Chapter 16 (Sorry can't think of a name for this chapter)

We Used to be Enemies?


Sunny woke up and smiled as she saw a familiar girl still sleeping in her bed. She sat up and stretched then carefully got out of bed. She made her way to 
the kitchen. She found her roommate Hyoyeon was already up and making breakfast.
"Morning Hyo." Sunny said with a smile.
"Morning Soonkyu." Hyoyeon said with a smirk.
"Yah!" Sunny exclaimed. "I told you not to call me that." She pouted causing Hyoyeon to laugh.
"Morning unnies." A girl with brunette colored hair walked in. She was wearing a yellow sundress.
"Where do you think you're going today, Seohyun?" Sunny asked, tilting her head. She was examining the younger girl with a suspicious expression.
Seohyun blushed, she lowered her head trying to avoid the older girl's gaze. "H-Hyoyeon-unnie and I are going to go see a movie."
"Oh. Jinjja?" Sunny looked at Hyoyeon with a raised eyebrow. Hyoyeon pretended not to hear the conversation that was going on. "You better not do anything to maknae."
Hyoyeon looked at Sunny with a shocked expression. "I would never. How could you say that?"
"Because you learned about relationships from byunTaeng." Sunny said crossing her arms. "Although I'm impressed that Tiffany has tamed her."
"Good morning everyone." Hyomin's voice traveled into the room as she walked in sleepily. "Sunny bunny, why didn't you wake me up?"
"You were sleeping so soundly." Sunny said, turning to face the latter. "I didn't want to wake you up."
Hyomin let out a yawn. "So, what are we doing today?"
"Well, first, we are going to eat breakfast." Sunny said with a smile. "then, we can do what ever you want to do." Hyomin smiled at the idea and nodded.
"Good." Hyomin said, sitting at the table. "I have an idea of where I want to go."
Sunny tilted her head. "Oh, jinjja?" Hyomin smiled and nodded. "Well, what do you want to eat for now?"
"Well, we'll be leaving you now." Hyoyeon said, gently pushing Seohyun out of the apartment.
"Remember what I said Hyo!" Sunny called as she watched the couple leave.
"Stop it!" Hyoyeon said, embarrassed. She quickly closed the door.
Hyomin smiled and shook her head. "You two should've been siblings. You guys act like it."
Later that day, Hyomin and Sunny went down to the Han river. Hyomin took her camera and was taking pictures of the river. When Sunny was unaware and adoring the view of the river, Hyomin would take a few pictures of her.
"Sunny-ah~" Hyomin called the blonde girl fondly. "Look over here."
Sunny turned and saw that Hyomin had her camera ready to snap a picture. She quickly smiled. When she heard the camera shutter click, she skipped over to Hyomin. She wrapped her arms around the latter and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
"Hyominie~" Sunny said with aegyo, causing Hyomin to giggle.
"ne~" Hyomin asked, using her own aegyo.
Sunny took Hyomin's camera and faced it towards them. "Let's take some selcas."
Hyomin smiled. "Arasso. We can't let this nice view go to waste." Sunny nodded.
After taking pictures, Sunny and Hyomin sat down in the shade. Sunny was playing with Hyomin's camera, taking pictures of the latter and of herself. Hyomin couldn't help but smile at her girlfriend's actions. Then she noticed to familiar looking people walking past them.
"Sunny-ah," Hyomin got the girl's attention. "Isn't that Yoona and Yuri?"
Sunny looked in the direction Hyomin was pointing to and saw the familiar face of Yuri. "Yuri-ah!" Sunny shouted causing both girl's to jump.
"Oh. Sunny." Yuri said with a smile. "I haven't seen you in a while."
"That's because you're always ditching school." Sunny said, raising and eyebrow and crossing her arms. "You better not be doing anything with Yoona."
Yuri and Yoona's faces became flushed. The two girl's lowered their head, causing Sunny to stand up in shock.
"Yah!" Sunny exclaimed. "You better be careful, Yul."
"How about we have lunch together." Hyomin said, trying to break the awkward atmosphere around the other couple. "I mean, we haven't seen each other in a while."
"Sorry, but we have to be somewhere." Yoona bowed towards the two older girls. "I told my parents that we were going to pay them a visit."
"Oh. Arasso." Hyomin smiled. "Maybe some other time." Yoona and Yuri nodded then left with a bow.
"What shall we do, Hyominie?" Sunny asked, turning to the latter. 
"Let's go to the mall." Hyomin said, smiling. "We can eat lunch there."
Sunny nodded with a smile. "Good idea."
At the mall, Hyomin had spotted two familiar girl's walking out of the food court. Hyomin pointed towards the leaving couple, causing Sunny to look. Sunny's eyes widened as she recognized the girls.
"That's Krystal." Sunny said. "but why is she with Hyuna?"
"Should we tell Jessica?" Hyomin asked, concern in her tone. Sunny shook her head.
"I think she has a good reason for it." Sunny said, turning to the latter and smiling. Sunny was hiding what she saw in the corner of the food court. "Let's just go eat lunch." Amber, what are you doing?
Hey guys,
So this is a short update. it's kind of lame. Mianhe.
Writer's block is just really stuck with me right now.
However I hope you guys can continue to enjoy the story.
In the next chapters it's going to go back to the main pairing (Soosica) and a little Taeny as well.
Your writer's blocked author
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Thank you!
Chapter 15 probably wont be the favorite chapter of the Kryber fans. but it's all part of my plan so I must apologize because I'm probably torturing you guys


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astauf03 #1
Chapter 42: The entire story is pure fluffness... even during some if the drama. Loved re-reading this
Chapter 42: I love ur story ...
buynlara #3
sorry but I can take the image of chapter 25 for a tattoo, is awesome ... I hope you answer me soon ...
I love the YoonYul moments, they are so cute ^.^
I love the end of your story it's so...beautiful and wow xDD
SooSica ~
_ninx_ #5
really love this story very much!!! SooSica<3
i love this story very much.. just start reading it. i come here from the prequel.
Nice ending here :))).i love ittt :))) xDxDxD. Gonna read the prequel xD
SNSD81 #8
wow.................. the ending is awsome even i dont even relised that it was a finel story the ending is very sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...........................<3