Tears Flowing

Fixed Star




We we're in front of Na Eun’s house Omma was in the car. I was walking her to the door of her house. She was walking a little bit ahead with her head down. We arrived at the front door. She was opening the door without looking at me. She was about to go inside but I stopped her by holding onto her arm.

"Wait!" I said. She didn't look back. Then I heard soft sobs. I forced her to face me and saw tears streaming down her face.

Why are you crying?" I asked. She stared at me with red puffy eyes.

"I'm scared Myungsoo." Na Eun answered with soft sobs. 

"Scared of what?" I asked holding her shoulders.

"I'm scared you might change your feelings for me since Iseul is back now." Na Eun whispered enough for me to hear. I cupped her face and stared at her tear stained eyes.

"Don't be. I'm with you. I chose to be with you. You've been with me when I needed her you supported me. Now you took her place in my heart." I said and hugged her. She continued to sob in my arms. She pulled back and stared at me.

"Myungsoo promise me, you won't leave me because of her. Don't believe what she says to you, it's all lies." Na Eun said with trembling voice. I won't believe your lies, Choi Iseul.

"I promise." I answered. She smiled and kisses me on the lips. I was shocked at first but then I kissed her back. I pulled back after a few seconds.

"Go inside. I'm leaving Omma is waiting." I said and hugged her. She smiled at me.

"Bye, Take care." She said and went inside her house. I went back to the car and went home with my Mom.




I closed the door and heard Myungsoo's car leaving. I laughed. My plan worked. Myungsoo will never believe Iseul. He will stay with me. I wiped the fake tears away.

"Myungsoo is with me and will always be mine. I will make sure of that" I thought silently.


I called my A Pink friends to continue on planning what to do next. 

"Choi Iseul, you'll never get Myungsoo back. I'll make your life a living hell.' 


I went to my room while laughing. My first plan was a success.




After going shopping Iseul decided not to go to the pet shop anymore, they headed straight home.

It was 4 pm when they arrived. Iseul helped her mom arrange the groceries to the kitchen. She has an expressionless face but her eyes showed pain while helping her mom. She tried to smile to her mom once in a while but it wasn't the loving happy smile she used to give. There was bitterness and sadness.

Once they finish arranging the groceries Iseul immediately headed upstairs. Midway to the stairs she heard her mom's gentle voice calling her. She looked back and saw her at the end of the stairs.

"Deh Umma?" She turned to her mom with a small smile. Her mom examined her daughter's face.

"Honey is there something wrong? You've been kind of down since we met Mrs. Kim at the supermarket." Her mom asked. Iseul smiled.

"Aniyo, I'm just a little tired." Iseul reasoned. Her mom smiled at her.

"Okay rest a little. I'll call at dinner time." Her mom said. Iseul smiled and made her way upstairs.

She got inside her room and just lay down on her bed not even bothering to change her clothes. She forced herself not to cry, she wouldn't want her family to be worried. 

After a few minutes she fell asleep tired of thinking about Myungsoo.


"Iseul-ah, ireona! Iseul-ah ireona!" She heard someone calling her. She opened her eyes and rubbed it groggily. She looks up and saw Hongki looking down on her.

“It’s time for dinner, sleepyhead!" Hongki teased. Iseul smiled and got up.

"Go down first; I'll just wash-up." Iseul said standing up headed to the bathroom. Hongki examined her sad face as she close the door.

"Something's quite wrong" He said tilting his head. He shrugged it off and went down to dinner.


Iseul just finished washing her face. She stared at the reflection of herself in the mirror. She remembered her dream earlier.

She was in a misty forest with Myungsoo. They we're waking while holding hands, they we're both happy. Suddenly they saw Na Eun with an evil smile on her lips waiting for them. Iseul smiled and waved at her. Na Eun took Myungsoo's hand and they both walked away from her. Na Eun was looking at her with an evil smirk while Myungsoo was looking at her with tears in his eyes walking with Na Eun.  She tried to run from them but they disappeared in the misty path. She was left alone in the cold misty forest crying and calling for Myungsoo.

She thought about it while resting her hand in her bathroom counter.

"Could that dream have a connection to what's happening now?" She thought.


She headed to the kitchen and saw her family already having dinner. She sat down next to T.O.P and began eating. Hongki look at her suspiciously while eating. 

"How was everyone's day?" Mr. Choi asked.

"Yeobo, me and your daughter went shopping today; we had a lot of fun." Mrs. Choi answered. Mr. Choi nodded and smiled at his wife. T.O.P glaneced over his sister and noticed her hair.

"Oh you changed your hair!" T.O.P said looking at her sister. Iseul smiled and nodded,

"Yup! Does is suit me?" She asked with her big hazel eyes. T.O.P nodded smiling.

