Have Lunch With Me

We Used to be Enemies?

"Wow..." Tiffany said, awestruck.

Sooyoung had nice long legs with shiny jet black hair that fell in waves about 2-3 inches past her shoulders. She walked in with another girl about 2 inches shorter than her that had long dark brown hair. The two seemed to be deep in their conversation, until Sooyoung noticed a familiar brunette sitting with Taeyeon's group. She smiled and waved at Jessica, who subconsciously smiled and waved back shyly.

"Jessica Jung." Sooyoung said, walking up to the girl. "It's been a while since I've seen you."

"Same to you, Choi Sooyoung." Jessica said, her heart pounding hard against her chest. Aigoo...Why do I feel like this? She's my enemy.

"You look beautiful." Sooyoung said, a slight shade of pink on her cheeks. "More beautiful than the last time I saw you."

Jessica's face became even more flushed. "T-thank you. T-the same goes to you." Omo~ Why am I acting like this?

Sooyoung scratched the back of her head, her cheeks were a deeper shade of red. "I-I wouldn't say that."

"Have you seen yourself lately?" Jessica asked, motioning her hand towards Sooyoung. "Or did the mirrors run away because of jealousy? You're unbelievably hot!" Did I really just say that? Sooyoung couldn't help but smile at the girl's blunt statement.

"It's almost like they don't remember their old rivalry." Taeyeon whispered. She was still staring at Tiffany, admiring the girl's looks. Tiffany smiled at her, causing Taeyeon's heart to flutter. Omo~ Tippani, What are you doing to me?

"Okay class," The teacher said, walking into the room. "Take your seats."

Sooyoung leaned over and whispered into Jessica's ear. Jessica bit her lip as she felt Sooyoung's warm breath go down her neck, causing her face to burn a bright red. She looked up at Sooyoung, who gave her a wink and sat down two desks from her.

As class went by, Jessica couldn't help but stare at Sooyoung, who was busily writing in her notebook. Every so often, Jessica would examine her surroundings, but her attention would always be dragged back to Sooyoung like a magnet.

Choi Sooyoung, What are you doing to me? Jessica asked herself.

"So, what's up with you and Sooyoung?" Tiffany whispered. "I thought you two were rivals."

"I don't know." Jessica said, looking down at her blank notebook. "When she walked in, I felt like...like...we were the only ones in the room."



"You're in love." Tiffany whispered, excitedly. "I'm so happy for you."

"Miss Hwang," The teacher called with a stern expression. "Please pay attention. You can speak with Miss Jung after class."

Tiffany pouted. She stood up and bowed to the teacher then returned to her seat. The teacher continued her lecture as if nothing happened. Tiffany looked at Taeyeon, who sat in the desk on the other side of her.

Feeling like someone was looking at her, Taeyeon looked up and saw that Tiffany had been watching her. Tiffany gave her an eye-smile causing Taeyeon to blush. She buried her head into her arms.

Pani-ah~ You make me feel so nervous around you.

Tiffany giggled at the shorter girl's action, causing Jessica to give her a confused look. Tiffany discreetly pointed towards Taeyeon. Jessica shook her head then started to write something in her notebook and pushed it towards Tiffany. Tiffany leaned over slightly to read the message.

Tiff, don't . She has a mad crush on you.

Tiffany's eyes widened. She looked up at Jessica, who had gone back to watching Sooyoung. Tiffany couldn't help but look over at Taeyeon, who still had her head buried in her arms. Tiffany smirked as she started to devise a plan.

When class ended, Sooyoung and Hyomin along with Jessica's group were still in class. They were all packing their things into their bags. Taeyeon and Yuri were busily talking to Sunny, while Hyomin was sitting quietly next to her. Tiffany and Jessica were sitting down and listening in on the conversation. When Sooyoung walked up to Jessica, pulling the brunette's attention towards her.

"So, you want to have lunch with me?" Sooyoung asked, looking at the ground. Her cheeks were painted a light shade of red.

Jessica smiled. "Sure. Why not? We have a lot to catch up on after all. "Sooyoung smiled widely and nodded.

