
Fixed Star




The next morning Iseul woke up with her eyes puffy as hell. She went inside the bathroom and washed her face. She examined her eye that is swelling.

“Ahh! Why did I cry so much?” She whined. She thought for a way to ease the puffiness. The only thing she can think of is putting ice in it.

She went out of the bathroom. She glanced at the clock and it says 8:50 am.

“Their all probably out by now and Omma should probably be gardening.” She thought.

She went out of her room carefully making any noise. She successfully got down the stairs. She made a quick dash to the kitchen when she bumped into Hongki who was walking his way out of the kitchen.

“Oh! Iseul you scared the out of me!” Hongki said holding his chest while breathing hard.

“Oops! Sorry Oppa I was in a hurry.” She apologized forgetting he puffy eyes. Hongki stared at his cousin’s swelled up eyes.

“Yah! Why are your eyes so puffy? Did you cry last night?” Hongki asked examining her swelled up eyes.

“I was watching this sad documentary about children dying in hunger at Africa. You know me I’m such an emotional junkie.” Iseul reasoned trying to look as relax as possible. Hongki seems to believe him.

“Ah! Okay! Be sure to put ice on it dongsaeng-ah.” Hongki said and walked out of the kitchen. Iseul sigh in relief.

She opened their two-door fridge and got some ice cubes. She took a clean cloth in one of the drawers and put the ice in it. She pats the cloth covered ice cubes in her eyes.

 She remembered Bom’s going to pick her up at 9:30. She glanced at the kitchen clock and it’s already 9:08.

“Shoot! I have to go get ready!” She sprinted to her room still patting ice in her swelling eyes.


After a quick shower blow dried her hair. She heard her mom yelling downstairs.

“Iseul! Bom is here to pick you up!” She heard her mom. She immediately changed into this:


Caught In The Middle - action death drama romance suspense you yuri - chapter image




She put immediately applied some make-up, she dab on a lot of concealer around her eyes since it was a still little puffy.

After that she went downstairs and saw her mom and Bom talking in the living room. She smiled at both of them.

“I’m ready!” She said getting their attentions. Bom beamed and stood up to hug Iseul. They shared a tight hug.

“Mom we’re going!” Iseul said. Her mom smiled at them.

“Deh, take care” She bid goodbye. The two girls headed to the door.

“Annheegaseyo, Omonim!” Bom said and bowed to her boyfriend’s mother who basically treats her like a daughter.

“Deh, have fun.” Iseul’s mom said and they left.


The 2 ladies were inside Bom’s BMW. They headed to a café at Garuso-gil. Bom was driving while Iseul was comfortably sitting on the passenger seat.  They catch up on everything that’s been going on with their life while driving.

“So how are you and Myungsoo?” Bom asked. Iseul slightly jumped in her seat.

 Apparently Bom was the only person who knows about her relationship with Myungsoo beside their friends. She was kind of an older sister for Iseul and Iseul trust her to not tell it to her family until their ready. Bom was a support system to her, she tells her what’s happening in her life and she openly told him about having a boyfriend and Bom understand and respect her dongsaeng’s decision to keep it a secret to her family. Even T.O.P Iseul’s older brother and Bom’s boyfriend didn’t know anything, Bom really kept zipped about the whole Iseul and Myungsoo subject.

“We’re over.” She answered bitterly. Bom glanced at her shock.

“Eh? Why? You two are like inseparable before you left.” She asked confused. Iseul just shrugged.

“I’ll tell you later while we’re eating.” Iseul answered. She the radio and sung to the song I Want U Back by Cher Lloyd.


They arrived at a café called “Toast” in Garosu-gil. Garosu-gil is a place in Seoul where countless varieties of different themed coffee shops resided, it was also known for shady green trees around the sidewalks that’s why people loves walking around the area.

They sat down at one of the tables and chose their order. There weren’t much people in the café so it was relaxing. It has a homey feel inside and calm relaxing music was playing.

