Memories of Him

Fixed Star




"Hello everyone! Thank you for flying with Korean Air. Please fasten your seatbelts. We will land in Incheon Airport in 20 minutes"


I heard the captain announce. I settled in my seat and relaxed.


I'm back to Seoul, South Korea after a one year exchange program in a school at New York. I'm really excited to see my friends and family. I missed them all; I didn't get to spend any holiday with them. A year alone in a foreign country sounds lonely right but it wasn't for me I met many friends and fellow Korean there. Thanks to taking English classes, I can speak fluent English. The exchange program was fun; I studied at a Music and Art High School in New York. Everything was a success and I learned a lot about dance and music. The school staffs and students are all nice and pleasant to me.

But I left someone really important here in Seoul, a really meaningful person to my heart. I didn't even get to say goodbye to him the day I left. When he found out that I was picked to participate in the exchange program he extremely disagreed. I tried to reason out with him but he wouldn't hear me out and it turned into a big fight.




Flashback (A year ago before Iseul left)


Myungsoo and Iseul together with their friends our having lunch at the school cafeteria.


"Boo, you have a sauce on your lips." Myungsoo said and wiped the sauce on the side of Iseul's lips. Iseul smiled cutely showing her signature eye-smile.


"Aigoo you’re so cute!" Myungsoo shrieked and pinch her cheeks. Infinite and Sistar was looking their way.


"Yah, L be gentle to her. You might break Iseul pretty face." Woohyun teased. L gave him death glare that he ignored.


"Hyung! Noona's face is precious you know!" Sungjong yelled. L shot him another death glare.

"Yah is that how you treat your hyung?!" L bursted and stood up, Iseul held him in his arms.


"Oppa hajima" She held him back. Myungsoo hesitated but sat down again.


"L is very short tempered especially towards Sungjong." Hyorin commented with a smile. Iseul nodded and laugh in agreement.


"See, even your very own girlfriend is agreeing." Sunggyu said teasing L more. L gave him a death glare and sulked silently.


"Oppa don't be angry at the, their just teasing you." Iseul comforted her boyfriend. L smiled at her and kissed her cheeks. Iseul giggled and kissed his cheeks back. They all chatted happily.


Little did they know there's girl sitting with them feeling out of place and neglected. She was sitting there with her head down. Anger is building up in her


"Just wait and see Choi Iseul and everything you have right now will be mine" The girl thought evilly.



All the students are in the middle of lunch. When a member of the student council came to where Iseul and Infinite members are sitting.


"Choi Iseul, the principal wanted to see you know." The guy with the nerdy glasses said. Iseul look up and look at him confuse.


"The principal wanted to see me?" She asked confusedly and look towards her friends. They all shrugged their shoulders.


Iseul stood up but Myungsoo held her back. She glanced at him.


"I'll come with you." He said. Iseul smiled and shook her head.


"Aniyo, just finish your lunch. I'll be back and a bit." She refused his offer and walked.


He didn't even get to say another word when she strode towards the exit of the cafeteria.


Myungsoo sigh heavily and continued eating together with the others.



Iseul arrived at the principal's office and came in. She bowed at the principal.


"Ms. Choi, please sit down. I have something to discuss with you." Principal Han said. Iseul smiled and sat down. She thought about the wrong things she did but there seems to be nothing.


"I called you here to tell you something." Principal Han said. Iseul looks at him waiting for him to speak.


"We chose you to participate in an exchange program at a music and art school in New York." Principal Han said excitedly.


"Bwoh? Really?" Iseul said and stood up in shock. The principal nodded with a smile.


"Thank you so much Principal Han! I promise I won't let you down!" She said excitedly and bowed.


"Congratulations Ms. Choi. Be sure to study hard there and come back." Principal Han said. 


"Deh Principal, Thank you so much. I will work hard." Iseul said.

"It's a 1 year exchange program. So you'll be staying there for one year and your staying at a dorm with other students. “Principal Han informed her. Iseul smiled and nodded.


"When will I leave?" She asked. 


"Next week." Principal Han beamed. Iseul's looks at him shocked.


"Next week! Why so sudden??" Iseul objected.


"Well it has only been decided yesterday. There shouldn't be a problem right?" Principal Han said.


"No, not at all" Iseul gave the old man a small smile




After a few minutes of talking about the program, Iseul walks out of the office. She walks to hallways heading back to the cafeteria.


She thought about going to New York excitedly. She can't wait to tell her friends and family. She thought about it for a while and remembered Myungsoo. She stopped in her tracks and thought about it.


She knew exactly that Myungsoo wouldn't agree to this exchange program especially if it's for a year. She knew he would create a big fuss if she tells him this. She thought about it and she really wanted to go. But she needs to reason out with Myungsoo first.

She arrived at the cafeteria and went back to their table. Everyone's attention was in her. She looks at them weirdly.


