
Fixed Star


"Happy Pepero day Oppas and dear Sehun! I personally made peperos for each of you!" Iseul said as she presented each and everyone of EXO peperos she personally made and designed. The boys happily grinned as they received their peperos. Of course they received some peperos from other students but they only received those boxed peperos you can buy anywhere but this one was personally made which made it special for them.

"Wah! Thank you, Iseul!" Chanyeol said and pinched her cheeks. The others followed and thanked her.

"Thanks, Angel" Kai said as he gently patted Iseul's head, calling her in his nickname for her.

"Why do you call Noona Angel anyways?" Sehun asked as he munched on the pepero Iseul gave. Kai smiled and let Iseul explain.

"Well dongsaeng dear, according to your Hyung he called me Angel because I'm super nice, kind, understanding, patient, pretty and most of all angelic. Which is totally not true!" Iseul rolled her eyes. Kai stucked his tongue at her and smirked.

"It's true though your all of those things." Kai said.

"I agree Noona!" Sehun grinned cutely.

"Me too!" Chanyeol raised his hand grinning. Iseul rolled her eyes once more.

"Me three!" Suho said!

"Me four!" D.O said.

"Me last!" Baekhyun said.

"Ah Oppas! It's not true! Why are you agreeing with this guy?!" Iseul whined and snatched a piece of pepero from Kai's hand and started eating it.

"Yah! That's mine! You received alot from guys as well as us!" Kai said and snatched the bitten biscuit stick from Iseul's hands. Yes the EXO boys gave Iseul and Sistar peperos.

"Whatever!" Iseul laughed and stuck her tongue out. She opened a packet of the biscuits and starting munching on them.

Just in time Sistar arrived at the certain chaotic table in the cafeteria.They all sat down.

"People love you girls so much huh?!" Baekhyun said pointing at the stacks of the said stick biscuits.

"You bet! They been swarming our lockers." Bora said.

"Well you almost have 2 months supply of peperos." Iseul giggled.

"Well you have a year. Just look at your locker there's thousand." Dasom said. 

"Really? Well that's good! I have a years supply!" Iseul grinned. They laughed at her cuteness

Iseul stopped up and headed towards the vending machine. 

"Oh Iseul-noona! Annyeong!" Sungjong yelled as he ran to her. Iseul smiled and waved.

"Annyeong my cute dongsaeng!" Iseul said. She squat down and got her drink.

"So Happy Pepero Day Noona! I'm sorry I don't have any peperos to give you. But I still love you Noona." Sungjong apologized.

"Aww! That's fine! I received a lot. I love you too dongsaeng!" Iseul said.

"Thank you Noona! You're so kind." Sungjong grinned happily hugging Iseul while jumping.

"Which reminds me! I have peperos for all of you." Iseul said clapping her hands together. 

"Thank you Noona! You're awesome!" Sungjong gave her two thumbs up which made Iseul laugh.

"Okay! I'll go back to our table now and just deliver the peperos to you. The same table right?" Iseul asked about the usual table they usually sit.

"Yup! The one outside." Sungjong answered.

Then they went their seperate ways.




"What took you so long?" Hyorin asked. 

"I bumped into Sungjong." Iseul answered as she sat down between Soyou and Kai. 

"Oh one of those Infinite boys?" Kai asked.

"Yup!" Iseul smiled and drank her soda.

They all continued eating lunch while talking and teasing each other.




"I'll just go and give something to Infinite then I'll head to class. I'll meet you guys later" Iseul stood up with her backpack. The others agree.

"Are you sure you're gonna be fine alone?" Dasom asked. The others looked at her confuse.

"Why won't she be fine? Is Infinite a gang or some troublemaker?" Suho asked. Apparently EXO and Infinite haven't officially crossed paths in the campus.

"No, I'm just asking." Dasom reasoned.

"I'll come with her." Kai stood up. Iseul stared at him.

"No need Oppa. Finish up your food. I'll be fine." Iseul said pushing him back down but he didn't move.

"I'll come with you. Since we also have the same class." Kai insisted. 

"But.." Iseul tried to reason.

"Just let him Iseul, he's stubborn. You won't get to stop him." D.O said.

"Fine." Iseul agreed and they both headed outside the cafeteria to Infinite's table.




"So that's where that Myungsoo jerk sits. Huh?" Kai smirked.

"Oppa stop it. It's all in the past now let's forget it." Iseul said. 

Kai was the only person out of EXO who knows about her past with Myungsoo, not even Chanyeol her childhood friend knows about it.

As they get closer to the table Kai wrapped his arms around Iseul's shoulder suddenly feeling overprotective of her.

"I can't let that jerk mess with her again." Kai thought with a determined mind.

They finally arrived at the table. Infinite was there with Na Eun, the other APink members are not present.

