Chapter 21: Hi, Luhan! I’m your inner self twin.

A Major Cutie? More like a Douche Bag! {Semi-Hiatus}


Chapter 21: Hi, Luhan! I’m your inner self twin.






But! Of course, I will not tell you sooner or later. You guys probably hate cliffhangers but I love cliffhangers. But, for the sake of all of you, I will be telling it, but of course, without the SOMETHING in it.

After I heard that something, I was surprise like hell. Why did she even say that? I thought… she wasn’t serious at all but it is totally the complete opposite.

Is she joking? Is something wrong with her head? Is something controlling her? Probably a random fan girl or maybe a hypocrite?

I decided to just walk in this carnival and just forget about everything she said. Like, I will be invisible to them just to forget it than to remember it and be awkward.

What a slay Luhan. It’s weird.

I was an awkward turtle just following them. They entered the cup thingy but of course, I didn’t join with them. Probably because I will be a loner there watching the sweet lovey dovey couple thingy.

It .

Litterally, I was just hanging out the air-conditioned room scared of my perfect hair to be ruined with those hideous rides that doesn’t even make sense if I would be screaming my lungs out with those hypocrites. I’d rather eat an ice-cream for three hours and work out for three hours or so just so I can be fit again.

I was watching them from the under. The tall boy was of course, without any expressions in it, while that girl is shouting in joy. I don’t really care about the kids since I don’t know where they gave them too.

*Where are the kids?*

I started looking for them but I can’t. How can a six year old girl and another six year old boy handle this huge carnival themselves?

I don’t need to find them since I know that those love birds will not abandon them.

Come On!!! They are there siblings and they will not find them.

Whatever, I’m out here.

I started roaming around in the second floor of the carnival that I even forgot the name. Come on, the last time I was here is that when I was a baby in diapers.

Well, of course, a diaper, not a little cloth with those squeaky noisy sounds and a so called magic tape.

Man! Magic tape? Where’s the magic there?

Oh, yeah, the magic is the heart, of you going inside mine.

Meeeh. Okay I was really a noob with this nonsense pick-up lines. But! I can probably think of better ones if I have a girl who makes me happy.

Why not try it? I asked myself but I’d rather be a silly one doing those unicycle ones than show off my pick-up skills.

Since I have nothing to do, I was thinking of giving you a history from the day I was born till now about me telling my dreams in life.

Am I weird telling this in my mind? I mean, I’m in a coffee shop where there are no people.

O. So, uhm, Hi! Luhan.

I. Oh, haha, yeah. Luhan?

O. Yeah! Luhan, I’m Luhan! You?

I. Uhm..Hi Luhan! I’m your inner self twin.

O.Woah! I didn’t know I have a twin.

I. Well yeah, *dumb*.


I. Nothing, *pabo*.

O. What?

I. I have no response, *weirdo*.

O. What are you doing?

I. Obviously irritated because of you, *loser*.

O. Why?

I. Because you’re talking to yourself, that’s all.

O. And you’re talking to yourself to! Take that!

I. I have no response.

O. Well of course!

I. Can you please stop this?

O. No.

I. Will I wake you up?

O. No.

I. Yes?

O. No.

I. What is it?

O. Nooo.

I. I heard you say yes.

O. I just said ye- I mean, no!

I. Well said, outer self.

O. It was good talking to you.

I. It was bad talking to a weirdo like you.

O. B-bu


I woke up with this ringtone.

I wonder who is calling.

I press the call button and was surprise.










Sorry guys.

I know you guys expect that SOMETHING. -

Oh! And the O <- means the outside, his talking with himself for short.

I <-means the inside, the brain and the mind of his.

But, I can’t.

I want you guys to know more on the next days.

And, I’m sorry for not updating.

I’m a directress, an officer, a scriptwriter, a video artist, a graphic artist, a student and a hardworking daughter here and I need to pass the exam for my college life.

So I will not, *maybe* online of Monday because I will study the whole day. I need to impress my parents that I can do it.

The exam is on Wednesday, if you guys are wondering about it, it’s called NCAE. An exam to test what course suits you. Filipinas and Filipinos must’ve known this and take this too last time :D

So, wait for me and pray for me so that I can get a high result and be a TOP NOTCHER.

The teachers said that it doesn’t matter if you’re an honor here. The top notchers here are actually the normal and the funny persons. Since I’m like those people, I might get a chance and finally study in my dream school!

Thanks guys and please pray for me to pass there!


God bless all of you =)







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Chapter 23: Update soon!~
Chapter 22: this and the previous chappie sent me in the deepest depths of confusion.. like whut???
Yooora #3
Update Soon ^^
Chapter 22: Confused....
Update soon :)
Chapter 22: Omg imma so confused!
4everALonE_26 #6
Chapter 22: I'm also confused to this chapter..
Btw,Update Soon~! :"> <3
JenieceVu1007 #7
Chapter 22: Oh no is it mirae
Well that would
Anyways update toon please
Chapter 22: Okay...I'm a little confused here, lol. Luhan is being such a weirdo..
Chapter 22: Uhhh... this chapter was a bit confusing...
Yay~!! Cute Luhan!! I mean weirdo Luhan...
But I wonder what was the name of your kid Luhan.. keke^^