The Time It Takes To Grow

Junsu peered down at Taecyeon with what he hoped was a calm facade, but the sadness in Taecyeon's eyes caused his lips to lower into a small frown. The field around them lay empty, every inch sparkling in the sun. Taecyeon stared off to the side where the sun shone the brightest, unwilling to meet his gaze again.

"I'm not sure what they told you, but I'm okay. Really." He was lying and Junsu wasn't an idiot, he could hear the bitterness in Taecyeon's tone. He trembled slightly before sitting against the slightly damp grass with no invitation. Taecyeon wouldn't look at him, eyes cast towards the sky, and it was beginning to make Junsu feel worse.

"I-I didn't mean to . . . to run. I was just scared," Junsu murmured. I was scared you would open your eyes and see how much of a mistake I am. I was scared you would be the one to run away, "by the nurse, I've never been in this k-kind of situation before." Taecyeon's eyes still pierced the sky, his form still. Junsu wrapped his arms around his torso as a means to hold in how badly his insides churned. The atmosphere was emotion-less, no longer warm and playful, but plunging into a ravine.

"Its okay Junsu. I made a mistake. I'm sorry." Junsu blinked as he processed the statement and his heart clenched uncomfortably at the words. He didn't want that kind of response, especially from the person he loved. Junsu swallowed dryly, his partially swollen lips before opening his mouth to speak once more.


"You don't have to explain. Everything is fine." Junsu squeezed his lids shut tightly to savor the nerves left untouched. He felt the stinging sensation in the pit of his chest, his mouth drying, most likely to supply the tears building behind his eyes.

"W-Would you just listen!" He exclaimed, the pain blossoming throughout his body almost too much to bear. Junsu was aware of his limitations, he knew that this sort of thing was crossing the boundary of his safe zone, but was now or never. If Taecyeon believed he didn't have the same feelings, all of the years he spent would become painful reminders of his moment of weakness, the way he ran. "You didn't d-do anything wrong. It w-was me! I didn't know what to do after you k-kissed me. So I ran away like a coward when I should have s-stayed with you. I'm sorry, okay?" By the time Junsu had finished his miniature monologue, warm tears trickled down his flushed cheeks. He was in pain, and angry, but most of all he was tired. He was sick and tired of waiting.

"Junsu, stop. You're crying." Taecyeon shifted his position to where he sat by Junsu, still in shock that Junsu felt bad about leaving him after they kissed. He assumed Junsu would portray anger, not sadness. He felt terrible for making Junsu cry. Junsu shook his head, he needed to empty himself of all the feelings he held inside.

"Are y-you b-blind or something," Junsu cried, "d-dont you see how much you mean to m-me? I'm t-tired of w-waiting." Junsu's crying escalated, his chest breaking rhythm and his hands finding little warmth wrapped around his small figure. The world around him blurred, yet Junsu felt as if he was finally seeing for the first time. In the background to his ugly tears, he could hear Taecyeon trying and failing miserably to calm him. He felt the arms that brought much more warmth than his own wrap around him, and it only seemed to force him to cry harder. He felt hands softly caress his face, wiping away a small percentage of his tears, and the nape of his neck, his hair being pulled lightly from the contact before lips crushed against his with bruising force, effectively shutting out his cries.

Junsu didn't need to guess or feel; he knew what he wanted. He quickly pulled Taecyeon closer by the grasp he had on his uniform sweater, and responded to the kiss with as much favor. The kiss they shared was devoid of the gentle nature each had, they simply went off of pure instinct, their lips moving against the other harshly, Taecyeon's teeth snugly nibbling along Junsu's bottom lip. Junsu parted his lips in anticipation, a noise drifting between a groan and a making of a moan vibrating from the back of his throat. He felt a warm tongue slip into his mouth and gently caress his own, his knuckles buckling with the intensity he held onto Taecyeon with. Lips molded together, stinging pressure ebbed away with the swipe of a tongue. Junsu felt his air running out and he knew he would have surely died kissing until Taecyeon broke their link, leaning back with a dazed glaze to his eyes. A small string of saliva, whose mouth it originated from a mystery, kept them tethered together. Junsu opened his eyes, blinking away the sting of squeezing them so tightly, and began to gulp in much needed air.

"Do you . . . Get it now?" Taecyeon breathed deeply and bit his reddened bottom lip to try and stop smiling so goofily.

"Y-Yeah." And suddenly, Taecyeon embraced Junsu in a hug that could literally asphyxiate someone in mere seconds, but Junsu liked the warmth around him, even at the expense of his lungs. He snuggled closer, feeling the beat of Taecyeon's heart falter and sputter behind his clothes.

"Mine," Taecyeon mumbled as his fingers played along Junsu's back, "Mine." Junsu giggled lightly at the childish word coming from someone much too old, but felt his heart skip a beat or two.

"Finally, mine."


"And then?" Chansung and Junho had interrogated Junsu through the rest of their lunch period after they saw the small male walking hand in hand with Taecyeon. The duo pulled Junsu away with difficulty, and had him sit while they towered over him.

