The Time It Takes To Grow

Taecyeon soon came to realize that little birdie Junsu had attachment issues. If he left the room they occupied for only a minute too long, the bird would go into a pipping fit and Taecyeon would have to rush back to his side in an instant. Not only that, but after Junsu realized he could move by a series of small hops with his tiny legs, if Taecyeon was close enough, Junsu would hop all over him without a care. Taecyeon drew great pleasure out of having Junsu with him, and felt comfortable enough to move around without fear of hurting his small friend. It was actually quite easy not to worry after Junsu learned how to adapt to his surroundings. He moved out of Taecyeon’s way when the gentle giant walked by, and left him alone when he felt the human was busy. Anytime he sat by quietly, Taecyeon would reward him with crushed worms since he couldn’t eat them regularly yet. They worked like a seesaw of sorts, moving in an orbital arrangement that suited them. Birdie Junsu sat and watched Taecyeon pull paper from his backpack and turn pages out of books everywhere. Because the attention wasn’t on him, he hopped his way closer and right on top of one of his books, specifically the word Summer. Taecyeon placed his open Chemistry book off to the side and reached over towards Junsu’s, his hands now sure and steady. When his fingers were close enough, Junsu used his perfect balance to hop into Taecyeon’s hand so the boy could place him on his shoulder and out of the way.

“There you go Jun.”

“Pip!” Taecyeon smiled at the reply and began to turn his focus towards his homework. It wasn’t much, and Taecyeon knew he wouldn’t be occupied with it for long, so he worked slowly. Every now and then he would make a comment and birdie Junsu never failed to “pip” in answering. It was nice to have a companion by his side at home when Taecyeon was usually alone. Being born an only child and not spared much attention, Taecyeon had grown self sufficient and learned a lot about himself. Whenever his mother was home, they barely exchanged words, though he still loved her.

“Now, which answer should I pick? A or B?” Taecyeon pointed to the letter A, Junsu’s beady eyes following the movement. There was silence. When Taecyeon moved his finger to the letter B, Junsu let a little pip ring and Taecyeon looked at the choice.

“Don’t tell me you’re a genius too Junsu!”

“Pip!” After finishing his homework, Taecyeon looked at the time and saw that it was getting late and he needed a shower. He moved his shoulders minimally as he neatly repacked his things, and had Junsu transfer to his outstretched palm before standing. As he walked through the living room to the stairs leading up to his room and the bathroom, Taecyeon realized that the entire time he was home, he hadn’t felt so low. Having birdie Junsu by his side has released some sort of pent up pressure that had been weighing down on him for the longest time, and now he could walk with easy steps, take deep breaths without the fear of choking, appreciate the way he lived. It felt so different, to be smiling for what could be viewed as such a meaningless thing, but Taecyeon was always one to find meaning in something so small, or rather someone.

“Sorry, but I don’t want you to go wandering off and lost while I’m not here, so you’ll be heading to bed earlier than me.”

“Pip.” Junsu answered, hopping around in Taecyeon’s hand as he tried to find a close enough surface to escape on.

“Oh no you don’t.” Taecyeon approached the vacant cage situated on the desk by his bed, still there because he had never felt the need to throw it away. It had been the home to his first and last pet bird, Jay, who he had released a long time ago. Now the boy counted his lucky stars that he had somewhere to keep Junsu safe. He opened up the small black cage and Junsu grudgingly went inside, shooting his owner his version of a glare. Taecyeon closed the cage door, feeling guilty as ever, but knowing deep down that this was for the best. Birdie Junsu turned his back on Taecyeon, exploring his new surroundings and wanting out immediately to following his leaving owner. Taecyeon turned back slightly just to see Junsu staring him down from his seat by the cage door. Just as he met the hallway, he heard the pipping begin. The sound only grew louder.

 Taecyeon rushed through his shower only to give birdie Junsu relief. He had heard him pipping the whole time, never ending squeaking that drove the human insane and made him feel bad. When he had finished taking his shower, Taecyeon wasted away a few moments staring at his reflection through the cover of steam. He could barely make out his face, but he still tried, even squinting his eyes. What was he trying to see? To look so hard for? Taecyeon reared back and reached his hand in to wipe away the vapor covered mirror, water droplets forming in lines all across it. He let his eyes rest after seeing himself clearly. But there was still nothing worth looking at, in his eyes. He still looked tired, with small lines of happiness traced across his forehead and seen in his dark orbs.

“Maybe I’m looking for the wrong thing.” He tried again for a little while longer before the pipping became too much again. He messily dried his short hair with a small towel and left the bathroom, turning off the light on his way out. He trotted along the wooden floor in the dark, just following the sound of the pipping until he had found his room. As soon as Junsu saw him, he became quiet.

“Sorry Jun, but showers are my favorite part of the day.”


“Hey, don’t use that tone! I said I was sorry.”

“Pip, pip!” Junsu turned his back on Taecyeon, making the human male laugh wholeheartedly as he closed his room door. He found his way into his overly comfy bed, his hair still wet, his heartbeat still right on course. He closed his eyes and listened to Junsu moving around in his cage, relishing in the sound of someone else besides himself. He liked not having to listen to silence before falling into a deep sleep that consumed him fully. Junsu gave a little pip, his version of the words good night





:) I liked writing this chapter.


@SweetSuicide92 , Oh yes. ky is one of my favorites, lol.  . . and I really wanted to portray in a more natural and spiritual setting. I really like nature, even though I don’t specifically like being in it. Lol. XDD

@Addicted-2U, I thought it would be really weird for Junsu to like someone else, besides the fact  that its Taecsu. I hate love triangles! They can get really confusing and it wouldn’t fit the concept I have in mind. :)

@Meyochan, I’m the same. I’ve had that problem so many times its pretty funny. XD I’m hoping I can write them in the perfect setting for everyone. :)

@NENO1234, Im glad you like it. ^^ 


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Sorry for the haitus! I will be working on more chapters soon!!! PROMISE!!!


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Chapter 21: oh geez, i'm still hoping for a new chapter....
Chapter 20: boyfriends... (ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
Chapter 17: "are you busy after school?" AAAAAAAAA
Chapter 16: this chapter made me feel so soft...
Chapter 12: hahaha changmin, don't be like that to your hyung~
Chapter 11: arghhh i really love them 😭😭😭
Chapter 10: i love them so much ㅠㅠ
Chapter 9: taec and junsu in this chapter are so beautiful...
Chapter 8: omg omg skhdjshsksjs
Chapter 2: omg i really love the idea about how you wanted to represent taecyeon by the little birdie junsu 🥺