"Wae?" Iseul asked loudly.


"What happened? What did the principal told you?" Myungsoo asked wrapping his arms around Iseul's.


“Are you in trouble? Are you gonna be expelled?" Sungjong asked exaggerated. Hoya pushed his head.


"Pabo, Iseul in trouble is impossible. She's a great student." Hoya said. Then they started bickering and hitting each other.


"Yah stop!" Hyorin said with her high-raspy voice. The two boys stopped and sunk in their seat.


"What really happened?" Bora asked


"Nothing, he just asked me about my dad. Their good friends, he's Appa's senior in high school." Iseul reasoned out. They all seem to believe Iseul's lie and didn't push the subject. Myungsoo looks at her suspiciously but shrugs it off.


The bell rang and everybody went to class. Myungsoo and Iseul was classmate so they went together. Na Eun followed them who kept her head bow in shyness. Iseul looked back and smiled at Na Eun.

"Na Eun let's go!" She said happily and pulled Na Eun beside her. Na Eun smiled and they went inside the classroom together with L on her other side.



The day passed by and it's finally time to go home. Students started to pile out of the gate. Myungsoo was leaning in the wall beside the gates waiting for Iseul. Girl's who passed by swoon at him. They giggled just looking by his face. He ignored them like the usual.

"Bye Na Eun-ah See you tomorrow take care!" Myungsoo saw Iseul waving happily to her nerdy friend who's walking the other way. She turned and saw Myungsoo. She immediately runs to him.


"Oppa! Sorry for making you wait. We had to clean up." Iseul apologize cutely at her boyfriend.


"Gwenchana, if it's for a pretty girl like you it's fine." Myungsoo smiled and patted her head.


"Let's go Oppa." Iseul said. Myungsoo nodded and they walked towards Iseul's home.


While walking they talked about random stuffs. Iseul decided to tell him about the exchange program when he walks her home and now is the time.


"Oppa?" Iseul look towards Myungsoo who has a lollipop stuck in his mouth.


"Hmm?" He looks her way and continued walking. Iseul hesitated but continued.


"I have something to tell you." She said. 


"Go on, spill." He said still coolly walking. Iseul stuttered a little.


"Uh, the reason that the principal called me was not because of my Appa." She said shakily. Myungsoo stopped in his tracks and so did Iseul.


"Then what's the reason?" He asked seriously. Iseul stutters once more.


"I was picked as the student to participate in an exchange program." She said nervously. Myungsoo looks at him confused.


"Exchange program? What’s that?" He asked completely clueless. Iseul's hand was sweating. She knows how he'll react. She knew him since middle school, in fact she knows everything about Myungsoo and bringing this kind of subject to him was kind of tricky.


"It's a program where school from other cities or countries will exchange students and I was chosen to go and study in New York. The program will last for a year." She explained. She can hear Myungsoo's heavy breathing while looking down. She knew this was a bad sign


"And you accepted it?" Myungsoo asked. She can feel him raising one of his eyebrows even when he's looking down.


"Ye-Ye-Yes" She answered shakily.


"Wae? You know we won't see each other for a year! Are you serious right now?!" Myungsoo yelled furiously. Lucky enough they we're in front of a deserted park and no one were around or else they'll look like actors and actresses shooting for a drama.


"You know I don't have a choice!" Iseul tried to reason as calmly as she could. Myungsoo was fuming with anger.


"You had a choice! And that's to stay here with me!" Myungsoo yelled. Iseul was shock at her boyfriend’s outbreak.


"They chose me because they think I fit the part to represent our school. Aren't you happy for me?? You’re my boyfriend, you are supposed support me and be happy for me!" Iseul yelled back. Myungsoo was trying to calm down.


"Happy for you?? When you're leaving me to go study at that damn school for a year!" Myungsoo said.


"It's not like we can't talk or see each other, there's a lot of way. Please here me out." Iseul pleaded. Myungsoo stare at her with anger in his eyes


"I'm already hearing out that you've plan on leaving and studying million miles away! Didn't you consider about my feelings??" Myungsoo said.


"Myungsoo It's not like I'll never come back. It's just a year." Iseul reasoned.


"Just a year, huh?! So it's just like that to you just a year? A year without us seeing each other?" Myungsoo yelled.


"Other lovers don't even see each for decades yet they still together. It's just a year we can Skype, call each other and there's many more ways to keep in touch!" Iseul reasoned once more.

"We are not those kinds of couples! I don't care if it's just a month! I'm against this!" He spat and turns to leave. Iseul already has tears in her eyes. She held him back.


"Myungsoo please hear me out. I'm begging you. Let's solve this. Oppa don't be like this. I'll come back for you for us." Iseul begged tears streaming down her face.


 Myungsoo didn't answer and shook off her hold.


He left her in the side of the street with tears in her eyes.




