paper and was in the biggest shock of his life.
He immediately pushed Chanyeol off of him aggressively, towards the water. 
Chanyeol rolled over. He rolled too much that he got soaked by the big waves that were hitting him.

“Yah ! Why does this have Mi Hyuk’s name on it?!” Baekhyun asked with wide eyes, pointing at the piece of paper in his hand.
“I-”, “And is this her number under it?!”, Baekhyun interrupted Chanyeol before he could explain.
“Yes bu-”, “Do you like her or something?!”.
“No ! I don-”, “Does she like you?”, Chanyeol immediately sat up from hearing the question.
“Ew ! Sh-”, “What were you guys doing?”.
“We weren’t-”, “Explain now!”, Baekhyun furrowed his eyebrows in frustration.

“That’s what i'm trying to do but you kept freaking interrupting me !”, Chanyeol bursted, losing his patience.
“O-oh..”, Baekhyun looked down and frowned.
“Baekkie.. I’m sorry.”, Chanyeol frowned, seeing that he hurt his friend’s feelings.
Baekhyun didn’t move and just kept looking down at the sand, waiting for his friend to explain.
“Let me answer all the questions you just asked me..”, Chanyeol said, sighing of relief that he could finally talk without being interrupted.

“Yes.. It is her number.”, Chanyeol said explaining.
“I knew it”, Baekhyun mumbled to himself.
Chanyeol glanced at him for a second then started to think of what the other questions were.
“Oh yeah. No I will never ever like her and she will never ever ever like me. AND we weren’t doing anything.”, Chanyeol continued.
Baekhyun sighed from hearing all the answers.

“Then why is her name on this piece of paper? With her number under it ?”, Baekhyun asked, flapping the paper in front of Chanyeol’s face.
Chanyeol groaned from Baekhyun’s next question.
He could feel a headache growing slowly.
“It’s a long story..”, Chanyeol said quietly then stood up brushing the sand that was sticking on him.

“Get up. I’ll explain to you.”, Chanyeol said, holding out a hand to Baekhyun, signaling Baekhyun to hold on and get up.
Baekhyun did just that and Chanyeol started to explain.
While explaining, he could definitely see Baekhyun on the verge of vomiting.
“Ew. Ew. Ew!”, Baekhyun said while sticking out his tongue.
“Ew~!”, Baekhyun started jumping, trying to get rid of the disgusted and uncomfortable feeling that was balled up inside of him.

Chanyeol laughed at his friends reaction.
“I wanted to barf when she kissed me”, Chanyeol added.
Baekhyun made a fake gagging noise. “Dont.. Ever mention that again.”, Baekhyun made a face then shuddered.
Chanyeol laughed again then sighed.

There was a long awkward silence. And it was pretty rare between Chanyeol and Baekhyun to have awkward moments.
“So.. Are you gonna call her?”, Baekhyun asked, breaking the silence.
“No.”, Chanyeol said simply.
“Then.. Why’d you keep the paper?”, Baekhyun asked again, this time with his curiosity going over the sky.
Chanyeol froze when hearing what Baekhyun said.

He actually didn’t know why he spent his 5 minutes digging into the sand to find the paper again.
Is he really going to call Mi Hyuk? Does he have any kind of feelings for Mi Hyuk other than hate feelings?
He himself doesn’t even know.
“I-i don't know.”, Chanyeol admitted to his friend.

Baekhyun puffed his cheeks then sighed.
“What’s wrong Chanyeol? You don’t seem like your usual self.”, Baekhyun frowned.
“I’m not sure..”, Chanyeol frowned deeply.
He grabbed the paper out of Baekhyun’s hand, re-scrunching it.
“Let’s go”, Chanyeol grabbed Baekhyun’s arm, leading him back to the group.


On the way home, you noticed that the person you were mostly talking to was Chanyeol.
You also noticed that Sehun didn’t speak to you during the way home either. He wasn’t even near you. Actually, he wasnt even talking to anyone. It seemed like he was lost in his thoughts.
You stopped talking to Chanyeol until everyone had to split ways to get home.
Cho Bae was picked up at the beach.

Sehun, as usual, walked you home but the walk home was dead quiet.
There wasn’t any sound besides the sound of other people talking or any city noises.
For the first time since he asked you out, the awkward silences and moments disappeared.
But oddly now, you and Sehun are having the most awkward silence between you guys.
You could feel frustration building up inside of you for some reason.