"Of course it suits you! Daebak!" Hongki said.

They all had a wonderful happy family dinner despite Iseul's not so happy day. She was able to smile because of her family.


After dinner they all came back to each other's room to do their own thing.

Iseul just finish taking a shower. She changed into her comfy pajamas and baggy t-shirt.  




I turned off the lights and sat down on my bed with my laptop. I was browsing on my profile while drinking some green tea when I heard my phone ringing.

I stood up and went to get my phone in my bag.

I looked at the caller I.D and it says Bom-Unnie. She’s T.O.P-oppa's girlfriend since high school up until now. I pressed the green button and answered.

"Bom-unnie, Annyeong!" I answered.

"Iseul-ah Annyeong! How are you?!" She heard Bom's cute raspy voice. She giggled at her playful unnie.

"I'm great, you know just got back in Seoul Unnie, How about you?" I answered happy to talk to my pretty Unnie.

"Yeah I heard from Tabi, I'm good. Tell you what let's go and have brunch tomorrow?" Bom-Unnie asked. I smiled I have nothing to do tomorrow so why not go and spend some quality time with my pretty Unnie.

"Sure, let’s meet tomorrow and walk around town." I answered happily. I can hear Unnie giggle.

"Okay it's all set, I’m going to pick you up at around 9:30. Oh I have to go and feed Choco." Bom-unnie said.  I can hear Chocó her dog barking. 

"Deh Unnie! Annyeong!" I said and hang up. I put the phone in my nightstand. I went back to my laptop. I need to delete some files since the memory is full. As far as I know there are many worthless stuff saved in my computer.

I searched through some documents and deleted files that aren't needed. I was clicking through some random document when I came across a folder. It was labeled “Happy Memories”. I clicked it and saw many videos and pictures.

It was pictures and videos of my friends Infinite-oppas, Sistar-Unnie and Na Eun back from middle school until freshmen in high school. I looked through all the pictures smiling; a lot of happy memories were captured. I remembered all the laughs and fun we shared together. There were hundreds of pictures. I looked through all of them. Of course it made me smile when I remembered where the pictures were taken, but when I came across pictures of Na Eun and me, I couldn’t help but feel sad. We were so happy and innocent back then. A lot of things changed and we became more mature not in just looks but in attitude.

I continued by watching some videos.

There is this funny video I took with Infinite-Oppas, Sistar-Unnies and Na Eun. We were all making funny faces while looking in the camera; it was taken in my 16th birthday which they prepared a surprise party for me. There are a lot of random vides here that I took for fun.

I treasure all those happy memories we made. Those memories proved our long gone friendship.

I went back in searching for some useless files when a certain document folder caught my eyes. It was labeled “My Love”. I opened it and saw videos and pictures of Myungsoo and me. It was from senior year in middle school and freshmen year in high school.


Play: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoEnmEKYNq4


I looked at our pictures together. There were a lot of them.

Some were taken in middle school when we first started dating. We looked so innocent back then. Of course his handsome face was still the same. There is this picture where we’re sitting, holding hands and facing each other. There was this cute photo of use pouting cutely at the camera. A photo taken at the streets we were walking while holding hands in our school uniform with our backs turned to the camera, this was probably taken by Hoya who is always been photographer. 

There were photos from our secret first date that took place in Lotte World. He asked me to be his girlfriend in the Ferris wheel of the amusement park.

As I look through each of the pictures tears were falling. I remembered all our happy memories, our childish fights and our sweet moments. Then there we’re these photos taken back freshmen year.

I saw one photo where we’re kissing, Myungsoo probably took this. I saw one he was kissing my forehead with my eyes close.

Then there were his solo shots. There were photos of him sleeping in his desk, the grass field, the cafeteria and other places. He’s such a sleepy head. I remembered on our dates he would pass out and I would have such a hard time waking him up.

As I look more through the photos more memories flashed in my mind. I continued to cry.

I look through all the photos.

I watched a certain video that Myungsoo took. He was holding my camera while I was sitting next to him. We were in the dance studio, I remembered it was weekend and he accompanied me to practice my dance routine for a project. I was all sweaty wearing sweats.




(A/N: This is just dialogues of the video contents. So you can picture it easier)

Myungsoo sat down next to Iseul who was wiping her sweat. He was holding her video camera filming both of them. Iseul smiled and waved at the camera. Myungsoo has a lollipop stuck in his mouth. He smiled at the camera and rested his head on Iseul’s shoulder.

“Are you sleepy again?” Iseul asked. Myungsoo shook his head still filming them while holding the camera.

“Nope” Myungsoo answered.

“Ms. Choi, Iseul how is it being Kim Myungsoo’s girlfriend?” He asked. Iseul laughed.

