The Time It Takes To Grow

Junsu's mother stood at 5'2, Taecyeon towered over her much like a giant, with long flowing brunette hair that curled naturally along her lean back. Her face was plush and her skin was a vibrant pale that washed over her entire body, her brown almond shaped eyes eerily bright to the point where Taecyeon regretted all of the enthusiasm that had coursed through him beforehand.

Ms. Kim tugged her son inside of the cozy home rather forcefully, her eyes glued to her petrified Junsu's face and the way he kept looking back at his boyfriend. Taecyeon stood all but forgotten at the door way, gulping uncomfortably and wringing his fingers together with nerves. He had no idea what he was supposed to do at this point and he was unaware of the whispered conversation going on inside, since he still stood at the foot of the door, a little wary about entering.

"Are you kidding me Junsu! He's a freaking yeti!" Junsu bit his lip, ignoring the sting from previous activities, and looked in his mother's eyes in before whispering back, his voice so low he could barely hear himself.

"Don't say that about him mom. He's a really nice person and I love him."

"I bet he's on steroids, are you positive he's not on anything?" Junsu tugged away from his mother's hold, trying to keep his glare to a minimum.

"Umma! I knew you would this, but I'm begging you not to be mean to him!" Junsu's mother gave hir son a soft pat to the head and smiled reassuringly. It didn't feel reassuring at all.

"I won't be mean .
much." The larger male had never expected to feel so threatened by the small female or the tight tug of his hand before Junsu was whisked away.

What are you doing standing at the door,” Ms. Kim spat, “come in before before it gets cold and you die of hypothermia and I get sued.” She gave him a single look and Taecyeon stepped inside faster than his legs could carry him, nearly tripping over his own feet but catching the door before it could happen. Taecyeon turned away and closed the door, attempting his best to mentally prepare himself all the while
feeling that stare behind his back. When he turned back, he caught sight of Junsu's frightened expression as the smaller male was pulled rather forcefully into the kitchen.

 Taecyeon followed and took deep breathes to try and counteract the sputtering of his heart beneath his clothing. The kitchen was big and mostly white, the counter-tops black with small speckles of color and spotless to the point of disappearing while the glass cabinets were neatly organized. I should probably clean my kitchen, Taecyeon mused as he glanced around the pretty kitchen.

Sit,” Junsu's mother said and Taecyeon found his bottom in a seat faster than he could walk over to the table.

W-Where's Changmin?" Junsu managed to say as his bother eyed Taecyeon all over. He internally groaned, she was being a monster!

"I took him over to Sun's house for her birthday party, why?" Junsu blanked.

"Uh, n-no reason." Taecyeon felt bad for Junsu, he could see the smaller was trying his best to dissuade the tension everywhere.

"Hey you," Taecyeon shifted his gaze from Junsu to his beautiful mother.

"What's your name kid?"

"Ok Taecyeon."

"Well, Ok Taecyeon, what exactly are you to my son?"

"I'm his boyfriend." Junsu's mom nodded her head and stared down at her hand, inspecting the nails.

"Interesting. Now do you have any disabilities I should know about? Mental Retardation, Schizophrenia, Kleptomania? Are you Bipolar? Because I would hate for you to freak out and kill my son and then go to jail and die." Taecyeon stared. And stared some more. To put it in the most honest context, he was scared.

"Um, no? Not that I know of?"

"We'll be getting your mental capabilities checked them."

"Taec, do you want anything to drink? Come with me." Junsu stood from the white table and pulled Taecyeon up by his wrist and led him over to the fridge.

"Just ignore everything that she says. She did this to Chansung and Junho too.” Junsu whispered as he opened the fridge and pretended to be taking out something.

"I'll try, but she's really scaring me right now." With the agreement settled, Junsu poured Taecyeon a glass of water and the two shuffled back to the table and the demon-um, Junsu's mom.

"Are you really gay?" Junsu's mother suddenly inquired, just as Taecyeon decided he needed to drink the water sitting before him to keep his throat from shriveling up for the forth time in the last two minutes. He noticed out of the corner of his eye Junsu's eyes widening in horror and his mouth dropping open. Taecyeon placed the cup in hand down before he crushed it to bits on accident.

