The Time It Takes To Grow

Junsu watched Taecyeon from the corner of his eyes, his own eyes tearing up at the sight. His whole body tensed with the want to touch the bigger male’s skin, his face, and his arms, to hold him. It was everything and more that held him back, and Junsu could feel his chest constricting. It hurt his eyes to see Taecyeon so vulnerable, and weak. He had always assumed that Taecyeon would always be the savior, always be this hero in his eyes. But now, he was something so much more. His fingers shook as they ignored the messages from his brain and crept closer to Taecyeon’s shaking form. Gently, with care that he had wanted to give since the moment he saw the boy again, Junsu slipped his fingers over Taecyeon’s shaking pair and gripped them with his small hand.

Taecyeon grabbed for his hands like a baby snatching for candy that’s in his reach, and before Junsu can understand what’s happening, their fingers are joined, palm against palm, and it feels foreign. Junsu jolts internally, the warmth of Taecyeon’s hand filling him to the brim with tingly sensations that reach the very tips of his toes. Junsu moves closer, until his side is pressed against Taecyeon and he sits next to him, feeling his every motion, experiencing it with him. Junsu felt Taecyeon shift, and he finds himself lying against Taecyeon’s side, his head fitting perfectly against the hollow of Taecyeon’s throat. Is this what heaven feels like?

They sit together outside of the classroom for what feels like forever, but is really just a few moments. Their hands stay joined, out of nurture, out of care, and Junsu can feel his heartbeat loudly in his ears. As awkward as it should have been, through their silence, is understanding. It is the understanding that one needs to be held as the other needs to hold. Junsu peers at their hands, at how his hand is cover completely with Taecyeon’s large fingers, how he fit by Taecyeon’s side just right. It was hard not to just let go and enjoy the moment he had been waiting for since he could remember, but Junsu thinks ahead, and how by the end of the day, they will no longer be intimate like they are in this moment.

Junsu listens to Taecyeon’s sniffles die down, and realizes that he shouldn’t linger. He should make sure Taecyeon was okay, then go back to the way things were before. It was too much to hope for anything more than this, as amazing as it was.

“Are you okay now?” Junsu’s voice quivered against the silence in the halls, fighting his inner impulse to hold Taecyeon’s hand tighter and refuse to let go. Taecyeon uses his free hand to wipe at his face and Junsu looks over to catch a glimpse of his eyes. They’re red and swollen but still beautiful and dark and Junsu finds himself lost in them. The strangest thing happened though, Taecyeon didn’t look away either.

“Thank you,” his deep voice whispers to him.

“F-For what?”

“Staying.” Taecyeon speaks with a soft sigh, his voice affectionate and eyes soft. Junsu takes in a wheezy breath of air and tries to will his eyes away, but Taecyeon is too beautiful for his own good and Junsu is selfish.

“I-I. . . “Taecyeon manages a smile, a real one, and Junsu knew he could never go back again. He would always want to see this side of the big bear even more, he would want to experience holding his hand again. And Junsu wanted just one, he swore to himself one would be enough to last him a lifetime, kiss from those pretty, plump lips.

“I really appreciated your company, Junsu.” Then Taecyeon is standing, letting go of Junsu’s hand and it feels like a blast of misplaced wind to the face. His mouth hangs open as the emptiness surrounds him, and is only restored when Taecyeon takes his hand and pulls him to his feet.

“I’m sorry I kept you so long, b-but you can go in now.” But I want to stay here . . . with you. Taecyeon leads him towards the door, and gives him a small push at his lower back. Junsu turned to look back, only to see Taecyeon’s form disappearing around the corner. His lips turn down into a frown, his heart calling out for him to come back.

It’s only when Junsu is back inside of the classroom, surrounded by the sound of pen to paper, that he realizes that Taecyeon called him by his name. The color rushes to his cheek in a hurry, so before anyone could see, Junsu is laying face first against his notebook.


“I always knew you had a thing for him!” Junho accused after seeing the red faced Junsu slap himself for the fourth time since class let out. Ever since Taecyeon had gone, Junsu’s face still hadn’t calmed down and everyone thought he was sick.

“Shut up!” Junsu murmured weakly, smiling with flustered cheeks. He slapped himself again and again, until Chansung grabbed both of his hands.

“It’s not going to go anytime soon Hyung. You might as well just confess your love for Ok Taecyeon. It’ll make you feel so much better.” Junsu broke away from Chansung’s loose grasp, shooting him a look.

“I will if you confess to-“

“Okay, okay, you win!” Junsu laughed at his victory and the way Junho’s head snapped towards them.

“Channie, what’s he talking about?”

“Uh, nothing. Why would he be talking about something?”

“YOU LIKE SOMEONE!? AND YOU DIDN’T TELL ME!?” Junho had a thing for overdramatic scenes, and he successfully gathered attention from everyone near them.

“Be quiet before we get detention again, big mouth.” Junho ignored the comment and tried to act cute, and hopped to Chansung’s side, calling him “Channie” and begging him with puppy eyes. Junsu watched with his face still flushed to red perfection, and laughed as Chansung tried to escape Junho but failed. It was obvious who Chansung had feelings for, but Junho was never smart enough to figure it out.

“Hyung, what are you waiting for? Class is about to start soon!” Junsu sighed and followed his two dongsaengs, their noise leading the way.

I wonder if he really is  . . . okay.






Ughh, it was too fluffy for me to handle. @.@ The next chapter will be the Taecyeon freaking out majorly in the boys bathroom. ^^



@2pandavoice: :) I never pegged myself for an angst writer, but it just pops out. XD I'm sorry you cried! That makes me feel bad!


@SweetSuicide92: You're welcome! I'm glad that you liked it!


@Meyochan: LOL! XDD I actually did use to do that when I was little!

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Sorry for the haitus! I will be working on more chapters soon!!! PROMISE!!!


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Chapter 21: oh geez, i'm still hoping for a new chapter....
Chapter 20: boyfriends... (ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
Chapter 17: "are you busy after school?" AAAAAAAAA
Chapter 16: this chapter made me feel so soft...
Chapter 12: hahaha changmin, don't be like that to your hyung~
Chapter 11: arghhh i really love them 😭😭😭
Chapter 10: i love them so much ㅠㅠ
Chapter 9: taec and junsu in this chapter are so beautiful...
Chapter 8: omg omg skhdjshsksjs
Chapter 2: omg i really love the idea about how you wanted to represent taecyeon by the little birdie junsu 🥺