"Oh Iseul! Annyeong!" Woohyun was the first one to notice her. He stood up and opened his arms wide asking for a hug but stopped noticing Kai beside her.

"Oh Annyeong stranger!" Woohyun waved at him. Iseul giggled at Woohyun's cuteness. Kai just bowed a little.

"Annyeong Oppas." Iseul greeted with a smile. Na Eun snickered, a rather 'y' frown growing in her face.

The Infinite guys greeted her back as well as Kai except Myungsoo who remained in his sitting position not minding them. Na Eun totally ignored them and acted as they doesn't exist, she just played with Myungsoo's blazer as if trying to provoke Iseul.

"Well I just came here to give you some peperos." Iseul pulled out the packets of her homemade peperos from her bag and gave it to them. except for Myungsoo and Na Eun.

"Wah! Thank you! Seul! It looks great and it surely will taste great."Dongwoo showed his cute grin,

"Thanks dongsaeng." Sunggyu patted her head with a smile.

"Thank you Cutie Bear!" Sungyeol said and gave her a hug. 

"Thanks Chinggu!" Hoya said and did the 'man hug' thing they both like to do.

"Thank you Noona!" Sungjong said and pinched her cheeks.

"No problem. You know I wouldn't forget you!" Iseul said. kai just stood beside her throwing a glare at Myungsoo.

"Well you forgot me." Myungsoo suddenly spoke. The atmosphere became tense and awkwardness filled the air. Everyone was silent from the sudden words of the infamous Kingka.

"Oppa, why would she give you a pepero anyways? I gave you some you can eat it." Na Eun said. Myungsoo suddenly stood up in front of Iseul.

"How can you forget me Iseul-shii? I'm also a member of Infinite." Myungsoo stared at her with his intimidating gaze. Iseul looked down not wanting to meet his eyes.

"Well I don't think it's really necessary to give you one since you receive a lot of peperos from people, Myungsoo-shii." Iseul calmly said despite her heart beating fast almost popping out of her chest. She gripped her backpack tightly.

"Well that's depressing. I'm expecting a pepero from you but you decided not to give me one. I guess I'm not that important to you." Myungsoo said. Iseul didn't wanna add fuel to the fire so she just didn't reply.

Silence once again took over but suddenly Kai cleared his throat and everyone turned to him.

"We should get going. Class starts in a few minutes." Kai said and pointed at his watch. 

"Oh well Myungsoo-shii I'm sorry for not giving you peperos. Oppas we'll get going now." Iseul said and smiled at them with a hint of sadness. Infinite except L bid goodbye to her.

As they left Myungsoo suddenly walked away from his group and girlfriend.

"Myungsoo! Where are you going?!" Na Eun yelled but he was already far away.

"Don't follow him Na Eun. You'll end up hurt." Sunggyu adviced. Suprisingly Na Eun listened and headed to her class.




"That jerk being a jerk as always." Kai snickered. They were walking to class the hallways almost empty.

"Oppa stop it. Let him be." Iseul said with a sad tone.

"Why did you even date hime back then?! He was such a !" Kai said.

"I don't even know why!" Iseul smiled but it didn't reach her eyes like it supposed to be. Kai noticed that and he knows she's faking it.

"Do you still love him?" Kai asked, Iseul stopped walking and turned to him.

"Huh?" Iseul asked shocked at the question.

"I'm asking, do you still love him?" Kai asked.

"I-I I don't know. I don't know what I'm feeling. I just know I'm happy right now not being in a relationship and he's happy with Na Eun." Iseul said. Kai just nodded not pushing further the topic.


"I lied. A part of me still loves him but not like before. The spark Myungsoo and I use to have has disappeared." 



Finally after 12344455566 years I updated.

I'm so sorry for the delay of this fanfic, I've just been out of it this past month. I hope you enjoyed it. I will try to update more since I have finished my other story.

Thank you for waiting! Love you all!




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Will definitelyt update later! :)


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XOexoOX #1
Chapter 14: I don't really like iseul .. She's like getting all the attention . Sistar is better
Inspiritly_Me #2
Chapter 20: I really hope that you will update this story authornim! It's really a nice story and I would love to continue reading it until the end. Hope you will update soon! Thanks!
Chapter 20: Update soon ^^ *new readers* hehe.... I'll wait for the next chapter... Let me suggest you for the next chapter : make myungsoo jealous with Kai and iseul... Myungsoo trying to get close with iseul again but blocked by Kai ^^ how's that? :)
Tomaslincoon #4
Update soon
xRiceCakex #5
Chapter 18: Ayeee authotnim! Pwease update! ^^ buing buing!
Chapter 18: Why would you need a pepero, Myungsoo? -_____- So mean...
Chapter 18: after 12344455566 years i waited XD
update soon~ x3
at last myungsoo spoke ><
Chapter 18: Iseul still love Myung, eh? I wonder who will she choose.
Hehe till your next update ^^