Unfinished Catfight

Fixed Star




The elegant hallways of Seoul Arts High were filled with students. Students were all scattered talking and catching up about things they did in the summer and places they went to. It is not yet time for school but a few students that are gonna be Juniors and Seniors are required to report to school earlier to practice for the annual showcase the school does yearly every start of a new school year. Basically hand-picked best students need to perform and show the talent they had and improved in being a student of Seoul Arts High to sophomores, juniors and transferees.


Sistar was there talking while across them was the said “y Queenkas” of the school APink. They threw each other dirty glares, mostly A Pink but Sistar glared back. Then throwing words at each other started.


“Huh why are some s looking es going around this elegant and classy school?” Bomi said looking at her nails. The other APink members snickered.


“Omo!, Why are this middle schooler looking girls in the high school department?!” Soyu almost yelled as she high-fived Dasom. Bora and Hyorin just smirked.


“Wah, our school really has no taste in students, ever thought of accepting some that works at a club. I saw them last night!” Namjoo said with her fake innocent voice. The other girls laughed.


“Wah so it means even if she’s underage she goes to a club. Why did the bouncer let a little kid inside?!” Dasom said. The 3 girls laughed.


“Oh so they admitted it! They’re s and working at a club.” Yoo Kyung added fuel to the fire.


“And you’re some middle schooler, dragging evil spirits here!” Bora’s annoyance was ignited.


“Let’s just face it, girls. They’re envious of our young and pretty faces.” Ha Young confidently said.


“Who said we’re envious of middle school looking freaks?!” Hyorin stood up ready to fight. The other 3 stood up as well and came behind her.


“Who said we’re talking about you? Are you those that work at a club?” Chorong hopped off the bench and came forward. The others followed close behind her.


“Oh you just added fuel to the fire. Immature freaks. Why can’t you just leave this school and go spread you darkness elsewhere?!” Hyorin yelled in Chorong’s face.


“ you almost spitted in my face. You think I’m afraid of you!” Chorong shoved her.


“Do you even think we care if you are? We’re never not in one bit gonna be afraid of you.” Bora said glaring darkly at them.


“So let’s start this!” Eun Ji said and signaled them to come closer.


Sistar came forwards so as APink. They were so close that their faces were inches apart. Na Eun stayed at the back. Bomi shoved Bora. Bora’s button clicked and immediately shoved Bomi harder. The students started noticing them and is going around them practical making a circle battle field for the girls.


Then all the girls started shoving each other and insulting one another.


“Stupid !”


“Jealous freak!”


“You should come back where you came from!”


“Why don’t you rot in hell!”


Foul words were thrown at one another when a group of 7 boys came in. Infinite ran to scene and got through the hoards of students.


“Yah! Yah! What the hell is happening?” Sunggyu yelled. The other boys broke them of each other.


“Oppa! They started the fight. They started insulting us.” Bomi said with her puppy eyes. Sistar scowled.


“Ha! The nerve of this freak! You were the ones who started insulting us and saying we’re bunch of ing es.” Bora yelled completely pissed while pointing a finger at them.


“Why would we say that to you? We were just talking and you started insulting us.” Hayoung said with her fake tears.


“Oh this !” Hyorin was about to punch her but Woohyun held her back.


“Stop it Hyorin!” Woohyun yelled. Hyorin broke free from Woohyun’s hold.


“See she’s asking for a fight.” Nam Joo said.


“You’re the ones asking for it!” Dasom yelled.




I was excited to come back to school. I missed everything about it. I woke up and got ready. I changed into some comfortable clothes since we’re just going to practice some routines for the performance in the showcase.





I got downstairs and saw my parents. My dad was drinking some coffee while reading some newspaper while my mom is busily preparing the table. T.O.P-oppa probably is still asleep as well as Hongki-oppa since they are free from school.


I had breakfast and bid my parents goodbye. I got inside my new white convertible mini cooper courtesy of my loving Daddy.





I drove to Seoul Arts High excited to come back. But then I remembered Myungsoo and Na Eun we’re also there. My mood felt down and my heart started beating rapidly and aching at the same time.


I hope not to see them.




I arrived at Seoul Arts High and parked my car in the parking lot. There were students walking around and going inside the school building entrance. I headed inside and walked through the corridors remembering the memories I made here.


Myungsoo and I used to play tag in these corridors.






“Oppa!”  Iseul yelled as Myungsoo ran after her.


“Yeah you better run!” Myungsoo yelled as he chase after her.


“Oppa! Please stop!” Iseul yelled as she ran past some juniors whose staring at them dreamily probably jealous of her since the great Kingka Kim Myungsoo is chasing her.


“No will do, babe!” Myungsoo continued chasing after her.


After a few minutes of running around the school corridors Myungsoo finally caught Iseul and gave her a kiss in the cheeks.


“Got ya!” Myunsoo smiled as he wrapped his arms around her. They ended up at the back an abandoned room, so they can be a little lovey-dovey since there wasn’t any one around.


“Ah! I’m tired.” Iseul hopped in a desk after wiping off the dust. Myungsoo got a handkerchief from his pocket and started wiping off Iseul’s sweat.


“Look how sweaty you got. I should’ve never chased after you.” Myungsoo said wiping of her sweat.

“Ah, gwenchana Oppa. Your sweaty too.” Iseul said pointing at the beads of sweat he got in his foreheads and started wiping it with the handkerchief.


End of Flashback


Iseul got back to reality when she heard a female student yell.


“Sistar and APink are fighting!” The girl yelled while running. She immediately got alert and followed the students who are headed to the girl’s location.

