So It's Really True

Fixed Star



The next day Iseul planned to unpack a total of 5 luggages came back with from New York. She woke up, had breakfast with her family and stayed in her room unpacking. 

She started putting the cosmetics in her vanity. Music played from her computer as she tried to fix her stuffs. She tried hard to do things and not think about Myungsoo. She finished fixing her make-up in the vanity. She continued unpacking all her clothes, shoes and other stuffs. 

She finished all of them and only had 1 suitcase to unpack. The suitcase is full of gifts for her family, friends and her ex-boyfriend (Myungsoo) that she thought was still his boyfriend back then. She felt pain stung her chest as she remembered the gifts she had for Myungsoo. She held back her tears and opened the suitcase. All the gifts were separated and there are labels on what's for her families, Sistar-Unnie, Infinite-oppa, Na Eun and Myungsoo. She took them out. She looks at the two plastic. The first one was labeled Na Eun and the second one was labeled Myungsoo.


"Why would I even bother giving it to them?"


"I wouldn't even want to see their faces right now." 


She took the two plastic bags and hid it her closet. 


"I would keep it just in case. I'll just give it to someone else but them."


Imagining her best friend and her boyfriend together hurt her deeply. She wasn’t to ready to neither see nor talk to both of them. It just makes it harder for her to move on. She shook the thought of Myungsoo and Na Eun and continued fixing the gifts, putting them in one corner of the room.


After unpacking and cleaning her room a bit she decided to take a much needed shower.




She came out of her room wearing this:



She headed to Hongki's room and saw him on his bed with his computer. He looked up and saw her.


"Oh, Iseul-ah!" He said and waved. Iseul smiled.


"Oppa, do you want to have a walk and coffee? You could take Coco with us!" Iseul asked playing with Hongki's puppy Coco. Hongki looked up and thought about it.


"My treat!" Iseul said before he could reason that he has no money. Hongki smiled and nodded.


"Okay just wait! I'll just change!" He said and stood up.


"I'm going down first and take Coco with me! Just come down." Iseul yelled and went down. 


She heard giggles and voices as she walked inside the kitchen. She saw her mom and a familiar lady. 


"Oh Iseul-ah, remember Mrs. Kim!" Her mom said. Iseul smiled and bowed.


"Oh right Omma and Myungsoo's mom are friend! What a great world!"She thought silently.


"Annyeonghasseyo” Iseul greeted and bowed at the middle-aged pretty woman drinking tea and happily chatting.


"Aigoo, Iseul have grown-up beautifully." Mrs. Kim said. Iseul smiled and put Coco down.


"How are you?" Mrs. Kim asked. 


"I'm great" Iseul answered smiling slightly.


"Excuse me." Iseul said and opened the refrigerator. She got a can of Coke. She went back to her mom and Mrs. Kim.


"Iseul is beautiful, I'm sure she has a boyfriend now." Mrs. Kim said. Her mom giggled.


"No, she just got back from overseas how you can say that!" Her mom said giggling while covering .


"Well I'm sure she'll find one. My Myungsoo already has a girlfriend named Son Na Eun." Mrs. Kim said. Iseul dropped the can of Coke she was holding. The two woman looks at her in shock.


"Iseul-ah gwenchana?" Her mom asked. Iseul smiled at both of them.


"Deh I'm just clumsy!" Iseul said and immediately got a wiping cloth to wipe the mess on the floor.


"Is your son's girlfriend pretty?" Her mom asked. Iseul stopped wiping and eavesdrop at their conversation.


"Of course, she's very sweet and pretty. It's the first time he introduced a girlfriend to me." Mrs. Kim said happily.


"I forgot we kept our relationship a secret to our parents and family members, since we're too young back then and they might object and break us up. Especially my dad would throw a fit."Iseul thought again.


"Oh Myungsoo has a great taste huh?" Her mom pressed on.


"Hmm, Na Eun is super sweet and lovely." Mrs. Kim said.


"If Myungsoo doesn't have Na Eun, I would've want Iseul as his girlfriend." Mrs. Kim said, Iseul's eye widened in shock.


"Oh don't say that your son has Na Eun.” Her mom said. Iseul remained crouched on the floor wiping the mess.


Suddenly she heard Hongki yelled.


"Iseul-ah let's go!" Hongki yelled. Iseul woke up from her daze and stood up. She put the dirtied cloth in the sink and washed her hands. She carried Coco.


"Omma! Hongki-oppa and me are going out for a walk and coffee. We'll get back before dinner." Iseul said and kissed her mom cheeks. She bowed to Mrs. Kim.


"It's nice seeing you again Mrs. Kim." Iseul said. Mrs. Kim smiled.


"We're leaving Omma, Annyeong! Annyeong Mrs. Kim!" Iseul said and waved. She runs outside to Hongki holding Coco.


"Oppa let's go!" Iseul said. Hongki put one of those ropes for dog walking. He held the end of the rope and they walked around the neighborhood heading to a nearby coffee shop.


The rest of the day Iseul forgot about her difficulties and pain. She had ton of fun with her cute Oppa Hongki. He would constantly make her smile with his jokes and cute aegyo. They walked around near the neighborhood with Coco and ate at the small cute coffee shop. Iseul felt like nothing was wrong and everything is fine. She smiled the whole time. Thoughts about Myungsoo never crossed her minds.


"I just hope to forget everything about him." She wished through herself.



How was it? Pretty short huh?!

A lot of you are hating on Na Eun ! hehehe

I'm rushing while writing this cause I'm about to sleep. I'm trying to update everyday!

Please Enjoy and I really would love if you comment, I would feel more motivated!

Oh and sorry if I don't reply to your comments. I'll try next time! I'm quite busy and lazy these days! It's fine right?? as long as I update??

Bye readers!  

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Will definitelyt update later! :)


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XOexoOX #1
Chapter 14: I don't really like iseul .. She's like getting all the attention . Sistar is better
Inspiritly_Me #2
Chapter 20: I really hope that you will update this story authornim! It's really a nice story and I would love to continue reading it until the end. Hope you will update soon! Thanks!
Chapter 20: Update soon ^^ *new readers* hehe.... I'll wait for the next chapter... Let me suggest you for the next chapter : make myungsoo jealous with Kai and iseul... Myungsoo trying to get close with iseul again but blocked by Kai ^^ how's that? :)
Tomaslincoon #4
Update soon
xRiceCakex #5
Chapter 18: Ayeee authotnim! Pwease update! ^^ buing buing!
Chapter 18: Why would you need a pepero, Myungsoo? -_____- So mean...
Chapter 18: after 12344455566 years i waited XD
update soon~ x3
at last myungsoo spoke ><
Chapter 18: Iseul still love Myung, eh? I wonder who will she choose.
Hehe till your next update ^^