The Time It Takes To Grow

Taecyeon took slow steps on the way to the bus stop. It wasn't often that rain decided to fall and he wanted to make the most out of it before the bus took him the rest of the way. Rain to Taecyeon was like renewal. The water washed away the grime, the indents, the blemishes and left behind something smooth, soft, whole, real. He let the water sometimes fall against his uniform, ignoring how soaked the material was becoming or how cold his flesh began to feel, and closed his eyes for a moment to take it all in. He liked the smell after the rain the most though. The smell of fresh grass everywhere, as if it had never been stepped on before. After taking his sweet time, Taecyeon jogged the rest of the way to the bus stop just in time, a bright smile on his face.

A few of the girls he passed began to talk about how perfect he looked even with a wet uniform, and all Taecyeon could really do was laugh. There would always be stars in their eyes when he was really just a meteor. He shook his head to clear it and leaned his head against the foggy window. When he felt that there was no longer any attention on him, he shyly lifted a finger and began to draw little stick figures on the window. He drew Nichkhun and Wooyoung and a really small stick boy who was supposed to be Jay (he really had a laugh at that), and he drew himself. In another section he drew a really crude bird that was supposed to be Junsu and another stick figure with little hearts around it. That was human Junsu. When he was finished, he sat back and looked over his handiwork, drawing random designs over a blank space. He felt so preoccupied with it that he didn't notice the bus stopping until his nose almost hit the window. Grudgingly, Taec looked at his work before wiping it away and standing, a bit self conscious at being the tallest person on the bus, and moved into the aisle. He stepped slowly and allowed the bus to empty in front of him before striding off and reopening his umbrella.

The rain sprinkled more lightly now, But Taecyeon didn't want to get lost in the feeling and be late for class. He stepped onto the sidewalk littered with students and out of habit he scanned for Junsu's little figure. He found him easily, having done the same motion too many times to count. But now, he could talk to him without it being a random occurrence. He swiftly moved through people until Junsu was close enough to reach out to and called his name. "Hey Junsu," He called, unable to help the loving way he said the name. Taecyeon smiled as Junsu turned to face him, but that smile quickly fell. Junsu's eyes were bloodshot and puffy, his cheeks still wet from crying.

"Junsu, what happened? Why are you crying." It hurt to see the one he loved with beautiful eyes filled with sorrow and not know who was the blame. He wanted to help ease the pain, to shoulder it, to bear it.

"I-It was just the rain," Junsu replied, his voice soft and quiet. Taecyeon ignored the lie and the call for personal space as he stepped closer and slowly reached a hand out to caress Junsu's wet cheek. He studied the face before him, the big, beautiful eyes under a halo of dark lashes, the pale cheeks that had covered over with a pretty pink color from his touch, the cute nose and set of soft lips. His thumb pressed against the pink skin and wiped away a falling tear. He may have been straightforward with the action, but Taecyeon had to get rid of that lost puppy look on Junsu's face, he would give anything to see him smile.

"You should b-be heading to class," Junsu murmured, hyperaware of the lack of students around and the curious looks in their general direction.

"I can stay if you want me to. Hey, I'll even cry with you." That made Junsu smile slightly, appreciating Taecyeon's efforts at making him feel better. He bit his lip, Taecyeon still running his thumb across his cheek, and bit his lip. He wanted to tell Taecyeon to go because he didn't want to be a burden, but his heart wanted him to be selfish, just this once.

"Stay," Junsu whispered, hoping Taecyeon could hear him, Stay with me." Taecyeon hid the surprise from his face and pulled his hand away, taking Junsu's trembling palm in his grasp and pulling him down the hall. He had no clue where he was going, but he didn't care, he wanted to take Junsu away, even for a day, and take that pain from his eyes. He led him into another building that was fairly empty and towards the back exit. As they neared the double doors, Taecyeon turned back to Junsu.

"Are you okay with getting a little wet?" Taecyeon watched Junsu bite his lip and nod his head, his eyes holding trust. He turned back and pushed open the door, running out and pulling Junsu with him. The rain pelted against both boys, one flinching from the cold touches and the other embracing it. Taecyeon laughed from the ticklish feeling and Junsu stayed silent, fascinated by the sight.