His cheeks flushed and he nervously peered down at the white material of the table. His mind was beyond distorted at this point and he could barely form an answer to such a blunt question. Junsu hadn't been lying when he said his mother was a complete nightmare; Taecyeon already felt like crying.

"I just want to know that this isn't some trail or fling and that you'll take care of him because I can easily find out your social security number and-"




"I REALLY LIKE YOUR SON!" Taecyeon erupted suddenly, hoping his best that it would put an end to the vicious banter between mother and son. Junsu sat back in his chair and brought his hands to cover his face, the blood rushing to devour his entire face and spreading down his neck. Mr. Kim smiled, the action made Taecyeon shiver since he was the only one to actually see it and it made him wonder how in the world someone so small could be that terrifying.

"Good. That's a good enough answer right now. Now tell me, Taecyeon, is it?" Taecyeon felt his stomach shrivel into nothing as he stared back at Junsu's mother.

"Yes?" His voice sounded timid and deep, a horrible combination and it made Taecyeon feel smaller than he actually was.

"Have you ever gotten high, a DUI, smoked, sold, or any other illegal acts? Don't worry, I'll spare you and not say them all but if you lie to me I'll know." Was she a dictator's vessel or something!? Taecyeon coughed lightly and drummed his fingers against his lap, actually attempting to think back. Despite the persona high school is given, Taecyeon didn't smoke or drink and he barely partied. He'd never really done anything at all.

"I stole skittles when I was 6." It was the best he could come up with under the circumstances and the last memory of a bad thing he did. He did end up paying for the candy the next day, but Junsu's mother looked like she wanted gossip and Taecyeon figured he might as well humor.

"Break up with him Junsu." Okay, Taecyeon decided he would keep his mouth shut forever and never look his mother in the eye. Junsu uncovered his face, still red to perfection, and rolled his eyes at his overreacting mother.

"And why would I do that?"

"He's a thief!"

"He was 6! And don't think I don't know you like taking twice as many packs of meat and only paying for half! Just because that guy has a crush on you doesn't entitle you to steal either!" Taecyeon watched Junsu's mother cross her arms and pout.

"Fine. Fine. Don't break up with him. But I bet he's not a ! No one that good looking would pass up-"

"Junsu's the only person I've ever liked," Taecyeon interjected before he heard Ms. Kim possible say "" or something possibly worse, "I've never been with someone else."

"Oh, he's lying," Junsu's mother,"How many kids do you have Taec?"

"None. Having a baby requires a girl and . . . that and I haven't had either." Ms. Kim squinted her eyes.


"Can w-we go now," Junsu asked, avoiding his mom's scary eyes, "You've embarrassed the both of us enough." And then Mrs. Kim reached an all new scary. She reached over and pinched her son's cheek with a wide grin spreading her lips and she cooed with unadorned affection,

"Is my Subaby embarrassed?"

"Kill me now," Junsu muttered." Mrs. Kim pushed Junsu's head away and dismissed them both.

"Leave the door open, the light on, and sit 10 feet apart." Both boys quickly departed the kitchen, Taecyeon stealthily grabbing for Junsu's hand and running up the stairs.

"You were right."

"I told you! And that's not even the worst part! She meant it when she said she could find your social security number!"








Only Junsu's mom. XD

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Sorry for the haitus! I will be working on more chapters soon!!! PROMISE!!!


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Chapter 21: oh geez, i'm still hoping for a new chapter....
Chapter 20: boyfriends... (ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
Chapter 17: "are you busy after school?" AAAAAAAAA
Chapter 16: this chapter made me feel so soft...
Chapter 12: hahaha changmin, don't be like that to your hyung~
Chapter 11: arghhh i really love them 😭😭😭
Chapter 10: i love them so much ㅠㅠ
Chapter 9: taec and junsu in this chapter are so beautiful...
Chapter 8: omg omg skhdjshsksjs
Chapter 2: omg i really love the idea about how you wanted to represent taecyeon by the little birdie junsu 🥺