Tiffany stood up and walked over to Taeyeon. She placed her arm around the shorter girl and smiled. Taeyeon looked at Tiffany with a questioning expression, her cheeks burning.

"So, you're going to have lunch with me right?" Tiffany asked. She smirked, knowing Taeyeon couldn't say no.

"Y-yes." Taeyeon said, her head spinning. She felt like her heart was going to explode from excitement. Omo~ Tippani asked me to eat lunch with her! Daebak!

"Great! Let's go." Tiffany said, smiling. She took Taeyeon's hand and dragged the girl out of the room.

"Well, we'll be going too." Sunny said, standing up and taking Hyomin's hand. "We made a lunch date together too." The couple left the room quickly to avoid questions.

"Well, I guess it's just the three of us then, huh?" Yuri said, turning to Jessica and Sooyoung. "or do you guys have plans too?" Yuri couldn't help but pout.

"Sorry Yul." Jessica patted the girl's shoulder.

"Hey, I got an idea." Sooyoung said, raising her hand. Jessica pulled the taller girl's hand down, causing Sooyoung to blush in embarrassment. "I was supposed to eat lunch with my friend from the grade below us today. So,"

"So you want me to eat lunch with her?" Yuri asked, finishing Sooyoung's statement. "Sure. I guess I could do that."

Sooyoung nodded with a smile. "Thanks! She's really pretty. you'll be able to recognize her. Her name is-"

Sooyoung wasn't able to finish her sentence as Jessica quickly pulled her out of the room. Yuri pouted as she made her way to the cafeteria.

Great. Thanks Sica, now I need to find this girl without even knowing her name. After getting her lunch, Yuri began to scan around the cafeteria for the girl with the vague description that she was given.Yuri then noticed a girl who was sitting alone, reading a book.

"It's worth a shot." She said to herself as she made her way to the girl. She gently tapped on the girl's shoulder. "E-excuse me, are you a friend of Choi Sooyoung by any chance?"

The girl turned around with a blank expression. She nodded timidly as she met Yuri's eyes. Yuri was shocked to see that Sooyoung's description of the girl wasn't as vague as she thought it was. the girl had long black hair that fell a few inches past her shoulders. She had milky white skin and looked almost like Yuri. Which Yuri found even more shocking. She was completely captivated by the younger girl.

"Um... Can I help you?" the girl asked, her voice was like music to Yuri's ears. "Um...Hello?"  She waved her hand in front of Yuri, snapping her out of her trance.

"Oh. Um. I was...um..." Yuri stuttered, nervously. "Sooyoung asked me to have lunch with you. If that's okay."

Yoona pouted as she heard that her friend wouldn't be joining her, causing Yuri to pout as well.


Hey readers,

So, here's chapter 2! yay! So as you guys probably noticed I really believe in love at first sight. BUT I will tell you now that the couples getting together won't happen that quickly. After all what's a story with out drama.

So, it's only been a day since I posted this and I already have about 29 subscribers *shock* I'm surprised since I don't really let a lot of people read the stories I write. You're guys' comments are very motivating and it also brightens my day to see that you guys enjoy the story. So keep commenting please.

I will update soon! hopefully I can get an update tomorrow. I'll try my hardest to  update daily.

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Thank you!
Chapter 15 probably wont be the favorite chapter of the Kryber fans. but it's all part of my plan so I must apologize because I'm probably torturing you guys


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astauf03 #1
Chapter 42: The entire story is pure fluffness... even during some if the drama. Loved re-reading this
Chapter 42: I love ur story ...
buynlara #3
sorry but I can take the image of chapter 25 for a tattoo, is awesome ... I hope you answer me soon ...
I love the YoonYul moments, they are so cute ^.^
I love the end of your story it's so...beautiful and wow xDD
SooSica ~
_ninx_ #5
really love this story very much!!! SooSica<3
i love this story very much.. just start reading it. i come here from the prequel.
Nice ending here :))).i love ittt :))) xDxDxD. Gonna read the prequel xD
SNSD81 #8
wow.................. the ending is awsome even i dont even relised that it was a finel story the ending is very sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...........................<3