"Hey, dance with me," Taecyeon asked out of nowhere, pulling Junsu to him with their still connected hands.

"B-But t-there's no music!" Taecyeon ignored the comment and placed Junsu's other hand on his shoulder, while his hand lightly held the small boy's waist. He was enjoying this moment, Junsu, him, the rain around them and no one else. This had only ever happened to Taecyeon in his dreams.

"Then sing." Taecyeon knew for a fact that Junsu was the best singer in the entire school and had always wanted to hear him sing, so he thought 'why not milk the cow while its still willing?' Not that Junsu was a cow or anything.

"Fine," Junsu murmured, clearing his throat and thinking of something to sing to fit this moment. When he began, Taecyeon took the lead and they began to move around in circles, the rain falling, but neither could feel it.

"It feels like a lover I won't see in the morning, so I keep my eyes open through the night. I take these things for than what their worth, I take each kiss for more than what its meant to be. Call me a hopeless romantic, call me just plain pathetic, I am what I feel and tonight I'm not that much. The new is in, the new is in, I'm feeling better already. I've shed my skin, I've shed my skin, my head is starting to steady." Taecyeon listened to the boy singing for them, his eyes unconsciously closing and let the voice be his guide. He had never heard someone so beautiful, until it stopped, breaking the spell.

"Why did you stop? Keep on going," Taecyeon urged, his eyes still closed, water tapping his closed lids.

"I'm sorry I won't be reachable for days, I'm cutting myself off. Please leave me be in my misery, I'm making amends with my conscious. So come next year I won't be reachable for days, because I'm taking time to let the story writes its page. I'm now convinced that there will be no other way. The new is in, the new in, I'm feeling better already. I've shed my skin, I've shed my skin, my head is starting to steady." Taecyeon opened his eyes as Junsu finished and smiled down at him. Junsu's hair was wet and his bangs stuck to his face, giving Taecyeon the urge to brush it all away. He slid his arm around Junsu and pulled him closer, wanting to share his warmth with the smaller. Junsu didn't protest or complain, he went along with it, pressing his head against Taecyeon's shoulder.

"I always like dancing in the rain," Taecyeon murmured, "No one can judge me." He felt Junsu lean more against him and looked up into the crying sky. Droplets hit his opened eyes, making him blink, but continue to stare. Taecyeon found it beautiful.

"Why d-did you do this f-for me?" Junsu asked as Taecyeon spun them slowly in the rain. Taecyeon thought over the question and how many ways he could answer it. This would be the perfect moment to say 'I love you' or 'I want to be with you', but Taecyeon couldn't find it in him to make the words leave his heart. He would hold onto them for just a bit longer, he would wait until it was his right time.

"You looked like you needed it, to just be free."

"Thankyou. For everything. For staying with me." In response, Taecyeon placed his free hand behind Junsu's head and ran his hand through the wet locks, noticing the slight shiver the small boy gave. They moved together under the grey clouds a while longer, forgetting about the prospects of missing class or getting in trouble or even about getting sick.

"Want to go get some icecream?" Taecyeon spoke randomly as they walked along the sidewalk. Junsu laughed and Taecyeon smiled when he heard it.

"Even though we'll probably be sick tomorrow, I'd love some." They found an ice cream shop nearby and headed inside, laughing at the cashiers expression when Taecyeon payed with soaked bills, the water from his uniform dripping onto the counter. He took the two cones and walked back to the spot Junsu had chosen, handing him the strawberry cone and keeping the caramel for himself.

"If you don't mind me asking, why were you crying earlier?" Junsu stared at his cone, silent.

"You don't-"

"I was just remembering something I regret." Junsu looked up from his cone frowning.

"I've done that a lot over the years, but it doesn't make you feel better." Junsu looked out the window, a faraway look in his eyes.

