Unforgivable Part 2

We Used to be Enemies?

Sooyoung decided to bring Jessica out of the house. The couple caught the bus to a cafe a few blocks down from Jessica's house. Sooyoung was reluctant to go but she  wanted to explain to Jessica when she felt comfortable. Jessica hadn't spoken a word since she was upset with Sooyoung for leaving her question unanswered.

"Soo, what are we doing here." Jessica finally spoke. She looked at Sooyoung with a raised eyebrows.
"Does this place look familiar to you?" Sooyoung asked, taking the brunette's hand and leading her into the cafe.
"It looks like the cafe I've been seeing in my dream." Jessica said. "The one I was at just before the accident. Right?"
Sooyoung nodded. "Y-you used to come here a lot with t-that girl." Sooyoung sat Jessica down at the third table from the door next to the window.
"She was your first love and you guys would sit here a lot."
"H-how do you know that?" Jessica asked. "Are you trying to say that you were my first love?"
Sooyoung shook her head. "I live in that direction from here." She pointed to the road that was forked from Jessica's road. "If you remember the middle school was down that way." She pointed in the direction behind her.
"Oh. That's right." Jessica nodded with a smile. "but you still haven't explained anything to me."
"Well, since I lived in this direction I would come here often." Sooyoung said. "I would sit over there." She pointed to a table that was two tables down from them and closer to the door.
"By yourself?" Jessica asked with a frown.
"Yeah." Sooyoung said, shrugging. "That's how I knew you guys came here a lot."
"Do you remember her? Like her name?" Jessica asked, tilting her head. Sooyoung frowned. "Soo, I'll still love you. It's just that I want to know, it's really bothering me that I can't remember."
"Her name wa-"
"Is that you, Jessica?!" A high and cheerful voice asked. Sooyoung grimaced at the girl who was headed towards them. Jessica turned to see a girl with reddish brown hair walking towards them with a smile. "Oh my gosh! Sica!" The girl wrapped her arms around Jessica, causing Sooyoung to get up and pull her off. The girl gave Sooyoung a hurt look, while Sooyoung remained unphased. Jessica just looked at the two a confused look.
"Sooyoung..." The girl said with a frown. "Am I not allowed to see my ex-girlfriend?"
"You can see her." Sooyoung said, clenching her fists. She stepped in front of the brunette, who was still sitting down. "Not touch."
"Soo, who is this?" Jessica asked, timidly.
"What? You don't remember me?" The girl whined, trying to see past Sooyoung. "It's me, Hyuna."
Jessica's eyes widened. "Y-you were my first love."
"That's right." Hyuna said, smiling.
"I don't mean to be rude, but could you please leave?" Jessica said, lowering her head.
"Besides, you promised you wouldn't come near her." Sooyoung almost growled. "especially after what you did."
Hyuna frowned. "Sorry, I was just happy to see that she was okay." Hyuna bowed. "Well, it was nice seeing you." She left to go to the cashier to make an order.
"Sica?" Sooyoung asked, turned to the brunette. "Are you okay? You didn't have to send her away for my sake."
"No. I wanted to do that." Jessica said, wiping away the tears that threatened to fall. "I know she was a part of my accident so I don't really want to see her."
Sooyoung sat down and put her arm around the brunette's shoulder. She let Jessica rest her head on her shoulder while the two of them stared out of the window, they watched as business people and elderly women coming home from shopping walked by.
Sooyoung decided to bring Jessica back to her house so she can rest. Jessica rested her head on Sooyoung's shoulder as they waited for their stop. Jessica looked up to see Sooyoung was looking out the window, deep in thought.
"Soo?" Jessica asked, intertwining her fingers with the latter's.
Sooyoung diverted her attention towards the brunette. "Yes princess?"
"Do you know who saved me?" Jessica asked. "You never did answer that yet."
Sooyoung let out a sigh. "I did." Jessica lifted her head and gave the taller girl a shocked expression.
"J-jinjja?" Jessica tilted her head. "but why? We were enemies."
"Did you ever think of the reason why I always challenged you?" Sooyoung tilted her head. Jessica shook her head, causing Sooyoung to let out a sigh. "like I said when I confessed to you, I liked you since the day we met. I didn't know how to explain it when we were in elementary but when if was middle school and I figured out what the feeling was, it was too late. You had Hyuna."
Jessica frowned. "That doesn't explain why you always challenged me."
"I just wanted to impress you but no matter how hard I tried you'd always do better then me." Sooyoung let out a sigh. "and you did it so effortlessly." Sooyoung  crossed her arms and pouted.
Jessica giggled. She sat up and kissed the younger girl on the cheek. "I'm sorry Sooyoungie~"
Sooyoung turned and smiled, giving Jessica a quick peck on the lips. "Here's our stop." She got up and helped the brunette as they got off the bus. "Sorry for bringing you out. I know your fever was a bit high."