“Bye ____-ah”, Sehun smiled at you.
You were looking down at the ground with a frown on your face.
You forced a smile before looking up into Sehun’s eyes.
He had a small smile on his face.
You smiled then bowed your head a little before going into the house.

Sehun furrowed his eyebrows in worry at how weird you’ve been acting.
He sighed and turned around, making his way home.
“what’s wrong with ___?”, Sehun asked himself, frowning.
“I think I did something wrong.”, Sehun said, blaming himself. “I know it was my fault..”.
“Mianhae ____. I’ll make it up to you”, Sehun shook one of his fists.

When it was the weekday again, you noticed that Sehun has been near you a lot during school compared to the day of Kris’ birthday party.
He was a bit more open than usual, but it was mostly in private so he wouldn't start any drama between you and Mi Hyuk again.
He’d hold your hand every chance he got, he hugged you every time you looked sad or frustrated. On second thought, he hugged you whenever

When it was Monday, you waved to him when you saw him first thing in the morning.
He approached you and immediately pulled you in for a hug, not saying anything else.
His sudden actions surprised you but it made your days even better.

He’s also been communicating with you a lot and the awkward moments were long gone once again.
You’ve also noticed that you have been happier these days.
The feeling of love is the best feeling ever to you. It always made you feel happy and loved.
You were happy but confused of why Sehun has been acting more different but that thought would always disappear in a snap.


{ One Month Later }
It was finally Winter break. Well almost.
Today was the last day until Winter break officially starts.
Since the past month, you’ve noticed that Sehun and the rest of EXO has been missing every Tuesday and Thursday.
Your suspicions has been building up a ton but you didn’t wanna ask for some reason.
You felt like it would be a really bad idea to ask. Like it would affect your future.

Every Tuesday and Thursday, half of EXO would be missing and wouldn't come to school, yet Sehun never told you anything.
You also suspected that the first time Sehun, Chanyeol, Suho, Kai, D.O and Baekhyun didn’t come to school was also on a Thursday.
And, Lu Han, Kris, Lay, Tao, Chen and Xiumin was acting really weird on that day.
It was like they were trying to hide something but other than the missing EXO, the relationship between you and Sehun have grown stronger.

Mi Hyuk has been acting really weird around you guys, especially Chanyeol. It was like she was planning something.
She was also suddenly being touchy with Chanyeol. Well, Mi Hyuk touched Chanyeol while Chanyeol coldly shoved her away.
It was like she just woke up and her feelings for Sehun changed.
The good news is that your team is still passing HISTORY like a breeze and you guys are on the road  to the finals !

Anyways, you were in your last class just staring at the clock.
But from your past experiences, you knew that it didn’t help at all if you stared at the clock.
So you tried forcing your gaze out the window. There were little snowflakes falling from the sky peacefully.
You smiled at the beautiful, white sight. Christmas was almost here.

You spoke too soon. In a blink of an eye, Christmas was already here.
Well not really. It was a few days before Christmas Eve.
Christmas was 6 days away.
Everyone was Christmas shopping and there were now lights wrapped around some random trees on the street.
Every cafe in Seoul has been decorated to show their Christmas spirit and everything was over all amazing.
The Christmas spirit was so beautiful.

It was almost 1am and you’ve been having a three way talk on the phone with Cho Bae and Chung Ae for hours now.
You guys were talking about Christmas, family, spending Christmas with a family dinner, presents, santa, etc.
You suddenly got a text while you guys were laughing.
You put them on speaker then checked the text.
____-ah. Can you meet me at the park beside your house?

You read the text from Sehun in your mind.
You furrowed your eyebrows from the sudden plan.
It was almost 1 and Sehun wanted to meet you at park?
You thought for awhile then shrugged.
There was a silence between the three of you, no one was talking.

You furrowed your eyebrows again at the silence.
There has never been a silence once you both started talking to each other on the phone.
Little did you know that on the other line, they were texting each other about some certain stuff.
You heard someone squeal over the room faintly then furrowed your eyebrows in confusion.

“Uh.. Guys i’m going to hang up now. I have to do something. I’ll call you guys back later.”, you loudly said in case they didn’t hear you then immediately hanged up.

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Thank you for all the subbies! It really means a lot to me! I will probably be putting up 2 chapter tomorrow. Either 1 or 2. Keep updated~


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Chapter 93: please update
Chapter 93: Please update can't wait to sme I love sehun <3
please update!! Can't wait!!!!
Chapter 90: ARA PLEASE UPDATE!!!
Chapter 89: Please update ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 89: I adore it so much please update saranghae I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 89: Lol what the... 180 change xd