As they waited for their food Bom decided to interrogate Iseul about Myungsoo.

“So?” Bom stared at Iseul waiting for an explanation. Iseul looked up from the magazine she’s reading feeling the older female’s questioning stare at her.

“Unnie wae?” She asked totally forgetting about her said explanation. Bom glared at her.

“So your explanation about Myungsoo?” She said crossing her arms and raising one of her eyebrows.

“Do I really have to explain what happened to me and ‘that’ guy?” She asked looking a little down.

“Whoa that guy! So there’s really a story on how you broke up huh? Not like the other’s who was like we just realized we aren’t meant for each other so we decided to go separate ways.” Bom stated half serious and half teasingly. Iseul pouted and nodded.

“Come on! Little lady spill it!” Bom said urging Iseul.

“Okay, but no over reacting and loud squealing. We’re in public.” Iseul gave in.

Right in time before Iseul’s story telling their orders came.

“Okay so, I told you before that Myungsoo were extremely against me going to New York right? But I still left for New York and just gave him a letter.” Iseul asked confirming it to Bom. Bom nodded.

She told her that rest of what happened while she’s in New York. About her losing communication to both Myungsoo and Na Eun and about Sistar and Infinite not telling her what happened back then.

“So now I came back, my close friends suddenly informed me that Myungsoo was dating my best friend, remember Na Eun?” Iseul asked Bom. Iseul couldn’t bring herself to cry anymore, her tears last night was enough.

“Oh! That nerdy two goody shoes girl you introduced to me? Their now dating?! She betrayed you?! ” Bom asked. Iseul nodded meekly, she was now felling really uncomfortable talking about these things when she just cried buckets of tears the other night.

“Yeah they’re dating unfortunately and I don’t know if she betrayed me or something.” Iseul answered with a rather low and awkward voice.

“Oh! Trust me girl, she did. But I’m confused how Myungsoo can like her? She was so ugly with her curly nest like hair and her like shy and nervous attitude and appearance. She was bug-faced, her face was full of pimples and other imperfections. Those qualities are what boys hate nowadays. She was a total opposite of you.” Bom stated the obvious. Iseul was emotionless.

“I saw her the other day she totally got so much prettier.” Iseul said. Bom frowned.

“That girl isn’t going to be pretty without some plastic surgery or maybe she’s a witch.” Bom said trying to lighten the atmosphere. Iseul smiled.

“I don’t care what she did to her face right now, if she did some magic, put some pesticide in her face or inject something whatever. In fact I don’t give a damn about her at this moment. All I know is that she’s dating the guy I love.” Iseul said sadly. Bom patted her back soothingly.

“Fight for him! You have a right?! You had no official break-up right? So come on kick some !” Bom encouraged her.

“I’m really confused on what to do right now. I just need time. I really need a break.” Iseul explained. Bom understand her. If she was in her position, she would also feel this way. Iseul was emotionally tired and her heart was numb.  All she wanted to do right now is to go away far far away from Seoul.

“Maybe I can just go back and study at New York.” Iseul thought. Bom stared at her in alarm. She slapped her arm.

“Yah! Are you crazy? You just came back and you wanted to leave again!” Bom glared at her.

“Aww! Unnie, that hurts!” Iseul whined rubbing her now red arm.

“That’s what you get for planning on leaving.” Bom irritated said. Iseul laughed.

“I’m just stating better options for myself.” Iseul reasoned.

“Leaving is not an option. If you leave it means you lose.” Bom persuaded her. Iseul thought about it.

“But there’s no fight.” She answered. Bom knock her head lightly.

“Pabo! You need to start a fight against that Na Eun. Get Myungsoo back where he belongs and he belongs to you.” Bom persuaded the younger girl. Iseul frowned.

“And how can I do that? Have a headlock with Na Eun or beat her up. I can’t do anything if they’re really in love with each other.” Iseul answered. Bom frowned still eating.

