Fixed Star




"Yah! Park Chanyeol!" I heard some voice of a girl call out my name. I turn around and saw one of the girls who were dancing before staring at me.

"Park Chanyeol" She yelled again staring at me. I pointed at myself not knowing if she was really calling me. She nodded.

"Are you Park Chanyeol?" In a blink of an eye she was face to face with me. I jumped a few inches away.

"Wae?" I asked her. Who is she anyways? I don't remember knowing someone as pretty as her.

"Do you know Park Bom?" She asked. She knows my sister?! Is she a stalker or something?! The other guys are behind me just staring at us. I glanced at them questioningly and they just shrugged their shoulders.

"How do you know my sister?" I asked. She laughed! Why is this girl laughing?!

"Why are you laughing?" I asked. She didn't answer and just kept on laughing. I started to get creeped out. I signaled the guys to start walking. As she was laughing I started to walk away.

"Yah!" She yelled and pulled me back by my shirt. I glanced at her.

"Ah! Wae? I don't even know you!" I yelled at her. I received a strong knock from the head by this unknown girl. My head feels like it's been turned upside down.

"Park Chanyeol! It's me Iseul!" She yelled straight at my face. I tilted my head in confusion.

"Huh? Iseul?" I asked. She nodded. I thought for a while digging through my head for a girl named Iseul.

"Do you not remember me Mr. Happy Virus?" The girl named Iseul asked. Then it got in to me. T.O.P hyung Bom-noona's boyfriend's sister is named Iseul. But it can't be, last time I saw her she was pretty of course but she was so young and innocent looking and now this girl claiming to be Iseul is also pretty but more mature. But she has the happy vibe and innocence that Iseul always had. 

"You're Choi Iseul? T.O.P hyung's sister?" I asked pointing my index finger at her. She nodded and smiled at me. Suddenly she threw her arms around my neck.

"Oppa! It's nice to see you again!" She said happily. I took the time to wrap everything around my head. Choi Iseul my childhood friend and the girl I haven't seen for 2 years is hugging me. She pulled back and grinned at me.

"Long time no see Oppa!" She beamed at me. I smiled like an idiot while staring at her.

"Long time no see!" I finally got the guts to speak.  She smiled at me.

I look back at the guys and they were staring at us with questioning eyes. I gave them a hand signal to wait. 




I can't believe Chanyeol Oppa is back! He was my childhood friend, we were really close but he moved to China 2 years ago to study. He's also Bom-noona's brother. Now he's back but I didn't picture him to be a giant. He's so tall but her still have his cute child-like face that I like.

"Oppa how are you?" I asked.

"I’m great as you can see I just came back! How about you giant baby?" He asked while grinning.

"I'm not a giant baby Oppa! But I'm good!" I answered and smack him in the arm.

"But you're my giant baby!" Chanyeol-oppa whined while pouting. I laughed at his statement.

"You don't own me Oppa!" I slapped his arms. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and hugged me.

"I miss you." He whispered. I smiled.

"Miss you too Oppa!" I said and wrapped my arms around his waist. Then we heard coughing noises behind him trying to catch our attention. Chanyeol-Oppa pulled away and glanced behind him.

"Ah I almost forgot. Iseul these are my friends." Chanyeol said pointing at 4 guys behind him. They were smiling at me. 

"Annyeong" I waved at them. They seem nice and they're all good looking.

"Annyeonghasseyo!" They greeted in unison. I laughed at their formality.

One by one Chanyeol-Oppa introduced them to me, Suho was the very kind leader-ish in the group, Kyungsoo aka D.O is kind of quite but also really nice, Baekhyun is the one who's in charge of eyeliner in the group as Chanyeol-oppa said and Sehun who was the maknae that has a lot of aegyo. Oppa said they have another friend named Kai who is coming back from Japan. Their group is called EXO.

"Oh I almost forgot!" I spun around and saw Bora-unnie silently staring at us. I smiled and pulled her. 

"Mianhe Chinggu, I totally forgot about you!" I whispered to her. She just smiled and nodded.

"This is my friend Bora, Yoon Bora." I introduced her to them. Bora-unnie bowed and greeted them. They all greeted back.

"We should go have coffee! My treat!" Chanyeol said. The boys cheered happily.

"Noonas will come too right?" Sehun said with extra puppy eyes. I gulped and glanced at Bora-unnie. The other boys are also expecting our answers.

"I don't know. Unnie?" I said and stared at Bora-unnie for answers. Sehun was staring at her doing a puppy eyes.

"Buing buing~" Sehun said staring at Bora-unnie who nodded immediately.

"Alright let's go!" Chanyeol-oppa said and wrapped his arms around me. I pulled Bora-unnies hand and drag her with me.




"But I wanna sit next to Iseul and Bora-noona!" Sehun whined whose between Baekhyun and D.O. They all ended up going to a nearby cafe.

"Shut the hell up! It's embarrassing!" Baekhyun hissed. Apparently Sehun was kept from sitting beside Iseul who is between Bora and Chanyeol.

"It's okay Sehun. Next time you'll sit next to me." Iseul comforted the younger boy. Sehun suddenly smiled.

"Promise?" He asked holding out his pinky. Iseul laughed but connected her pinky with his.

"Promise" She answered.

"Alright stop that! Let's order." Chanyeol said.

The waiter came and took all their order. Bora was sitting awkwardly while playing with her fingers; apparently she's not the type to be sociable when it comes to boys not like Iseul.

"Don't worry. Their nice since they're Chanyeol-oppa's friends. They won't bite." Iseul comforted her. Bora smiled.

"Oppa it's almost back to school, where are you attending?" Iseul asked.

"Oh! We're all going to transfer to Seoul Arts High School. What about you?" Chanyeol asked.