“It’s awesome! I have a handsome, loving and caring boyfriend.” Iseul answered sarcastically. Myungsoo smirked.

“What qualities do you like and dislike the most about me?” Myungsoo asked. Iseul thought for a while

“I like everything about you! You’re awesome! Except you’re a sleepyhead, stubborn at times, and you’re too handsome, girls are all over you. I don’t like it.” Iseul answered. Myungsoo chuckled.

“Don’t you like it that you have a handsome boyfriend and you know you’re my special girl. Other girls can look all they want but they can’t touch.” Myungsoo said. Iseul smiled and nodded. Myungsoo was still holding the camera while filming.

“I love you.” Myungsoo suddenly mumbled. Iseul smiled and look at him.

“Love you too.” She answered. They shared a passionate short kiss in front of the camera.

Iseul shifted positions and sat down between Myungsoo’s legs. She rested her back at his chest.

“Still filming?” Iseul asked.

“Yup” Myungsoo answered resting his chin to his girlfriend’s head. Iseul fiddled with the string of Myungsoo’s hoodie. While Myungsoo played with her hair.

A few minutes have passed and Myungsoo was still filming. They fooled around in the camera. They talked about random funny stuffs and joked about the other Infinite members.

“Dongwoo-oppa looks so manly but he’s really pure and bright.” Iseul said.

“He’s really scary looking but he once cried when we held a surprise birthday party for him. Remember that?” Myungsoo asked while laughing remembering the moment. Iseul laughed.

“Yeah, when he the lights and we started singing happy birthday while Hoya was holding the cake we suddenly heard “Uwwaah” and saw Dongwoo-Oppa literally crying his hearts out.” Iseul laughed.

“That was really funny! Daebak!” Myungsoo laughed and Iseul joined in.

“I know he’s so adorable.” Iseul said. Myungsoo stopped laughing.

“Bwoh?! My hyung is adorable! Huh?” He asked looking jealous. Iseul giggled at his boyfriend’s cuteness. She stood up, took the camera from him and filmed her jealous boyfriend.

“Yup! He is! Dongwoo-oppa is kind, funny and caring!” Iseul teased. Myungsoo glared at her. She just stuck her tongue.

“Really? So you think my hyung is kind, funny and caring?” Myungsoo started standing up. Iseul backed a few steps away.

“Myungsoo, I’m not up for a tag game. I need to practice.” Iseul reasoned. Myungsoo continued coming forward his signature smirk plastered on his face.

“Myungsoo!” Iseul put down the camera in a nearby table and started to run. Myungsoo started chasing her across the room. The video was still recording and you can see them passing by while running, you can hear Iseul’s scream and Myungsoo’s laugh.

(End of Video)

Iseul cried harder holding her chest. She sobs silently, so the other people in the house wouldn’t hear her painful cries.

“Was it that hard to wait for me?”She whispered to herself.

“Is our love not strong enough?”  She spoke lowly.

“Is this karma for me leaving you?”She choked back crying hard. She hugged herself.

“Did you even know how much I love you?”She whispered.

“Am I just a toy that you can easily replace?”She continued to whisper.

“Is Na Eun much better than me?”She continued while crying. Her eyes were red and tears wouldn’t stop.

“Did she really replace my place in your heart?”She continued.

“Do you even know how much I’m hurting?”She whispered crying.

“All my hope to come back into your arms came crashing down.”She continued.

“My heart it hurts so much. I don’t think I can love someone as much as I loved you. Myungsoo” She whispered.

She turned off her laptop and lay down on her bed. She was staring blankly in the dark. The tears stop but her eyes were bloodshot. She checked the clock at her bedside table, it was already 2 am.

She lay back on her bed and closed her eyes hoping to fall asleep.



Is it sad enough?Comment Please! ^^

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Will definitelyt update later! :)


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XOexoOX #1
Chapter 14: I don't really like iseul .. She's like getting all the attention . Sistar is better
Inspiritly_Me #2
Chapter 20: I really hope that you will update this story authornim! It's really a nice story and I would love to continue reading it until the end. Hope you will update soon! Thanks!
Chapter 20: Update soon ^^ *new readers* hehe.... I'll wait for the next chapter... Let me suggest you for the next chapter : make myungsoo jealous with Kai and iseul... Myungsoo trying to get close with iseul again but blocked by Kai ^^ how's that? :)
Tomaslincoon #4
Update soon
xRiceCakex #5
Chapter 18: Ayeee authotnim! Pwease update! ^^ buing buing!
Chapter 18: Why would you need a pepero, Myungsoo? -_____- So mean...
Chapter 18: after 12344455566 years i waited XD
update soon~ x3
at last myungsoo spoke ><
Chapter 18: Iseul still love Myung, eh? I wonder who will she choose.
Hehe till your next update ^^