"You know, before my little brother Changmin was born, my mother and father were going through a divorce. They used to speak only when I was somewhere else and whenever I came back, they wouldn't say a word. I had a feeling that something was wrong when my father used to leave and only come back to get clothes or something. We grew apart, and I started to hate him. He made me feel so alone and I thought it was my fault my family was falling apart. I would still smile to his face, but behind it all, I loathed him so much. One day he decided to take me to his new house and meet this person I was hearing about for the fist time. It hurt knowing he had started over without me. I was young and selfish and all I really cared about was myself. We were in his car and he was on the main road, and I was sitting in the back seat because I didn't want to be beside him. He was telling me about how much I would like his new house, his new family, and that I would fit right in. He seemed so happy, and I hated it. I told him to stop lying to me and pretending he still cared about me and my mother when he had someone new to love. He tried to calm me down by saying he would always love us, a-and I didn't listen. I started yelling, saying how much I hated his guts and that he was the worst dad ever a-and I would never forgive him and he . . . He just looked back at me through the rearview mirror and smiled. He said I would always be his bird, it was something only the both of us shared and in that moment I knew he would keep his promise and keep loving me. I wanted to say sorry for everything, that I didn't mean it, but then we-we," Taecyeon listened with his heart breaking each second he watched Junsu's face scrunch up in pain at the memory.

Junsu was still looking out the window, his icecream forgotten but still held in firm hands. He blinked rapidly and Taecyeon could tell he was about to cry again. He slid out of his side of the booth and swiftly shifted over to be seated next to Junsu.

"You don't have to finish. I didn't mean to make you cry." Junsu smiled and shook his head, turning to look at Taecyeon.

"No, its not your fault. I just haven't talked about this before, with anyone. So just let me finish." Junsu took a deep breath and coughed lightly.

"We ran into another car that was heading our way, and my father was killed on impact. I don't really remember what happened after that, except for the ambulance lights flashing and feeling the worst pain I've ever felt in my life. I kept calling for him, saying appa over and over again, and the paramedics would just give me looks of pity. I had a broken arm, 3 or 4 cracked ribs, and my head was bleeding, but I didn't care. I just wanted to know where my father was and if he was okay. They waited a few days, when they were sure I was in the clear, to tell he was dead. And I didn't cry. I didn't cry then or at the funeral or after. I just sat there and watched everyone around me cry their eyes out. My mother was pregnant and she didn't even know. 2 and a half months. If I didn't hate myself then, I did after I found out. I know she hates me too." Taecyeon opened his mouth, then closed it again, thinking of the right words to say. He had always assumed Junsu was perfect, but hearing of this imperfection, seeing the mask come away made him see Junsu in a new way. He found him so much more beautiful.

"You shouldn't blame yourself for the accident Junsu," He said softly as Junsu looked back to the window,"Everyone makes mistakes and regrets and wish that things were different, but its what you do with what your given that determines who you are. You blame yourself because you wish you could take everything you said back, you wish you cried, but your saying sorry now, your crying right now. Let it out and smile. Your mother could never hate you and you have a little brother that looks up to you. Your dad would hate to see you like this when your so beautiful." It was all to easy, Taecyeon thought later on, to tell Junsu he was beautiful with a little smile, his eyes sparkling as he said it. He would remember Junsu scoffing and asking him if he was supposed to be a gift from God because he made Junsu feel better.






Whoa, emotional, but I hope you all liked it! :)

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Sorry for the haitus! I will be working on more chapters soon!!! PROMISE!!!


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Chapter 21: oh geez, i'm still hoping for a new chapter....
Chapter 20: boyfriends... (ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
Chapter 17: "are you busy after school?" AAAAAAAAA
Chapter 16: this chapter made me feel so soft...
Chapter 12: hahaha changmin, don't be like that to your hyung~
Chapter 11: arghhh i really love them 😭😭😭
Chapter 10: i love them so much ㅠㅠ
Chapter 9: taec and junsu in this chapter are so beautiful...
Chapter 8: omg omg skhdjshsksjs
Chapter 2: omg i really love the idea about how you wanted to represent taecyeon by the little birdie junsu 🥺