The Time It Takes To Grow

Taecyeon’s demeanor changed and everyone that crossed his path suddenly felt enlightened. His large form bounced down the hall with a smile on his face, all of the text books in his bag seeming weightless. His literature class door loomed forward, and Taecyeon briefly remembered that he had written his paper on someone who remained unnamed the entire time. Since he had forced himself to take Jay out, he didn’t have any ample time to write out a backup. Had it not been for his uplifting moment, Taecyeon would have killing himself for writing about Junsu, but for now, he wouldn’t worry. The moment he walked in, the teacher held up his hand to call everyone to attention.

“When the bell rings, I want your papers on my desk. No excuses. No revision.” Taecyeon took his seat next to Wooyoung, who was busy jotting down words on his paper, his eyebrows knitted in concentration. Taecyeon shook his head and opened up his bag, shifting through a few papers until he came to his assignment, sloppily handwritten and all. He pulled out the paper with care, as if it was alive and breathing, as if it could feel his warm fingers wrapped around him. The paper was important to him, and it successfully held all of the things he didn’t have the heart to say aloud. Wooyoung snuck a glance at the paper with interest before turning back to his unfinished work. He had forgotten all about it after Nichkhun spent the day and night with him, doing absolutely nothing, but cherishing every moment because they were together.

“So who’d you write about?” Wooyoung asked absentmindedly, signing his name at the top of the paper in perfect script quickly as a light line of students streamed inside before the bell. Taecyeon smiled at the question, noticing Wooyoung was finally finished and turning to him.

“Junsu. I couldn’t write about anyone else without it sounding weird.”

“And that sounds . . ?” Taecyeon rolled his eyes, making Wooyoung laugh lightly.

“I didn’t put his name in it. And there wasn’t much of a choice. It would be awkward writing about you or Nichkhun or even Jay. Junsu was easy to write about.”

“What if Kim Seongsaengnim makes you read it out loud like he did Jinwoon last week?”

“Then I’ll read it,” Taecyeon shrugged, feeling freer than he ever has in a long time.

“Suite yourself,” Wooyoung answered, picking up his and Taecyeon’s papers to bring to the front of the room with the rest. Taecyeon sat back, feeling relaxed.

“Taecyeon. Up front,” Kim Seongsaengnim called out in a brisk tone, holding up a piece of paper with what looked like scribbling all over it. Taecyeon could tell it was indeed his paper, and cursed Wooyoung for his future-sight. He pushed his chair away from his desk and stood, towering over people he passed by, eyes staring straight ahead. A few of the girls he passed paused to watch him walk by. When Taecyeon reached the teacher’s desk, he stood still and at attention. Kim Seongsaengnim placed his paper n his hand and told the rest of the students to sit down.

“Now, class, I want you to pay attention to Mr. Ok, and what he has written. This is the type of paper I will hope for in the future.” Eh?

“Go on, read it.” Taecyeon braced himself and looked at his paper, trying to decipher the poorly written words through his nerves. When he had found his center, he cleared his throat and began.

“What is love? Is it something that I have to figure out by the end of this paper? I’ve never given this question enough thought to find an answer, but since I’m being asked, I guess I can say love is in the form of the person I admire the most. This person can do nothing at all and still have the most beautiful aura I’ve ever been around in my life. They’re shy and quiet and I’ve never been close to them as much as I wish I could be.

Every day I tell myself that this is the moment I’ll tell this person how I feel, but by the end of the day, nothing goes like I imagined and I’m left waiting for the sun to rise again. Love is in the form of this person’s smile and laughter, the way they sit back and scribble through their notebook when they have nothing to do. Love is when I meet this person’s eyes, and they turn away with this blush against their face that they try so hard to hide. The way I feel when I’m with this person, even in the same room, is more than anyone can comprehend.

I live alone, I live with myself, by myself, but when I see this person, every single setback means nothing as long as they continue to be who they are. Love, to me, is this person that makes my heart beat faster than any adrenaline rush can. It might be selfish of me to keep this to myself, but I hope soon that I can tell this person how much they truly mean to me.

 I love this person so much that I want to take care of them and cater to their needs. I want to buy them anything and everything, as long as they are with me. Who do I love? Someone so amazing that this is only skimming the surface. My love for this person is unconditional and irrevocable.  This is something that I can’t change,” Taecyeon finished in a breath, zoning in to the clapping of his classmates. The teacher nodded his head in satisfaction, and told Taecyeon to take a seat.

“See, this is the kind of paper that I am looking for. The person you love most does not have to be named, aware or someone in the present. It does not have to be a parent or friend. Someone you love could be an animal or someone you’ve seen once. Mr. Ok has grasped this concept and understands.” Taecyeon blushed as girls ogled the side of his face, many of them hoping this unknown person was them and that he harbored some sort of love for them. Wooyoung gave Taecyeon a playful pat on the head as he was called to the front for his 2 page serenading of Nichkhun, who, if he was there, would have blushed at the cheesy words.

Taecyeon smiled as Wooyoung referred to Nichkhun as “Thai Prince,” and wondered through his thoughts where he was used to being. A picture of Junsu smiling lit up his brain and sent fire raging towards his face.

The person that I love is Kim Junsu and it always will be.


“Junsu, wait!” Taecyeon called as he saw Junsu beginning his walk home. Taec usually took the bus home, but Junsu looked so vulnerable that he couldn’t help himself. Junsu paused in his tracks, turning back just as the wind pushed his bangs out of his eyes. Taecyeon felt his eyes melt at the sight as he caught up to where Junsu stood.

“Would you mind if I . . . I walk with you?” Junsu blinked before smiling that smile Taecyeon loves and shyly nodding his head. He turned away and together they walked down the street, wrapped up in a globe of their own.








Again, I turned into a fluffy little monster. I really wanted to write out Taecyeon’s paper since I thought it would be really sweet and everything . Ugh, I make myself sick sometimes. Lol. I hope you guys like it; leave a comment if you want! ^^


@SweetSuicide92: I like writing as realistically as I can imagine. It's really fun. :) I'll be sure to add even more fluff at times, just for you. ^^


@willienelson09: HI! Here's another update. I hope you enjoy this one too.


@Addicted-2U:  :) I agree. Taec is just a little scared, but Junsu will always care about him even if he doesn't know it.


@banana126: I'm really happy that you liked my fic enough to keep reading. 

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Sorry for the haitus! I will be working on more chapters soon!!! PROMISE!!!


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Chapter 21: oh geez, i'm still hoping for a new chapter....
Chapter 20: boyfriends... (ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
Chapter 17: "are you busy after school?" AAAAAAAAA
Chapter 16: this chapter made me feel so soft...
Chapter 12: hahaha changmin, don't be like that to your hyung~
Chapter 11: arghhh i really love them 😭😭😭
Chapter 10: i love them so much ㅠㅠ
Chapter 9: taec and junsu in this chapter are so beautiful...
Chapter 8: omg omg skhdjshsksjs
Chapter 2: omg i really love the idea about how you wanted to represent taecyeon by the little birdie junsu 🥺