A week has pass and it's already time for Iseul to leave. The past week Myungsoo avoided her and didn't go to school.  Na Eun together with Iseul's family was in the airport sending her off. Sistar and other Infinite members without L couldn't go because they still had class. Na Eun was excused by Iseul.


“I’ll have to go soon." Iseul smiled.


"Dongsaeng, take care. Talk with Oppa when you can huh?!" T.O.P said while patting her head.


"Neh Tabi-Oppa, I will" Iseul said calling his older brother with her nickname for him.


"Iseul, when you come back bring some stuffs from the U.S huh?" Hongki said cutely. Iseul smiled and nodded.


"I will Hongki-Oppa. Behave, Oppa and you shouldn't fight!" Iseul warned. Hongki nodded and smiled.


"Aigoo our daughter is growing up so quickly even leaving for another country!" Her mom beamed. Iseul smiled and hugged her mom.


"Omma shouldn't worry, I will always be her little girl." Iseul assured her mom.


"You better be. Always behave and take care sweetie!" Her mom said. Iseul turned to her dad and hugged him.


"Appa, I'll miss you." She said hugging him tightly.


"Aigoo my little cupcake, I will visit you there with your mom if we have time." Her dad assured her. Iseul nodded and smiled. They didn't give her any warning or so because they know their daughter is mature enough and is trustworthy.


She turns to Na Eun.  She smiled and hugged her.


"Chiggu ah don't forget me huh!?, we’ll keep in touch huh!" Iseul said and Na Eun nodded. Iseul handed her a pink envelop carefully not to be seen by her parents and Oppas.


"Can you please give this to Myungsoo-Oppa. Tell him I'm terribly sorry and I love him." Iseul sad and squeezed her hand. Na Eun nodded and smiled.


"The flight to New York from Seoul is now boarding."


They heard the signal. Iseul smiled and said their last goodbyes. With one last glance hopping to see Myungsoo, Iseul headed to the gates. A single tear fell on her left eye.


"Oppa I promise I'll comeback for you” She promised herself.






Since that day I haven't heard from Myungsoo or Na Eun. But I kept in touch with the other Infinite members and Sistar unnies. I asked them about Na Eun and Myungsoo but they said they didn't know. But it seems like they're just scared to tell me something.


I still remembered what's in the letter I wrote Myungsoo.


Dear  Myungsoo Oppa,


 I'm guessing when you read this I'll be on the plane on my way to New York. I just want to say I'm sorry for what I said to you the other day, I just got carried away. I know it's my fault. Please forgive me Oppa. I decided to participate in the exchange program. I'm sorry for leaving you this way. I know you need time to cope up with me away. I promise to call you or Skype you every day. I'll never flirt with American guys. Myungsoo Oppa is the only guy I'm in love with! Oppa forgive me. I really love you. Wait for me and I'll come back to you.



Choi Iseul the soon-to-be "KIM" Iseul 



I wrote that letter in tears the night before my flight.      


Did he already moved one and forgot about me??




I was lost in thoughts when the flight attendant tapped my shoulder. I look up to her, she smiled.


"Ms. are you ok?? Why are you crying??" She asked. I quickly touched my cheeks and felt teardrops.


"No I just remembered and sad love story I heard from a friend." I reasoned and wiped my wet face quickly.


"Oh well then, everyone has already left the plane. You're the only one that's left." She said with a smiled. I look around and saw the plane was empty.


"Oh God, I'm so sorry for the inconvenience.” I quickly stood up and grabbed my bags. She leaded me to the exit. 


Iseul smiled and thanked the flight attendant.


She walked out and got her luggage.


She can already smell the fresh air of Seoul. She pushed the cart excitedly and headed to the exit.






So how was the first chapter? I really tried hard. Sorry for the mistakes! 

The next chapter is the continuation of this! Wait for it.

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Will definitelyt update later! :)


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XOexoOX #1
Chapter 14: I don't really like iseul .. She's like getting all the attention . Sistar is better
Inspiritly_Me #2
Chapter 20: I really hope that you will update this story authornim! It's really a nice story and I would love to continue reading it until the end. Hope you will update soon! Thanks!
Chapter 20: Update soon ^^ *new readers* hehe.... I'll wait for the next chapter... Let me suggest you for the next chapter : make myungsoo jealous with Kai and iseul... Myungsoo trying to get close with iseul again but blocked by Kai ^^ how's that? :)
Tomaslincoon #4
Update soon
xRiceCakex #5
Chapter 18: Ayeee authotnim! Pwease update! ^^ buing buing!
Chapter 18: Why would you need a pepero, Myungsoo? -_____- So mean...
Chapter 18: after 12344455566 years i waited XD
update soon~ x3
at last myungsoo spoke ><
Chapter 18: Iseul still love Myung, eh? I wonder who will she choose.
Hehe till your next update ^^