Chapter 12: Gloomy Day

A Major Cutie? More like a Douche Bag! {Semi-Hiatus}


Chapter 12: Gloomy Day


It was cloudy and you were sure it will rain. You sigh in annoyance and just sit at the bed with her earphones in her ears. It was six o’clock and you were awakened by the noisy birds on the window. After sitting at the bed for straight fifteen minutes, you decided to wash up for another day. You browse your cabinet to see a lot of variety of dresses.

*I don’t think I brought this dresses* you thought and just look for another clothes. You open the middle cabinet which contains t-shirts. You beamed and grab your black and white loose sweater and black leggings. You look at the mirror to see your hair messy and grab your comb to fix it. You nod in agreement and switch on the lights inside the bathroom. You did a refreshing and long shower. You rolled your hair using the towel and place another one covering your body. You thought it was a better way to change outside since the bathroom is all wet and all. You unlocked the door and forgot to close the shower. You grab your lotion and apply it all over your body. You placed it back when you heard the door opens.

You face the unknown person who opened the door and your eyes widen in shock.

“YAH!!!!” You shouted and quickly push the door.

*She looks hot. I never knew she has a milky skin!* Luhan thought.

“Mirae! I need to go to the bathroom! I promise to not look! I know that you want to change outside, so let’s swap places! I go in the bathroom, you go in the bedroom! Deal?” Luhan waited for your reply while you are thinking briefly.

“You promise to not look at me?” You asked and Luhan said okay.

You slowly open the door to see Luhan’s eyes close.

“See! My eyes are close! You push me inside the bathroom and close it after, Arasso?” Luhan ask and you nodded. You push Luhan gently so that he will not slip and you quickly close the door in a speed of light.

“DONE!” You shouted and soon, the water was already dripping down in Luhan’s body. You place your clothes above the bed and soon wear them. You comb your hair and grab your dryer. You don’t want to show Luhan your long straight hair so you dried your hair quickly. After ten minutes of drying, your hair was finally dry and you grab the nearest ponytail you can spot.

“Oh great, it is a clam. Guess I reach out for my bag” You said huskily and grab your bag. You open the first zipper of your bag and grab a violet ponytail. You made it a bracelet in your left hand and you stand in front of the mirror. You pony your hair in a high one and dusted your remaining hair in your forehead in the side. You have bangs so you decided to remove your everyday clip and show your bangs. It was a right-side bangs and you comb it so that it will be straight. You open your cabinet to grab your black converse and tie it properly. The door opens to see your Luhan’s mother smiling.

“Mirae-ah, where’s Luhan?” She said sweetly and you pointed the bathroom. Luhan’s mother nodded and said, “After he takes a bath, go down so that you guys can have your breakfast” You nodded and the door closes.

The door of the bathroom soon opened and you gasp when you saw Luhan . Not totally but half . The towel was wrapped around his lower body and he was drying his hair. Luhan smirks and said, “Go outside, you don’t want me to change in front of you right?”

You nodded and close the door breathing hard.

*That was hot* you thought and mentally knock your forehead like a door and mumbled Pabo a lot of times. Your little brother saw you and said, “Noona! Why are you knocking your forehead?”

“Aiggoo, let’s just go down arasso?” You said and Eun nodded and hold your hand going downstairs.

“Mirae-ah, where’s Luhan?” Your mom said and you pointed the room.

“Doing?” You sighed and replied, “Dressing up”

 “Arasso” Your mom nodded and soon, all of you sat at one chair and stared at the uneaten food.

“Why are we not yet eating?” You asked curiously and Luhan’s mom replied, “Were waiting for Luhan right?” You sighed and just nodded wishing he will be coming out because your stomach is needy for food.

Soon, the door of his room opens and you sighed. *Thank God* You thought and stared at the food.

“What took you so long? We are all waiting for you” Luhan’s mother said and his son replied, “Umma, Mianhe, I took so long to pick clothes”

You look curiously in his clothes and he was wearing a gray and red varsity jacket and black jeans. He also has a colorful beanie covering his hair. His bangs were showing and he was sweetly looking at you. You glared at him and said, “Can we eat already?” They nodded and you finally eat your food.

Soon, all of you finished their foods and you stand up wanting to digest the food.

“What are you doing there standing all alone?” Luhan asked and you just ignored and look at the window. He come towards you and stands beside you. You just ignored it and just hope your fifteen minutes of standing will stop. You look at the wall clock and it was pass seven o’clock already. You wonder what will be the event for today and soon, you sit at one couch resting your chin at your palms looking gloomy.

Luhan sit beside you and look at your gloomy face. “Why are you suddenly so sad?” He asked worriedly and looks at the window. The outside was really gloomy and Luhan decided to do something.

“Mirae, do you want to go out? It’s really boring here” Luhan persuade you to go out but you just shook your head continuously not knowing your mother is looking at you with a worried face.

*Guess she hates to go outside* Luhan thought and just stared blankly.

“What’s wrong with you Mirae? Are you sick or something?” Luhan’s mother ask and handed you milk. You gladly accept it and you drink it slowly and sighed.

“Are you okay?” Luhan ask and you just nodded and stand up to get one ice-cream. You look at the gloomy Luhan staring at the ceiling and grab another one for him. You are convinced at first but you remembered what happen last night. You sighed and sat beside him. You showed the watermelon bar to him and his eye widen.

“Why so surprised?” You asked and he just smiled at you and said, “Caring for me now?” You elbowed him and said bluntly, “That’s for yesterday” You handed him the watermelon bar and he accepted it. He unwraps the plastic and placed the plastic above the table. You did the same and soon ate it.

 “Why are you so gloomy?” He asked curiously and you just sighed.

“You know what, you will know all of those when the right time comes. I don’t even consider you as a friend so back out” You said grumpily and finish eating your ice-cream.

“Okay, so… how can I be your friend then?” Luhan asked and you look at him, “Figure it out”






Yeah, a boring chapter. Sorry! Promise that it will be good on my next update!

8 Subbies increased! Nice!

This are my other versions of my poster :D IS IT NICE?!


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Chapter 23: Update soon!~
Chapter 22: this and the previous chappie sent me in the deepest depths of confusion.. like whut???
Yooora #3
Update Soon ^^
Chapter 22: Confused....
Update soon :)
Chapter 22: Omg imma so confused!
4everALonE_26 #6
Chapter 22: I'm also confused to this chapter..
Btw,Update Soon~! :"> <3
JenieceVu1007 #7
Chapter 22: Oh no is it mirae
Well that would
Anyways update toon please
Chapter 22: Okay...I'm a little confused here, lol. Luhan is being such a weirdo..
Chapter 22: Uhhh... this chapter was a bit confusing...
Yay~!! Cute Luhan!! I mean weirdo Luhan...
But I wonder what was the name of your kid Luhan.. keke^^