
You know we were meant to be

- - - - -

The next day, you went to the big oak three and waited for Brian.

Brian had texted you last night and told you to meet him there because he had something to say to you. You tried your best to ignore the sick feeling in your stomach, but it was bothering you to the point you thought you might throw up.

After about 5 minutes, Brian had also finally arrived. He had walked over to you while looking down, but when he had reached you and stood in front of you, he looked straight into your eyes.

His eyes were black, and serious, and it gave you chills.

"Hi, Brian? what's up?"

"_ _ _ _, you know I love you right?" You nodded slightly, afraid of what he was tryin to say, "and I know you love me just as much, but,"

"but what?" you interrupted him. There was a sharp pain in your throat, and you were on the verge of tears.

"the love we feel for each other is not the romantic kind of love, but more like friends."

You swore you felt a tear fall down your cheek, but when you lifted your hand to wipe it away, your cheeks were dry. The wind blew your hair into your face, and you heard it whisper a sad song into your ears. Deffinitely nothing you could dance to.

Dancing... why am I thinking of something so enjoyable at a moment like this?

"Remember when we went to that magical garden thing?" Brian suddenly reminded you about it.

You knew it... He had seen you bump into a guy who was not him, near a sign that had a love heart on it indicating that he was your true love.

"I thought it must have been a small mistake, because I saw you just bow and turn away quickly, but...." Brian said, and you felt the sadness in his voice. "...but when he ran after you and hugged you..."

Wait.. what? Why cant i remember?

"...I felt heartbroken..." he finished.

"Brian," you spoke with a broken voice. It was obvious that you were about to cry, "dont think about something like that! I dont even know who he is.. I-I-I-I probably wont even see him ever again!! Bri-an!" you sobbed.

"Actually... _ _ _ _, I also met someone..."

What? Brian also met someone at the garden? But he never said anything to me? Is he seeing her? Is she really his true love? Does he think she is? What is going on!?

"I apologized to her, and told her I had you... but then, when I came to this school... i saw her again..."

So Brian really thinks she is his true love? What about me!?

"Brian." you were  crying now. Tears were literally falling down your cheeks like waterfalls. "Why did you tell me to come here... why didnt you just break up with me sooner? Do you know how heartbroken I've been this past week? I was worried, that you might break up with me... but you still continued to give me some hope... and now... why!?"

You broke down on your knees, and Brian ran over and knelt beside you putting his hoodie around you. It had started raining, but only little rain fell on you as the tree above you covered you.

You pushed the hoodie back at him, and shoved him away, but he came back and forcefully pulled you in his arms.

"I dont want this to be the end of our relationship _ _ _ _ !" He spoke a bit louder now. "I mean... we may not be a couple anymore, but I love you _ _ _ _, I dont want our friendship to end!"

I dont want it to end either, but how can i stay friends with you when you're with your new girlfriend?

As much as you wanted to push him away, you felt too weak against his tight but gentle hug.

After a while of sobbing into Brian's shoulder, you finally managed to whisper, "Why... did you tell me to come here... Brian?"

"...believe it or not... but the boy you met at the garden... He's also in this school..." He started to slowly loosen his arms around you. "I heard of your amnesia... so I'm not sure if its true or not... but the way he looked at you in the garden... by the look of that longing expression... I think it's possible he's someone special from your forgotten past."

"Who is he?" You asked, expecting him to tell you, but he pulled away from you and shook his head.

"I'm sorry... but I'm afraid something terrible might happen to you, if you dont remember him yourself."

He pulled away from you completely, and stood up. You suddenly felt colder, and the rain coming down on you was making you wet.

"I'm sorry _ _ _ _, but I think this is for the best."

With that, he walked away from you, and left you there, to kneel on the wet grass, and sob away until no more tears came from your eyes.

I loved you Brian... no... I love you Brian... but...

An image of Minho popped up in your mind all of a sudden. You knew it was Minho, but he definitely looked much different. Younger...

What is going on?

- - - - - -

what a horrible cliffhanger! O_O I'm sorry.
Brian just left you there , to cry in the rain. Kinda sad. T^T
But what's up with the sudden image of a younger Minho that popped up in your mind?
I smell the nearing of the end of the story D:

- Kohuke


*dont forget to leave comments please.

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bliss- #1
Chapter 18: this kind of story gives me a lot of feels :') now i feel so old
I hope you continue this story!!
MinMiShine94 #3
Chapter 18: Aaaaaaaaa I love this story Soooo much authornim hehe can anyone give me the link to the sequel I want to see what happens next xD
Kate1016 #4
Chapter 13: hehe I'm a late reader, but i love this story so far!! I try not to be a silent reader, but most of the time I am so yeah... Just wanted to let you know I exist....
Reading this for the second time~
Chapter 18: thats so cute please amke a sequle
Nice story ^^
Sequel?! YES!!
Autumn_Memories #8
This story is gooood :)
Do you guys know what's the sequel called? :O