"No. It's fine." Jessica smiled, she wrapped her arms around the taller girl's neck. "Just carry me home. I'm tired and my feet hurt."
Sooyoung couldn't help but smile. She lifted Jessica up, bridal style and started walking to Jessica's house. "Anything for you Princess Jung." Jessica nuzzled her head into the crook of Sooyoung's neck.
"What made you save me again?" Jessica asked.
"Because I was madly in love with you." Sooyoung said, smiling. "When I saw you leave Hyuna, I thought that it would be a good chance to chase after you."
"then?" Jessica asked, her eyes were starting to get heavy.
"I saw that car coming for you and by the time I got to you, there wasn't enough time to pull you away." Sooyoung said, holding the brunette closer. "I was hit first but you're a lot more fragile than I am so you got more injured than I did."
"So, you really were the one who gave this too me." Jessica said, holding the heart shaped pendant in her hand with a smile.
"It was kind of a promise ring." Sooyoung said, causing the brunette to give her a confused look. "I'm wearing the matching pair to it."
Jessica looked at Sooyoung's neck and noticed a chain that was hidden in her shirt. Jessica pulled the chain out and revealed a matching heart shaped diamond necklace. She looked up at Sooyoung, who was blushing at the sudden contact.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Jessica asked, kissing the pendant that hung around Sooyoung's neck.
"I did." Sooyoung said. "When you we're in the hospital." She had a smirk, knowing that Jessica wouldn't remember because she was still in a coma at that time.
"Well, what if I never fell in love with you?" Jessica asked, tilting her head as Sooyoung let her down at the gate of her house.
"Well," Sooyoung said, putting a finger to her temple. "I would just wait for the day that you did. Even if it took an eternity."
Jessica blushed. She gave the latter a quick peck on the cheek. "You're so cheesy." She smiled. "but that's how I like you."
Sooyoung laughed. "What made you wear it?" She closed the gate after walking in behind the brunette. "Especially if someone just left it on the table."
"The note." Jessica said. She smiled shyly. "Please always wear me. I know you don't know who I'm from but just know that the gifter of me loved you enough to risk her life for you." Jessica had recited the note by memory which caused Sooyoung to smile.
"You remembered that whole thing word for word?" Sooyoung said, holding the door open. Jessica nodded.
"I read it so many times I lost count." Jessica said, removing her shoes. "I never did take it off."
Sooyoung wrapped her arms around the brunette. "I love you SO much!" Sooyoung exclaimed, catching the older girl off guard. "It means so much that you never took it off! It must've been because I never took mine off."
Jessica giggled. "Choding." She started to walk up the stairs. "Do you want to spend the night? I don't think Tiffany will be coming home anytime soon."
"What about Krystal?" Sooyoung asked.
"She had her own room." Jessica said, turning on the light. "If you don't want to, you can just stay until I fall asleep."
"I don't mind staying the night." Sooyoung said, worried about leaving her princess home alone. "I don't want to leave you on your own if your sick."
"Soo, you worry too much." Jessica giggled.
When Jessica was dressed in her pajamas, the couple laid down on Jessica's bed. They snuggled close together on the twin sized bed, as they were starting to drift into dreamland, smiles on their faces.
Hello readers!
Sorry for this update being later than usual.
I had a busy day today. I had to do testing today which ended later than I thought it would.
Then my friend decided that we would go eat lunch before she brought me home.
I'm amazed that everyday my subscriber list seems to always grow.
It makes me so happy since I've never had anyone other then my friends read my stories.
please continue to read and hopefully enjoy this story. I'm trying my best to stay consistent with my unpdates.
Hope you guys liked this chapter.
You happy & touched author,
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Chapter 15 probably wont be the favorite chapter of the Kryber fans. but it's all part of my plan so I must apologize because I'm probably torturing you guys


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astauf03 #1
Chapter 42: The entire story is pure fluffness... even during some if the drama. Loved re-reading this
Chapter 42: I love ur story ...
buynlara #3
sorry but I can take the image of chapter 25 for a tattoo, is awesome ... I hope you answer me soon ...
I love the YoonYul moments, they are so cute ^.^
I love the end of your story it's so...beautiful and wow xDD
SooSica ~
_ninx_ #5
really love this story very much!!! SooSica<3
i love this story very much.. just start reading it. i come here from the prequel.
Nice ending here :))).i love ittt :))) xDxDxD. Gonna read the prequel xD
SNSD81 #8
wow.................. the ending is awsome even i dont even relised that it was a finel story the ending is very sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...........................<3