The new reality

At first sight

That was it. In a minute the nurse would deliver the news to me. The news that Min was gone. Forever.

Her eyes stared into mine. They were sad but yet her facial expression showed that she had done this a thousand times before. It was a routine for her by now.

I didn’t want to hear the news. I knew very well that the reality would only hurt me. As much as I wanted to run away from the lady, I kept standing in front of her. Because I knew that at some point I had to face the reality so why push the sorrow longer out in the future?

 “Onew, this news might be a little hard to take but when you get the news it’s very important to be patient”, the nurse said.

“Just get to the case”, I rushed her.

“The thing is Min passed-“ The nurse didn’t get any further before I pushed her away and ran into the O.R. All the doctors were standing in the other end of the room away from Min. It looked like the discussed something important but in that moment I didn’t care.

Min’s face was pale and her eyes were closed. I quickly ran to her bedside and was just about to burry me in sorrow when the nurse interrupted.

“Good idea. Give her a little pep-talk. They say they can hear you”, she smiled.

I furrowed my eyebrows. “Give her a pep-talk? Are you saying I should encourage her to die more that she already is?”

The nurse’s face turned from daily routine to confusion. “What are you talking about? Sir, Min passed away for a short moment but luckily we got her back in time. Her blackout can possible cause some brain damages. Onew, it’s very important in a situation to be there for her. We aren’t able to see if her brain was damaged before she wakes up but if it is she will probably be very confused and go into a black whole of sorrow.”

“Wow, this is great”, I mumbled to myself. Relief washed over my body as a tidal wave.  

The nurse furrowed her eyes in disapprove. “I don’t see the great thing about this?”

“Min’s not dead anyway”, I mumbled mostly to myself but the nurse heard what I said.

“Dead? Onew-sshi, who said anything about Min passing away?”

I just shook my head and turned to the sergeants in the corner. “Why are you standing there? Continue!” I said with new positive views on this surgery. Then I ran out of the O.R and rushed to the waiting guys.

All of their four heads looked at me in confusion when I ran out of the O.R with a wide grin on my face.  

“Did they give you drugs or something?” Key asked. I shook my head. “She’s not dead”, I smiled.

“Wait, she was dying!?” Taemin said and got up from his seat. “No! I just misunderstood everything. Everything is fine”, I explained. Taemin sat down again, relieved. They all looked at me for a few seconds more to see if I was being serious and then they nodded their heads as an answer.

I sat down next to Minho again. Minho stared at me calm foot wide-eyed. “They are not tapping anymore?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “If Min survived this what is the chance she doesn't survive the rest?” I asked.

They all smiled at me when I said that. “That’s the spirit!” Jonghyun grinned. Then I noticed Taemin didn’t look so happy. It was obvious the smile on his face was forced.

“What’s wrong Taeminnie?” I asked him. He immediately looked up at me when I called his name as I just woke him from a nightmare.

“W-what if she doesn’t-“ Taemin got interrupted by Minho’s hand there covered his mouth. “Sometimes you just need to know when it’s the time to shut up”, he hissed.

I know Taemin was right but I refused to let him fight my new found mood. It was healthier to stay positive.

When I finally started to relax my eyelids got heavier. The 6 hours I had been up than usual started to have an effect on me. The other’s had switched on small rounds of sleep. The only one who hadn’t been sleeping was me.

“Onew, you should sleep now”, Key said in his umma voice. I think they were the only words I waited for because as he said that, my eyelids closer and my head dropped down of heaviness. I felt Minho tug my head to lean on his shoulder before I drifted off to sleep.


“Onew! Min is awake!” Taemin said and shook me awake. “What?” I mumbled. “Min’s awake!” Taemin repeated his voice almost cracking of excitement.

“What!? Min!” I jumped up from my seat and ran into the O.R where Min was laying. Before I was allowed to enter the room, the nurse caught me by the arm.

“I think you should know the result before going in there”, the nurse said.

“What is it?”

“Min…” The nurse started. I most of all wanted to smack her face. She sounded like a host for a contest revealing the winner.

“Is not blind anymore.”

“Is this really true?” I asked in disbelief. This was more that I had dared to dream about. I wonder how happy Min was going to be when she realized that she was able to see now.

“Yes, you should go see her. She might be a little weak now but she is at consciousness”, the nurse made a small wave with her hand as a sign for me to enter.

Not even bothering to answer the nurse, I pushed myself pass her and ran to Min’s bedside. I gently grabbed Min’s still pale hand. Her eyes were covered by two patches.

“Min, can you hear me?” I asked her in a gentle voice. Her hand gave me a small squeeze. A weak squeeze, but I knew she was awake.

“Tell me”, Min’s low voice whispered. She sounded so weak and sleepy at same time.

“You are able to see now, Min”, I smiled at her.

“Just tell me the truth, Onew”, Min demanded.

“This is the truth, Min, I promise. You can actually see the world now”, I said.

“Really? Is this really happening?” She asked in disbelief.

“I thought the same thing when I heard the amazing news but I guess this is the reality now. I think we should be thankful to fate for this”, I said. Min smiled in response.

“How are you feeling, Min?” The nurse asked when she entered. “Um, my head is still a little foggy but I feel better than expected”, Min polite answered.

The nurse smiled. “Well that’s differently good news, Min.”

“Can I take the patches of now?” Min asked.

“Yes, feel free to. Everything should be working now”, the nurse said. “Onew will you do it?”

My fingers gently took the patches away from her eyes. Min’s eyes were still closed under the patches.

“Now open your eyes to the new world”, the nurse smiled.

Min hesitated once but then opened her eyes. She blinked a few times and the looked on the wall in front of her. Before she could turn her head to me she let out a loud scream.

“Aaaaahh!” Min screamed and covered her eyes. The nurse quickly rushed to Min. “Min what happened?” the nurse asked Min. Min, who still had her eyes open, looked completely in chock. Then her eyes closed and her breath became heavy.

“She fainted”, the nurse declared.


Thank you for reading <3 Please comment, it makes me so happy. :)

Haha found this pic of Shinee. Now they can feel Min’s situation ;)


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Chapter 5: LOL well that escalated quickly
Chapter 2: Well.... Wasn't a prince and on a white horse... More like an awkward man with great timing :3
Chapter 1: Bwahahaha cutie clueless Onew xD
X'D Onews a meany xD I love it! XD
Chapter 37: Although they moved fast. Like real fast. Almost as fast as the light. It was cute and adorable. Hehehe
CheekySaku #6
Chapter 5: They move too fast. They barely met and Onew is already confessing his undying love for her and kkissing her? Something's has got to be wrong with your head. It actually would've been better if they took things slowly
Chapter 37: awww what a cute ending
ChocoPandaa #8
Chapter 36: Oh finally you mister! ><
Tsk... you better put Luna in jail for this! What kinda idol murders? LOL.
....wait so is Min blind again?! >:O Nooooo!!
Chapter 36: om my god I can´t believe that ____. How could she? How could she do something like that? and what is going to happen to Min now???
ChocoPandaa #10
I knew Luna was just playing.... being all good and all. -.-"
Why do I have a feeling that Taemin's gonna save her? xD