“You’re not sure if they really love each other. Come on fight for him, you have the right to.” Bom persuaded more while shaking Iseul’s arm.

“I don’t think I can fight anymore. Myungsoo has the right to love someone who is with him not like me who left.” Iseul said sadly.

“So that’s it your gonna give up?” Bom asked rather annoyed at Iseul. Iseul slightly nodded.

“I guess, he moved on already. Well what can I do? Maybe I need to be single for a while.” Iseul said while thinking, she smiled but sadness still filled her eyes.

“Single is fun sweety, but for you I don’t suggest it. Look at you! You look a zombie right now you know. I mean you’re pretty but your eyes have dark circles around it and you look really pale.” Bom said examining the girl’s fragile body.

“I’m just tired.” Iseul answered as an excused. Bom shook her head.

“Tired of what? Crying all night? Keeping all the pain? This is what’s tired.” Bom said pointing at Iseul’s chest where her heart is.

“It’s tired of being in constant pain. You just came back a few days ago and you’re already like this. Come on Iseul.” Bom urged her. Iseul thought for a while.

They continued eating in silence. Iseul finally made her decision.

“Unnie I think what’s best for me is, just let them be and we’ll see what happens. I’ll try to forget Myungsoo and I’ll start a fresh high school life here in Seoul without Myungsoo. I want to be single for a while and have fun. I want to just hang out with friends, with you, and my family. I just don’t want to worry about Na Eun and Myungsoo anymore. I have my life to live without both of them. I have friends, family and you anyways. It’s not like I can’t be happy or I’ll die without both of them. If Myungsoo and I are really meant to be then fine but there’s a time for that, Unnie. Also I’m not a fighter you know.” Iseul stated. Bom stared at her.

“If that’s what you want I’ll support you and I’ll always be here for you. But don’t blame me for the outcome of your decision.” Bom respected her dongsaeng’s decision and didn’t argue more.

“Thanks Unnie, You’re really awesome.” Iseul smiled at Bom.

“This girl really always thinking of other first and being selfless. I just hope you made the right decision.” Bom thought.

“Kim Myungsoo, I’ll try hard to forget about you. I hope you’re happy.” Iseul thought.



Hi! Everyone! So our internet is back that means more update!

So how was this chapter? 

Are you confuse?

Iseul finally decided to move on but can she really forget Myungsoo?

Please comment and tell me what you think! I'll be really happy and I can update more if you do!

I just wanna let you know that I changed some charaters I deleted Boyfriend form the story and I replaced Beast with EXO. If you don't mind! ^^

You guys know " Shut Up Flower Boy Band" right? Myungsoo is in there but I've been spazzing over Ji-hyuk's character there, I was literally screaming at every scene with him and Su-ah. I kind of don't like Hyunsoo (Myungsoo's character) I don't know why maybe because he's such a snob and he's so cold there. I just fine the Ji-Hyuk guy so handsome! LOL

Till then see you guys!

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Will definitelyt update later! :)


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XOexoOX #1
Chapter 14: I don't really like iseul .. She's like getting all the attention . Sistar is better
Inspiritly_Me #2
Chapter 20: I really hope that you will update this story authornim! It's really a nice story and I would love to continue reading it until the end. Hope you will update soon! Thanks!
Chapter 20: Update soon ^^ *new readers* hehe.... I'll wait for the next chapter... Let me suggest you for the next chapter : make myungsoo jealous with Kai and iseul... Myungsoo trying to get close with iseul again but blocked by Kai ^^ how's that? :)
Tomaslincoon #4
Update soon
xRiceCakex #5
Chapter 18: Ayeee authotnim! Pwease update! ^^ buing buing!
Chapter 18: Why would you need a pepero, Myungsoo? -_____- So mean...
Chapter 18: after 12344455566 years i waited XD
update soon~ x3
at last myungsoo spoke ><
Chapter 18: Iseul still love Myung, eh? I wonder who will she choose.
Hehe till your next update ^^