My Part in Your Story

We Used to be Enemies?


Sooyoung and Jessica decided to go to the cafe down the street from Sooyoung's house. They were sitting on the table that Sooyoung always would sit at.
"Sica," Sooyoung called the brunette's attention. "Do you ever wonder what happened while you were in your coma?"
Jessica tilted her head. "Only everyday of my life. But..." She smiled at Sooyoung. "I want to know your part in this story."
Sooyoung's eyes widened. "M-my part?" Jessica nodded. "O-okay. W-where should I start?"
"From the beginning." Jessica said with a smile. "From the accident till...well, wherever it ends."
Sooyoung smiled and nodded. "Arasso." She took a sip of her coffee. "Well..."
Sooyoung was walking to the cafe to pick up hot chocolate for her and her sister. She was wearing black jogging pants with a matching windbreaker jacket and a white t-shirt underneath, she was also wearing her dark blue converse sneakers.
"Geez. Why is it so cold?" Sooyoung said to herself. "Soojin, you better appreciate me for this."
As she continued to make her way to the cafe, she noticed a familiar girl rubbing her arms from the cold night air.
Sooyoung's eyes widened as she saw a car speeding down the street as the brunette started to cross the street. Sooyoung ran towards Jessica.
"Sica!" Sooyoung shouted, reaching for the brunette.
There was no time for Sooyoung to think, she used her instincts to react. She wrapped her arms around the brunette and used her body as a shield for the older girl.
Sooyoung's head hit the windshield hard, leaving a dent in the glass. The two girls rolled off the side of the car and hit the road. Sooyoung looked over at Jessica, who laid next to her unconscious with blood streaming down her face. Sooyoung's vision was blurred and her eyes were stinging from the blood dripping into them.
"Jessica..." Sooyoung whispered as she tried to reach for the brunette's hand.
"Oh my gosh." The driver of the car gasped as she got out of the car. "Hold on. I'm going to call for help."
By the time the ambulance came, Sooyoung was barely conscious and the driver was in a state of panic. Sooyoung had forced herself to lay beside Jessica's still unconscious body.
"I-I don't think you should be moving." The driver said, frantically. "You might injure yourself more."
"I don't care." Sooyoung said, sternly. She cringed at the throbbing pain in her head. "I would risk my life for this girl...even if she doesn't know it."
At the hospital, The doctor told Sooyoung that she had a mild concussion as well as a broken arm and a fracture in her leg. He wanted to have her admitted into the hospital for atleast a week so that they could monitor her concussion. However, Sooyoung was informed that Jessica had a major concussion and was in a coma. 
Sooyoung asked to leave her room to see Jessica. The nurse had put her in a wheelchair and wheeled her into the next room. Sooyoung looked at the unconscious girl with a solemn expression.
"Thank you. I can take it from here." Sooyoung said, bowing her head towards the nurse. The nurse left with a bow. "Sica, I'm sorry about this."
Sooyoung struggled to push the wheel chair closer towards the bed. She fished around the girls pockets for a cell phone. She dialed Jessica's father's number and explained to him what happened.
When Jessica's parents arrived with her sister they broke down in tears seeing their daughter lying on the bed unconscious and hooked up to a breathing assist. Krystal looked at Sooyoung with solemn eyes.
"Are you the one that saved my sister?" Krystal asked, tilting her head.
Sooyoung smiled. "How can you tell?"
"Because, you're all hurt too." Krystal said pointing to the wrap around the older girl's head.
"Thank you so much for saving our daughter." Mr. Jung said, bowing towards Sooyoung followed by his wife.
Sooyoung held up her hand. "Don't worry. I would protect your daughter any day."
"Mommy, Daddy, this is Choi Sooyoung." Krystal said.
Mr. and Mrs. Jung's eyes widened. Sooyoung just nodded.
"You're the one who has been making trouble to Jessica." Mrs. Jung said, shocked. "Why would you protect her?"
"You have the wrong idea." Sooyoung said, frowning. "I...I'm actually very love with...Jessica." Sooyoung hesitated to speak her sentence.
Mr. Jung snickered. "Very much like a boy." He gently patted Sooyoung on the shoulder. "I'm very grateful for what you did. If there is anything I can do for you,
just name it."
"Well, I don't need anything now." Sooyoung said. "Thank you for the offer though."
