Fun Day

Fixed Star


Iseul finished up her simple make up with a swipe of a pinky lipstick in her lips. She has her hair in simple wavy curls. She wore a simple outfit.


Today Kai and she are going to bring Kai's dog Monggu and Jjanggu to a dog spa and spend the rest of the day together. It wasn't really a plan at all, Iseul just decided to tag along.

She went downstairs, kissed her mom goodbye and waited for Kai at the gate.

"Iseul! Let's go!" Kai ran up to her. Iseul smiled.

"Annyeong Kkamjjong!" She greeted as she got out the gate.

"Yah! Kai! Are you taking my cousin for a date?" Hongki suddenly yelled from the house balcony.

"Yah! Oppa! Aniyo! We're taking his dogs to the spa" Iseul pouted and stomped her feet as she looks up to her cousin while pouting.

"You heard her Hyung! But someday I might take her!" Kai added teasingly. Iseul glared at him and punched his arms lightly.

"Yah Kim Jongin! You’re both driving me nuts! Let's just go!" Iseul said and pulled Kai to walk to the bus stop.


At the dog spa

Kai was admitting the 2 dogs while Iseul was playing with the other dogs in the lounge area. She was sitting in a bean bag while holding a cute small white dog with fluffy white fur.

"Hey there little cutie!" Iseul said as she played with the dog’s fur. 

"You like her?" Kai was suddenly standing in front of her. Iseul nodded and placed the dog down. She stood up and bid goodbye to the dog.

"She's such a cutie. I want a dog just like her." Iseul smiled. Kai chuckled. 

"Your cuter you know!" Kai said as they walked out of the dog spa. Iseul giggled and lightly pushed him. Kai laughed and also pushed her ever so lightly, afraid to damage her fragile looking body.

"So where should we go?" Iseul asked. Kai shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know. You decided." Kai said.

Iseul thought for a while and smiled when an idea clicked in her.

"You know Oppa, I haven't been in an amusement park in a while. We should go!" Iseul jumped while pumping her fist in the air. Kai chuckled at her cuteness and nodded.

"Amusement park it is." Kai said. 

They headed to the subway station and headed to Lotte World.


They arrived at Lotte World and got their tickets.

People were actually admiring them as they were walking side by side. They looked like a good-looking couple minus the sweetness vibe.

"Oppa! Let's go get those matching headbands!" Iseul pointed at the shop where different kinds of headbands are sold.

"Sure." Kai agreed. You might get confused on why he just agrees at everything she wants but there's something about Iseul that Kai just can't say no to her. It almost felt like he needed to make her smile and make her happy.

They headed to the shop and picked out their matching headbands. In the end they chose this white and pink bunny ears headband and wore them together.

Some girls giggled and "awed" at Iseul and Kai in envy. They looked so cute together with those matching headbands.

They went ahead and rode some rides and played some arcade.


Second to the last ride they want to go into is the Horror Maze. 

Iseul held onto Kai's arm as they went inside, It was extremely dark and sounds of terror was heard as you usually hear in horror movies. The ever so brave Kai was just walking straightly being the lookout for Iseul.

Iseul hid behind him but suddenly a pair of hands popped to her side. She yelled and hugged Kai tighter.

"Oppa! We should've never gone in here! It's too damn scary!" Iseul shakily said while shivering.

"Relax Seul. It's a good thrill." Kai said.

Suddenly smoke started coming out and a guy in a mental robe came running behind them. Kai's fast reflex kicked in and he immediately pulled Iseul to run. He held her hand tightly and ran.

After a few more shocking and scary ghost and monster, a few more holding hands and skin ships the horror maze has finally come to an end. 

They came out of the dark curtain with Iseul breathing heavily and Kai fixing himself.

"Gawd! That was not a good maze! It was thrilling though." Iseul said fanning herself with her hands.

"Come on Oppa! Let's go to the ice skating rink." Iseul pulled him.


They were gearing up for the ice rink. Kai finished tying his skates and saw Iseul was having a hard time.

He bent down in front of her and fixed it for her. Again people stared and 'awwed' at Kai's gentleman act that not even their boyfriend can do.

"Ah Oppa! Thanks" Iseul smiled and pinched his cheeks.

"No problem. Let's go!" Kai held out his hands to guide Iseul to the rink. Iseul grinned and took it.

They got inside the rink. There weren’t really a lot of people which is a lot better.

They both started skating. Kai was chasing Iseul around.

"Yah! Oppa don't be like this!" Iseul said as Kai chased her. Suddenly she fell on her bottom.

"Ah!" She yelled touching her lower back.

"Iseul-ah! Are you okay?!" Kai quickly skated to her with wide bewildered eyes.

"Deh Oppa. Don't worry" Iseul said as she patted her lower back.

"Here take my hand." Kai offered his hands. Iseul took it and suddenly pulled Kai down with her.

"Yah!" Kai yelled outing. 

"That's what you get for chasing me around." Iseul laughed and got up. Kai got up as well.

"Let's go skate." Iseul said going ahead of him. Kai followed suit.

Soon enough they were playing around the rink happily. It almost looks like a scene from a "Romantic Drama".


Finally updated after 2 weeks of craziness. It's short but I slept late for this.

I hope you like it. Enjoy~

Please COMMENT and tell me what you think.



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Will definitelyt update later! :)


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XOexoOX #1
Chapter 14: I don't really like iseul .. She's like getting all the attention . Sistar is better
Inspiritly_Me #2
Chapter 20: I really hope that you will update this story authornim! It's really a nice story and I would love to continue reading it until the end. Hope you will update soon! Thanks!
Chapter 20: Update soon ^^ *new readers* hehe.... I'll wait for the next chapter... Let me suggest you for the next chapter : make myungsoo jealous with Kai and iseul... Myungsoo trying to get close with iseul again but blocked by Kai ^^ how's that? :)
Tomaslincoon #4
Update soon
xRiceCakex #5
Chapter 18: Ayeee authotnim! Pwease update! ^^ buing buing!
Chapter 18: Why would you need a pepero, Myungsoo? -_____- So mean...
Chapter 18: after 12344455566 years i waited XD
update soon~ x3
at last myungsoo spoke ><
Chapter 18: Iseul still love Myung, eh? I wonder who will she choose.
Hehe till your next update ^^