Spending the Day With You

We Used to be Enemies?

It's been two weeks since Jessica and Tiffany started school. Jessica was getting frustrated with Sooyoung's constant teasing, but she still found it adorable. She could feel herself falling harder for the younger girl and she couldn't help herself.

It was lunch time and Jessica and Tiffany were making their way to the cafeteria to meet her friends, who had gone ahead of them. Jessica had fallen asleep in class so Tiffany volunteered to wait for her while the others went ahead and got their lunch.

"Hey Tiff," Jessica said, breaking the silence. "You want to go to the mall after school?"

"Today?" Tiffany asked, tilting her head." She held the door open for the brunette then walked into the busy cafeteria. "Sorry, I can't. I promised Taeyeon that I would tutor her in English."

"Seriously?" Jessica pouted, looking at her friend. "I guess I'll just go alone."

"Why not ask Krystal?" Tiffany suggested as she looked for their friends. "She likes shopping as much as I do. Maybe even more."

"Nah. She's going to hang out with her friends today." Jessica said, pointing to a table where Taeyeon was waving them down in the back of the building. "I'll just go on my own. It's not a big deal."

"Okay." Tiffany said. She took a seat next to Taeyeon.

"Sica~" Sooyoung called the brunette fondly. "Come sit next to me."

Jessica rolled her eyes and sat on the other side of Taeyeon. "In your dreams." Her statement caused Sooyoung to smirk. Aigoo... Don't give me that look.

"We got you guys lunch already." Sunny said, placing a sandwich in front of Tiffany and Jessica. "And don't worry Sica, there aren't any cucumber in it. I bought it this time."

"Thank you Sunny." Jessica smiled then glared at Sooyoung.

"What?" Sooyoung raised her hands in submission. "I forgot you don't like cucumbers. Four years can do that to you."

Jessica dropped her gaze and took a bite of her sandwich. Sooyoung let out a sigh of relief and looked down at her tray of food. Hyomin nudged the taller girl, getting her attention. Hyomin motioned for Sooyoung to ask Jessica something.

"Hey Sica." Sooyoung called. Jessica looked up as her with a questioning look. "Do you maybe want to go to the mall with me today? To go shopping?" Tiffany you can come too, if you want. Since I know how much you like shopping."

Taeyeon immediately turned her attention to the auburn haired girl. You're not going to cancel our tutoring session are you? Tiffany shook her head and declined the offer, Taeyeon let out a sigh of relief. She looked back at Tiffany and saw that she was giving her and eye-smile. Taeyeon looked back at her food and blushed. Pani-ah, you just love to tease me.

"Sorry Sooyoung." Jessica said, bowing her head. "I have something to do after school." Sooyoung frowned and nodded, she looked down at her lunch and continued eating.

After school, Jessica and Tiffany were the first ones to leave the school. Tiffany was questioning Jessica on her rejection towards Sooyoung's offer. Tiffany knew that Jessica doesn't like going shopping alone.

"Tiff, Just drop it." Jessica said, irritated by her friend's interrogation. "I just didn't want to go with her."

"Jessie, come on." Tiffany said, trying to keep up with Jessica's quickened pace. "There has to be a reason. You don't do things without a reason."

"Miyoung." Jessica said, sternly. She gave her friend an icy glare. "Just let it go."

"O-okay." Tiffany said, feeling a shiver go down her spine. "Aish. This ice princess." She said under her breath.

I'm sorry Tiff, I'm just not ready to tell anyone my feelings for Sooyoung yet. You'll just have to bear with me. Jessica thought to herself with a frown.

At the mall, Jessica was walking around trying to find a good store. She finally let out a sigh and sat down on a bench near the fountain. She watched as happy couples, young and old, passed by. She crossed her arms and closed her eyes for a while.

"Hey, are you okay?" Jessica heard a familiar voice, causing her to open her eyes. Her eyes widened as she saw a familiar tall girl standing in front of her. "I knew it was you. "She smiled.

"S-Sooyoung." Jessica said, shocked that the older girl stopped just to see if it was her. "What are you doing here?"

"I said I was going to the mall." Sooyoung said, crossing her arms. "What are you doing here? I thought you had something to do."

"I...I was doing...something." Jessica said, trying not to make eye contact with Sooyoung.

"Sleeping?" Sooyoung asked, raising an eyebrow. "At the mall?"

Jessica blushed with embarrassment. Sooyoung just giggled and sat next to the brunette. Jessica gave her a questioning look while Sooyoung just smiled back.

"Still sleepy?" Sooyoung asked, looking down at her hands that were placed on her lap. "I won't bother you, but I'm surprised you woke up so easily."

"Whatever." Jessica said, coldly. She stood up and looked over her shoulder. "A-are you hungry?"

Sooyoung smiled. "You should know the answer to that." Sooyoung stood up and followed Jessica, who had already started walking towards the food court.

Jessica smiled at the younger girl's response but quickly hid it when Sooyoung had caught up to her. Sooyoung, you do the cutest things.

After Jessica and Sooyoung had finished their food, they were about to leave the food court when Jessica slipped. Sooyoung quickly caught her, their eyes met and froze in their place.

Jessica could feel her heartbeat quicken as she stared into Sooyoung's brown eyes. She felt like time stopped, until Sooyoung helped her up and turned her back towards the older girl.