"Then, we talked," Junsu replied vaguely with a small smile on his lips. He was still under the potent drug known as love.

"About," Junho pressed, his arms crossed.

"A lot of things. Now will you two stop drilling me? I need my space!" Chansung and Junho merely leaned in with stoic expressions, one eyebrow raised.

"If you gave up the specifics, we wouldn't be standing here, Su. So spill." Sometimes it amazed Junsu how his best friends were a tall, rather beautiful, idiot, and a small, extremely pretty, and smart boy who was so smart he became another idiot.

"Look, we just sat on the field together, and he was sweet and nice and I like being with him. He makes it so easy for me, to fall even more in love with him. Happy now? Is that sappy enough for you?"

"Its too sappy," Junho responded, aided by Chansung pretending to puke his guts up.

"Whatever," Junsu rolled his eyes and discreetly scanned the cafe in sight of his, dare he say, lover? Taecyeon sat at the edge of tables in sight and their eyes met over the distance. Junsu smiled before ducking his head.

"Oh stop making goo goo eyes with him! You've only been apart for like 10 minutes!" Junsu pouted. He would have to hurry and get the two pestering him together so that they could finally leave him alone.

"Well, sorry. Why don't you guys make 'goo goo' eyes at eachother so I can go?" Chansung instantly straightened, sputtering nonsense while Junho glared half-heartedly.

"You know what, just go," Junho hissed, pointing elsewhere.

"Thanks, mom." Junho visibly cringed at the thought, well aware of what Junsu's mom was like. Before he could form a suitable comeback, Junsu stood from his seat and walked over to Taecyeon's table, a bit shy, but he wanted to spend more time with the bigger male. Taecyeon noticed him walking over and moved over to give Junsu space, which was consumed a moment later. Taecyeon instantly cradled Junsu's hand with his own, playing with the boys fingers absentmindedly and smiling with content. Everyone around them seemed to watch them in some way, but when they were together, nothing and no one else really mattered.


Junsu figured he could possibly dig his own pit and fling himself into it, then have Chansung and Junho use the quickest form of machinery to dump the dirt back in its rightful place and cover him entirely. It would be a much happier fate than the one Junsu knew he woud meet that night. Even with Taecyeon by his side, he was positive his mother would be a complete troll.

Are you a ?

Do you have a record?

Do you smoke?

Are you in a gang?

What's your favorite animal? Junsu groaned as he pictured his mother interigating Taecyeon much like a police officer, flashlight blinding him.

Do you drink?

How much do you like my son?

Do you have any mental diseases?

Are you retarded?

Can I trust you to take care of my Junsu?

Taecyeon smiled as Junsu groaned again, the small male wearing a face a horror.

"Don't worry Junsu, I don't think it'll be that bad. Your mom can't be as bad as you say." Junsu shook his head, squeezing Taecyeon's hand tighter.

"No, I promise, she's worse. By the time she gets finished, you won't want to be with me anymore." Taecyeon laughed at Junsu's declaration and found the way Junsu was acting absolutely adorable.

"I've liked you way too long to be put off by your mother Junsu, so don't worry." Junsu shot Taecyeon a brief smile, but the worry was still evident. They walked at a moderate pace, Junsu wishing to slow down, Taecyeon wanting to speed up.

"And its not even that she's mean, that lady could make you cry just by smiling."

"I don't want to sound rude, but is your mom ugly or something?" Junsu almost choked from the laughing.

"Ani, she's really beautiful, but she could have the mouth of a sailor if she wants to and she's really intimidating." Taecyeon nodded his head in understanding and began to pull Junsu along by their clasped hands.

"Why are you walking so fast!?"

"I want to meet your mom!"

"No, you don't!"

"Come on Junsu!" Junsu groaned as his boyfriend pulled him closer in the direction of his house, the sun spewing out color just along the appearing horizon, and thought two words.









By the end of this chapter, I was laughing exceptionally hard. To everyone reading, I want to take a moment to say thankyou to each and everyone of you! You guys are amazing! :) True story: I based Junsu's mom off of my older sister. XD If only you could meet her, I over exaggerated her a bit, but its pretty much all true. And I'll explain this chapter a bit differently and in more detail next chapter.

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Sorry for the haitus! I will be working on more chapters soon!!! PROMISE!!!


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Chapter 21: oh geez, i'm still hoping for a new chapter....
Chapter 20: boyfriends... (ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
Chapter 17: "are you busy after school?" AAAAAAAAA
Chapter 16: this chapter made me feel so soft...
Chapter 12: hahaha changmin, don't be like that to your hyung~
Chapter 11: arghhh i really love them 😭😭😭
Chapter 10: i love them so much ㅠㅠ
Chapter 9: taec and junsu in this chapter are so beautiful...
Chapter 8: omg omg skhdjshsksjs
Chapter 2: omg i really love the idea about how you wanted to represent taecyeon by the little birdie junsu 🥺