
Fixed Star




After almost 2 and ½ weeks of practice it’s finally time for the showcase and the actual “first day” of school. Students were scattered everywhere. Freshmen touring the school and having orientations as well as transferees and the other students catching up and checking out their new classrooms, classmates and teachers.


It’s not yet the regular day of school instead it’s just the orientation and welcoming ceremonies. Teachers were busy with preparing the showcase and welcoming new students.


Backstage of the gymnasium/theater where the “Back to School Showcase” is gonna be held everything was chaotic. Staffs and students were running everywhere getting ready. Sound and lighting checks were ongoing.


Infinite is in their waiting room. They were getting ready wearing their stage costumes. Some were practicing and exercising their voices like Woohyun and Sunggyu. Hoya was dancing. Sungyeol and Sungjong were fooling around. Dongwoo was practicing his rap while Myungsoo is just sitting in the couch fiddling with his phone.


Iseul shares her waiting room with Sistar. Sistar was already done with their make-up so their fixing their stage costumes. Iseul was having her make-up and hair done as she practices the songs she will be singing. As said before she has 2 performances one sole and one with 3 other girls Amber, Victoria, and Luna. She was exercising her voice, listening to the song and reviewing the lyrics.




“All the students please proceed to the gymnasium. The Back to School Showcase we prepared to welcome you all is starting.” The announcer from the speaker was heard.


“Hyung let’s go!” Sehun said pulling Baekhyun with him.


“Yah yah! Slow down. Were gonna knock off some students.” Baekhyun said.


EXO boys just got done touring the school and having orientations. They were walking headed to the gymnasium just as the announcer instructed. Kai was finally with them.


“This school is pretty awesome. It looks really prestige.” Suho said looking around.


“Yeah the teachers look talented too and I saw some pretty girls somewhere.” D.O said.


“All you think about is girls.” Kai smirked at him while walking hands in his pockets.


“Well what can you say? There are pretty girls around.” D.O said.


“Chanyeol, isn’t Iseul studying here?’” Suho asked.


“Yeah, Iseul-noona studies here. I wanna see her!” Sehun said jumping happily.


“Well she is but she texted me saying she’s gonna be busy today because she’s performing for the showcase.” Chanyeol explained.


“Wah! Daebak! We get to watch her perform!” Baekhyun said grinning.


“Who’s Iseul?” Kai asked.


“Chanyeol’s pretty childhood friend” D.O answered,


“We met her when you were still in Japan and I must say she’s gorgeous and super kind. Not like any other girls.” Baekhyun added.


“I just wanna say guys. Back off her. She’s my best childhood friend. None of you can flirt nor ask her out if you don’t want our friendship to be ruined.” Chanyeol turned to them with his death glare. The boy stared at the taller boy and nodded immediately.


“Yes we won’t flirt nor ask her out.” Sehun said with a salute.


“Great now let’s go!” Chanyeol showed off his creepy smile.


“Aish that guy! So weird!” Baekhyun mumbled while they followed him.


They soon arrived at the gymnasium and luckily the boys got to sit in the front row.


“Wah! Great we get to sit in the front row! I get to see Iseul-noona up close.” Sehun grinned happily like a kid who got the toys he wanted.


The other boys settle in their seats waiting for the showcase to start.




The show case finally kicked off and the MC started the opening ceremonies and other things they need to do. Then the performances started. Sophomores were the one who started with all their performances.



APink’s performance kicked off with their usual cute and innocent style. They wore matching cutesy girly outfits that fits the concept. They performed this:


The crowd went wild especially the boys as they saw the girls acting all cutesy and pretty while singing. Some were even yelling and screaming.


EXO were just there watching them.


“I don’t feel these girls. They look like witches to me.” Sehun faked a shiver.


“Yeah they look to cutesy in fake which is not my type at all.” Baekhyun said.


“ Look at them trying to seduce all the mens.” D.O added. The other members stayed silent. Suddenly some members winked their way. The men behind them screamed like they were the ones they were winking at.


“Eww, did they just wink at us.” Chanyeol shrugged his shoulders dramatically.


“Ah, delusional pretty girls making it seem like they can attract anyone.” Suho said crossing his arms to his chest.


Kai just stayed there feeling bored since cutesy and girly performances was not his thing.


Then there was the last performances were the best of the best the school has to offer were performing.





Infinite was next. As soon as they came out girls yelled and scream at the schools legendary kingkas. Some even has posters and placards.


“Oppas! Marry me!”


“Oppa! You’re all handsome!”


“Oppa! You’re the best.”


Yells and squealing were heard everywhere basically a fan girl thing that only fellow fan girls could understand. They performed this.


The girls yelled more as the boys were performing. They were amazed at the boys synchronization and manly charms.




After Infinite, Iseul’s solo performance was held. She was wearing her hip hop inspired outfit which consists of baggy clothes. Her hair was simply straight parted in the middle. She came out with 6 back-up dancers. There were 2 back-up singers standing in the back. She was beautiful in a non-girly and cutesy kind of way. She looks different and simple. She performed this: (You can choose either.) – with DBSK’s Yunho (I like this one better since I’m a YunBoa shipper<3) with Shinee’s Taemin SuJu’s Eunhyuk


People were impressed by her because even though she was solo she still manages to own the stage. Boys especially were at ease while girls envied her cause she can manage to perform solo. Boys were screaming and yelling fan boying over Iseul.


“Look Iseul-noona!” Sehun exclaimed.


“Wah she’s performing solo!” D.O smiled.


“That’s my girl.” Chanyeol grinned proudly.


“How pretty” Suho said while watching.


“She dances so awesome! Her voice is also great” Baekhyun said.


Kai again stayed silent but she was examining every move she makes for mistakes but he can’t see any. Deep inside he was impressed by her. She can dance so well.