"You're such a klutz." Sooyoung said, coldly. She was trying to hide her bright red face. "Watch where you're going."

"S-sorry." Jessica bowed. "A-are you okay?" Sooyoung just nodded. Choi Sooyoung, why are you being so cold now? You were fine just a moment ago.

As the day went by, Jessica and Sooyoung continued their shopping in silence. When Jessica went to try on clothes, Sooyoung would just give a nod or a shake of the head.

Jessica sighed. Sooyoung-ah, are you just going to ignore me now?

"Hey Jessica," a masculine voice called from behind, causing both girls to stop and look.

There was a vary masculine boy walking with another well built boy. He had short black hair and a large smile while his friend had blonde-brunette hair. Jessica cringed seeing the dark haired boy, she bowed her head and turned to walk away.

"Hey, what's up?" the boy said, stopping Jessica by grabbing her wrist. "We haven't seen each other in 4 years and you're not even going to stop and talk?"

"I'm a little busy Taec." Jessica said, turning to the boy. "So, please let go."

"You look really pretty you know." Taecyeon said, his cheeks were flushed. "Maybe we can go out sometime?"

Sooyoung clenched her fists as she heard the boy's request. She looked over at the brunette, who clearly didn't want to talk to the boy. Jessica removed her hand from the boy's grip and bowed.

"Sorry Taec, I can't." Jessica said, glancing towards Sooyoung, who was trying to hide her smile.

"Aw come on." Taecyeon said, he wasn't going to take no for an answer. "Just one date."

"She said she can't." Sooyoung said through clenched teeth. "No means no."

Taecyeon glared at Sooyoung, who stepped in front of the brunette. He clenched his fists but released them when her felt his friend's hand on his shoulder.

"Just drop it Taec." the boy said. "We have other things to do."

Taecyeon nodded. "Yeah. Okay." Taecyeon bowed. "Sorry for bothering you guys. Let's go Wooyoung." He turned and started to walk away.

The boy bowed towards the two girls and left to catch up with the other boy. Jessica stared at Sooyoung's back as the younger girl let out a sigh. Jessica was about to place her hand on the girl's shoulder when she turned around and stared into her eyes.

"Sooyoung..." Jessica said, captivated by the latter's brown eyes. "Th-thank you."

Sooyoung let out another sigh then smiled. "It was nothing." Jessica wrapped her arms around Sooyoung, causing her to blush. "I only did it because he was starting to get on my nerves."

"Thank you anyway." Jessica smiled, releasing her embrace on Sooyoung.

Sooyoung looked at the time on her watch. "Maybe we should start to head home now."

"Oh. Okay." Jessica smiled. "Well, I'll see you-"

"I'll walk you home." Sooyoung said, sternly. Jessica gave her a shocked expression. "S-so that I know you got home safe."

Jessica smiled. "Is that your excuse to spend more time with me?" Sooyoung scratched the back of her head, nervously. "Well, if you insist."

When Jessica and Sooyoung reached Jessica's house, they stood outside the gate and stared at each other. As they were walking, Sooyoung had offered her coat to Jessica, who was starting to feel the chill of the night air.

"Th-thanks for walking me home." Jessica said, her cheeks were red. "But don't you live in the other direction?"

"It's okay, my sister knows I'm going to be coming home late." Sooyoung said, not moving her gaze from the brunette.

"Oh. Your jacket." Jessica said, starting to remove the coat. Sooyoung stopped her and she gave the girl a confused look.

"Keep it on." Sooyoung smiled. "Just return it to me tomorrow."

"Oh. Okay." Jessica said, fixing the coat." Thank you."

Jessica pulled the taller girl into a hug. She could feel butterflies in her stomach as she could feel the warmth of Sooyoung's body on her's. Sooyoung whispered into her ear, causing her eyes to widen.

"I think I'm in love with you." Sooyoung whispered. "I've always liked you. Since the day we met." Sooyoung pulled away from the embrace and kissed Jessica on the forehead. She smiled then turned to leave.

Jessica stood in shock as she watched the taller girl walk away. She didn't know how to respond, her heart was beating so rapidly she felt like it would pop out of her chest.

"I think I love you too." She whispered through the gate and into her house.


Hey my lovely readers,

did you enjoy the update?

So next chapter I'll do a Taeny.

Aren't Soosica cute? Who thinks Sica should just confess already?

Well, here's the update. I shall leave you guys to enjoy. while I leave for a jog.

Keep enjoying the story!

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Thank you!
Chapter 15 probably wont be the favorite chapter of the Kryber fans. but it's all part of my plan so I must apologize because I'm probably torturing you guys


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astauf03 #1
Chapter 42: The entire story is pure fluffness... even during some if the drama. Loved re-reading this
Chapter 42: I love ur story ...
buynlara #3
sorry but I can take the image of chapter 25 for a tattoo, is awesome ... I hope you answer me soon ...
I love the YoonYul moments, they are so cute ^.^
I love the end of your story it's so...beautiful and wow xDD
SooSica ~
_ninx_ #5
really love this story very much!!! SooSica<3
i love this story very much.. just start reading it. i come here from the prequel.
Nice ending here :))).i love ittt :))) xDxDxD. Gonna read the prequel xD
SNSD81 #8
wow.................. the ending is awsome even i dont even relised that it was a finel story the ending is very sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...........................<3