She ran and saw a group of crowd. She ran to them and successfully got through them. She saw a group of unfamiliar girls with Na Eun and Sistar basically killing each other with their stares. Infinite was also there, they look like their trying to stop the fight.


“Unnie..” She said and got their attention. APink gave her dirty glares.


“Looks like one of your member got late.” Chorong mockingly said.


“Do you really wanna die?” Bora yelled again and started walking to her. Iseul pulled her back.


“Unnie..” She said looking nervous with the situation since Myungsoo and Na Eun were both there.


“Could not get into our business! You know nothing so why don’t you just leave.” Yookyung spat while glaring at Iseul.


“Don’t talk to her like that. You don’t know her!” Sungjong came beside Iseul.


“I’m asking her to leave. She can’t just come here and get into our business.” Hayoung said with y tone.


“I repeat don’t talk to her like that!” Hoya yelled.


“Oppa…” Iseul stared at them.


“Don’t mind her Iseul. She’s naturally like that.” Woohyun added.


The atmosphere was intense, girls glaring at each other and boys trying to stop them.


“Can we just stop this nonsense? This is a waste of time trying to stop them. Can you two groups just leave each other alone and just ignore each other. You’re all wasting my time.” Myungsoo’s cold voice was heard. He got into the middle of both group of girls.


“Can you just both leave each other alone? You’re creating a scene. Come on Na Eun.” He said and left with Na Eun wrapped in his arms followed by Infinite. Iseul’s heart clenched at the scene she’s witnessing.


“See that, he chooses Na Eun over you.” Bomi smirked at Iseul. Iseul just stared at her blankly.


“So he can have him.” Iseul finally said acting like she doesn’t care. I can move on and I will. Iseul thought.


“Remember this is not the END.” Chorong said as she left with the others glaring at each and every one of them.


“Of course the war just started.” Hyorin spat back as they left.


“Huh! Those es!” Dasom stomped her feet.

“They’re bunch of attention seeking slores!” Bora said.


“I seriously wish Infinite never came in situations like this so I can beat the crap out of them.” Soyu said looking extremely pissed.


“Ah Unnie their seven girls” Iseul suddenly said. The girls stared at her.


“So? They’re seven weak girls. We can totally beat the crap out of them. Don’t worry Iseul.” Hyorin smiled at her kindly.


“Hehehe, well good luck with that” Iseul said with a smile.


“All the students please proceed to the Gymnasium. The practice for the back to school showcase will start.” A voice blasted from the speakers.


The 5 girls proceeded to the Gymnasium as well as the other students.




The teachers assigned the performance all the students will be in. Sistar also got their own performance. Infinite also got their own, as well as APink. Iseul has to do two performances, one with 4 other girls and one solo with some dancers.


The rest of the day was practice, practice and more practice.




I was dancing together with Infinite trying to learn the routine for our performance in the showcase. I watched and moved step by step as one of the teacher taught us.


I was learning on my own when I caught a glimpse of Iseul dancing. She looked so focused and passionate. She moves gracefully as she watched the instructor. She stopped and laughed with the other girls over something.


I missed her laughs and smiles. I miss her voice. I miss everything about her.


I was awoken from my daydreaming by Sunggyu-hyung.


“Yah! Myungsoo let’s go!’ Sunggyu yelled. I ran to them and got into my position. We continued practicing.


Why did I thought of that?! I love Na Eun now. Iseul is just a girl I use to date. She’s an EX. (Aww that hurts, He’s referring about the thought he had about missing Iseul)




I have been watching Myungsoo-oppa all day and he kept staring at Iseul. All he does is stare at her when he’s practicing. I really need to get rid of that . She’s an attention seeking . I hate her. I need to make a plan to ruin her performance. Yes, I will ruin her performance. She will be humiliated badly. She would never think of going back in this school.




Finally an update after almost 2 months. Hahaha Sorry to keep you waiting I’ve just been MIA lately. I’ve also been out and about around town.


So what do you think so far? School started early for them which means early drama. What do you think Na Eun will do to Iseul’s performance? Well tune in.


APink is really mean her but please don’t hate them in real life. XD


Also do you know Infinite’s latest reality show something? I’ve seen it once and I don’t know what is it? Ca you kindly give me the website where I can watch it or a link?

Please also tell me what you think about this chapter and do not hesitate to criticize it or anything. I hope you enjoyed reading and please subscribe. Please also comment down below and tell me your thoughts about this.

Follow my TWITTER if you like and we can have some awesome tweet convo just tweet me. :")

XOXO Ellaine 


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Will definitelyt update later! :)


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XOexoOX #1
Chapter 14: I don't really like iseul .. She's like getting all the attention . Sistar is better
Inspiritly_Me #2
Chapter 20: I really hope that you will update this story authornim! It's really a nice story and I would love to continue reading it until the end. Hope you will update soon! Thanks!
Chapter 20: Update soon ^^ *new readers* hehe.... I'll wait for the next chapter... Let me suggest you for the next chapter : make myungsoo jealous with Kai and iseul... Myungsoo trying to get close with iseul again but blocked by Kai ^^ how's that? :)
Tomaslincoon #4
Update soon
xRiceCakex #5
Chapter 18: Ayeee authotnim! Pwease update! ^^ buing buing!
Chapter 18: Why would you need a pepero, Myungsoo? -_____- So mean...
Chapter 18: after 12344455566 years i waited XD
update soon~ x3
at last myungsoo spoke ><
Chapter 18: Iseul still love Myung, eh? I wonder who will she choose.
Hehe till your next update ^^