A few days went by and Sooyoung would stay in Jessica's room, caring for her by wiping down her body and helping the nurses by changing the water in the vase of flowers that were brought in by Jessica's parents and changing the IV bag. Sooyoung's leg had healed enough for her to walk for a little while.
"Sica, aren't there flowers pretty?" Sooyoung asked the unconscious girl. "Your mom brought them yesterday, remember?"
There was a knock on the door, getting Sooyoung's attention. She opened the door to see Jessica's friends. Sooyoung moved out of the door way to let them in. Sunny stayed by Sooyoung and gave the girl a solemn look.
"You really would risk your life for her, huh?" Sunny asked. "You love her that much?"
Sooyoung nodded. "You guys can't be here too long okay?"
"Yeah. We know." Taeyeon said. She placed a stuffed bear next to Jessica. "Here's something to get better soon Sica."
Yuri put another vase of flowers on the table next to the ones Jessica's mother had left. "A little more color as well."
"We just came to give you this stuff." Sunny said with a smile. "Take care you two."
Three weeks later, Sooyoung still stayed by Jessica's side even though she was already released. She smiled at the necklace that was laying around the brunette's neck. She was waiting for Jessica's parents and friends to arrive for Jessica was said to wake up any day now.
When everyone arrived, Sooyoung had removed her sling and greeted them with a warm smile. She still had the crown of her head bandaged and her cast on. Everyone looked at the girl with confused expressions.
"Mr. Jung, remember when you said is I needed anything you would get it for me?" Sooyoung asked. Mr. Jung nodded. "Well, there's one thing I need from all of you."
"From all of us?" Krystal asked, tilting her head.
"When Jessica wakes up," Sooyoung took a deep breath as she held onto her necklace. "don't tell her that I was the one who saved her. Don't even tell her that I came."
Everyone's expression changed to shocked ones. "What?"
"You know how when people get saved they feel like they're in love with the person who saved them," Sooyoung began to explain. "then later on they realize that they don't really love the person?"
Everyone nodded.
"Well, I don't want that to happen." Sooyoung said, she was biting her lip trying to hold back her tears for what was going through her mind. "I want her to fall in love with me for me. Plus she's leaving for America soon."
Jessica's parents nodded their heads in understanding. They bowed their heads as if to give the young girl approval. She looked at Jessica's friends with pleading eyes and they just nodded their heads.
"Thank you so much." Sooyoung said, bowing deeply.
-----End Flashback-----
"And the day after, you woke up." Sooyoung said.
Jessica sat there, silent. She couldn't believe all the time that Sooyoung had sacrificed for her while she was still injured. Jessica got up and hugged the
younger girl. Sooyoung had a confused expression but returned the hug.
"I'm so luck to have you all to myself." Jessica smiled as she gave Sooyoung a quick peck on the lips.
Hello readers and friends,
So, here's todays update.
I'm still trying to figure out how the prequel is going  to work out. I want to make it in a point of view style.
Maybe in Sooyoung's ? or Sica's?
What do you guys think?
Let me know what you guys think?
Your author,
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Thank you!
Chapter 15 probably wont be the favorite chapter of the Kryber fans. but it's all part of my plan so I must apologize because I'm probably torturing you guys


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astauf03 #1
Chapter 42: The entire story is pure fluffness... even during some if the drama. Loved re-reading this
Chapter 42: I love ur story ...
buynlara #3
sorry but I can take the image of chapter 25 for a tattoo, is awesome ... I hope you answer me soon ...
I love the YoonYul moments, they are so cute ^.^
I love the end of your story it's so...beautiful and wow xDD
SooSica ~
_ninx_ #5
really love this story very much!!! SooSica<3
i love this story very much.. just start reading it. i come here from the prequel.
Nice ending here :))).i love ittt :))) xDxDxD. Gonna read the prequel xD
SNSD81 #8
wow.................. the ending is awsome even i dont even relised that it was a finel story the ending is very sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...........................<3