Seoul Academy

We'll Make History [SEMI-HIATUS]

(Double updaatteeee ! :D Maybe triple update ? )


Since it took about 2 hours to get from Cho's house to yours, you fell asleep in the limo.

"Ms. _______, excuse me. You are home now.", you felt a light tap on your arm.

You opened your eyes slowly.

"Omo. Komawo", you bowed your head and got out of the limo.

Once you got inside, you got up stairs to brush your teeth then changed into your pajamas.

You went to bed and fell asleep right away.


Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep..

You woke up to the loud sound of your alarm clock.

You started hitting random buttons with one arm trying to shut it up.

You pressed the button and went back to sleep for another 5 minutes

Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep..

Your alarm clock went off again and you started to hit random buttons once again.

You couldn't find it so you shot up from your bed in anger and tiredness.

You slammed the alarm button and you started rubbing your face.

You looked at the time and it was 7:20.

"Omo! I didn't wake up on time !", you jumped out your bed and rushed to the washroom to brush your teeth.

After brushing it you washed your face and hands and dried them on the face towel.

You slowly walked to your room and opened your big, organized closet.

You remembered when 2 weeks ago Cho Bae helped you organize everything in the room.

You stared at the big closet thinking of what to wear. You remembered you had to wear the Seoul Academy uniform.

You grabbed the uniform hanging on the right side of the closet and quickly put it on.

Once you finished putting on your uniform, you grabbed the Seoul-Mart bag and opened all the new packages.

You ped your pencil case and stuffed everything in.

Your backpack was hidden in your closet.

It was a plain grey backpack.

You threw your pencil case and class schedule in your backpack and took it downstairs with you.

You looked at your phone and the time was , 7:35 .

You rushed to make breakfast.

You just made ramen since you didnt have much time to make a full breakfast.

You boiled the water and poured it into the bowl.

You took the noodles out and placed it carefuly into the bowl.

You broke off a square sheet of foil and placed it on top of the bowl to soften the noodles faster.

Few minutes passed and you took the foil off the bowl.

You opened the sauce packet and poured everything in.

You took a pair of chopsticks out of the drawer and brought it over to the dining room.

You finished eating in 10 minutes.

It was now 7:45, and you called the chauffer if he could pick you up and bring you to school.

5 minutes later he arrived and you got into the car with your backpack.

He drove the car so the limo wouldn't get everyones attention.

It took about 4 minutes to drive to the school from your house.

You thanked him and ran into the school.

Since you were new to the school, you didn't know where to go .

You didn't have friends to help you. You were entering grade 12 .

You had to have your graduation without Cho Bae .

Since you didn't have anywhere to go, you decided to wait outside your homeroom first.

You stared at your class schedule for a long time.

Your homeroom was 012C, room 319.

You were walking around everywhere trying to find your homeroom.

You were passing by the classes and checking the room numbers.

"310..311..312..314..315..317? Bwoh? I don't get it..", you pouted.

You kept walking, "318..", you looked infront of you and saw a bunch of scary looking people standing infront of a door.

You didn't want to go past them cause you were scared they would do something to you.

You just sat down infront of room 318 and stared at the floor.

You blanked out but you heard a door unlock.

For some reason your mind wouldn't listen and your eyes stayed glued to the floor.


You got hit the head and face with the door.

It opened so hard that you felt like you flew but in reality it was just a hard smack that flew you side ways to the floor.

You started rubbing your head in intense pain then heard some girls giggling behind you.

"What the..", you whipped your head to look behind you and saw 3 tall, slim, pretty girls that dressed the same but each in a different colour.

The giggling went on even though you looked at them.

You stared at them while rubbing your head.

" Omo! I'm so sorry ! Did we hit you ? I'm Lee Mi Hyuk. I'm the popular girl in this school .", she bent down and held out a hand.

After what her and her little sidekicks did to you, you didn't want to touch her.

You didn't even want to look at her.

You shook it anyways.

After you shook it she snapped two times and held out her hand to one of her little sidekicks.

A girl dressed in light blue handed her a bottle of hand sanitizer.

She squeezed it all over her hands and threw it back to the girl in blue.

"Um hi, I'm ______.", you said with a blank look on your face.

"Oh,______ what a.. Nice name.", she said with a dark look in her eyes.

You knew she didn't like you, but you had no idea why.

You stood up quickly and brushed yourself off.

"These are my girls, Sunny and Lolly", Lolly was the girl in blue and Sunny was the girl in yellow.

You slightly bowed your head to them then the bell rang right on time.

"Thank you so much god", you turned around and let out a big sigh of relief.

"Well nice to meet you _____, see you around.", you didn't even dare to look back at them.

The three turned around and basically cat walked down the stairs to their homeroom. 

You checked the classroom that the people were standing infront of. "319", you whispered to yourself.

The teacher opened the door and everyone slowly piled in.

There were long tables and chairs scattered everywhere. You sat at the end of an empty table.

Then a petit girl with black hair shyly walked in and sat at the other end.

It was awkward since there was a huge space in between you guys.

The teacher started to take the attendance and she already passed you.

"Um.. Oh Chung Ae?", the teacher called out.

A small soft voice answered back.

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Thank you for all the subbies! It really means a lot to me! I will probably be putting up 2 chapter tomorrow. Either 1 or 2. Keep updated~


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Chapter 93: please update
Chapter 93: Please update can't wait to sme I love sehun <3
please update!! Can't wait!!!!
Chapter 90: ARA PLEASE UPDATE!!!
Chapter 89: Please update ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 89: I adore it so much please update saranghae I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 89: Lol what the... 180 change xd