“She has such a beautiful feminine face but she dances so gracefully and fierce. Her voice is also suiting.” Kai thought.


Meanwhile Infinite was also watching Iseul’s performance. The boys were piled up in the leather sofa watching it through the monitor.


“Wah! Daebak!” Sungjong said with two thumbs up.


“Really talented!” Woohyun exclaimed.


“What a girl!” Hoya grinned happily.


All the boys were cheering except for Myungsoo. He was just watching her looking cold and expressionless as ever. He just stared at Iseul’s dancing figure watching her every move.


He felt his heart beating a little fast than normal when she was gazing at the screen, almost like staring at him with those passionate looking eyes while singing the “You’re the ONLY ONE” part of the lyrics. He felt like she was singing it to him.


“No! Stop being delusional! She’s just performing!”  Myungsoo screamed inside.


He got kind of uncomfortable in the part where Iseul was doing a couple dance with a guy and their faces were inches away from each other.


“This guy! Getting to close to her!” Myungsoo yelled in his mind which he immediately regretted.


“Why do I even care?!” He thought again and brought his hands to his face covering it.




The second to the last performance was ongoing which Sistar. They performed in y figure-hugging sparkly dresses that accentuate their figures. They performed this:


The performance brought Sistar’s y charisma onstage and made boys drool and girls jealous. They were all amazing and y in their own way.


EXO was all drawn at the y performance. Of course their guys what do you expect.


“Wah! That’s Bora-noona!” Sehun yelled through the loud music and pointed at Bora smiked.


“Yah! Watch your mouth! You sound like a ert!” Chanyeol slapped his arms.


“Okay okay! I’ll stop!” Baekhyun said rubbing the red spot.


“You can’t blame him! This performance was y as hell!” Suho said while watching.


“I agree! Too y for me! My innocent eyes!” Sehun covered his eyes. D.O has his usual ‘owl’ expression while watching them silently along with Kai who remained expressionless.




“Are you sure everything is set? Are you sure the water is gonna wash them out” Na Eun asked the six girls.


“Relax it will, we paid some guys to do it right at her performance.” Bomi answered.


“This will surely ruin their performance.” Chorong smirked.


“Hahaha! Poor little Iseul being humiliated in front of the whole student body.”  Eun Ji laughed evilly.


“This will surely be the best ever performance flop of the year!” Yoo Kyung joined in.


“Huh! Choi Iseul I got you now!” Na Eun smirked.


“Let’ go girls and watch the worst performance of Seoul Arts High history.” Na Eun walked their way towards the audience excited for their plan on ruining Iseul’s performance.




After Sistar it was the final performance. Final performance meaning it’s one of the best. Iseul was getting ready to hit the stage together with the three other girls. She was wearing a black cropped-top revealing her flat stomach, a short over a stocking and some colorful accessories. The other girls were also wearing colorful and unique clothing.


“Remember girls, whatever happens continue performing.” Their dance instructor reminded them to keep it professional. The girls nodded.


They hit the stage and the crowd went wild. They performed this: (Just imagine Krystal as Iseul here.)


The crowd went wild and the cheering got louder. Their dance moves were superb as well as their singing skills. Iseul intensely gazed at the audience while performing passionately.


The performance was on full force and awesome.


Just before Iseul sang her part after Victoria water fell on them like a shower. The audience sighs in shock and the girls were looking at each other. Iseul glanced backstage and saw their instructor nodded at them to continue even though their dripping wet. Iseul signaled the girls to continue and she sang her part.


The water actually helped them; it made the performance more fun and y at the same time.


Iseul gazed at the audience while still singing her body dripping wet which gave a y effect.


They carry on with their performance like nothing happened and even played with the water. The water explosion was a great added bonus even though it wasn’t part of the whole plan.




The four girls piled up in the backstage as towels welcomed them. They were smiling at the success of the performance.


“Daebak!” Some people gave them compliments and they gladly bowed and thanked them.


“Who ever did this water thing is obviously trying to ruin it for us but instead they helped and made the performance better.” Amber smiled.


“Right! Too bad they didn’t succeed in ruining it for us.” Victoria agreed.


“I know. When the water fell I thought it was the end and we just got humiliated.” Luna sighs with relief.


“Thank gawd, we got away with it or else we will look like a complete mess out there.” Iseul said with relief. The girls agreed and went their separate ways after congratulating each other.


APink actually heard their conversation.


“Uh! You said you were sure this will ruin it! You see what happened you made the damn performance better!” Na Eun yelled at the six girls while stomping away.


“I didn’t know it could make it better.” Bomi innocently said. The other girls also sighed with frustration over the whole ‘water thing’ and went to their dressing room.



Another update for you guys! The plan didn't work. *evil laugh*. The showcase was a huge success! Yey *throws confetti everywhere*


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XOexoOX #1
Chapter 14: I don't really like iseul .. She's like getting all the attention . Sistar is better
Inspiritly_Me #2
Chapter 20: I really hope that you will update this story authornim! It's really a nice story and I would love to continue reading it until the end. Hope you will update soon! Thanks!
Chapter 20: Update soon ^^ *new readers* hehe.... I'll wait for the next chapter... Let me suggest you for the next chapter : make myungsoo jealous with Kai and iseul... Myungsoo trying to get close with iseul again but blocked by Kai ^^ how's that? :)
Tomaslincoon #4
Update soon
xRiceCakex #5
Chapter 18: Ayeee authotnim! Pwease update! ^^ buing buing!
Chapter 18: Why would you need a pepero, Myungsoo? -_____- So mean...
Chapter 18: after 12344455566 years i waited XD
update soon~ x3
at last myungsoo spoke ><
Chapter 18: Iseul still love Myung, eh? I wonder who will she choose.
Hehe till your next update ^^