"That's our school." Bora said out of the blue.

"Bwoh?! Really? You attend there?" Chanyeol asked staring at Iseul.

"Yeah." Iseul answered. The guys were extatic that they were attending the same school with the two girls.

"Daebak! We get to see each other every day Noona!" Sehun almost yelled in happiness. Baekhyun and D.O pulled him back.

"We're in public! Sehun!" D.O warned the maknae. Sehun sat down. Finally the order came and they started eating.

"Iseul-noona say ah!" Sehun said offering Iseul a spoonful of waffles. Before it could go near Iseul's face Chanyeol snatched Sehun's hand and put the waffle in his own mouth.

"Hyung! You ate noona's waffle." Sehun whined again. Chanyeol stuck his tongue out.

"Don't feed her with a fork that has my saliva and yours." Chanyeol said.

"Eww" Baekhyun said. Sehun just glared at him and continue to eat.

"I heard from Bom-noona you participated in an exchange program in New York? So I'm not the only one who left Seoul to study." Chanyeol glanced at Iseul who nodded.

"Yup! But you're the first one who left!" Iseul teased.

"How is it there?" Chanyeol ignored her teasing.  Iseul took a sip of her milkshake before answering.

"It's great. I had fun and learned a lot. I also made some new friends and got to tour the whole city." Iseul answered.

"Wahhh! New York seems fun." Baekhyun said with dreamy eyes.

"Deh it is! Can I call you Oppa?" Iseul asked Baekhyun who was still daydreaming.

"Sure! Call them Oppa too!" Baekhyun pointed at D.O and Suho who are both nodding. Sehun pouted.

"I want to be called Oppa too!" Sehun sulked.

"Don't worry Sehunnie! You'll be called Oppa by your dongsaengs." Chanyeol smiled at their maknae. Sehun just nodded.

"Oh is Bora-ssi older than us?" Chanyeol asked. Bora nodded.

"Aniyo." Bora said to all the boys.

"So you should also call us Oppa!" They boys said in unison. Bora laughed and nodded.

After eating they all decided to go home since it's already getting dark. Chanyeol and Sehun took Iseul home while D.O, Baekhyun and Suho accompanied Bora.

"Today was great Oppa. Bye Sehun." Iseul bid goodbye to them and got out of Chanyeol's car. She waved as the car sped off.

She headed to the house gates when she bumped into a guy. The cup the guy was holding fell and the contents spilled on the cement sidewalk.

"Oh I'm so sorry!' Iseul apologized abd bowed.

"Aish! Forget it!" The guy said with a cold tone.

"Oh your drink spilled. I'll pay for it." Iseul said digging her wallet through her bag. The guy dusted off his jacket and jeans.

"Forget it! I don't need your money." The guy hissed and walked away. Iseul was left there dumbfounded.

"Such a jerk" She whispered. He saw the unknown guy walking inside their new neighbor’s house.

"So the son of Mrs. Kim is that jerk whose name is Kim Jongin." Iseul said to herself as she got inside her house.




So I updated!  How was it?! EXO finally appeared without Kai though. Kekeke.

I intended to just name them EXO rather than EXO-K since EXO-M is not gonna appear in the is fanfic. Well maybe some cameo. Chanyeol is Bom's brother. ^^

I just also want to tell you guys I won't delete this fanfic. It's just a thought and I'm not in the right state if mind that time. LOL! ^^

Please comment and tell me what you think. ^^ 

Here's the reply to those who commented:

JieunLee: Hello there dongsaeng! Nope I decided not to delete it! ^^

misskalia16:  Hehehe hello there Unnie! I won't delete it don't worry! Hehehe Myungsoo is kinda stupid here right? I agree Kai is hot! ^^

bongkler: Hello there: Channie! LOL Hope you enjoy reading! ^^

Razzledazzle: Hello! L will appear a little later. Right now just deal with EXO huh? Hehehe^^ 

asian123: Annyeong Unnie! Hehehe Thank you! It would be weird if Myungsoo, Kai and Chanyeol is inlove with Iseul right? It would be a love square. ^^

demigodchoding: Annyeong dongsaeng! Just pretend we're the same age since it's just a one month gap.

ilyoukwonjiyong: LOL! Don't worry we'll make Myungsoo pay for hurting Iseul. ^^

keiriminshi: yeah! EXO ^^

Moonss:  Hehehe Channie is quite creepy right? hehee I decided not to delete it! ^^

yunniemelody: Hello! Thank you! I decided not to delete it! ^^

BananasForJae: I won't delete it don't worry. Heheeh CHanyeol is creepy! ^^

crazykpoper: Hehehe hello there fellow 13 years old! Hehehe I'm guessing you know what their relation is since you read the chapter already. ^^


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Will definitelyt update later! :)


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XOexoOX #1
Chapter 14: I don't really like iseul .. She's like getting all the attention . Sistar is better
Inspiritly_Me #2
Chapter 20: I really hope that you will update this story authornim! It's really a nice story and I would love to continue reading it until the end. Hope you will update soon! Thanks!
Chapter 20: Update soon ^^ *new readers* hehe.... I'll wait for the next chapter... Let me suggest you for the next chapter : make myungsoo jealous with Kai and iseul... Myungsoo trying to get close with iseul again but blocked by Kai ^^ how's that? :)
Tomaslincoon #4
Update soon
xRiceCakex #5
Chapter 18: Ayeee authotnim! Pwease update! ^^ buing buing!
Chapter 18: Why would you need a pepero, Myungsoo? -_____- So mean...
Chapter 18: after 12344455566 years i waited XD
update soon~ x3
at last myungsoo spoke ><
Chapter 18: Iseul still love Myung, eh? I wonder who will she choose.
Hehe till your next update ^^