The light

At first sight


The night slowly drifted on outside the hospitals windows. I spent my time on the cold hospital hallway. Nurses tried to move me but I refused. I wanted to stay as close to Min as possible.

Minho, Taemin, Jonghyun and Key arrived a few hours later but I was not sure. I felt them sit down next to me but they didn’t say anything and I didn’t say anything to them.

I kept my head between my knees. My feet made a monotone rhythm as they kept stepping on the floor. The waiting time seemed to be never ending. I just wanted to run to Min. Hold her hand.

The questions kept sprinting around in my head and that only made me tap the floor faster.

“Will she make it?”

“Is she in pain?”

“Will she get her sight back?”

“Is she regretting this?”

Minho stepped light on my stepping feet to make them stop. “Onew, you’ve been like this for hours. The time will not go faster of you tapping the floor.”

I didn’t answer.

“She will make it”, Taemin decided. He was the only one who looked just as nervous as I.

Then silence followed. Taemin starred into the wall with a nervous gaze. Minho kept looking annoyed at me feet there kept tapping. He looked like on there could burst out in anger any minute. Key and Jonghyun sat on the floor and played ticktacktoe with a pen in each other’s hand palms.  

The silence got interrupted by a loud scream. “ARRRRRRRRRRGGGGHHH!”

Her voice echoed in the hallway. Everybody heard it. “Min!” I ran towards the O.R. I wanted to be with her. Make the pain go away.

A nurse blocked the way. “I’m afraid you have to wait outside.”

I ignored her and tried to push past her. “Let me in”, I grumbled and kept pushing. The nurse was strong and kept blocking the way. “Sir”, she warned.

“Onew”, Minho’s deep voice said and pulled me back. “If you go in there you disturb them. That will only make it last longer.”

Min’s P.O.V

Onew’s desperate voice faded and everything became black. No voices, no colors, no thoughts. The only thing I could see was a little circle of weak light. My brain stopped thinking and the only thing there still kept me believing that I still was alive was the unbearable pain.

It felt like they kept poking thousands of knives in my eyes.  It felt like they burnt my eyes every time the stuck a new knife in my eyes. Like they took a pizza cutter and rolled it across my eyes every second.

Every time I thought the pain was about to get a little easier a new cut arrived. Most of all I just wanted to scream. Shout that they should stop, that I regretted taking this surgery.

When I arrived at the hospital the sergeant told me that if I wanted to wake up again I needed to fight the light. Do everything there was in my power to not getting up of the light. I understood want he wanted to say. If I let the light get me I would die.

The weak circle of light was just above my head. But if I looked in another direction the light would follow me. No matter where I looked the light was there.

It looked so peaceful, so welcoming. As it said: “Min, come over here. Here’s peace and the pain will stop.” And believe me I wanted to enter the light. Make the pain disappear.

But I knew I couldn’t let that happen. I knew there was a few people there would get hurt if I said goodbye to the world now, Onew and Hae-Won the center of my world. So I kept fighting for their sake. I would be self-centered if I gave up so easily.

But it was harder than expected. Everything in my body screamed in pain. The knives seemed to never stop cutting. The circle of light shone stronger and stronger for every minute. It pulled in all my body parts and kept calling my name. “Min, come to me. Let me save you.”

A small breathe of relief escaped my lips when the cuts stopped. The knives disappeared. Just as I thought I had won. That I survived, another pain started. This pain was stronger, worse and made me scream of all my lungs power.

It was the only thing I could do. I wasn’t even sure if they could hear it outside my little bubble of pain. But I hoped so. I hoped they took it as a sign to stop.

It felt like they sprayed fire directly into my eyes. Like they took a gas burner and wanted to burn my eyes away. I wanted to close my eyes. Shut the pain out but they kept my eyelids separated.

I screamed even louder this time. Like this was my last scream. But the pain didn’t stop. So I gave up. Just for a second but it was enough. The light caught me. Its arms embraced me and made the pain disappear.

Everything stopped now. The pain, the screams, the knives and the only thing I could see was light. So much light that it felt like I looked directly into the sun.

Onew’s P.O.V

The nurse stepped out of the O.R with a sad mine.

“Onew, I’m afraid we have bad news.”



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Chapter 5: LOL well that escalated quickly
Chapter 2: Well.... Wasn't a prince and on a white horse... More like an awkward man with great timing :3
Chapter 1: Bwahahaha cutie clueless Onew xD
X'D Onews a meany xD I love it! XD
Chapter 37: Although they moved fast. Like real fast. Almost as fast as the light. It was cute and adorable. Hehehe
CheekySaku #6
Chapter 5: They move too fast. They barely met and Onew is already confessing his undying love for her and kkissing her? Something's has got to be wrong with your head. It actually would've been better if they took things slowly
Chapter 37: awww what a cute ending
ChocoPandaa #8
Chapter 36: Oh finally you mister! ><
Tsk... you better put Luna in jail for this! What kinda idol murders? LOL.
....wait so is Min blind again?! >:O Nooooo!!
Chapter 36: om my god I can´t believe that ____. How could she? How could she do something like that? and what is going to happen to Min now???
ChocoPandaa #10
I knew Luna was just playing.... being all good and all. -.-"
Why do I have a feeling that Taemin's gonna save her? xD